I am a martial god, proving the way with a sword

Chapter 165 2 times of opening the meridians

Chapter 165 Second Channel Opening
Zheng Yehu's cheeks were still a little red, and he frowned: "Why can a boy transcend internal refining? Could it be that he can master martial arts and become a yin god without the help of spiritual energy?"

Naturally, Song Boyu couldn't say too much, but just smiled mysteriously: "Tong Yang is the essence of innateness, and it can be greatly improved by purifying the soul. As for whether I can master martial arts and connect with gods, I haven't mastered it yet, so I don't dare to boast about it."

Zheng Liehu thought about it, and said slowly: "You said it is indeed possible, but it is still difficult. Even if the energy is like glue, it is not enough to consume the soul of the Yin God. Forget it, let's not talk about it. Let's eat first, and after the meal Let’s learn from each other again!”

Song Boyu also nodded, and the two of them walked side by side. As for teaching Zheng Liehu the Kung Fu, Song Boyu had already prepared it, which was "Tongyang Yi Qigong". As for his own "Pure Yang Jiyi Dao Kung", the Tao should not be taught lightly. , further observation and decision are needed.

The two returned to Song Boyu's house together, and behind closed doors, Zheng Liehu taught Song Boyu the unknown archery skills through oral narration.

Zheng Liehu's mouth was dry, and he drank a few sips of water: "...That's it. It's not that I don't want to show you the drill, I really can't.

After paying the price, my spiritual roots and spiritual bones were broken and could no longer be reconnected. If I raised another arrow of hatred, I would probably die completely. "

Song Boyu looked thoughtful and nodded slightly: "There is no need to practice. This kind of archery is more appropriately called the art of raising arrows. I have roughly understood that if there is anything I still don't understand, I will ask again, but the price is too high, so be careful."

Zheng Liehu was silent for a moment and sighed: "If it weren't for revenge, I wouldn't have learned the art of archery to completely destroy myself. You are still young, there is no need."

The two discussed some more details, and then Song Boyu passed "Tong Yang Yi Qigong" to Zheng Liehu through dictation and written notes.

Time passes quickly, half a month flies by.

With the hard lobbying of Sun Chengcai, Cui Zhubo, Liu Qiangfu, Lu Youyou and others, the county leader agreed to set up a tuanlianlang in each township and belong to the township yamen to assist the township tours in arresting bandits, and he could also attack bandits on his own. and monsters.

The county government issued a letter of appointment to each township corpsman, and reported it to the magistrate's office for record. Each township corpsman had a full number of 30 members, and the county government did not provide money or food.

However, when debriefing at the end of the year, the county magistrate will commend Tuan Lianlang for his achievements in arresting bandits and defeating demons.

Song Boyu got the letter of appointment with the ink still wet, and bowed to Liu Qiangying: "Thank you Liu Qiangfu for your help. With this letter of appointment, I feel much more at ease."

Liu Songying straightened her wrinkled official uniform and returned the greeting: "Boyu, you are now our regimental training man in Xiaguan Township. We must kill the bandits in Daze as soon as possible."

Song Boyu naturally nodded in agreement: "Within three months, all the big bandits will be killed."

From the moment he received the letter of appointment, Song Boyu's soul was faintly shaken. After opening his divine jade black-yellow eyes, he saw a faint dragon aura lingering around him, which made him smile even more.

With this letter of appointment, all the achievements made will be explained. At the end of the year, when the work is rewarded and punishments are reported, the dragon's energy feedback will be received.

At that time, he can combine the dragon energy and the power of wishes, transform them into black and yellow humane merits, and enrich his own heritage.

Lu Feiying and others have spent Song Boyu's 30 taels of silver on Song Boyu's behalf to buy the nearly ten acres of open space in the temple ruins at the market price, and hired young people from Jiqingli to clean it up. Now they are building a courtyard according to Song Boyu's wishes, and sitting there. North faces south.

The martial arts field in the front yard is easy to create. After all, it is just flat land surrounded by a wall, and it can be slightly modified.

The backyard is divided into two parts. The west backyard is the residence of Tuanding, and the east backyard is the residence of Song Boyu and Zhou Xiuniang.

The members of the regiment were all children of the Song and Chen families. Zhou Xiuniang personally purchased the regiment's clothes, rations, and weapons, and organized women to cook, wash, and clean the regiment in an orderly manner. She even unexpectedly married Liu Qiangfu's daughter Liu Xiangjun. I have made close friends and go to Xiaguan Township for a get-together from time to time.

Song Huaiwei, the great-grandson of clan leader Song Jianming, was also in the group. He performed very well in training and was quite talented in martial arts. He was promoted by Song Boyu to the team leader, with ten teams in a team. The other two teams were managed by Lu Feiying and Cui Jue.

Xiu Niang is the chief instructor of the group, specializing in teaching them martial arts. Initially, everyone was not convinced. There were a few people who relied on their bravery to challenge the weak-looking Xiu Niang, but they were beaten severely, so they were all convinced.

Cui Jue even smiled like a chrysanthemum. Seeing everyone shivering, he thought of his past self. It would be happier if everyone encountered this kind of thing together.

Zhou Xiuniang also has her own ideas, especially after recently getting acquainted with Liu Qiangfu’s only daughter Liu Xiangjun, her ideas gradually became a system:
"I like my brother very much, he is also very good to me, and he is very capable, which is all very good, but I don't want everyone to think that I am just Song Boyu's sister.

I want to have my own value and be able to stand alone in other aspects! "

During this period, Xiu Niang actually wanted to give up and ask for help many times, but she gritted her teeth and kept going. She didn't know how to buy clothes, rations, and weapons, so she just went to ask for advice, study, and observation; the regiment members were not convinced. , beat them until they were convinced.

Up to now, she has done well in everything, and she has gradually gained confidence. As long as she studies and works hard, she can do most things well.

In the martial arts arena, the petite Xiu Niang is wearing a warrior uniform, with a heroic appearance, bright eyes and a confident smile.

Zheng Liehu was also here, watching quietly and nodding slightly.

He was invited by Song Boyu to teach everyone how to practice archery, so he simply moved back to Jiqingli to live. It was better to be surrounded by a group of people than to be alone.

In the past half month, Song Boyu didn't pay much attention to his disciples' martial arts and group training, leaving all the power to Xiu Niang, Zheng Liehu, Lu Feiying, and Cui Jue for discussion and decision-making.

As for himself, he mainly focused on three things: opening up the meridians for the second time, opening up the sea of ​​​​qi in the great acupuncture points, and studying the art of raising arrows with thoughts.

Song Boyu first carefully deduced how to give full play to the characteristics of the six fu organs [transferring substances] in the dream, and adopted a similar method to open up the sea of ​​qi, but the focus was on stimulating and strengthening the six fu organs, so as to maximize the "transmission" and "transformation".

After 36 days of dream deductions and various death attempts, with countless deaths and serious injuries, he finally successfully deduced how to strengthen the six internal organs and expand the meridians, and applied it to reality, once and for all.

The six internal organs, the eight extraordinary meridians, the twelve main meridians, and the scattered meridians of the limbs and bones have all been strengthened twice, gaining extremely strong energy transmission tension and digestion capabilities.

The same ingredients, assuming that one point of pure Yang essence was converted in the past, can now be converted into two points, doubling the efficiency.

The ability to transmit essence is even more exaggerated and surges endlessly. The efficiency of transmission and purification is greatly improved, and the speed of essence reconstruction is greatly accelerated.

(End of this chapter)

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