Day by day in the infinite game

Chapter 321 321 Emergency Rescue

Chapter 321 321. Emergency Rescue

The North Pole in July is in the extreme daylight period.

At six o'clock in the evening, Tang Qinqin and others, led by the killer whale leader, came to a safer sea area to rest.

Unlike humans and other animals, killer whales sleep in a very unique way.

When it sleeps, its brain is not completely at rest. Instead, one side of the brain rests while the other side keeps working. This allows them to stay alert even while sleeping.

Moreover, they usually sleep in groups, so safety is guaranteed even in dangerous marine environments.

According to research, killer whales sleep in various states. Sometimes they sleep while floating on the water, sometimes they sink to the bottom of the sea, and they even sleep "standing" in the water.

Because of this, it is also a layer of security for players. With a group of killer whales "standing guard" beside them, they feel much more at ease when sleeping.

"The game starts in a few hours, so hurry up and take a rest."

Seeing Tang Qinqin still blinking at the sky, Song Yuanze beside him couldn't help but turn into a nagging monster.

"I just felt a little excited and couldn't sleep for a while."

Tang Qinqin simply sat up.

Look at the bright sky, the sparkling sea surface illuminated by the sun, such a beautiful environment, she couldn't even look at it, there was no time to feel sleepy.

"I'm actually worried. Do you think we can do it? There are only more than 400 days left, and what we have to do is not only save the polar bears for a while, but also restore their living environment so that they can continue to survive."

"Actually, to put it bluntly, we are saving ourselves."

"There are more than 400 days to count down to give polar bears a home suitable for survival. It is too difficult."

"I'm thinking, if we fail and the polar bears disappear, will what awaits us next be the prelude to the end of the world?"

"Be good, it's okay, don't think too much. Everything depends on people. There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain. You are not alone, we are with you."

Song Yuanze stretched out his arm and touched his girlfriend's furry head.

"I know what you are worried about. Although it is not possible to freeze three feet in a day, and it is indeed difficult to deal with such a situation now, our Chinese nation has always had the spirit of the foolish old man to move mountains and the wise to fill the sea. What's more, I believe that it is related to The future destiny of mankind is related to our own interests, and everyone will unite and overcome difficulties together."

"Should we start with greenhouse gas emissions..."

The two men were leaning on their respective inflatable boats, their heads touching each other, talking in low voices.

After a while, perhaps thinking about the problem consumed too much energy, so the two people who were chattering away one second fell asleep one after another.


[Ding!The emergency game mission to save polar bears is about to officially begin!Has the player confirmed to participate in the game mission?Once you participate, you need to do your best and don’t give up halfway.Please think carefully before choosing yes or no.The entire task will be in live broadcast mode, so please prepare your live broadcast equipment. ]
Tang Qinqin clicked "Yes" without hesitation.

It turns out that the game also gives players a chance to choose.

Shouldn't all players be involved?

Tang Qinqin's thoughts flashed through his mind.

[Ding!Congratulations to the vast majority of players for making the best choice and are about to enter emergency teleportation: rescuing the polar bear in distress.

The central thoughts of a few players deviate from the core values ​​​​promoted by the game. After consultation with the official person in charge of the game, the game player status will be deprived, all vested interests will be recovered, and the player team will be kicked out. This will be implemented immediately...]
Before they had time to hear what was going on later, everyone was "teleported" away from where they were.

A female polar bear lay helplessly on the snow, unaware of its condition, with two cubs waiting for feeding beside her, trembling and wailing on her body.

As soon as he came back to his senses, this scene appeared in front of him. Only then did Tang Qinqin understand what the "emergency" mentioned in the game description meant.

Eh.Bear life is not easy.

Also teleported with her were Song Yuanze, Lan Lan and Meng Ru who had been by her side just now.

"This, this is too tragic... God bless me, I hope it's okay, I hope it's not too late..."

The emotional Lan Lan's eyes were already red, and she clasped her hands together and prayed repeatedly.

The four of them approached slowly and cautiously, for fear of scaring away the little bear cub.

After "controlling" the little bear Zazai, who was crying heartbrokenly and panicking, he hurriedly checked the big bear's physical condition.

"It's so thin..."

He is really thin. For such a big person, except for the outer fur, almost only the skeleton is left.

On the other hand, the two cubs, who still look ignorant and ignorant of the world, are chubby and well-raised at first glance.

At this time, a line of words was displayed on the big bear: coma due to excessive hunger, and was in a state of hypothermia, and his life was in danger.

The two cubs showed that their mother was about to pass away, and without the ability to survive, they would soon become snacks in the mouths of other predators.

The game has very thoughtfully pointed out the direction for their efforts.

Knowing the cause of the bear's coma makes things easier to handle. Hypothermia is due to the body temperature dropping during a coma. Several people set up tents on the spot to create a "safe haven" for the weak polar bear.

"I'll take care of the food. Let's talk about it."

Tang Qinqin decided to send a new member of the player class, the killer whale, to catch a seal in the sea.

The killer whale agreed loudly and dived into the sea.

The four-month-old polar bear cubs are very cute and fluffy. At this time, the two cubs are huddled in the temporary blanket made by the player in their nest, with two pairs of eyes staring closely in the direction of their mother bear. .

Tang Qinqin fed the female adult polar bear some water of life and stuffed a few stamina pills into it.

All that can be done now is to wait for it to regain consciousness and wake up.

She walked over to the two little ones.

The two cute little ones immediately raised their heads warily, and while sniffing hard, they subconsciously took a few steps back and distanced themselves.

For animals living in the wild, even if it is just a cub, it is their survival instinct to remain vigilant.

Tang Qinqin stopped teasing them and sat aside to wait for the killer whales to deliver the goods.

At this time, the number of people in the live broadcast room is continuing to increase, and netizens are sending barrages into high gear, happily showing off their different and interesting souls.

[Baby is not goodbye]: "Such a cute little milk bear! I really want to touch it!"

[Flounder]: "Bear me, so cute."

[I love nature]: "Shouldn't the focus of our attention be on the old mother of the little bear cub, and the glacier world with ecological collapse?"

[Feifei Feifei]: "I feel sorry for the mother bear. I heard that a female bear can go without eating for four or five months in order to nurse her cubs. Motherly love is so great. I hope she is safe."

[Little Devil]: "I have something to say, I don't know whether I should say it or not."

[I love nature]: "What's upstairs, if you don't know whether to say it or not, don't say it."

[Little Devil]: "No, I thought about it, but I still can't help but say it. To be precise, I want to ask everyone's opinion. The North Pole is not suitable for survival. Don't we still have the South Pole? Both The world is icy and snowy, the environment is similar, and food is plentiful, so if we send polar bears to the Antarctic, won’t that solve the problem?”

(End of this chapter)

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