The heavens start with Buddhist disciples

Chapter 35 Autumn Water Duckweed

Chapter 35 Autumn Water Duckweed
Two major events happened in Qi State on this day.To be exact, it was usually two big things, but today it was one big thing and one small thing.

On the eighth day of April in 265 BC, on this day, in the palace of Linzi City, cries rose to the sky.

The spring rains are dense.

White silk tightly wraps the red walls and green tiles.

Big white lanterns were hung high, and white gauze, white curtains, black gauze, and black curtains covered the entire palace.

Outside Chui Gong Hall
The wind was howling and the rain was getting heavier.Occasionally a few maids and eunuchs passed by on the lonely road.

Compared with the outside of Chui Gong Palace, in Yan'an Palace, concubines, maids, and eunuchs were dressed in mourning clothes, kneeling in rows.

Outside the imperial study.

The ministers, dressed in mourning robes, also lined up and knelt in sequence.

The mountains weep, and the whole country mourns.

On this day, the king of Qi State, King Qi Xiang, Tian Shi Fazhang, passed away in the imperial study.At the same time, a baby's cry, which was not very loud, sounded in the Denghua Palace in the harem.

The youngest son of King Tian Fazhang of Qi Xiang was born at the same time as his father died.

While Queen Mother Jun had to take care of Prince Xiang's posthumous affairs, she also had to worry about the newly born child in the harem.

This child was born to Zhaoyi Tianwen. Although Zhaoyi is also surnamed Tian, ​​she is not a member of the royal family. It is said that she was a member of the Jianghu when she was young.

Queen Mother Jun has always disliked Zhaoyi, partly because of women's nature, and partly because Tian Zhaoyi did get to know Prince Xiang when he was living in the world.

Newborn babies are always loved by people, but this child was born at the wrong time and was not loved by the people in the Qi Palace.

Moreover, the Supervisor Tiansi Si Zheng said that this son was born to defeat his father, and it was a demon star that came to the world. It is actually unknown. The death of the king is mostly due to this reason.

Therefore, Queen Mother Jun gave this son a name, saying: Qian.

In Denghua Palace, Zhaoyi Tian took off the jade plaque she was wearing around her neck with great effort and tied it around the child's neck.

She said softly to the child: "Accordingly, when a new prince is born, the Department of Internal Affairs will send him a safety pendant. One is to congratulate the child, and the other is to pray for the child, hoping that he will grow up smoothly."

"Mom, please let me live up to your expectations and let you be born into this world at the most inappropriate time. Today, I will give you this jade plaque that your uncle gave me. I hope you are safe and well."

Looking at the sleeping child in front of her, Tian shed tears silently.

Although she used to be a heroine, no mother would be so sad to see her child like this, and now even the most basic survival has become a problem.

That's right, Queen Mother Jun did not arrange a wet nurse for Tian Zhaoyi and the little prince because she was busy with the affairs of Prince Xiang's death.

Nowadays, Tian Zhaoyi only has two capable maids in front of her. Tian Zhaoyi is so weak that even getting up is difficult.

Seeing the deserted Denghua Palace, I couldn't bear it anymore and shed tears.

When King Xiang was still there, he was very good to Tian Zhaoyi, and his application was the same as that of the Queen Mother.So the Queen Mother is extremely disliked by Tian Zhaoyi.

After the New Year, King Qi Xiang suddenly fell seriously ill.Tian Zhaoyi was ignored.

King Xiang first had a dry cough, continued to cough up phlegm, and was often short of breath.I also had a splitting headache and felt dizzy when I got up.

Later, my throat hurt, I couldn't breathe through my nose, and I also had a runny nose.Feeling hot and feeling tired.

His condition gradually worsened over the next few days, and King Xiang began to lose his smell and taste.At this time, King Xiang often vomited when eating, and even had diarrhea after eating.

After being in a coma for a month, I found it difficult to breathe, my breathing rate became faster and faster, and I would cough up blood while in a coma.

Finally, on April [-], I couldn't hold on any longer and passed away.

Seven days later, King Xiang was buried and King Jian of Qi succeeded him.Because King Jian of Qi was the famous deposed king of Qi in history, Queen Mother Jun came to the court to listen to the government.

At night, the child cried a lot because he didn't have enough to eat.

Eunuch Zhao, the chief chamberlain, said to Qi Wang Jian: "Your Majesty, when I passed by Denghua Palace today, I vaguely heard a baby crying in the palace."

Qi Wangjian said: "He is a newly born demon boy, and he is crying in Tian Zhaoyi Palace. Why should he do anything?"

Eunuch Zhao said: "Now that the king has just ascended the throne, if anyone hears crying and says that the king is unkind and oppresses his brothers, I am afraid it will damage the holy name of the king."

Wang Jian of Qi heard that it would damage his reputation and said impatiently: "Tomorrow you go and convey the king's decree. During the national funeral, the king's brother did not respect etiquette and law, and his wife Tian's discipline was not strict, so he moved to Dongbaitang to strictly control the king. Brother, restrain yourself and restore etiquette."

Eunuch Zhao responded respectfully: "I obey the order."

Qi Wangjian never thought about how the cries in the harem could be heard in the front palace.

This Eunuch Zhao was the old man of King Xiang. His wife Tian, ​​who had just entered the palace, couldn't bear to see Eunuch Zhao who often used power for personal gain and bullied his servants because of her chivalrous loyalty, so she beat him several times.

After that, Eunuch Zhao had a grudge against his wife, Mrs. Tian.

From then on, there were four more people and two sheep in Dongbai Hall.The four people are Mrs. Tian, ​​Wang Diqian and two maids.The two sheep provided milk to Tian Qian.

Three years passed in the blink of an eye. In the winter of this year, 13-year-old Brother Wang falsely heard that he had a three-year-old brother. Out of curiosity, he brought his servants to Dongbai Hall to have a look.

Dongbai Hall lacks maintenance all year round. Except for the main road, it is covered with weeds.As he walked, Brother Wang seemed to hear a sound in the knee-high grass.

The grass was pushed aside, and a child's head emerged. This was a child whose gender could not be distinguished.

Brother Wang was startled at first, and then carefully observed the child in front of him.

A thin face with oval seeds, yellow and no red color, which is a sign of lack of nutrition.

Dark eyes are lively and energetic; long and thick eyebrows are energetic.

There were two crooked braids hanging from her ears, and the messy hair was blown back and forth on her face by the wind.

He was wearing a thick little leather jacket, and a purple corduroy smock on the outside. It might not be long enough, and a piece of new cloth of the same color was connected to the cuffs and the bottom of the skirt.

After Brother Wang pretended to see the child, he asked, "Whose child are you from? Why are you playing here?"

Before the child could answer, a middle-aged woman ran out and hurriedly protected the child behind her.

He saluted Wang Diqian and said: "To Mr. Xue (the fiefdom where Tianjia is set here is Xue, so he is called Mr. Xue), this is Wang Diqian, your younger brother."

Seeing the woman protecting the child behind her, Tian Ji felt slightly unhappy, so he said, "Why are you protecting him behind you? Can I still eat him?"

"He is my biological brother. Can't I just take a look at him?"

Hearing this, the woman still did not move away, but continued to salute: "Master Qian is weak and has lived here all year round. No one talks to him, so Master Qian cannot speak. He is afraid of bumping into Mr. Xue."

Tian Ji was even more unhappy and said: "Go aside and let me see him. You, a little palace maid, dare to contradict me. Come on! Drag this woman out and beat her to death with sticks."

The woman was shocked when she heard this and knelt on the ground begging for mercy.

When Tian Ji heard this, he just thought that this palace maid was really annoying, she was really noisy.So he urged: "Are you all freeloaders? Drag her away quickly."

Six slaves walked out behind him, preparing to attack the palace maid.At this time, a thin woman from a distance who seemed to float away in the wind came over.

Although the clothes are luxurious, they are slightly washed and washed.

Tian Jia knew that this was his cheap aunt, Tian Zhaoyi. Although Tian Zhaoyi was in the cold palace now, Tian Jia did not dare to be rude. After all, Qi State was governed by Confucianism, and the most important thing was filial piety and etiquette.

So Tian Jie stepped forward and bowed perfunctorily: "My child, Tian Jie, I have met Mrs. Tian."

Mrs. Tian did not show any pretense, but said calmly: "Why do you have to be polite, Mr. Xue? This is just a servant who is ignorant. I will go back and teach him a lesson later. Please forgive me, Mr. Xue."

"Chunhua, why don't you thank Xue Junrende quickly?"

When Tian Jia heard that the lady praised her benevolence, she felt very proud, and she no longer had trouble with the servants like this ant.So he ignored it, and said to Tian: "I am here this time to see that younger brother who has never met, and please arrange it with Mrs. Tian."

Mrs. Tian frowned slightly and said, "He is right there. I think Xue Jun has just seen him. If I stop him, wouldn't it affect Xue Jun's reputation as a virtuous brother and brother?"

When Tian Jia heard this, he felt that this was both benevolent and virtuous, and he felt extremely happy.Recently at Jixia Academy, Tian Jia has just learned "The Analects of Confucius·Xue Er", which emphasizes: "A gentleman is based on his roots, and the Tao is born from his roots. He who is filial to his younger brother is the foundation of benevolence!"

Isn’t this exactly what I am talking about now?So Tianjia said happily: "I came here in a hurry and didn't bring any gifts. I will send someone to make up for it when I go back soon. My brother seems to be too thin. I will ask the dining room to bring more food later."

When Qiu Yue, the palace maid standing on the other side of Tian's family, heard this, she was overjoyed: "Finally, we can improve the food for the young master."

Mrs. Tian said: "Qian can't speak, so I, as a mother, can thank Xue Jun on his behalf and thank Xue Jun for his love and care for his brother."

Tian Jia left happily, and life in Leng Gong became much easier for a while after that.

Tian thought in her heart: "Although Tian Jian (Qi Wang Jian) ​​and Tian Jia brothers are idiots, Taishi Jun (Queen Mother Jun) is not stupid. I am afraid that such a good life will not last a few days."

Sure enough, a month later, Dongbaitang became deserted again.At this time, in the Yide Palace, Queen Mother Jun was reprimanding Tian Jia: "Why are you so ignorant? You were so praised by that bitch that you can't tell the difference between right and wrong."

"'Being filial to your younger brother is the foundation of benevolence!' That means being filial to your parents and respecting your elder brothers. This is the basis of 'benevolence'. Is that bitch your mother? That beast killed your father, why? I can be considered your brother! Don’t go to that unlucky place again in the future.”

Tian Jia felt that he had been deceived by Mrs. Tian, ​​and any sympathy he had for the skinny brother was gone.He even had a grudge against Mrs. Tian because of this.

Over the years, the three women in the cold palace brought some seeds in through some connections outside the palace. They planted some vegetables in the open space in the backyard of Dongbaitang and received some food every month, so that they could barely survive.

But there was no meat, and the food was just enough to keep her hungry. The three women had to live frugally to raise Tian Qian to such a big size.

Tian Qian was three years old and the country was in mourning.King Jian of Qi got married, and the queen he married was Tian Ying, the daughter of Tian Dan, Lord of Anping.Tian Ying once learned swordsmanship from Tian Qian's mother, Mrs. Tian, ​​so the two had a very good relationship.

After King Jian of Qi got married, the queen who was supposed to live in Yide Palace moved into Denghua Palace because Queen Mother Jun still lived in Yide Palace.

A few days later, Tian Ying came to Dongbai Hall. When she saw the woman in front of her, she didn't dare to recognize her for a moment.

I saw that Mrs. Tian's face was now fleshless, covered with a thin layer of hungry bluish-white skin.The body is thin and straight, like a bamboo.

Tian Ying has mixed feelings in her heart. The famous peasant heroine Feifeng Jian Tian Wen (Mrs. Tian) has now become like this.

Looking at Tian Ying with tears in her eyes, Mrs. Tian said: "Don't be sad, after all, I chose him at the beginning. Now that he has gone, I just wish I could go to accompany him immediately."

"The only thing I can't let go of is Qian'er. Now that I have you taking care of him, I think Qian'er will live a better life, and I can go find him with peace of mind."

Looking at the teacher whose eyes were filled with sorrow and who was already determined to die, Tian Ying didn't know what to say for a moment.

Tian Ying picked up the emaciated Tian Qian. Tian Ying touched his head with pity and said, "Sister-in-law will take care of you from now on, don't be afraid!"

Seven days later, Queen Mother Jun received the news.Mrs. Tian died in Dongbai Hall. Before she died, she only wished to be buried with King Xiang.

Seeing Mrs. Tian's request, Queen Mother Jun was angry, very angry.

Queen Mother Jun slapped the table and shouted: "What does she want to do? What does she want to do? A Zhaoyi wants to share the same cave with the king? Then where will I be buried in a hundred years? Does she still want me as the princess?"

The Queen Mother Jun pointed to the chamberlain beside her and said: "Go and hang her body up, beat her, beat her hard. This woman has gone too far. She won't die in Ansheng."

The chamberlain looked at the angry Queen Mother Jun. Although she was scared, she still advised: "Madam, please calm down. If you really whip that person for being a minor, it will damage your wisdom and be written by those great scholars, then it will be a big deal."

After hearing this, Queen Mother Jun calmed down and said: "It is impossible to be buried with the late king. Send someone to get her a thick coffin and bury her in the concubine's mausoleum."

The chamberlain asked again: "What should we do with the demon boy?"

When Queen Mother Jun heard about the demon boy, she felt even more unhappy and thought: "Fa Zhang was killed by this demon boy. According to etiquette, when his mother passed away, I, the aunt, should adopt him. What if he killed me too?" ? It’s better to keep him away from me, I really want to kill the demon boy directly."

Queen Mother Jun said: "Let him continue to live in Dongbaitang, and the price will be reduced by half per application."

The chamberlain immediately received the signal that Queen Mother Jun did not intend to adopt the demon boy and was very unhappy with him.

Mrs. Tian was buried quietly this autumn in the concubine mausoleum.

(End of this chapter)

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