Chapter 114 Mark
In just a few breaths, Song Boyu's energy was almost exhausted, and his soul was listless.

He sat cross-legged and adjusted his condition for a long time before opening his eyes and found that Xu Xin was soaked to the skin, his forehead was hot, and he had passed out.

Although Xu Xin's spiritual roots and spiritual bones have been mutated, the damage of forced removal is still too great.

Song Boyu fled with her on his back overnight and hid in the deep mountains and jungles. Fortunately, he knew some medicinal herbs and took care of her for seven consecutive days. Xu Xin finally woke up and slowly recovered to health.

At this time, the sky was boiling outside, and Xie Yangmin was almost furious. All the elite Eagle and Dog Guards under his command were wiped out, and the soul boy of the Forbidden Furnace and Cauldron was missing. Everything pointed to the Iron Masked Man.

Xie Yangmin issued a territory-wide arrest warrant and informed Xingchen and Lao Xianmu Qianzai to pursue him together, and he would be greatly thanked.

As for the territory of the demon cat who claims to be the Great Sage of Tmall, he is beyond his reach.

Song Boyu said to Xu Xin who woke up: "We must separate. If we continue to be together, once caught by Xie Yangmin, a demon cultivator, no one will survive. It is better to act separately. As long as you hide properly, you should be able to escape."

Xu Xin hugged Song Boyu with all his strength and said with attachment: "No, I want to go with you."

Song Boyu pushed away firmly and shook his head: "I am going to Jiangling. If you follow me, you will only become a burden. Live well and we will have the opportunity to meet in the future."

After that, Song Boyu ran away and never looked back.

The girl looked at his leaving figure, bit her lower lip hard, and shed a line of clear tears.

A month later, Song Boyu appeared in a cave underground in Jiangling.

Jiangling is the largest mountain range in Jiangland. The highest peak, Tianmaoding, is the residence of the great sage Tianmao who can have two tailed demons.

This place was originally the location of the ancestral lineage of the ancient Jiang Kingdom. After two evil cultivators broke through the auspicious points, it became a dangerous place, where monsters, monsters, and evil spirits often appeared.

Song Boyu was so brave that he simply hid here and sneaked into the underground cave. He did avoid Xie Yangmin's pursuit.

The underground cave is close to the underground river, which is convenient for him to practice the unique teaching "The Supreme Goodness and the Most Soft".

He would go out of the cave at night once every half a month, looking for tonic herbs and fruits, and hunting ferocious beasts with strong blood.

In the blink of an eye, four years have passed. Song Boyu stayed up day and night, and his whole body was unhealthy and pale. Fortunately, he often trimmed his beard and hair, and his whole body was still clean.

It's just that the linen clothes are shabby, but now they are all replaced by animal furs, and the long snow-white hair is tied up. He no longer has a worldly temperament, but looks like a fierce and experienced hunter.

It was winter, and ice and snow covered the entire Jiangling Mountains. Song Boyu was walking barefoot on the snow, running quickly while carrying a dazzling tiger that he had just killed with his fist.

His unparalleled art of "The Supreme Good and the Softest" is about to be completed. It requires a lot of energy to refine it into a body as soft as water.

In the past few days, he had been hunting ferocious beasts crazily, and used the winter ice and snow to store them, just to ensure that he had enough energy when he was ready to break through the barrier and refine his body.

Suddenly, he threw down the dead tiger on his back, drew out the long and short swords from his back and waist, opened his divine jade black and yellow eyes, like a wild cat with explosive hair, his arches stretched hard, and his whole body tensed up.

In front of him, behind him, from left to right, six cat-like tiger monsters slowly walked out, their golden pupils seemed to be threatening their lives in the night, and the invisible coercion made Song Boyu's forehead produce a few drops of cold sweat.

"The hybrid descendant of the Great Sage Tmall, the legendary cat and tiger beast?"

Song Boyu's eyes narrowed slightly, and the transformation and murderous intent in the divine jade black-yellow eyes could not be released, and a fierce and terrifying aura appeared in his whole person.

He did not turn his transformed murderous intention into black light and release it. He just maintained this state of not releasing it, and used his sharp breath to release the illusion of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Such a situation can release the terrifying power and illusion to the maximum extent, but the consumption is small. If it turns into black light, Song Boyu's energy will be completely exhausted at most three or four times.

The six cats and tigers that surrounded and killed Song Boyu only saw a blur in front of their eyes. Song Boyu disappeared, replaced by the source of their most feared bloodline, the two-tailed cat demon, the Tmall Great Sage.


The four cats and tigers couldn't bear it. They put their claws together and crawled obediently in the snow.

Of the other two, one was shaking like chaff, while the other had red eyes and roared loudly.

Song Boyu was shocked. He didn't expect that one of the cat and tiger beasts could withstand the illusion created by the murderous intention of transformation!

He made a prompt decision and directly transformed the killing intent into black light and shot it out, crushing the soul of the cat-tiger beast that had not indulged in the illusion.

This happened in a flash of lightning. Before the other cats and tigers had time to struggle away from the illusion, the most talented cat and tiger had already stiffened and fell to the snow.

Song Boyu didn't dare to delay. While withdrawing the black light, he used the long and short swords at the same time. The metal and stone were buzzing and buzzing. The sword was as thick as one centimeter and three cents. It cut iron like mud and effortlessly chopped off the heads of three cats, tigers and beasts. head.

The remaining two finally struggled out of the illusion, bared their teeth, wailed sadly, and became ferocious. They jumped towards Song Boyu together and opened their bloody mouths.

Song Boyu had just fought fiercely and consumed a lot of energy. At this time, his breath was a little unstable. He rolled quickly along the hillside in the snow to avoid the attack of the two cats and tigers.

Then he quickly jumped up and down, stood on a hill, and after opening a safe distance of about 40 meters, he immediately took out a thousand gold hard hunting bow from his back, adjusted his breath and energy, and stringed two iron fine arrows at the same time. full moon.

The bowstring made of the beast's sinews made a faint sound, the iron arrows buzzed, and the white essence spirally gathered at the tip of the arrow, and the heat wave was overwhelming.

The two cats and tigers felt the danger, especially the group of white light that was constantly gathering, which was extremely terrifying. The two cats and tigers made an instant judgment. One suddenly turned back and fled, while the other was brave and fearless and accelerated in an instant. To Song Boyu.

They may be scolding each other, but all this is insignificant to Song Boyu.

Song Boyu's jade eyes were as calm as water, he loosened the bow string, put the hard hunting bow on his back, and sighed: "It's all the same."

There were two huge earthquakes. The one who bravely and fearlessly rushed towards Song Boyu was hit in the middle of the door by an iron arrow. His head was blown off, and his body was bloody and bloody. The one who turned back to escape was hit in the back by an iron arrow. Half of his body was exploded into broken flesh and blood, and he was not dead for a while.

Song Boyu jumped down from the hill, floating like a fairy, his sword buzzing and white light emerging.

From top to bottom, he fell directly next to the half-length cat-tiger beast. The long white sword was stably inserted into its neck, and then raised upwards. The head was divided into two halves, revealing the white brains.

The sword glow dissipated without stains, and the long sword was directly inserted into the scabbard on the back, which was very free and unrestrained.

But the excitement didn't last long, as six cats and tigers that died one after another suddenly emerged from the black mist at the same time and rushed directly towards Song Boyu, sinking into his neck, leaving behind purple-purple claw marks.

Song Boyu looked stern and looked up in the direction of Tmall Ding: "Oh no, I didn't expect this cat demon to pay so much attention to these cat and tiger beasts. I'm marked!"

(End of this chapter)

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