Day by day in the infinite game

Chapter 390 Chapter 390 Crisis in the Andromeda Galaxy (6)

Chapter 390 390. Crisis in the Andromeda Galaxy ([-])

Mars shook his head in disgust.

"Just knock him off. I can't see this kind of person continuing to run around."

The leader of the country who wants to give gifts through the back door to benefit himself will never know that it is his act of wanting to sell well that makes himself a sinner of the entire nation and country.


In the center of the Andromeda Galaxy where advanced civilizations gather, the top leader of the Xianhua Kingdom is frowning as he checks the investigation report sent by the relevant department.

This is the fifth day of their investigation into possible anomalies in the Andromeda Galaxy.

They didn't find anything a few days ago, which made them very grateful. After all, no one likes trouble, and no one thinks that a good life is enough and wants to find something to do for themselves.

But just today, the patrol team they sent went a little further, and this time, they really brought back some news that seemed a little unusual.

"The shadows in the photo do look like the outline of a spaceship, and it's a large group of spacecraft."

"Let the patrol team follow up. If it is confirmed to be a spaceship, investigate their movements. Keep an eye on them and report any movement in time!"

In fact, this is what they said, but the leaders who saw the pictures are [-]% sure in their hearts that they can confirm that a group of UFOs have indeed come to their Andromeda galaxy.

Thinking of the previous reminder from his neighbor Galaxy, and thinking of his own behavior of sending people to investigate out of doubt but caution, he silently gave himself a thumbs up.

Although it is still not sure what the purpose of these flying objects is, whether they are friends or enemies, whether they are temporarily resting or planning to stay for a long time, but they have grasped their movements in advance, which has won a lot of initiative for themselves.

It seems that it is necessary to have friendly exchanges with the Milky Way in the future, and the two sides will watch and help each other, which is of great benefit to each other.

But right now it is more important to keep an eye on these flying objects.


With the fall of two big countries one after another, the temporarily surviving countries on Garu Planet are all in a state of gloom and gloom.

There are some countries that would rather be broken into pieces than destroyed. They simply do nothing and directly launch a counterattack with the strength of the whole country. They are not afraid of casualties regardless of the cost. They are determined to severely damage the invaders even if they are defeated. The pirate team fought fiercely, one fell down, and more stood up... This unyielding attitude made the bloodthirsty pirates feel numb, secretly sighing that they were unlucky to meet a tough opponent.

Mars is a cruel and ruthless person, but he has a habit that makes his subordinates puzzled.

He has always respected every human being.

No matter which camp you come from.

Hearing that his subordinates had come back to report that they had encountered a tough nut to crack, he was full of interest and followed him to investigate in person.

After seeing this group of bloody people with his own eyes, he waved his hand and called to stop his men.

"Forget it, keep it."

He was in a good mood, with a smile on his face that was inconsistent with his overall image.

Even though they were doubtful, the pirate gangsters who were accustomed to obeying orders obediently stopped and turned to attack other weaklings.

Other countries have tried to imitate these countries and put on a posture of fighting to the end, but they are soft at heart, and people's hearts are like a loose sand. It is difficult to unite, let alone sacrifice themselves to protect "irrelevant" people. Self consecrated.

When the investigation of UFOs in Xianhua Kingdom became clearer and clearer, Mars' power had already occupied half of Garu Star.

More and more occupied countries became his cheap labor market, and he began to possess more weapons, equipment and spaceships.


Baiguang Tuanzi looked seriously at the "reply letter" he had just received from the Andromeda Galaxy.

This "letter" comes from the Andromeda Galaxy Xianhua Kingdom. The reply is mainly to thank the Milky Way for the previous reminder, and to explain that they have indeed discovered an abnormal situation in the outer reaches of the Andromeda Galaxy.

"What do you think?"

Baiguang Tuanzi asked Xiao Wu next to him after reading the news.

"Not good."

The planet body was silent for a moment before slowly speaking.

It couldn't tell what it was feeling, it was a little uneasy, but it felt like it didn't matter.

It is not the only civilization that exists in the vast universe. When the human beings on the earth continue to grow up, they will be able to travel freely in the solar system, the Milky Way, and even other universes and explore the mysterious sea of ​​stars.

"You have a big heart."

Bai Guangtuanzi shook his head helplessly.

He, the fifth brother, is good at everything, but he is soft-tempered and too "single and stupid". Everyone is a good person.

"Have you never thought that if this is an extraterrestrial invader, after taking down our next door, wouldn't you be the next target?!"

It rather hates that iron cannot become steel, and its tone is a little urgent.

"Ah?! No, it can't be?"

The main body of the planet was stunned, its mind was filled with what Bai Guangtuanzi had just said. Just imagining the terrible situation, it could not breathe.

"Then what should we do?!"

When it came back to its senses, it looked at Baiguang Tuanzi with a panicked expression.

"It's such a big planet. If something happens, you'll panic. You've lived so many years in vain."

Bai Guangtuanzi sighed resignedly, but still couldn't help but say something.

"Don't panic. We don't know how things will develop yet, so don't worry. Let's keep an eye on that side first and see what the situation is before we make a decision."

"However, they have to be vaccinated, and let them practice and prepare in advance. If they really want to go up, don't become soft-legged shrimps one by one, unable to run."

Baiguang Tuanzi said while clicking on the pictures sent by Xianhua Kingdom.

The picture clearly shows a row of UFOs in the distant sky.

It squinted and looked again and again. Although the picture was just a row of small black dots whose outlines could not be seen clearly, it somehow felt that these flying objects were somewhat familiar to it.

Where have you seen it?


On Garu, except for a few countries that defended their country to the death and refused to give in, other areas have become areas ruled by Mars.

He did not continue to embarrass these countries, nor did he ask others to hinder or interfere. Anyway, he had enough cheap labor and no shortage of manpower.

And leaving them alone made him feel inexplicably happy.

To be honest, since he became a pirate, he has traveled to many civilized planets where he has robbed families and homes. On almost every planet, the advanced creatures are those who are greedy for life and afraid of death, and those who sacrifice their lives for righteousness are rare.

In his own opinion, it may be because there are so few people who have the courage to "sacrifice their lives for righteousness" that he appreciates such people more.

Of course, he also knew in his heart that in their eyes, he was a heinous villain, a cruel and cold-blooded invader, and he wished to get rid of him as soon as possible.

However, the pirate leader always does things as he pleases, and he does whatever he pleases. If he cared about other people's opinions, he would no longer be the notorious interstellar pirate who goes his own way.

(End of this chapter)

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