The heavens start with Buddhist disciples

Chapter 3 May You Be Treated Gentlely by the World

Chapter 3 May You Be Treated Gentlely by the World

When the sun was setting, Ji Ran found Hu Tiehua and Ji Bingyan in the palace but did not see Chu Liuxiang, so she stepped forward to say hello: "I'm a poor monk, Wu Zhen. May I ask if this is Hu Tiehua, a butterfly?"

"It's Hu. I don't know why you, a monk, want me?" Hu Tiehua replied.

"Forgive me, Master Hu. Shaolin Wuzhen, a young monk, knows that Shi is going to deal with the Stone Guanyin, so I came here with you all."

"The benefactor is at ease against the enemy. The poor monk is only on the periphery. There are some things that need to be answered by the benefactor Shi Guanyin. I hope you will seal off his acupoints after defeating Shi Guanyin. The poor monk is very grateful." After finishing speaking, Ji Ran made a gesture to Hu Tiehua A Buddhist ritual.

"You monk, think how powerful that Shi Guanyin is, and you still want me to keep your hand?"

"And if you go, I might be distracted and guard against you. How can I win?" After Hu Tiehua said this, she ignored Ji Ran without feeling any hostility or malice, and went straight with Ji Bingyan and Zhongyuan Yidianhongyun Qinggong. Go to the apse.

Ji Ran had no choice but to use her Qinggong skills to hang herself behind her, not far or near, and finally stood on the roof of the hall, using her eyes and ears to watch the situation in the room.

I saw a very beautiful woman's long sleeves suddenly flying up.

I thought this woman was Shi Guanyin, but seeing her long sleeves flying like clouds from Xiuxiu, she changed seven or eight postures in a blink of an eye, and said lightly: "Look, I'm using this trick now. If it had been done just now, would you still be alive?"

Another young woman stared blankly, feeling that no matter which direction Shi Guanyin struck, she would never be able to parry it. If Shi Guanyin wanted to kill her, it would be easier than trying to retrieve the object.

After one glance, her face was ashen, and cold sweat was dripping from her head.

He smiled and said, "You should know it by now. Not only can you not use truly invulnerable moves, it can be said that you have never even seen them."

Her eyes suddenly turned to Hu Tiehua, her face sank, and she said coldly: "You saved them, but do you want to fight me yourself?" Hu Tiehua stood there, but he didn't seem to hear her words at all. He was also petrified by Shi Guanyin's move just now.

That move looked like a magnificent dancer, dancing to the most beautiful music when she was in the happiest mood.

No matter who it is, seeing such a beautiful dancing posture, even if it is not distracted, it will feel happy in the heart, then it will take your life when you are in the happiest mood.

Hu Tiehua's mind was spinning, and after much thought, he couldn't think of any martial arts that could defeat this move. If Shi Guanyin used this move to attack him, he would probably fall down.He didn't need to look at whether Shi Guanyin had any other subtle moves, just because a master faced the enemy: just one move was enough.

I saw that although Ji Bingyan's expression was still very calm, beads of sweat were dripping from the tip of his nose, obviously he was unable to break Shi Guanyin's move.

After a long while, Hu Tiehua finally couldn't help but asked: "What kind of martial arts did you use just now?" Shi Guanyin said: "It doesn't matter if I tell you, that move is called 'men cannot see'."

Hu Tiehua was stunned, and said, "Can't men see it? What kind of martial arts is this?"

Shi Guanyin said with a smile: "This is not a great martial art, but no matter who it is, as long as he is a man, he will die if he encounters this move, so men are absolutely unacceptable."

Hu Tiehua frowned and said, "Which kind of martial arts is this?"

Shi Guanyin said: "In the whole world, is there any sect or sect that can create such a move?"

"Take the two most famous sects in the world as an example. The martial arts of the Shaolin sect is too strong and too stupid. It is like a big bowl of braised pork belly. Although it is very filling, it can only make the traffickers and lackeys feast. Really understand People who don’t like the taste will never like such greasy things.”

She smiled and continued: "The martial arts of Wudang Sect is too bland, like a plate of green vegetables and tofu that you forgot to add salt. Although the color looks good, after one bite, it will no longer attract others. Appetite, right?"

She actually regarded the martial arts students all over the world as the martial arts of Shaolin and Wudang sects of Mount Tai Beidou, belittling them to nothing, and her words are really arrogant.

But the metaphor she used was so wonderful. Hu Tiehua thought about the martial arts of Shaolin and Wudang, and then thought about what she said, and she could hardly help but laugh.

Just listen to Shi Guanyin say again: "Although their martial arts are bad, they still want to give them some beautiful names, such as 'Strength Splits the Mountain and Tremble' and 'Subduing the Dragon and Subduing the Tiger'."

"Actually, based on the moves they used, they should have been called 'Splitting Wood' and 'Subduing Cats and Dogs'. But the name I used, although it doesn't sound good, is genuine. I said it was 'Men Can't See You.' ’, it must be invisible to men.”

Hu Tiehua sighed and said, "So, you actually created this move yourself?"

Shi Guanyin said: "To create such a move, you not only have to be familiar with the martial arts of all schools in the world, but also have a good understanding of men's weaknesses. Who else can create such a move besides me? "

Hu Tiehua was silent for a while, then said with a wry smile: "That's right! You really know a lot about men."

Shi Guanyin said: "Now, do you still want to fight me?"

Hu Tiehua and Ji Bingyan sighed at the same time, and said, "Don't dare."

After saying these three words "I don't dare anymore", King Qiuci immediately turned pale, and Princess Pipa also dropped the dagger in her hand.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Hu Tiehua and Ji Bingyan were shot like arrows. There was a tacit understanding between the two. Not only did they speak at the same time, but they also took action in no particular order.

These two people's attack this time is not much different from Qingbeard and Princess Pipa's attack. When Qingbeard and Princess Pipa made a move, they saw the green light and silver rain, and the momentum seemed extremely strong, but at this moment Hu Tiehua and Ji Bingyan made a move , others see nothing.

But in the blink of an eye, the two had already made three moves. As for how they made the move and what kind of move they used, no one could see clearly.

But with these three tricks, others can at least see their silhouettes, but after these three tricks, they can't even distinguish their silhouettes.

The room was full of wind, the wine dishes on the table jingled, and the clothes of Princess Pipa, King Qiuci, and Qingbeard were also excited to dance.

King Qiuci's face turned pale, as if he would faint at any moment.Princess Pipa hurried to help him, but her own hands were shaking too.

Qingbeard held the handle of the knife tightly, although he couldn't see anything, he still stared so hard that his eyeballs almost fell off.

He didn't know how many times he had fought with others in his life, and he didn't know how many scars he had on his body. Even when other people's knives fell on him, he didn't feel afraid.

However, now he is even more nervous than when he was fighting with others.The space in the tent was naturally not too big, and the three body movements were so fast, but the three of them just circled around in that small area, not even touching the table.

Suddenly, the wind stopped.All three figures suddenly stopped.Hu Tiehua clenched his fists, his face was horribly red, but Ji Bingyan's face was even paler, and both of them stared at Shi Guanyin without blinking.

However, there was still a faint smile on the corner of Shi Guanyin's mouth. She still looked so beautiful and peaceful, and even her hair on the temples was not messed up.

She looked like she had just taken a bath in a hot spring, put on her make-up, and was about to go out to meet guests. How could she look like a woman who had just fought someone hard and done something to her? But the three of them stood motionless, not moving. say.

I heard Shi Guanyin let out a long sigh and said leisurely: "Since you already know that you are definitely no match for me, why do you still want to humiliate yourself?"

Hu Tiehua gritted her teeth, and said sharply: "If a man is not to do something, he must do something. There are some things that he knows he can't do, but he still has to do."

He knew that although the word "martial arts" was always connected together, there was a big difference between them. It was not difficult to achieve the word "martial arts", as long as you had the strength and a few skills.

But it is by no means easy to be a "chivalrous person". Although these eight words "If you don't do something, you must do something" may be simple to say, but if you don't have a strong will and great courage, it will never be done. less than.

If a person only knows how to use force to show off his strength and kill people with his bare hands, then he is almost the same as a beast. How can he be worthy of the word "xia"?
Ji Bingyan suddenly said: "You could have taken my life twice just now, why didn't you do it?"

Shi Guanyin smiled lightly, and said: "I haven't met a person who dared to fight me for almost 20 years. Now that I have finally met you, how can I be willing to kill you so easily?"

Hu Tiehua and Ji Bingyan sighed in unison and thought: "Why hasn't Chu Liuxiang come back? If he comes to help, with the strength of the three of us, even if Shi Guanyin's martial arts is really the best in the world, unparalleled in ancient and modern times, we will still be defeated." In hand."

This sentence only lingered in Ji Bingyan's heart, but Hu Tiehua said it out.

He couldn't help but sigh and said: "It's a pity that Chu Liuxiang is not here, otherwise..."

Shi Guanyin also let out a long sigh and said: "It is really a pity. I have heard about Chu Liuxiang's martial arts for a long time. Although I usually don't see anything magical about it, the stronger the opponent I meet, the more powerful I can show it. I have no chance to fight with him." War is indeed a regret of my life!"

Hu Tiehua sneered: "You don't have to feel bad, sooner or later he will come to you for a showdown."

Shi Guanyin said: "I'm afraid there is no chance, you don't need to wait for him."

Hu Tiehua laughed heartily and said, "Do you think that once he leaves this time, he will never come back again? Do you think that Wu Juxuan can put him to death?"

Shi Guanyin said slowly: "If there is only one person in the world who can put Chu Liuxiang to death, that person is Wu Juxuan."

"Just because he has thoroughly studied Chu Liuxiang from head to toe, inside and out, there is no one in the world who can understand Chu Liuxiang's martial arts and weaknesses better than him..."

She smiled faintly and continued: "Think about it, if I thought that Chu Liuxiang still had hope of coming back alive, why would I waste my time with you here and play around?"

Hu Tiehua wiped the sweat off his brow, and suddenly laughed loudly: "There will never be anyone in the world who can really understand Chu Liuxiang, even the friends I have been friends with for 30 or [-] years, can't understand him, let alone Wu Juxuan."

Hearing this, Ji Ran frowned.No, no, senior brother Wuhua is dead. Chu Liuxiang should come here before me. Why is Chu Liuxiang nowhere to be seen?

Could it be that my own butterfly had any effect?
not good!It's the thrush!
Shi Guanyin must have discovered him, thinking that he was a Shaolin who came to clean up the door after knowing Wu Juxuan's identity. To prevent accidents, Shi Guanyin asked the thrush to use a trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain, and called Chu Liuxiang, who had defeated his senior brother, to the secret valley ghost path.

Chu Liuxiang!Chu Liuxiang!Come here quickly, otherwise this place will be a river of blood. "At this point, Ji Ran stopped thinking and jumped into the battlefield: "Amitabha.The poor monk Shaolin Wuzhen met the Stone Donor.

"Little monk, you are not here for Wu Juxuan, but are you here for me? Little monk, are you in love and want to break the sexual precept?" Shi Guanyin replied in a very seductive voice.

"Amitabha. The female donor, please respect yourself. The young monk was raised by Brother Wuhua since he was a child. He is like a brother and a father. How could he have any wrong thoughts about the female donor." Ji Ran felt distressed in her heart.

Although we know that this Shi Guanyin is the biological mother of Brother Wuhua and is already over 40 years old, her figure and appearance are not inferior to those of the old men in her previous life, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

After hearing Ji Ran's reply, Shi Guanyin thought thoughtfully: "It seems that this young monk does know something, so this son cannot be kept. Wuhua will definitely feel unhappy if he kills him, so what? A A son can also violate his mother's will."

Shi Guanyin, who was just about to take action, only heard a thunderbolt roar: "Zha!" Ji Ran's palms were struck directly by the thunderbolt!
This is the world-famous Shaolin Divine Fist. The first thing he uses is his own boxing method. The powerful force of the fist is combined with the power of thunderbolt. It is really earth-shattering!
If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, it would be hard for anyone to believe that Ji Ran, as elegant and gentle as she was, could actually perform such powerful moves.

Shi Guanyin turned around and slashed Ji Ran's vein gate diagonally with her left palm. Her palm seemed ordinary and incomparable with the power of Ji Ran's punch.But this ordinary palm was able to break Ji Ran's fist.

Ji Ran moved his body skills, and before the thunderbolt stopped, he had already punched out four punches, subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger. Each punch was not the essence of Shaolin's magic boxing.However, Shi Guanyin melted away one by one, and even with the attacks, she still had the power to fight back.

Ji Ran punched out eighteen times, but he didn't get the chance at all. His right fist suddenly retracted, and when it was punched out, there was only a "chi" sound, and the fist turned into a finger.

This finger pops out, but it is the "flicking magical power" of the concubine. A sharp gust of wind quickly scratches the "Qimen" and "Jiangtai" points under the right blade of Shi Guanyin.

Shi Guanyin didn't need to be hit by his point. As long as he was swept by the wind, half of his body would be unable to move. He was afraid that he would be killed immediately by Ji Ran's left palm.

But Shi Guanyin tilted his body - just slightly tilted, and pointed at the wind sharply, but he could only sweep his clothes away.

Her left palm had followed Ji Ran's side.Ji Ran's offensive immediately turned into a defensive one. His right hand retracted, and when his left hand was shot out, it had turned into a palm, and the edge of the palm immediately cut into the enemy's "quchi".

Shi Guanyin took a step across and knocked out with his left elbow.

Ji Ran had no choice but to withdraw her moves and change her moves. In an instant, she saw the shadow of her palm expanding, like an empty valley and a deep pool. It was the Shaolin master's unique skill "Prajna Palm".As the name suggests, this palm power is known for its strength. Although it is power, it is not a huge force, palm power, but a power of nothingness.

Use this air power to neutralize Shi Guanyin's attacks and become invincible.

In a moment, Ji Ran has changed three kinds of kung fu: "Shaolin Divine Fist", "Fantasy Supernatural Power", and "Prajna Palm". These are the most prestigious and powerful martial arts in today's martial arts world.

However, the moves used by Shi Guanyin are the most common and ordinary in the world. There are tens of thousands of people in the world who can perform such moves.But it was obviously the same move, but it was different in Shi Guanyin's hands.

Every move she makes is absolutely accurate. Every move she makes is three times faster than anyone else!
These moves may seem insignificant individually, but when two people fight, each move exerts its incredible power!
Ji Ran sometimes simply couldn't figure out how his amazing moves could be resolved by Shi Guanyin's ordinary movements. Not only was he resolved, he could also fight back!
"If you hold on for a moment longer, if Chu Liuxiang doesn't come again in a quarter of an hour, then you will have no choice but to run away." Ji Ran sighed bitterly in her heart.

In the blink of an eye, there were more than thirty moves. When Ji Ran was changing his body shape, he was a little slow for half a beat, and a slender hand hit him on the left shoulder.Ji Ran jumped to the roof of the side hall with a vertical leap.

Although Ji Ran had practiced the magical power of Vajra Indestructible Body, the fire was not enough, so this palm still firmly dislocated his arm bone. "Amitabha. Shi Donor, the poor monk has something he doesn't know whether to say or not."

"Since you don't know, then don't tell it. It's the same if you go down and tell your Buddha. Take your life!" Shi Guanyin scolded.

"Xiang Shuai, how long will it take if we don't take action now?" Ji Ran shouted loudly with the mentality of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor. If Chu Liuxiang comes out, everything will be fine. If he is really not there, he has to run away and make some plans. It’s also a waste of water.

"Master, don't worry, Chu is here!" On the top of the main hall, a Pian Pianjia young man said with a light smile.

(End of this chapter)

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