Chapter 190 Inquiry
The old man hugged the strange fish hard and refused to let go, no matter how hard it bit.

Song Jingben stabbed him more than 30 times in a row. The strange fish finally let go of the old man after feeling the pain, flopped over and fell into the water, and escaped with wounds all over his body.

The two were panting heavily, and for the rest of their lives, they were lying on the ground covered in injuries and did not dare to stay. Song Jingben fled in embarrassment with his extremely weak father on his back with a harpoon on his back.

The blue blood of the strange fish condensed on the harpoon, gradually seeping into it and disappearing.

The old man turned around subconsciously and suddenly saw the lake water turning from turbid to red, like a precious ruby.

I saw a mysterious creature about one foot long, with eyes like blood, a blue body, the head of a dragon and the body of a fish, jumped out of the water, bit the strange catfish's body, and dragged it directly into the water.

The old man fell seriously ill after returning home and died in just three days.

Song Boyu, who was trapped in a fixed perspective, was finally able to move at this time, floating like a ghost, but before he could float for long, the space shattered like glass, and everything was swallowed up by the rainbow vortex.


Song Boyu sat up suddenly and found that he was lying on the bed, covered with a cool quilt. The window outside the window turned dark, and he could hear lightning, thunder, and the roar of the wind.

"What a strange dream. Logically speaking, this obsession is white at most. Is it because I saw the last blue-scaled dragonhead fish? Everything is weird. I should re-enter the dream and meet the blue-scaled dragonhead fish for a while. !”

Song Boyu sat up and spoke in a low voice.

There was a roar of thunder and heavy rain poured down.

Song Boyu's stomach was also growling, so he simply put on his clothes and went to find some food first.

Unexpectedly, when she walked into her kitchen, she saw Xiu Niang burning the stove and simmering a pot of mutton soup.

The four fist-sized spiritual gods also followed suit and placed seven or eight plates of prepared hot dishes on another steamer stove, such as braised crystal pork knuckle, steamed white-cut chicken, stir-fried Tai Sui pork, salt All the baked lobsters are kept hot with steam.

"Brother, you are indeed here.

I knocked on your door seven or eight times today, but I didn't see you coming out. I thought my practice had reached a critical point, so I didn't bother you.

But I estimate that after you finish practicing, your stomach will growl with hunger, so I will prepare food specially for you.

The fireworks on the stove are choking. You go to the main room and wait while I ask Grandpa Zhengqing and the others to bring the food over. "

Xiu Niang wiped the sweat from her forehead with her sleeves, wiped the charcoal ash from her hands on her apron a few times, looked back and smiled, her almond-shaped eyes as curved as the dawn moon.

Song Boyu's heart warmed, and he walked forward and hugged Xiu Niang gently: "It's so late at night, you are still working so hard, leave some cold dishes for me in the future, I can heat them myself."

"That's okay. Brother, just concentrate on practicing martial arts and studying literature. You don't need these mundane things. Besides, I'm not tired either. Grandpa Zhengqing and the others are here."

Song Boyu felt warm in his heart and touched Xiu Niang's long black hair: "My sister is becoming more and more virtuous, which makes me, my brother, ashamed."

"Brother, there is no need to be ashamed. We are brother and sister. Brother is in charge of moving forward, and I will handle the rest of the trivial matters. You go to the main room quickly, or I will be angry!"

Xiu Niang used an iron spoon to stir the mutton in the pot to prevent it from sticking to the pot, while turning her head and pouting, pretending to be angry.

Seeing this, Song Boyu gently scraped Xiu Niang's nose, pinched her lips, and ran out laughing.

Chen Zhengqing, Ming Yangzong, Zeng Kerou and Song Tong carried the dishes and placed them on the dining table. After serving the dishes, they floated in front of Song Boyu, bowed to them and called them "Master and Grand Master".

Song Boyu gently spoke a few words to the Four Spirit Gods, encouraging and admonishing: "You have done well in the past two months, especially the propaganda of my achievements in dreams has really increased a lot of will power.

However, this kind of method should not be too much, so as not to be found out by the court. It is best to dream of a few key figures, and let them publicize the heroic achievements, but it cannot be turned into worship of gods, which is a big taboo. "

The four spirit gods bowed together again, thanked and obeyed.

Song Boyu looked at them, pondered for a moment and said: "Two months ago, I once said that merit must be rewarded and punishment must be punished. You have done well during this period, especially Chen Zhengqing and Ming Yangzong assisted Xiu Niang in managing the team training. Contribution is large.

In this way, I will give each of you a ray of Xuanhuang Qi, and I will also give Chen Zhengqing and Ming Yangzong pure will power as a reward. "

Song Boyu had considered it more carefully. The Xuanhuang Qi of merit can directly increase the foundation and upper limit of the spiritual god. In this regard, he should try to treat everyone equally. I hope that the amount of power can be directly based on the contribution.

After Song Boyu finished speaking, the cloud of black and yellow Qi of merit above his head that was sinking like a bright sun in Qingyun immediately separated into four strands of black and yellow Qi and submerged into the bodies of the four spiritual gods. The two colors of black and yellow flowed on their bodies and disappeared after a while.

The cloud of pure wish power also separated into two streams and entered the bodies of Chen Zhengqing and Ming Yangzong. The two spiritual gods instantly became larger in size. The strength of the four spiritual gods increased to varying degrees, far exceeding that of the Taoist monks.

"Thank you, Lord! We will serve you wholeheartedly and sincerely." Chen Zhengqing stepped forward and bowed. The other three spirit gods also followed suit. They were not like Chen Zhengqing, a spirit who knows many "little tricks". The meaning of God’s different signs.

After all, Chen Zhengqing did contribute the most, followed him the longest, and had prestige.

Song Boyu nodded slightly, thinking in his mind that in fact, the power of wish can also increase the upper limit of the spiritual god's foundation, but this requires a practice method suitable for the spiritual god, but Song Boyu knows nothing about this and can't help.

Suddenly, Song Boyu thought of something. The obsessive dream of Wu Chengmin, the Dragon King of Xunshui, that he had experienced, seemed to be the dream of the God of Fortune!

He thought to himself: "Perhaps I can enter the dreamland of Xunshui Dragon King Wu Chengmin who has just become a god to deduce the divine canon exercises for the spiritual gods. However, this matter is not urgent. I will wait until I have become the most powerful Yin God in history, and then I will slowly worry about this. thing."

Song Boyu chatted with the Four Spirit Gods for a while, and when Xiu Niang came with the mutton soup, he asked them to sit down and have a feast together.

Although the four spirit gods do not need to eat, they have real bodies and can still experience the taste of delicious food and enjoy themselves for a while.

After eating, Xiuniang and Song Boyu went back to rest, while the four spirits settled down in the house.

Although he ate a whole table of hard vegetables and meat, Song Boyu's ability to transmit the energy from the six internal organs was so strong that he had already digested it all once he returned to the bedroom and performed the Great Zhou Tian.

He quickly fell asleep and entered the silver moon dreamland again. Without any hesitation, he chose the white obsession dream bubble with clear spiritual light.

For real substitution, the time was chosen to be the moment before Song Jingben and his father entered the depths of Daze and the giant catfish appeared.

"Old man, this is a good place. Even if we can't catch the big guys, these stupid fish don't need harpoons, they just need hands!" Young Song Jing said happily with no scars on his face or neck.

(End of this chapter)

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