Chapter 188 Strange Dreamland

Originally, there were some local ruffians who wanted to seize the land with abundant fish and water and collect money by sitting on the ground, but Xiu Niang repaired them all, escorted them to the county government and sentenced them to criminal detention, and finally sent them to the manor to repair the farmland.

The people's lives have become better and their moods have become better. Coupled with the "appearance" propaganda of the Four Spiritual Gods from time to time, local people began to say that Song Boyu was the reincarnation of the blessed god, and he came here to bring good health to the people in his hometown.

The mix of true and false, coupled with the rapper's adaptation and singing, made the image of Song Boyu, a young hero, deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and he gained more and more gratitude.

In addition, the 150 regiment members generated a steady stream of official aura for Song Boyu, making the human merits above his head more and more abundant, and the golden clouds of his own luck becoming more and more abundant.

On this day, Song Boyu walked around the vicinity, but found no monsters, and returned to the manor in a dispirited mood. When he happened to see an acquaintance, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and his silver light surged.

He took a closer look, and it turned out to be Song Jingben. The scar on his left cheek that went straight to his neck was very conspicuous. He was holding a harpoon, carrying a fish basket full of live fish, and bid farewell to Xiuniang.

"Uncle Jingben, why did you come to the manor?" Song Boyu stepped forward to salute and asked, his eyes fixed on the harpoon held by the other party. The harpoon was weird, and it might be some kind of obsession.

Song Jingben laughed: "I'm here to deliver live fish to you. Ever since you pacified all the bandits and monsters in Daze, good times have come for us. Now we can eat fish every meal. As the saying goes, don't forget to dig for water. Well man, I just want to bring a basket of live fish to you, but the lady won’t take anything from you.”

Zhou Xiuniang quickly gave her a blessing: "Uncle Ben, why do you call me that? I can't bear it. It's not that I don't want your fish. We accepted your offer of giving us live fish. This wasn't specially selected." The biggest one is ready to make soup. As for the others, you can take them back to replenish my aunt. She has just become pregnant, so you should pay more attention to her."

After seeing the two of them being polite for a while, Song Boyu suddenly said: "Uncle, I see you as a harpoon monster. If you really want to give it away, how about you give me this harpoon?"

Song Jingben was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "This harpoon is only worth the wrought iron on its head. It was passed down from my father. Since Boyu wants it, I'll give it to you."

When Zhou Xiuniang saw Song Boyu begging for a fishing fork, she wanted to persuade her. Unexpectedly, after Song Jingben handed the fishing spear to Song Boyu, he left without looking back. She couldn't help but stamp her feet: "Brother! We are all fellow villagers. You What are you doing with someone else’s food? Besides, our family doesn’t lack this either.”

After saying that, Xiu Niang asked her surroundings to take out a new fishing spear from the warehouse and deliver it to Uncle Jingben tomorrow.

Song Boyu chuckled and waved the old harpoon: "I think this thing is destined to me, but you are right, I should give Uncle Jingben a new harpoon tomorrow."

He hummed a tune and walked all the way back to the room, which made Xiu Niang feel angry and funny: "Why is my brother becoming more and more childish recently?"

"Madam, my lord, this is a natural way of doing things. You just follow your whim. Maybe that old harpoon can really give you some inspiration. Let's help you take care of your household chores."

Chen Zhengqing stared at the background of Song Boyu's departure and said thoughtfully that he felt that Song Boyu's actions had deep meanings.

Ming Yangzong also agreed. Together with Chen Zhengqing, he advised Xiuniang to do a good job in the logistical affairs and be a good housekeeper, and not to interfere with the master Jun's practices.

"What the lord did was incomprehensible at first, but in the end it was like an antelope hanging its horns. It was completely natural. Just like hunting monsters every day to perform tooth sacrifices, but he has also gained a great reputation in the neighborhood. People say that the lord is the god of food. Reincarnation."

Zeng Kerou also agreed softly.

Xiu Niang smiled helplessly: "Okay, okay. It's all up to you."

Song Tong, on the other hand, stared at Song Boyu for a long time, and finally muttered in a low voice: "I also think that harpoon is quite fun. It would be great if you could lend it to me."

"Madam, Madam. Miss Liu and Miss Li have been waiting in the backyard pavilion for a long time. They sent me here to ask Madam when she will arrive." A little maid with a yellow flower on her hair ran over and said Xiu Niang Fu Li said.

Xiu Niang looked apologetic: "I'm coming right now. I originally planned to invite them to have tea, but I didn't expect there were so many things today, so I almost delayed it. Let them wait for a while, I will be there soon."

After a cup of tea, Xiu Niang had already reached the pavilion in the backyard and was having tea and chatting with Liu Xiangjun and Li Zhenyu.

Liu Xiangjun is the daughter of Liu Qiangfu. She likes all kinds of strange and weird things, and she also has her own opinions.

Li Zhenyu is the daughter of Li Xuexue from Xiaguan Township. She comes from a scholarly family. She has been studying since she was a child and is quite knowledgeable.

"Madam, your manor here is getting more and more decent. As the sage said, I think you have gained half of the essence of cultivating yourself, harmonizing your family, governing the country, and bringing peace to the world." Liu Xiangjun joked with a smile. She had a pair of red and phoenix eyes, and she smiled. Quite charming.

Li Zhenyu poured tea for the two of them and teased: "Xiang Jun usually prides himself on being a wonderful woman, but he always manages the country on paper. Why not help Xiu Niang manage this ten-hectare manor?"

Liu Xiangjun raised his swan neck and fanned the lady picture: "I will not leave the mountain without three requests and three concessions.

That is to say, we are limited by our status. If we are the daughter of an official family, we must take this women's course. "

"Yes, yes, if a talented woman from Liu can take part in the women's department, she will definitely be the champion, and she might be relied on by the queen. I will have to look up to you and drink tea." Li Zhenyu continued to tease, pouring a cup of tea Entering Liu Xiangjun's mouth, he laughed loudly.

Xiu Niang felt quite relaxed as she watched the two girls playing around. She asked casually: "What is the women's department? Why can't we participate?"

Li Zhenyu is a fun-loving girl, and she deliberately clasped her fists and said: "Report to the madam, my subordinates know.

This women's examination was initiated by the current queen, and it was an examination to select the wives and noble ladies of official families to serve as female officials.

If you want to be this female official, you will have an official of good character. In the future, even if you become the head of the family, you can recruit a handsome son-in-law.

It's a pity that our poor daughter's family has no chance of such a beautiful thing. "

Liu Xiangjun covered his mouth and chuckled, then sighed: "If Zhenyu were a man, he would be a good subordinate.

It is said that men are heaven and women are earth, but why should women be weaker than men?If you give me a chance to serve as an official, I may not be worse than a man!
It's a pity that these opportunities are only available to the noble ladies of the official family, and we are just mortal bodies with no spiritual roots and bones, and we have no path to immortality, hey..."

Xiu Niang was thoughtful. She had no intention of recruiting a handsome son-in-law, but it would be great if she could take the exams and serve as an official like her brother.

Before managing team training and managing the manor, Zhou Xiuniang's biggest goal in life was to practice martial arts, learn culture, become proficient in female celebrities, and be a good helper to her brother.

(End of this chapter)

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