Chapter 181 Trading
It's not that Song Boyu is smart, doesn't know how to adapt, and doesn't know how to use other attributes of sword light, but his offensive tactics.

Although the Qingmu sword light does not do much damage, it is extremely good at entangling and blocking it. Now it lasts for half an hour and has turned the black shadow into a green shadow, and the speed is much slower.

Song Boyu basically saw the image of this monster clearly. The lower body looked like an octopus, but its tentacles were more full of eyeworms, which was disgusting. The upper body was a ferocious humanoid, and Song Boyu actually recognized this humanoid.

Although the appearance has been blurred, Song Boyu still remembers the look in his eyes. It was Song Jingshi!
That dead soul is hard to kill, and the soul of Song Jingshi, who was taken away by Master Zhu, is absolutely unmistakable.

"This guy was just a scoundrel before his death. How could he become such a villain and possess such extraordinary power?

Could it be that Chief Priest Zhu really received great feedback from the evil stone statue? "

Song Boyu was shocked in his heart, but he kept moving. His Qingmu energy was nearly exhausted, and it was time to activate it.

The green sword light covered by the long and short swords burned suddenly, and instantly turned into a red fire sword light, and swung out twenty or thirty red fire sword lights like a violent storm, hitting the already sluggish tentacles.

The evil tentacled Song Jingshi's body was covered in green and green. It was like gasoline meeting a fire, and it ignited instantly, changing from a green shadow to a red fire shadow.

It was obviously burned violently and almost turned into a fireball, but the evil tentacle did not die. Instead, it let out an even more shrill scream and rushed directly towards Song Boyu, like a natural shadow of fire.

The Sun family and his son, who were watching the success or failure, were caught off guard and were affected by the terrifying scream.

As a county magistrate, Sun Lun was protected by his official status, but his blood was boiling and he was slightly uncomfortable. But Sun Chengcai was miserable. He vomited blood on the spot, his face was like gold paper, and he passed out.

If his father Sun Lun hadn't helped him, he would have fallen down on the spot.

Sun Lun looked at the burning figure rushing towards Song Boyu, his face was illuminated by the fire, and his expression was ferocious: "You two will die together quickly, and then I will clean up the mess!"

When Song Boyu saw the burning shadow rushing towards him, he quickly retreated and shouted loudly:
"You are a fierce and evil person, I have seen through your lies, and now is the time for you to lose your soul.

All gods, resist for me for a moment and let me accumulate strength! "

Song Boyu didn't ask Sun Lun for help at all. He had long seen that Sun Lun was gathering officials aside to watch the success or failure.

With his own strength, he can defeat this beast!However, if they treat themselves this way, they can only use each other, and there is no need to talk about mutual loyalty.

Song Boyu's eyes were as cold as ice, and his two swords each produced exploding platinum sword light, spiraling rapidly.

The three spiritual gods Chen Zhengqing, Zeng Kerou and Ming Yangzong looked a little ugly, but they all knew that now was the most dangerous time. They gritted their teeth and rushed forward, like three streams of light, heading straight towards the burning shadow.

The Three Spirit Gods were completely outmatched and were directly knocked away. They were seriously injured on the spot, from the size of a fist to the size of a thumb. The injuries healed instantly, but their strength was greatly reduced.

During this gap, Song Boyu finally completed preparations. The long and short swords intersected, and the two spiral platinum sword lights were formed. They were thrown out instantly, like two white swords, directly piercing the burning shadow, and then burst and shattered in the middle.

A terrifying explosion occurred in mid-air. It was so powerful that the shock wave directly collapsed several halls and a section of the wall of the Qiangmen Temple.

Sun Lun threw out the copper seal, and a red owl appeared in front of him, directly protecting the father and son.

When the explosion was over, everything settled, leaving no trace behind. Only the remaining sticky spiritual energy proved that terrible changes had really taken place.

Song Boyu rushed to Sun Lun in three steps and two steps, like an unsheathed sword, with a cold expression.

The power of the powerful villain who had just been killed made Sun Lun feel scared. If it weren't for the copper seal of the county magistrate tightly clutched, he would hardly have the courage to stand in front of Song Boyu.

Maintaining the dignity of the county magistrate, Sun Lun shamelessly praised: "Boyu is a genius in Zhenwu Dao, no wonder he can be called the Five Righteous Masters along with the immortal masters of Jingping Yamen.

You fight with evil monsters, fly from the ground into the air without falling behind, and even kill the monsters by force, which is more impressive than the immortal master.

I have been looking for a good opportunity to make a move just now, but my eyesight is too poor, I am afraid of accidentally injuring Boyu, and the Dragon Qi technique is good at defending but not attacking, so I have not made a move. "

Although Song Boyu wanted to directly question Sun Lun, he calmed down his anger and calmed down.

After all, he and Sun Lun were not close at all, what he wanted was nothing more than official air and getting rid of Zhu Zhu, and Sun Lun wanted to get rid of Zhu Zhu, it was just a deal.

However, since it is so dangerous and the other party is waiting to see the success or failure, then it is time to add "money" and ask for more benefits!

Song Boyu put away his fierce power and said calmly: "The county magistrate is a man of gold, and he cannot stand under a wall.

However, my teacher Wang Fujun once taught that looking up is like the limbs and looking down is like the belly and heart.

Mr. Sun, do you think so?
I believe Mr. Sun is a wise boss and will not treat his subordinates badly. "

Sun Lun looked a little ugly, but Song Boyu brought out his teacher, which made Sun Lun a little afraid. He forced out a smile and said: "Boyu, I don't know what you want, but you can make it clear. You can eliminate great harm to our Linyi, as long as you can do it Yes, I won’t be stingy.”

Song Boyu did not pretend to be pretentious and said directly: "Your Excellency, I heard from Brother Zhengcai that to serve as a regiment training general, you need to be a first- and second-class household. It is customized according to the country and dynasty. The first- and second-class households can serve as civil servants. I don't know if this group training can be done." Converted to a formal official service?"

Sun Lun frowned slightly. How could the Tuanlian General Manager become a formal official? Why: "The Tuanlian General Manager is a temporary position. I don't have the power to turn it into a formal official. Boyu, you are making things difficult for me."

Song Boyu's face was expressionless, and he bowed and said: "Your Majesty, I just fought with that monster, life and death, are you not in trouble? I feel very tired now, so I will leave first."

When Sun Lun heard this, he realized that Song Boyu wanted to give up his son halfway. He immediately became anxious and threw his son to the ground. He stepped forward to support Song Boyu: "Boyu, it's not that I don't want to, it's because the system doesn't allow it. Moreover, you will want to do it in the future." Examiner, if you really become a formal official in Linyi, your future will be blocked."

Song Boyu stood up, and said coldly: "Master County Venerable, according to the current examination system, even if you serve as an official, you can take another examination for officials or even officials. It seems that it will not hinder the way forward. I was born and died for the County Venerable, and I fought against evil spirits and monsters to the death. , but the county magistrate is stingy about the position of a minor official, which is really chilling."

After saying that, Song Boyu turned around and wanted to leave.

How could Sun Lun be willing to let Song Boyu leave? Without Song Boyu as a powerful general, he would have no choice but to explore the underground chamber of the temple by himself.

As the saying goes, a son with a lot of money should stay away from home. As the lord of a county, how could Sun Lun be willing to explore dangerous places by himself?

But except for Song Boyu, Sun Lun had no reliable talents.

(End of this chapter)

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