I am a martial god, proving the way with a sword

Chapter 151 See the Bronze Mask Again

Chapter 151 See the Bronze Mask Again

Wu Rende made in-depth investigation and reasoning, and finally locked on Liu Zhi, the wife of Wu Zhu who raped the temple, young and beautiful but with a vicious heart.

It turns out that Liu Zhi once obtained an evil stone statue, and recently tried to sacrifice it with a baby, and has received good feedback.

That night, Wu Rende, who had all the evidence in hand, was so bold that he used this matter to force Liu Zhi to have a relationship with him and do something shady.

Unexpectedly, Liu Zhi turned into a guest and lingered in front of the statue of the evil snake saint, in exchange for more benefits, and dragged Wu Rende into the water with him.

The next day, Wu Rende realized that the other party was also trying to make this happen.

Wu Rende has no objection to the obscene worship of evil gods. Anyway, it is more effective than the righteous gods, so why not do it.

Since the two got together and worshiped the evil statue together, the case became unresolved and unsolved.

The two often hooked up and had affairs, but one day they were discovered by Liu Zhi's husband. Zhu Nai, the old shaman who destroyed the temple, was an old monk with poor qualifications who entered Taoism. Although his talent was extremely poor, he finally entered Taoism in his 60s. The strength is very strong.

But in the end, they were soft-hearted. The couple had been gracious for a hundred days and only wanted to kill the adulterer. However, Liu Zhi led him to the evil stone statue to kill him and also took away Wu Zhu's spiritual bones.

This move seemed to greatly please the Statue of the Snake Saint, who actually gave a ball of spiritual light to contain Wu Rende and the bloody spiritual bones.

When the fog dissipated, Wu Rende, a man without spiritual roots, actually connected the spiritual roots and spirit bones without anyone noticing.

Liu Zhi couldn't help but be jealous, but she also knew that she had to stabilize Wu Rende at this time, so she tried her best to completely charm Wu Rende, and also introduced Wu Rende to the Qiangzhu Stone God Temple in the county town.

Qiangyu Holy Land is one of the most widespread immortal holy places in Dayu, with the pillar god Qiangyu as the revered god.

Although Wu Rende has spiritual roots and spiritual bones, he is not born after all, and the previous owner of this spiritual bone has extremely poor talent. He has been practicing for nearly 20 years and has been stuck in the Great Perfection of Foundation Building, unable to break through.

Even Liu Zhi, an old lady, disliked him a lot. She sacrificed to the evil statues alone behind his back many times and took advantage of it. Her appearance turned out to be like that of a [-]-year-old girl.

Wu Rende couldn't tolerate being despised in this way, so he searched for a solution to no avail. When he was extremely desperate, he met a fat mysterious man wearing a bronze evil ghost crying and laughing mask.

This person told Wu Rende that if he wanted to break through the internal refining stage, he had to truly merge with the spiritual bones. He had to do something to please the snake, which was to kill his parents and sacrifice their flesh and blood to the statue of the evil snake saint!
Wu Rende scolded loudly, but his heart was already shaken. About seven or eight days later, his parents suddenly fell ill and died within three days.

That night, Wu Rende brought the flesh and blood of his parents to sacrifice to the evil statue. He actually received a gift, successfully broke through the realm and became a monk.

After entering Taoism, Wu Rende's progress in practice was still slow. After all, the spiritual bones he possessed were mediocre.

However, Linyi County has very few Taoist talents. Even if there are one or two Taoists, they will not stay here.

Wu Rende was still attracted by the old priest who had the temple demolished. A few years later, he took over and became the presiding priest of Linyi County.

And the former presiding priest finally completed his meritorious deeds, and was able to return to the temple of the Holy Land of Qiangyu in Shangxiang Mansion, listen to the teachings of the masters, and increase his cultivation base.

After mastering the resources of a holy land and a large temple in a county, Wu Rende became even more unscrupulous. In addition to openly having an affair with Liu Zhi, he also searched extensively for various spiritual objects, hoping to offer sacrifices to evil gods in exchange for gifts.

Although it was indeed effective, Wu Rende did not get what he wanted, and his spiritual root and spiritual bone qualifications were still very poor.

The fat mysterious masked man appears again, and Wu Rende, who has already entered Taoism, still cannot see through this man.

The fat mysterious masked man didn't waste too much time, and directly gave Wu Rende a copy of "Refining the Secret Treasure Book: Yin Shen Scroll", and then turned into a demonic wind and left.

This book of scriptures is all about how to collect all kinds of magic to refine the magic weapon, and then from the outside to the inside, to cultivate the fourth realm of the Yin God in a very short time. The price is that the magic will be eaten back by the magic on the night of the full moon. Bite.

Wu Rende was so intoxicated that he kept studying and trying to create evil tricks to cultivate them.

He first took aim at Chen Zhengqing, the former county magistrate who had just taken office, because Chen Zhengqing had once reprimanded him sharply.

The attack and refining were successful. Chen Zhengqing was transformed into the idol and was bound to the idol.

After that, Wu Rende became even more uncontrollable. With his status as a priest who destroyed a large temple, he refined three evil monsters and more than a dozen low-level little monsters.

At this moment, the masked mysterious man reappeared and showed his powerful strength, at least the fourth level of the Yin God, and maybe even above the Yin God!
The mysterious man in the mask has a picture of strange treasures and various treacherous things at night, which can trigger the phantom of a ghostly city that seems both fake and real, and is horrifyingly powerful.

The mysterious man in the mask entrusted Wu Rende with a mission, which is to kill everyone in the old Zheng family in the village. It is best to remove the Zheng family from Jiqingli!

As long as Wu Rende completes this matter, the mysterious man in the mask will help Wu Rende refine the Baigui Night Walking Picture, allowing him to enter the fourth realm of Yin Shen.

Wu Rende was dubious, but because there was a slight possibility, he still killed nearly a hundred members of the Zheng family. From then on, the four major surnames in Jiqingli became three major surnames.

After that, Wu Rende waited for several years, but the mysterious man in the mask did not appear.

Just when he kept muttering that he was being fooled, he attracted a murderer, Zheng Liehu!
This person is a prodigal son of the Zheng family, a low-class casual cultivator who has been traveling around in search of immortals. He has not taken the family's inherited oath of guarding Zhou Chenshan to heart.

When the entire family was wiped out, Zheng Liehu couldn't suppress his grief and anger. He actually found the family's mysterious inheritance, refined the extremely powerful immortal archery, and cultivated a particularly powerful arrow of thought, which can defeat even the gods above. Even the strong can hardly resist its plot.

Zheng Liehu went to Wu Rende's residence in the county town. For some reason, he managed to sneak into Wu Rende's house disguised as a servant and stayed in Wu Rende's house for half a year.

One time, Wu Rende was practicing in a secret room. Zheng Liehu suddenly broke in and struck him with an arrow, destroying his spirit and leaving only a hollow flesh shell.

The dream was now torn apart. Song Boyu slowly opened his eyes and woke up, with many doubts in his heart.

In the mourning hall of the thatched house at home, the charcoal pot in front of the coffin was burning brightly. Xiu Niang was resting in the back room, and Lu Feiying was lying in a corner of the room, sleeping on a pile of hay, snoring loudly.

Song Boyu kept sitting cross-legged, his eyes flashing with silver light. Most of the useless memories of this dream-like experience were diluted by the silver light.

He stood up slowly, walked out of the door, looked up at the night sky, and then looked at the back mountain southeast of Jiqingli, which is the so-called Zhouchen Mountain. It was there that Xiuniang was picked up by Song Jinghe and took Shan as her surname.

The silver light in Song Boyu's eyes gradually dissipated. He stared in the direction of Zhou Chenshan, thinking in his mind: "That mask is exactly the same as the mask of the evil cultivator Quan Xiangyue. It should be the kind-hearted fat man who appeared in the Iron Corpse's dream. The same mask , the Ghost Face among the Ghost Face Brothers? Are they just the two brothers, or does this mean they are the same organization? What does this fat man want to do, and if there is an organization, what is the purpose of the organization? "

(End of this chapter)

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