Day by day in the infinite game

Chapter 441 441 Family Relocation (3)

Chapter 441 441. Family Relocation ([-])

But in this game, nothing is impossible.

In the past, could she have thought that one day she would be able to "lift the mountain"?

Could she have imagined that she would have room for a companion?
Could she have imagined that she would come to an interstellar alien galaxy to visit her?

Difficulties arise from time to time, and the key depends on the individual.

As long as the mind does not slip, there are more solutions than difficulties.

For her partner Xiao Shitou, she is also willing to try her best.

She originally wanted to keep the little stone and let it accompany her family and reminisce about old times, but the little guy made up his mind to stay with her.

Tang Qinqin had no choice but to take it with him and continue his insecticide work.

The main mission of the game Entering the Star is "killing insects", and this mission is not a personal mission, but a common mission for all players from the earth.

What she had just triggered was a side mission, a single-player mission. It is self-evident which one is more important.

Even though she was anxious to know more relevant clues, she couldn't just ignore the responsibility and go do "private matters". Therefore, Tang Qinqin thought about it for a long time and finally decided to kill insects during the day and take action at night.

Her body has been strengthened and tempered, and there are a lot of physical strength pills to support her. Staying up for a few nights is not a big deal. The main reason is that Tang Qinqin has a feeling in her heart. She is afraid that if she doesn't act quickly, Obsidian's father may be saved.

There was obviously a chance to save it, but she didn't want to leave any regrets for Obsidian.


"Have you heard of Xuanyu Planet?"


Next, Tang Qinqin will ask the people around her this question whenever she has free time. At this time, those who are participating in the insecticide work side by side are not only her companions from the earth, but also many people from different places in the Jiafa Galaxy. The "people with lofty ideals" of the planet.

For Tang Qinqin, this undoubtedly made it easier for her to find out the information. One didn't know, and the other two didn't know. But with so many people, there was always someone who had heard of it, and any clue they had could help Tang Qinqin. The key to finding the missing Xuanyu Starlight Spider as soon as possible.

According to Obsidian’s mother, this incident happened not long ago. At that time, it also caused a strong sensation in the entire Jiafa Galaxy. There were endless condemnation and sympathy. Even though it is not as popular now as before, there are still people who have heard about it. will not forget.

Sure enough, she quickly had a lot of information in her hands.

After dinner, Tang Qinqin refused Song Yuanze's company and took the obsidian to the interior of the Jiafa Galaxy.

System Xiaoqi has already prepared the real-time interstellar coordinates very obediently. She only needs to input the names of several suspicious points one by one, and then she can set off to verify the authenticity of the information obtained.

Even if he travels at night, Tang Qinqin cannot take it lightly. Humans will be sleepy, tired, and want to rest. As for the Zerg, it eats the same kind when it is sleepy, the same kind when it is tired, and the same kind when it is hungry. It relies on its strong reproductive ability and the ability of all things to eat. With its swallowable characteristics, it can almost be regarded as a sleepless attacking monster.

Obsidian lay nervously and excitedly on Tang Qinqin's shoulder, as if he had returned to the time when the two of them acted side by side.

The members of the Xuanyu Starlight Spider tribe have a special way of sensing each other. The mysterious patterns on their backs that glow with blue light are actually a kind of "family tattoo" or totem. The shining lights echo each other and can be sensed within a certain range. The location of the other party.

Especially between blood relatives, the connection between them will be stronger.

"We are about to arrive at the Jersey planet, players, please prepare for landing——"

Taking advantage of the game's black technology, Tang Qinqin's entry into the Jersey planet was as smooth as entering an uninhabited land.

If the Gula Star is the technology star of the Gaffa Galaxy, then the Jersey Star is the maverick "wealth" star.

It is said to be maverick because when the general environment is becoming more peaceful and stable, it is like a big piece of rat shit with a strong sense of existence. It stirs up the entire Galfa Galaxy Interstellar Alliance from time to time with its own strength. It is like other planets. It is the number one public enemy that one can’t wait to get rid of quickly, and to a certain extent, it has slowed down the development of civilization in the entire galaxy.

The planet Jersey has precious mineral resources and energy that account for nearly one-fifth of the entire Gaffa Galaxy. Various rare metal mines are blooming everywhere, and most people on the planet Jersey are extremely rich because of this.

After meeting the basic needs of food and clothing, people will begin to pursue higher-level spiritual needs. This is basic practice.

But the people of Jersey do not take the ordinary path, and just as the saying goes, the more they have, the more greedy they are. They are not satisfied with the wealth they have now, and they deeply feel that the mines that cover the entire planet will be exhausted one day. In order to keep, To further consolidate their wealth status, they thought of a shortcut.

Invasion, plunder.

Taking other people's wealth as your own.

It is an existence with a reputation as bad as that of interstellar pirates.

If it weren't for the fact that the Gaffa Galaxy established the Interstellar Alliance to supervise and balance each other among civilizations, and Jersey just didn't move, the Gaffa Galaxy might have long become its dominant family and its back garden of wealth.

After learning about the various "criticisms" of Jersey Star, Tang Qinqin felt more and more itchy.

However, seeing is believing and hearing is believing. To be on the safe side, she decided to find out the true situation before commenting.

She is accustomed to the power of "rumors" on earth, and she prefers to seek confirmation before doing anything.

It was night on the Jersey planet she was on at this time, but if she hadn't looked up and saw the dark blue sky, she would have thought she was in the wrong hemisphere.

There are dazzling lights everywhere, and when you look closer, you can see that the long-dormant treasure hunting skills are buzzing incessantly.

Gold lighting, jade lighting, colored diamond lighting... Even the exterior walls of most of the buildings as far as the eye can see are flashing the four characters of "Golden and Brilliant".

Showing off wealth silently and loudly like this is inhumane.

It is very similar to the dragon clan in the earth's legend who likes shiny treasures and specializes in collecting these radiant rare treasures.

For a moment, Tang Qinqin sighed three times in a row like a frog in a well who had never seen the world.

Finally, he remembered that business was more important, and quickly walked around with Obsidian, trying to "sense" the target spider.

Obsidian turned around a few times and quickly chose a direction, followed closely by Tang Qinqin.

"Little Stone, do you really have a sense?"

Tang Qinqin suddenly felt that this task was not as difficult as it seemed before. No, the progress bar was almost full.

But if it were really that simple, how could the Xuanyu Starlight Spider family, each with its own magical powers, just wait instead of coming to look for it?

(End of this chapter)

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