Chapter 134 A Hundred Years’ Journey
More than half of the green energy is lost, and the rest floats into the Qi Yun Qingyun, increasing its luck background.

Song Boyu's methods were all created by himself, and although the practice of Yuan Qi's way is not easy, it has no price, so there is no need for Qing Qi to offset it.

From then on, Song Boyu insisted on creating vitality elixirs, cooking immortal food, and daily intensively studied "Tao Jing·Yin Shen Volume" and "Small Five Elements Techniques", supplemented by "Yuding Immortal Food Classic·Yin Shen Volume" and "Yuding Xian Shi Jing·Yin Shen Volume". Yu Ding Shen Yao Jing·Yin Shen Scroll", using the four volumes as the jade of other mountains, concentrate on deducing his own Immortal Canon Taoist scriptures.

If others knew about it, they would definitely laugh at Song Boyu for not overestimating his abilities. A warrior who was lucky enough to become a Yin Shen dared to deduce the Immortal Classics and Taoist scriptures, and wanted to start a line of Taoism and call him his ancestor?

But Song Boyu didn't think so: "Since I came to this world, I have to go through it with great vigor! I have a corner of the silver-faced spiritual treasure, which is a great opportunity. If I can't exert its effect, wouldn't I regret it? Now that I have entered the Tao, You should bravely climb the path to immortality!"

Time flies, the years are like a shuttle.

No. 30, seven years after the founding of Xu State, with a population of more than one million, Song Boyu's only daughter Xu Xin was officially proclaimed a duke, and revered Song Boyu as the Supreme Martial Saint, His Majesty King Xu.

Qi luck and vow power are intertwined, and under the refinement of the merits and virtues of Xuanhuang Huolian, his human merits are as big as a halo, hanging behind his head, and his luck is almost pure gold, which is incredible.

The Lord's luck is great, and although most of it is transformed into human merit, the remaining part is absorbed by the giant python on the left side of the Yin God in the Niwan Palace, achieving a great transformation.

This python has long had a majestic head and horns, vaguely resembling a dragon, but it has never been recommended. Now that Song Boyu has ascended to the throne and is king, this python rolled on the black and yellow fire lotus of merit, retreated from its old skin, and transformed into a dragon!
Slender and legless, with a horse's head and a snake's tail, and a single horn on its head!

As soon as the jiao came out, it circled Song Boyu's Yinshen several times, and finally rubbed his left arm and cheek, very intimately.

"It is said that the dragon will be the dragon after 500 years, the dragon after 500 years, the dragon after [-] years, and the dragon after [-] years.

The so-called snake is a genus of snake and python. Once it transforms into a dragon, it enters the genus of dragon. It can move clouds, spread rain, dance on clouds, and has extraordinary power.

I wonder if this is possible for me, a dragon of luck? "

Song Boyu's Yin Shen uttered sighs and questions, but the dragon lay there very tired and motionless, making Song Boyu helplessly shake his head.

In another 40 years, Xu Xin died without any illness. Song Boyu's great-grandson succeeded him, and within three years he died violently.

Almost at the same time, Jiang Yuenian died, which made Song Boyu a little sad. People who were more familiar with him in this area have died, and Song Boyu himself is getting old.

The great-great-grandson showed the magnanimity of a wise king, and the Xu Kingdom returned to prosperity. In the [-]th year of the Xu Kingdom of the Song Dynasty, Song Boyu returned to Jianqiu and recovered the sword energy from the eight spiritual swords, along with the sword intention that had been accumulated for hundreds of years.

The interaction between heaven and man manifested the Dao pattern, which turned out to be shaped like a sword hill, shrouded by eight streams of light, and thousands of swords were hidden in the hill.

Song Boyu carved the sword mound Tao pattern on the model of Niwan Palace, and combined with his understanding of the innate sword energy that he practiced for a hundred years, he successfully created a unique Tao pattern imprint in Niwan Palace and realized the great perfection of the curse.

Most of the Dao pattern marks of ordinary monks are patterns, and the outstanding ones are composite patterns.But Song Boyu's sword mound mark was completely different. It was a fuzzy but three-dimensional small sword mound!

The hills are exquisite, and the scenery on them is blurred and invisible. The eight sword auras of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, ice, thunder, and wind are like the aurora on the top of the mountain, and they are colorful.

Testing its power, a phantom of a sword mound the size of a seal appeared above Song Boyu's head. There were eight colors of innate sword energy on it, which was brilliant and beautiful.

Randomly activating a pale innate golden sword energy, a white rainbow broke through the sky, and a black bear's head vaporized on the spot a hundred feet away, and its body fell down.

Then he triggered a burst of hot and exploding innate fire sword energy, drawing a perfect arc, like a falling meteorite, exploding a huge crater a hundred feet away, the power was frightening.

"Very good. The attack range is no less than that of ordinary spells, and the power is far superior to that of peers. But this is not enough. We must find a way to incorporate the murderous black light into it!"

The killing intention Wuguang is a transformed true meaning of killing, a great technique for attacking souls. It is close to and overlaps with the sword intention in nature, so it is very suitable to be integrated into one.

Song Boyu originally wanted to scatter the black light of murderous intent into the sword mound, but soon found that it didn't work.

This condensed essence of black light cannot be divided casually at all, and it is like an arrogant and terrifying peerless killing god, which cannot be integrated with the innate sword energy at all.

Since they could not be completely integrated, Song Boyu simply found another way and repeatedly used the black light of murderous intent to refine Jian Qiu and the eight innate sword energies, and they merged with each other in the confrontation.

This strategy is indeed effective. Qi and Qi are mutually refined. The sword mound mark composed of Dao patterns is gradually contaminated with the aura of murderous black light. Finally, a completely different Dao pattern of murderous intention emerges, which is more terrifying and terrifying than the Dao patterns of Jinxing Sword Qi. , unstoppable.

The black light of murderous intent that could not be blended into the eight sword qi was also infected by the sword qi at the same time, and turned into a bright black light of murderous intent sword qi, sinking into the sword mound.

The sword mound mark instantly became radiant, and the eight sword auras on it gave way, as if the generals were bowing to their commander, giving up the central position to the murderous sword aura.

The moment the killing intent sword energy entered the sword hill, Song Boyu felt his body tremble, and the sympathy between heaven and man, the yin god turned into light involuntarily and entered the sword hill imprint.

The Yin Shen controlled the Jianqiu mark and flew out directly from the Niwan Palace into a stream of light, entering the realm of fugue!

The Yin God controls the Jian Qiu mark to travel in a fugue. It should be said that it should be extremely smooth and even travel thousands of miles in a day. However, Song Boyu felt as if he was pressed by thousands of stones and divine iron, and could hardly breathe.

It seemed that the whole world was dissatisfied and repulsive, and there seemed to be a push to get him out of this abyss immediately.

Song Boyu worked hard to control the Jianqiu mark and returned to Niwan Palace. Under the protection of the black and yellow light of merit above his head, he no longer felt this sense of oppression and rejection.

"What's going on? Could it be that the third realm of the yin god stage is the ceiling of this one-sided practice? It seems that it's time to leave."

At this moment, Yin Shen has entered the mark of Jianqiu and is sitting in the middle of Jianqiu. However, the black and yellow fire lotus of merit cannot be endured by Jianqiu and keeps pressing on Jianqiu, almost causing it to be damaged.

Song Boyu simply controlled the black and yellow fire lotus of merit to leave the sword mound directly and float below the sword mound. The fire lotus hunted and used the black and yellow fire to cleanse the sword mound and the nine sword energies at all times.

The dragon of luck who had lost the virtuous black and yellow fire lotus became extremely irritable and roared non-stop. The golden light of virtuous virtue above Song Boyu's head sank down into the dragon, moistening and smoothing it, and becoming docile again.

Jianqiu was also slightly contaminated, but after all, it had no real form, and it was not a dirt-free spiritual treasure. It could not carry the black and yellow gas of merit, and could only let the black and yellow gas sink into the fire lotus of merit and hunt for the light of the fire.

(End of this chapter)

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