Chapter 146
"These two corpses need to be cremated immediately. These two people are also contaminated with a little pickled smell. As a kindness, I can help you purify them."

Mrs. Liu stood up, handed the heater in her hand to the strong man behind her, took out a small bag from the bag on her waist, opened it, and sprinkled the powder inside directly on Song Boyu and Zhou Xiuniang.

Song Boyu frowned slightly, pulling Xiuniang away, Shenyu's yellow eyes opened, and saw a nearly transparent child next to Old Madam Liu, holding a rusty wide knife in her left hand and a whetstone in her right, creaking Grinding.

While Mrs. Liu sprinkled the powder, invisible rust also continued to fall.

This old lady actually raised an evil spirit, and the person she raised was not an inferior little spirit, but a fully formed evil spirit, with strength comparable to that of a Taoist monk who had become a Yin God, and was very good at curses and evil spells.

It's just that this goddess's luck doesn't look like that of a monk, which makes her look extremely strange. She should be just a commoner. Song Boyu thinks there might be some evil cultivator behind her!
Goddess Liu's expression was very displeased, and she said in a cold voice: "To get rid of the dirty smell for you, you should still avoid it, do you still have a strong pillar of stone god in your heart! I think the two of you are also worried, my heart is too kind, Come with me to the temple of Qiangyu."

Song Jianming's face changed greatly: "Great witch, these two children have recently lost their parents, are overly sad, and don't understand etiquette. Their current situation is really miserable. Just take care of them and forget about it!"

Old Mrs. Liu had originally planned to find an excuse and tell the story about the handprint book. But now that Song Boyu was flashing her like this, she was furious and had to show Song Boyu and Zhou Xiuniang's feelings.

She sat down directly, her face was like water, and she pointed at the coffin and said: "Burn these two corpses to ashes immediately, they can't be left behind!"

Song Boyu showed no expression as he opened the coffin, took out two ash urns, and bowed to everyone: "My parents were attacked by monsters and were dealt with by the officials of Fuchengfang long ago. Now there are only ashes left, but I don't know how else this goddess wants to burn them?"

Song Boyu stared at Goddess Liu, actually staring at the kid sharpening the knife and shouted angrily: "You old pious woman, my parents' bodies have long been burned to ashes and placed in this ash urn. Even the official Ping Yilang of Fucheng said so Just dispose of it, but you say there is an evil aura, is it you, the fake goddess who can't see that there is no body in the coffin, who is right, or is it the officials Heiyirou who are right?"

Song Boyu has already had murderous intentions. At this time, he plans to directly anger the goddess. It is best to let her use evil tricks on the spot to kill her!

Goddess Liu was also very angry. She had everything she could say about this three-acre land in Jiqingli. Even Chen Lizheng was unwilling to provoke her. Now that Song Boyu dared to question her like this, she couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

At this moment, the knife-sharpening boy, Evil, raised the rusty wide knife in his hand, and waved it in front of Song Boyu, as if he was about to violently hurt someone at any time.

At this time, Song Jingshi ran over. He walked forward in three steps and said eagerly:
"Old lady, the Jinghe couple owed me ten pennies, and they are waiting for you to take out your fingerprints to testify. Please take it out quickly, show them, and let them pay back the money!"

Mrs. Liu's face was worried when she heard the words. Although she had already made an agreement with Song Jingshi and received the benefits, no one in Jiqing would dare to urge her.

It's just that after receiving the benefits, it's hard not to do things, and it's not easy to do evil here. She rolled her eyes and said: "The handprint book is not here. If you have a dispute, come with me to the temple and witness it before the strong pillar stone god." Let me resolve the dispute and help these two people get rid of their evil spirits!"

After saying that, he stood up directly, and the four short-handed men were about to catch Song Boyu and Zhou Xiuniang.

Song Jianming hurriedly stopped him and said loudly: "You can't do this, you can't do this! Sister Liu, how can you meddle in our Song family's own affairs!"

Old Mrs. Liu turned back and glared: "What's your own business? This matter is under the watchful eye of the Qiangzhu Stone God. You must go to the temple to explain it clearly."

The corner of Song Boyu's mouth raised crazily, he took a step forward and spoke righteously: "It suits me exactly. I want to see if this matter is really being watched by the God of Pillars! How dare you speak nonsense and confuse right and wrong in front of God!"

Song Jianming was about to faint with anger. Goddess Liu was maliciously forcing her and Song Jingshi was only interested in profit. Why was Song Badger so ignorant and took the bait as soon as he was provoked?
How can you go to the temple just as you say?Once you get to someone else's territory, coupled with the weird tricks of Goddess Liu, you might be in trouble!
Song Jianming could see that Song Baoer had kung fu skills, but when it came to the gods and tricks, kung fu could not solve them. Seeing that Song Boyu could not move, he turned to Xiu Niang and said, "Xiu Niang, please advise me." Brother, you really can’t go to the temple!”

Xiu Niang slowly shook her head and persuaded the old man: "Uncle Taisan, don't worry. My brother dares to go and has his own discretion."

Song Jianming helplessly hit the ground twice with his cane and kept saying: "Do evil, do evil, do evil!"

Seeing that Song Boyu could not be held back at this time, Song Jingben was afraid that something might happen, so he simply ran out and went straight to Chen Shoutian's house in Lizheng.

He wanted to ask Chen Lizheng to come forward to coordinate and avoid the situation from getting irreversibly worse.

Xiuniang stayed in the mourning hall to guard the ashes of her parents, while Song Boyu strode along with Liu Shenpo and others, and soon reached the Jiqingli Qiangzhen Temple.

This is the tallest building in Jiqingli. It is several feet taller than the watchtower at the entrance of the village. It is made of brick and stone. It looks outstanding and completely different from its surroundings.

Although the building is sturdy, it has been weathered and has moss covering its exterior.

Song Boyu had an impression of this temple. He heard his mother mention it when he was a child. It was built by a great figure hundreds of years ago to commemorate the fall of the human dynasty in ancient times. It was originally a memorial temple. temple.

What this temple currently enshrines is the patrolling envoy under the strong stone god's throne.

"Go in, let me see how you can deny it in front of the gods!" Song Jingshi covered his bleeding mouth and said vaguely.

Goddess Liu glanced at Song Boyu with a sinister look. The kid holding the knife smiled evilly and kept sharpening the knife.

Song Boyu had long ago opened his divine jade black-yellow eyes and saw clearly what was going on in the temple. There was a statue of a god standing in the temple, with three floors pierced through the air. It was extremely solemn, with a faint flicker of light, and it seemed that it had been consecrated and channeled.

But if you look carefully, you can find something unusual. There is an evil spirit standing on top of the statue, looking down.

The evil idol of the god is different from the knife-sharpening boy. He has a majestic appearance and mighty clothes, but is bound by chains.

Dozens of chains were united by a virtual iron chain, which kept beating the mighty idol Gui, causing him great pain.

Song Boyu suddenly remembered: "I remember it was said in "The Record of Evil Spirits" that ghost statues are mostly the souls and resentments of officials who died in misfortunes and were refined by evil methods, using the official aura of the deceased to form the illusion that the statues are channeling spirits.

The god statue can send down thunder, and even satisfy some of the wishes of believers, but most of them will be distorted by vicious events.

If this evil statue can break free from the chains, the first thing it should do is to turn back on its owner!
I should use my pure anode will to burst out the sword and cut the chains, it should have an unexpected effect. "

 Update in half an hour

(End of this chapter)

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