Chapter 169 Dreaming
In the afternoon of that day, Song Boyu summoned Zhou Xiuniang, Zheng Liehu, Lu Feiying, Cui Jue, and Song Huaiwei to discuss the matter of annihilating the bandits.

When Lu Feiying and Cui Jue heard this, they both wanted to start a fight immediately.

Song Huaiwei frowned slightly, wanting to say something, but feeling that he was not familiar enough with Song Boyu, and was afraid of offending Song Boyu, so he looked at Zheng Liehu and Zhou Xiuniang.

Zhou Xiuniang stood up directly and saluted Song Boyu: "Brother, you are the Tuan Lian Lang, we are all assisting you, so naturally we should listen to you.

It's just that our regiment has only trained for more than a month, is proficient in martial arts, and has never seen blood. "

Zheng Liehu added: "Lang Guan has never been stingy in terms of money and food, and the regiment members are also very enthusiastic about training. However, they have only been training for more than a month. They are not proficient in archery and do not understand battle formations. I am afraid they will not be of great use."

Song Huaiwei stood up, clasped his fists, and said respectfully: "Everyone is very happy to be able to follow Lang Guan, and we are willing to sacrifice our lives. However, our training has not been completed. If we act hastily, we will not only suffer casualties, but also lose Lang Guan's face."

Song Boyu was not angry and nodded: "What you said makes sense, but you must know that this operation is based on me.

When it comes to overcoming difficulties, the regiment's training officers personally do it. The men lead the regiment and work with Sun Chengcai's troops. They only need to intercept and kill the fish that slip through the net and chase and defeat the escaped bandits. "

Seeing Song Boyu say this, Zhou Xiuniang, Zheng Liehu and Song Huaiwei were all a little depressed.

Especially Xiu Niang. Song Boyu left all the training, logistics and other matters of the team training to her. Thanks to Chen Zhengqing's help and advice, it was straightened out. The Xiaguan Township team training is like her child, only doing these chores. Of course not satisfied.

After all, Xiu Niang couldn't hold it back, her face turned red and she said angrily: "Brother, if you had known this earlier, there would be no use in training the regiment members. You can just kill all the bandits by yourself, and we can just wave the flag and shout."

Song Boyu looked at Xiu Niang strangely. This sister who never said harsh words to him actually said harsh words to him today!
Song Boyu was not unhappy, but rather happy. If there weren't others around, he almost wanted to pick up his sister and spin her around.

As his sister, she began to have her own opinions and opinions, which meant that she had grown up. This was what Song Boyu wanted to see.

Naturally, Song Boyu couldn't tell his sister that the purpose of asking for membership points to form a group training was to justify his name, gain feedback from his official aura, and then combine it with his willpower to transform it into humane merit.

He pondered for a moment, then explained in a gentle voice: "Of course I understand that it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish, but if one more Daze bandit is rampant, a few more people may be victimized.

I practiced for a month, and my skills improved a lot. I felt confident, so I dared to propose to lead the regiment to suppress bandits.

What you said makes sense. Now that this regiment has been trained, we must let them become effective. Otherwise, if Xiuniang and I leave in the future, who will protect the country and the people?
How about this, how about we first eliminate Zhu Lang and Liu Daobao, the two serious and stubborn bandits, and leave the remaining sporadic bandits to you to train them in battle and eliminate them within three months? "

Seeing what Song Boyu said, no one had any objections. Xiu Niang calmed down, but her face was still red and her heartbeat was a little fast.

After she finished speaking, she was shocked. She had never spoken to her brother like this before, and she felt a little regretful that her tone was too harsh.

After everyone agreed, Song Boyu asked Lu Feiying to go to the county and invited Sun Chengcai to come to Jiqingli tomorrow to discuss the details of the specific actions.

The courtyard had been under construction for more than a month and was not yet completed. Song Boyu and Xiu Niang walked side by side and still returned to their residence without speaking.

Song Boyu's main focus was on observing the changes after his essence merged with Gongde Xuanhuang Qi, but Xiu Niang thought her brother was angry and felt a little aggrieved.

When she came home, Xiu Niang saw that Song Boyu had not spoken yet. She held a corner of her white skirt with both hands and bit her lower lip: "Brother, I shouldn't have contradicted you in front of everyone, I'm sorry."

Song Boyu stopped and looked inside, and said in surprise: "What's there to apologize for? It's normal for you to have your own thoughts, and it's even better if you're willing to express them proactively."

"Why is that brother keeping a gloomy face and not saying a word to me for a long time? I was so sad just now." Xiuniang complained as she loosened her nervous hands.

Song Boyu laughed loudly, rushed up to pick up Xiu Niang, and spun her around twice in the air before putting her down: "Are you happy with this? I wasn't looking gloomy just now, I was looking inwards to observe the movement of the essence.

Over the past month, I have gained new insights. I will summarize them and pass them on to you later. "

Xiuniang was caught off guard and was picked up by Song Boyu. Her little face turned from sad to happy in an instant. She ran out of the room with a smile: "It's okay if you're not angry. Brother, you can slowly think about it and I'll get you something to eat."

pat, pat!
Douding's true form, Chen Zhengqing and Song Tong, fell on Xiu Niang's left and right shoulders.

Song Tong hugged Yin Dao and patted his chest: "The atmosphere along the way just now really scared me to death. I almost thought the Lord Lord was really angry."

Chen Zhengqing stroked his beard and said with joy: "You are already dead. If you die again, your soul will be gone. Let me tell you, our eldest master is definitely not angry. You and Xiu Niang are overthinking."

Xiu Niang washed the dishes with a smile: "Grandpa Zhengqing, you are so smart, why don't you help me come up with ideas and plans on how to cooperate with my brother to perfectly complete the suppression of bandits here?"

Chen Zhengqing sat slumped on Xiu Niang's left shoulder, frowning and thinking: "We can't say it's perfect, after all, these regiment members are very proficient in martial arts, they are not familiar with the battle formation, and they cannot form more advanced military formations.

Let’s focus on one thing, ensuring the basic safety of these group members. Don’t rush into the dead. That’s victory, what do you think? "

Xiu Niang wrinkled her nose slightly and nodded helplessly: "That's all we have to do, but Grandpa Zhengqing, you just said that strong soldiers must practice formations and cultivate their morale, and ordinary people can also destroy monks, but what should we do?"

Xiuniang has been in charge of the regiment for more than a month. Not only has she developed feelings, but she also has certain ambitions. She wants to train a group of sergeants who can really help Song Boyu.

Chen Zhengqing was the county magistrate before his death. He had a lot of knowledge, but it was just knowledge. He didn't know it. He shook his head:

"I am a civil servant, this is beyond my scope of understanding. If the eldest master can find and purify the evil spirit of a military attache's dead soul in the future, maybe we can know about it."

Song Tong couldn't help but interrupt: "Mr. Chen, you are just dreaming. Where can you find the soul of a military attache who happened to turn into a villain? Why don't you just kill the county captain and let the master give the soul a magical breath? What's more? good."

Xiu Niang threw the dish in her hand and said angrily: "You are all talking nonsense. Stop talking and go and pluck the hair off that fat pig with black mane and stripes."

When the two spirits heard this, they all shrugged. The fat pig was fishy and smelly, and its hair was thick. Pulling it out was not only time-consuming and laborious, but also disgusting.

(End of this chapter)

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