Chapter 192 Instant Kill
When Song Boyu saw the crow, he felt frightened. He looked at it with his sacred jade eyes. He couldn't see the crow at all. It was just a ball of condensed black air, with eyes, a mouth and three wind holes. Two black flames were beating in the black air. .

The crow seemed to be rubbing against Sun Chengcai affectionately, but in Song Boyu's view, it was black energy that spread out and submerged into Sun Chengcai's body.

As it barked several times, three rays of black energy rushed towards Song Boyu, Cui Jue and Lu Feiying.

The scorching sun of human merit above Song Boyu's head turned, and strands of black and yellow air hung down, like an iron curtain, firmly blocking out the black air.

The crow with eyes burning with flames stared at Song Boyu and screamed a few more times. The sound sounded like a strange scream to other people's ears, but to Song Boyu's ears it became human speech.

"I didn't expect to see a living great virtue here. I don't want to be your enemy, and please don't embarrass me! Otherwise, we will all be destroyed, and all our merits will be turned into ashes. I'm afraid it will be too late to regret."

Song Boyu's eyes narrowed slightly, and his whole body tensed up. He had no intention of saving Sun Chengcai. The reason was very simple. Based on the behavior of Sun and his son who just sat back and watched the success or failure, it was not worth it.

The strange crow was very evil. Song Boyu felt that its strength was at least higher than that of the Yin God. He could not defeat it on his own. A gentleman would not stand under a dangerous wall.

If you should follow your heart, you must follow your heart, otherwise there may not be anyone to deal with it even if you die.

"Brother Sun, take care of yourself. I have something to do with these two disciples, so I'll leave first!" Song Boyu bowed slowly, his divine jade black-yellow eyes always staring at the strange crow, extremely vigilant.

Before Sun Chengcai could persuade him to stay, Song Boyu dragged Lu Feiying and Cui Jue and left with a serious face.

After leaving the county government office, Song Boyu said to Cui Jue: "If you believe me, go and inform your father that he will be sick this month and leave the county to rest for a while."

Cui Zhubo has a good attitude towards Song Boyu. If he can help, Song Boyu is still willing to help.

Cui Jue looked confused, but he was really convinced by Song Boyu and immediately asked: "Master, what did you just see?"

Lu Feiying had a good relationship with Sun Chengcai and wanted to know: "Master, if you see anything, why don't you remind the county magistrate?"

Song Boyu shook his head and did not say anything clearly: "It's hard to say. I just felt frightened and frightened, as if something dirty was peeking at me. This matter is so mysterious, how can I tell the county magistrate?"

Cui Jue, if you don't want to, then forget it. "

Cui Jue thought for a moment, then stomped his feet: "It's better to believe in something than nothing. I'll inform my father and leave with us."

Half an hour later, the sun had set, but because Cui Zhubo was there, Song Boyu, Lu Feiying and Cui Jue's family all left the county smoothly and went to Song Boyu's manor in Daze.

Song Boyu looked back at the county town, still feeling frightened. He could feel that the strange crow was also afraid of him.

"It should be because I am afraid that I am the reincarnation of a so-called person with many lifetimes of merit? To some extent, human merit is more important than an official position. No one wants to kill a person with great merit. Such backlash may be unbearable."

Song Boyu thought to himself, but still felt uneasy. What if he met an ignorant Tiehanhan evil cultivator who just wanted to kill him?
Improving your strength is the best way to fight against all troubles!You must go to the ancient green forest, kill the one-eyed forest owner, and plunder his flesh and blood as the materials for promotion to the Yin God stage!
Early the next morning, Song Boyu left alone, leaving the four spirit gods in the manor for precaution.

This time he didn't even ride a horse and relied directly on his strong body to run. In fact, his running speed was several times faster than that of a horse. Before noon, Song Boyu had already arrived near the ancient green forest.

This is indeed a green onion forest. Each onion is at least one foot tall. Some old onions are even four or five feet tall. They are as thick as four people hugging each other. They are green on top and white on the bottom, and their fragrance wafts out.

But Song Boyu had a serious expression, and there was golden pure Yang essence flowing on his body, blocking this confusing and toxic onion fragrance.

At the same time, the eyebrows bulged, and the divine jade black-yellow eyes appeared in the physical body, shooting out a light curtain to scan the place.

There is a kind of green onion mist with thin spiritual energy. Every ancient onion has its own spiritual energy. There are many naked humanoid monsters running around aimlessly, biting and fighting each other from time to time.

"If you smell the smell, you will be intoxicated. If you eat ancient onions by mistake, you will lose all your hair, become blind, and become a blind monster. Is this entire ancient onion forest full of poisonous spiritual plants? It is really an evil place!"

Song Boyu walked into the ancient green forest very cautiously, drew out the long and short swords, covered them with pure Yang sword light, and began to slaughter them non-stop. After the death of these blind monsters, green blood flowed out, which also had a strong confusing and hallucinogenic effect. .

If Song Boyu hadn't had traces of black and yellow air hanging down from the outside, pure Yang essence flowing inside, and his soul body had become a divine jade immortal soul, he might really be confused by it.

"In such an environment, how dare Ma County Lieutenant and Sun Chengcai come with their soldiers? Are they here specifically to die? Or do they have a treasure they rely on?"

Thinking of this, Song Boyu became more cautious, and his divine jade black-yellow eyes reached their limit, scanning the surrounding area for a mile, removing all obstacles.

The sound of heavy footsteps came from the east. Song Boyu turned his head to the east. The sacred jade eyes stared in that direction. He sheathed his sword and drew the bow. The bow was drawn to the shape of a full moon. The tip of the iron arrow was covered with a sober white sword light. and started to form a group.

Before they even met, Song Boyu activated his killing move!
The platinum spiral sword light made a buzzing sound, easily splitting the green onions around, allowing the blood-red juice of the green onions to flow out, making the place even more evil.

The footsteps became heavier and heavier, but suddenly disappeared, and a shadow appeared above Song Boyu's head.

He had already seen everything with his sacred jade black and yellow eyes. He drew the bow upward with a slight slope, and accurately hit the opponent's head with a perfect arc. Then the spiral sword light exploded, turning his head into flesh, and his huge body Falling from the sky with a bang, a somewhat damaged red one-eye that looked like a gem also landed at Song Boyu's feet.

He put away his bow, stretched out his right hand, took the red one-eye into his hand through the air force, and blocked it with pure Yang essence.

As soon as the one-eye reached Song Boyu's palm, it was about to shoot out a green evil light. Unexpectedly, just as it popped up, it was enveloped by a ball of silver light gushing out from Song Boyu's heart, and then it became obedient and motionless at all. .

"Same as the crocodile fangs at that time, this thing is also considered a forbidden weapon? But this thing is not very strong and has many side effects. It is not very useful for me to hold it, and I don't feel safe if it is used by others. I don't know if it can be used by others. sell away."

Song Boyu casually put it into his bag and walked towards the body of the one-eyed forest owner. The reason why he chose the platinum spiral sword light was because it had extremely strong penetrating power and could just blow off his head and keep his body.

After engraving the Dao pattern on the monster, Song Boyu began to activate the vitality refining technique. Similar to refining the male and female evil gods, the headless one-eyed forest master's bloated body gradually petrified, and the stone skin was like magma, and gradually divided into two parts, turning into Pure aura and vital essence.

But at this moment, the earth suddenly shook violently, and the entire ancient onion forest seemed to come alive. The nearby ancient onions rose up from the ground and rushed towards Song Boyu.

(End of this chapter)

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