Chapter 101
"Unless there are exotic treasures or secret techniques to cover it, luck represents the approximate strength level of a monk or demon. Especially demons, most of which do not cover up luck. It is especially accurate to use Qi-gazing to judge the level of strength." Wu Wu Yan added.

Song Boyu, who possesses the virtues of humanity, forcibly suppressed his inner excitement and tried to control his expression:

"For monks, it is really necessary to learn the technique of looking at the air. Fortune Lingbao cherishes the misty, I wonder how to get this kind of human merit?"

"It's hard, hard, don't take merit for nothing!" Wu Yan shook his head, as if he was in a rather disturbed mood:

"Humanity merits are of course beneficial to humanity. Broadly speaking, they mean accumulating virtues and doing good deeds in the field of humanity. However, a good person who accumulates virtues and performs good deeds for a lifetime may not be able to accumulate even a trace of humanity merits.

Most people with humane merits are either the reincarnation of true souls who have been good for many generations, or they have made great contributions to the world. For example, Wu Chengmin, the Dragon King of Xunshui, built the Xunshui Weir and benefited all people, so he has merits and virtues. "

Song Boyu was about to bring the topic to Wu Chengmin, the Dragon King of Xunshui, and then talk about becoming a god after his death. He immediately said, "I heard that Wu Chengmin became a god after his death. Is it true? Does this have something to do with the merits of humanity?" ?”

Wu Yan smiled and shook his head: "I don't know if it has something to do with human merits. He must have become a god. After all, he is indeed in the imperial court's "List of Gods." The imperial court can really canonize gods!"

Song Boyu was silent for a while, and after a while, Wu Yan said: "Boyu, it's over here. Grandpa will stay with you for a few more days. After a while, he will go out to travel again, looking for opportunities.

As for your parents' ashes, let's follow your original plan and return them to your hometown for burial after spring.

If I have time, I will find you. "

Hearing this, Song Boyu knew that he could no longer hesitate. He directly said what he was thinking: "Grandpa, I want to see the immortal cultivation technique. Is it possible? There is also the Qi Watching technique. I also want to see it."

Wu Yan frowned slightly, pulled Song Boyu to sit down, and said earnestly: "Boyu, the skills of cultivating immortals are different from those of martial arts. Almost all of them have various costs. Some of them will pay the price once you watch them. "Gong" is like this."

He paused and seemed to think of something: "However, although you have no spiritual roots and spiritual bones, the pure yang essence you have cultivated is really amazing. It can expel the yin spiritual energy in your body. Maybe you can take a look at the immortal cultivation techniques." , can be really inspiring.

In ancient times, the sages of the human race did not have spiritual roots or bones. Maybe the sages were in your state. In the future, they may not be able to follow the path of the sages and open up a line of practice.If it succeeds, won’t my grandson be comparable to the ancient sages! "

At this point, Wu Yan laughed, amused by his own thoughts.

The ancient sages were such amazingly talented people. Even so, they went on for countless generations to build the current cultivation system of the human race from scratch.

It is really impossible for Song Boyu to follow the path of sages alone.

However, Wu Yan saw that his children were doing well and always felt that he had to keep hope.

Song Boyu had the part of the silver-faced Lingbao who returned to the sky and returned to the sun. He really had some hopes for it, and smiled and said: "Grandpa, maybe one day I will really be able to enter the immortal way from martial arts, start a lineage, and be called the ancestor." ,Hahaha!"

Wu Yan also laughed: "Hahaha, as expected of my grandson, he is ambitious!
If you want to take a look, I can pass you on the "Tao Jing·Yin Shen Scroll" which is the most widely circulated, has almost no side effects, and makes extremely slow progress in practice.

It is said that the "Tao Jing" is a method created by ancient sages, the mother of all scriptures and the ancestor of all books.

Among them, the Yin Shen scroll is the most widely circulated. As long as you have enough money, you can definitely buy it.

It’s just that this world is an unknown number of years away from the ancient times, and the Taoist Scriptures seem not to adapt to the current environment, and practice is getting slower and slower. However, as the mother of all sutras, it is righteous and peaceful, and has the greatest reference significance.

The most important thing is that apart from the slow progress in practice, there is no other special price.

As for the Qi-gazing technique, I can also pass on to you the "Spiritual Eye-Watching Qi Technique" that I have learned, as well as the "Small Five Elements Technique". These are relatively low-cost techniques. Of course, the corresponding power is also small.

Stones from other mountains can attack jade. I see that the sword light you practice is very good and can even come out of the body. Maybe these can also inspire you. "

As he spoke, Wu Yan took out three palm-sized jade slips and hung them in mid-air.Song Boyu's mood could not be calmed down. Even in the dream, he had never obtained the complete immortal cultivation technique.

Neither Wen Xiaoxian nor Tie Shi got the cultivation techniques of Jiao Tianyu and Quan Xiangyue.

The main reason is lack of time. A trip to historical scenes lasts up to three days. It is difficult to plan and plan the immortal skills. As for robbing and stealing, it is too underestimated for the monks.

Unless you can possess forbidden weapons like human crocodile fangs, you may be able to kill the two of them and search for the secrets of the techniques.

Song Boyu is very excited to be able to obtain a complete cultivation method for the four realms of Yin Shen now. If it were not for the fact that he and Wu Yanai were blood relatives, even the popular "Tao Jing·Yin Shen Volume" among monks would never There may be a chance to touch.

Wu Yan saw the excitement and hope in Song Boyu's eyes, and smiled kindly: "Boyu, you haven't cultivated your spiritual consciousness, so you can't directly read the contents of the jade slip. I will pass it on to you, relax your mind."

Song Boyu stared at the jade slip and had a strange feeling. He slowly shook his head and said: "Grandpa, I learned a unique skill by chance, called "Mind's Eye".

Even if you close your eyes, you can still look inside yourself and outside around you.When I saw the jade slips just now, I felt some inexplicable throbbing. Why don't you let go of the restrictions and let me give it a try. "

Wu Yan seemed to be deep in thought after hearing this: ""Mind's Eye"? I seem to have heard of it, where is it... By the way, this is a secret skill in the internal training stage of a great sect. It is said that when it is perfected, the warrior can have something like a god. The perception of consciousness!
It’s just that few people can cultivate to perfection. I will lift the restriction now. If you can really cultivate a perception similar to divine consciousness, then you may really be able to follow the path of the ancient sages. "

Formation patterns appeared on Wu Yan's palm, and they slowly passed through three jade slips. Each jade slip shone with brilliance and made a faint sound.

After a while, Wu Yan looked at Song Boyu expectantly: "Try it."

Song Boyu closed his eyes, adjusted his state of mind, and slowly mobilized his eyes. The surrounding scenes were clearly visible, except for old man Wu Yan.

When he opened his eyes, he could see Wu Yan right in front of him, but he couldn't feel it.

Wu Yan understood that Song Boyu had discovered something unusual about him, and said with a smile: "I use the Hiding Technique to block the perception of spiritual consciousness. It seems that your mind's eye should have been cultivated to perfection."

Song Boyu nodded slightly, focused his attention on the jade slip with the two seal characters "Tao Jing" in front of him, and began to observe closely.

(End of this chapter)

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