Day by day in the infinite game

Chapter 268 268 White Continent

Chapter 268 268. White Continent
Tang Qinqin could only comfort himself and continue looking for new spiritual energy stones elsewhere.

If the Jiaolong moves forward, it will need to break the ice.

We are about to officially land on the mysterious continent of Antarctica, known as the end of the world and the restricted area of ​​life.

Antarctica, also known as the seventh continent, wind bank, white desert, ice and snow plateau.

It is the last continent on the planet that was discovered and remains uninhabited.

Only scientific researchers from various countries are active on this land from time to time.

At this time, several station staff at the scientific research station had heard the news and rushed over, waiting to greet everyone.

The Jiaolong broke through the ice and moved forward slowly, finally stopping in front of a thick ice floe.

The players disembarked one after another, each one wrapped very tightly, with only a pair of eyes exposed, but even so, in this land that can be described as "extremely cold", the wind blew and it was freezing.

Antarctica has always been known as the highest continent in the world, with an average altitude of 2350 meters. More than 95% of the area is covered by extremely thick ice and snow, so it is also called the "White Continent".

"Oh, Lao Li! I've finally waited for you!"

"Hey, Lao Luo! We haven't seen each other for a few years!"

The veteran crew members came forward to greet the scientific expedition personnel who came to meet them, and introduced the players behind them.

"I came here this time and brought you some good things. Let's go, go back and see if it suits you!" Sailor Uncle Li shook the backpack in his hand with a mysterious expression.

Everyone started to prepare to return to the scientific research base while talking and laughing.

A staff member of the scientific expedition turned around and was about to greet the young people to follow, but saw that everyone in front of them had already changed into their ski equipment, and one by one began to "show off their skills" on the snow.

Just as he was stunned, a big gloved hand stretched out in front of him. Before he could react, he was pulled onto a simple "sled and scooter".

Looking at the rapidly receding snowy landscape in front of him, feeling the cold wind whizzing past his ears, he came back to his senses, and was facing Lao Tian whose eyes were narrowed into slits with a smile.

"Brother, sit still!" His voice came out from under the tightly covered mask and scarf, and sounded muffled: "Don't be in a daze, hurry up!"

The scientific expedition personnel just put their hearts in their stomachs when they heard this, but their eyes widened suddenly.

The person pulling their "sled cart" was not the sled dog he imagined, but a fat, snow-white goose wearing a large flowered coat.

The goose was wrapped up tightly, even its flippers were well-armed, and it also wore a small woolen hat on its head. It looked very cute, but also very unrealistic.

What made him even more incredible and unrealistic was that the fat goose was running with two short legs flying fast, pulling the two grown men and a simple yet heavy car. Sledding is very easy.

This simple sleigh was used by Lao Tian once in the game world of planting forests. He had long wanted to go skiing again, and today his wish was fulfilled, and he was in a very happy mood.

When he saw the staff beside him staring at him, he rolled his eyes and thought he had realized something.

He raised his voice and shouted: "Dabai, we are civilized geese. We can't urinate anywhere. We have to be more careful here. We have to protect the environment here!"

Before arriving at this white continent, everyone had received popular science training. This glacier continent is one of the last inaccessible "pure lands" in the world. Everyone who comes, regardless of their identity or nationality, must remember not to litter. , must not damage the local environment, and must consciously protect this land.

The big fat goose running happily in front staggered when he heard this.

It turned its head and "quacked" twice angrily, as if accusing Lao Tian of not saving it face in front of outsiders.

That silly, funny, cute and spirited image made the people sitting next to Lao Tian blush in their eyes.

"That doesn't have to be the case. It's not like there are no animal excrements here. The specialty of Antarctica is penguins... Huh, the main reason is that they are so cute. Don't hold them tight..."

It takes courage to sit on a fast sleigh and speak into the wind. No, I took two big breaths after speaking for a while.

I don’t know if it was an illusion, but after he finished speaking, the big white goose pulling the cart straightened up in an instant, and ran even more happily with his neck held high.

A group of people quickly arrived at the scientific research base with a variety of ski tools.

"It's so cold. Come inside and warm yourself up."

Everyone helped each other clean the snow off their bodies, and the players put away their ski tools.

Lao Tian held the big white goose in his arms, stamped his feet outside the door, and walked into the house.

The electric heating is on 24 hours a day in the house, and as soon as people come in, they feel a sense of comfort and coziness.

Without waiting for the staff to greet them, the players had spontaneously taken out their own benches and matzas, lined up in a row to find an open space to sit down, and started drinking hot drinks with happy faces.

"Hey, did you bring your own food? I was thinking of making some ginger soup for everyone."

A station staff member came over and said.

Good guy, look at the variety of drinks these people have in their hands, they are so... greedy.

"If you don't mind, let's sit down and have some drinks together." Dong Mingzhe happily handed over a bag of tea.

"Good guy, what you're drinking shouldn't be West Lake Longjing, right?"

The tea leaves are flat, smooth and straight, the color of the tea soup is light green and smooth, and the aroma is fresh and clear.

The staff member glanced at the tea cup in Dong Mingzhe's hand, and then his eyes widened.

As a member of the Chinese nation where tea culture originated, my love for tea and good tea is almost engraved in my bones.

At this moment, his tea gene was activated.

He turned and ran to make tea.

Then he quietly wiped away the tears that overflowed from the corners of his eyes.

Ah, this tea is so fragrant.

Really good tea!

It's just that he misses home even more...


After taking a short rest, the coldness on everyone's bodies had basically faded away, so they thought about going out for a walk around the area while it was still dark.

Antarctica has two seasons, cold and warm.

It is now the end of March and the beginning of April, and they are just on the tail end of the warm season. The cold season will soon come here.

Antarctica's climate is characterized by extreme cold, strong winds and dryness.

Such climate characteristics are even worse in the cold season.

"The snow here is really clean." Lan Lan turned around and admired the world of ice and snow.

The wind and cold didn't stop them from going out and exploring the continent.

They want to see icebergs and glaciers up close, see penguins, and go to the polar circle to see the aurora.

Tang Qinqin had a premonition that this mysterious continent would bring her many surprises.

Just like the "paradise" at the bottom of the sea, there may be more spiritual energy stones to be found.

When I mention the Aura Stone, I can't help but think of the Chaos Cubs in the companion space.

"You have to watch it carefully this time." Tang Qinqin thought to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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