Chapter 37 Jixia Academy
"This is an article on the secret of cultivating the eyes. It can penetrate the movement of internal forces in the meridians of the human body, see through truth and falsehood, and see through illusions."

Ji Ran looked at the bamboo slips in her hand and sighed inwardly: "This is indeed a peerless skill. Although it is of little help to the practice itself, its auxiliary ability is really strong."

So, from that day on, while practicing the Yi Jin Jing, Ji Ran also began to practice this nameless pupil technique.

"This technique cannot change the attributes of the eyes, but you can see more things through your eyes when you perform the technique. Why not give it a name." Ji Ran thought in her mind.

"It is said that one can see through autumn water, and autumn water refers to beautiful eyes. This technique can see through the appearance and go straight to the essence. Why not call it "Autumn Water Spiritual Eyes"."

When Tian Qian was seven years old, a rumor spread in Denghua Palace.

"Have you heard? It is said that because the demon boy entered our Denghua Palace and defeated our empress, our empress has been in the palace for three years and there is still no movement in her stomach." The palace maid Xiaoju said to the other palace maids.

"I heard that! It is said that the demon boy ruined our mother's fortune, causing her to be unable to conceive. If you want to tell me, you should drive him away. I really don't know why my mother pities him." The palace maid Xiaona said.

Another palace maid, Xiao Yan, came closer to everyone and whispered: "I also heard that leaving him in the Qi Congress will affect the fate of the country. If he becomes the king, the country may be destroyed!"

Everyone is talking, you say something, I say something.Anyway, it would be better if Tian Qian died early.

Seeing this scene, Ji Ran only shook his head slightly and sighed: "All living beings are stupid and all living beings are suffering. Forget it, it's better to leave."

So Ji Ran went to Wang Houying and wrote: "I want to go to Jixia Academy to study. It is said that famous eloquence masters are unparalleled. They can definitely make me speak clearly and neatly."

Tian Ying thought for a long time and felt that there was a way, so she said: "It's okay to go to Jixia Academy to study, but you have to come back to live. Do you understand?"

Ji Ran also sighed in her heart that this woman really took good care of herself and protected her very well.

Ji Ran nodded.So the next day, Ji Ran went to Jixia Academy, escorted by guards and palace officials.

The most spectacular "Hundred Schools of Thought Contention" in Chinese history took the Jixia Academy of Qi as the central venue, where dozens of talents with the title of doctor argued, challenged, and absorbed each other.

In the end, it effectively contributed to the formation of academic contention in the world.

It's a pity that Jixia Academy is not as good as before.A hundred years ago, Jixia Academy was very prosperous and accommodated almost every school of thought among the "hundred schools of thought" at that time.

The main ones are Taoism, Confucianism, Dharma, Ming, Bing, Nong, Yin and Yang, Qing and Chong.

There are about a thousand wise men from all over the world, including famous scholars such as Mencius (Meng Ke) and Xunzi (Xun Kuang) of Confucianism, Chun Yukun of the political strategist, Zou Zi (Zou Yan), the founder of the Yin and Yang School, and Tian of the Taoist school. Pian, Shenzi (Shen Dao), Peng Meng, Yin Wenzi (Yin Wen), among whom Shenzi was the pioneer of Legalism in the future.

Today's Jixia Academy offers wine to none other than Xunzi, who will be famous in later generations and is also the last master of Jixia Academy.

In fact, Jixia Academy is not only the highest institution of learning in Qi State, but also the place where the monarchs of Qi State consult and discuss politics.

Originally, King Wei of Qi hoped to use the strategic wisdom of the wise men in the world to achieve his political goal of enriching the country, strengthening the army, and striving for supremacy in the world.Therefore, King Qi Wei spared no effort in financial and material resources, implemented various preferential treatment, and recruited knowledgeable people from all over the world.

It's a pity that the current Qi Wangjian is a waste and doesn't know how to use the treasure in his hands.The Queen Mother Jun seemed to be shrewd and virtuous, and she always liked to compare herself with the Queen Mother Xuan of Qin.

But she herself does not have the political wisdom of the Queen Mother. She is short-sighted, content with the status quo, and does not understand the so-called "death of lips and teeth".

Through communicating with Tian Ying these days, Ji Ran already knew that in the year she was originally born, when Queen Mother Jun first came to power, the Qin State attacked the Zhao State and captured three cities.

King Zhao had just ascended the throne and asked Qi for help.Today's Qin State may have four generations competing for the upper hand, and it is just around the corner to dominate the world.

Faced with this situation, Queen Mother Jun not only refused to join forces with the Qin State, but instead made good friends with the Qin State.

At the same time, he did not support Zhao Guo, and demanded that Zhao Guo "must take Lord Chang'an as a hostage".

Later, due to the situation, the State of Zhao had no choice but to "book hundreds of chariots and hostages for the Lord of Chang'an and send them to Qi. The Qi army then went out, and the Qin army retreated."

Two years ago, when he first moved into Denghua Palace, the famous "Battle of Changping" broke out.

However, Qi sat back and watched the last country among the six Shandong countries that could fight Qin being slaughtered by Bai Qi.

"This Queen Mother is really harming the country!" Ji Ran sighed in her heart: "If I remember correctly, Ying Zheng should have been born in the second year of the Changping War, which means I am 6 years older than Ying Zheng."

When Queen Mother Jun was dealing with the disputes among the Seven Kingdoms, she even compared the conflicts between neighbors at home when she was a child.Finally, the national policy of "Serving Qin and Jin" was adopted.

According to the "Warring States Policy", the king of Qin sent an envoy to Qi State with a set of jade rings, asking the queen to "untie the ring" and "break the ring".

This story not only shows that the queen is somewhat clever, but also reflects the queen's attitude towards other vassal states.

Just imagine, a set of interlocking jade rings implies that the fate of the various vassal states is closely related. If the vassal states join forces, it will be difficult for Qin to deal with it.

Therefore, the King of Qin used the jade chain, which symbolized the interdependence of the vassal states, to test the powerful Qi State. The queen smashed the jade chain with a hammer, which undoubtedly showed that she was not in alliance with other vassal states.

After arriving at Jixia Academy, Ji Ran first went to see Xunzi.Of course, there is another purpose for meeting Xunzi Ji Ran, that is, Ji Ran still doesn't know which world she is in.

Pre-Qin is too mysterious. Even in the pre-Qin period of "Wind and Cloud", there were still masters emerging one after another. However, no matter which extraordinary world it is, Xunzi must be at the ceiling level of this world.

So Ji Ran wanted to see what kind of cultivation Xunzi is now.

When Ji Ran passed by, she heard a voice: "How wonderful it is to have friends from far away!" After hearing this, Ji Ran's face suddenly froze.

Because when ordinary students came, Xunzi would not say that.Being able to say this shows that Xunzi discovered something special about himself.

"Has the practice been discovered?" Ji Ran thought in her mind.

With a calm expression on his face, he walked to Xunzi's door, knocked on the door, and entered.He first bowed to Xunzi, then sat cross-legged in front of the sand table and said in less fluent words: "Wan... Qian..."

In the end, he stood up, picked up a stick and pen and wrote on the sand table: "Junior Tian Qian, meet you sir! I want to learn from you, sir, please accept me."

With the attitude of giving it a try, Ji Ran can use his identity as Wang's brother to directly meet Xunzi, but whether Xunzi is willing to accept him is another matter.

If you accept it, you will have the identity of Xunzi's disciple and you will be safer in the royal city. If you don't accept it, there will be no loss.After all, I was a monk in my previous life, not a scholar.

Xunzi stared at Ji Ran for a long time and then said: "It seems that you are not suitable to be my disciple, but while you are in the academy, you can come and ask me about Confucianism."

Ji Ran stood up, bowed, then turned and left. Xunzi gave Ji Ran a meaningful look before leaving.

Ji Ran knew that Xunzi was not a talkative person, and seeing Xunzi this time, Ji Ran only had one feeling: "Unfathomable."

When staring at herself, Ji Ran felt like her whole body was being seen through.In the end, when Xunzi looked at him, he felt as if he was carrying a light on his back.

Ji Ran then visited Yin Jian, a Taoist who is the son of Yin Wenzi and is now the representative of Taoism in Jixia Academy.

Buddhism and Taoism are essentially one, so Ji Ran and Yin Jian chatted very well together.However, Ji Ran just acted more spiritually and didn't go too far.

Finally, Ji Ran visited Gongsun Cunde, now the head of a famous family. Cunde was also a daughter of a famous family. His father was the famous Gongsun Long, the founder of the sophistry that proposed "A White Horse Is Not a Horse".

Now Gongsun Long is still in the world, but it is difficult to see him due to his status.

Ji Ran had no intention of becoming a disciple of a famous master. He just wanted to use the famous master's eloquence to find a reasonable reason to cure his "illness" of being unable to speak.

So I made an agreement with Gongsun Cunde to start classes tomorrow afternoon.

So what are you going to do in the morning?In the morning, Ji Ran wanted to exercise in Denghua Palace, but she didn't do it in the courtyard. Instead, she lay on the bed and made various strange postures to practice her exercises.

As a Daoyin technique, Yi Jin Jing will have the effect of practicing as long as the movements are in place.

So Ji Ran broke down the movements and integrated them into daily life to facilitate her own practice.

The next afternoon, I arrived at Jixia Academy and watched Gongsun Cunde's teachings to his disciples, as well as a wonderful debate between his disciples and Confucian disciples.

I think Gongsun Cunde felt a little unhappy because he visited Xunzi first.So a debate has been arranged today.

The content of the debate was none other than Mencius' most famous statement: "Life is what I want; righteousness is also what I want; you cannot have both, and you must sacrifice life for righteousness."

Sacrificing one's life for righteousness is the view of Confucian scholars, and the view of famous disciples is naturally that of sacrificing one's life for righteousness.

A Confucian scholar said: "People only live in this world and live in peace."

Mingsheng said: "Fate is the nature of heaven. To get away from fate and take righteousness is against the sky."

The Confucian scholar said: "Righteousness is not for oneself, but for great righteousness. For the country, family, relatives, and friends, one's own life is the life of many others. That is righteousness!"

Mingsheng said: "In the past, Lord Anping used his own merits to bring order to the whole country. He did not kill his fate, but it was also the great justice of the whole country."

After such a heated debate, the famous scholar won the debate with the excuse and conclusion that he could fulfill his righteousness without dying.

"Sure enough, it's a sophistry! Obviously Mencius meant that we should not cherish our own lives when we need to sacrifice to achieve righteousness. As a result, when it comes to famous people, it becomes that life and righteousness can only be chosen between one or the other."

Ji Ran thought in her heart.But he didn't show anything.

Ji Ran showed excitement and excitement, then bowed to Cunde and left.Went to visit Yin Jian.

He also wanted to learn some basics of Taoism from Yin Jian.

The days in Jixia Academy were full and interesting, the only boring thing was Gongsun Cunde's sophistry by famous scholars.But Ji Ran still had to pretend to be loving and happy.

If I show too many talents, I'm afraid Queen Mother Jun will kill me.After all, he was qualified to sit in that position, and Qi Wangjian was a waste.

If he is too outstanding and is supported by nobles and scholar-bureaucrats, he may become a threat to King Jian of Qi.Danger must be nipped in the bud.

It's not good for yourself or Queen Mother Jun.As long as you have no talent or ability, you are the best.

During this period, Queen Mother Jun also found someone to test herself.

"Your Highness, this is your high official Shi Yong. Today I heard that His Highness is studying at Jixia Academy. I wonder what His Highness is studying?" Shi Yong said.

Ji Ran glanced at him, turned around and left without replying.

Shi Yong stuck to it like dog skin plaster and asked: "I wonder what your Highness thinks of the current state of Qi? Are there any shortcomings that Your Highness thinks need to be changed?"

Ji Ran said two words: "No." Then he changed direction and left quickly.

However, Ji Ran failed again.Shi Yong caught up again and asked, "Does Your Highness think Confucianism, Taoism, or famous schools are better?"

Ji Ran was still calm inside.But on the surface, he appears impatient, impatient, or even angry.

Because Ji Ran knew that the problem itself was nothing, and she was interrupted and blocked again and again.If you are still calm, your patience will be enough to scare the Queen Mother Jun.

So Ji Ran was very rude and said impatiently: "Quickly (meaning get out)!"

This time Shi Yong didn't bother anymore, because he had already seen Ji Ran's clenched fists and eyes that were about to spit out fire.Left satisfied.

After Shi Yong walked away, Ji Ran also regained her composure.Today's Ji Ran's performance is that she can say two or three words, but she can't speak coherently and she can't say too much.

"It's so hard to pretend that you can't speak!" Ji Ran felt helpless.But to think about it differently is to show that you can’t even though you know you can.

This kind of patience and hard work is also a kind of practice.Cultivation of the mind is also practice. It is recorded in "Buddha Says Amitabha Sutra": "It is not necessary to talk about it even if it is true and clear."

This means that if this person has a clear mind and nature and understands the true Buddhist principles, then there is no need to express them.

So from the experience of not speaking for the past two years, Ji Ran gradually understood the true meaning of this sentence.Most of the time, just do it and don’t have to say it.Understanding in your heart is the key to everything.

Another year passed like this, and this year Tian Qian was eight years old.When he returned to Denghua Palace in the evening, the whispers of his servants caught his attention.

The palace maid Xiaoju said to the other palace maids: "I heard that the queen mother is dissatisfied with the queen's childlessness for many years and wants to give the king a concubine!"

Xiaona also said: "I heard that too! Xiao Jinzi from Yide Palace said that if the empress doesn't drive away the demon star, I'm afraid her body won't be able to bear it and she will get sick."

Xiao Yan said: "I think the empress has not thought about food and food these past few days, and she occasionally coughs. She must have been conquered by the demon star."

"So Queen Mother Jun is so dissatisfied with me? I really don't know how I offended this woman!" Ji Ran thought in her mind.

On the second day, Ji Ran did not practice martial arts. Instead, she found Wang Houying and told her about her plan to move out to Jixia Academy.

Ji Ran said: "My brother, I want to leave the palace and live under Jixia."

Tian Ying asked: "Why?"

Ji Ran replied: "One is for learning, and the other is for tranquility. When you go to Hua Palace, there will be noisy!"

Now Ji Ran still doesn't speak very fluently.As long as the general meaning is expressed clearly, he has not become like a normal person.

The smart Tian Ying understood immediately that it was the nonsense of those servants that influenced Tian Qian.

However, considering my current situation, I was a little confused: "Is it really because he suppressed my infertility?"

"You might as well let him live out of the palace for a while. If there is no change, just bring him back!"

So Tian Ying, who was silent for a few breaths, agreed: "I will send two servants to take care of your daily life with you."

Ji Ran shook her head and said she didn't need it.

Tian Ying said: "That's fine, then it's up to you."

Within a few days, Ji Ran moved out of Denghua Palace and moved into the student dormitory of Jixia Academy.It is said to be a student dormitory, but it is actually a courtyard for three people.

Ji Ran lived in the hut in the south.The huts on the north and east sides are also still empty.After all, he is the younger brother of the king, so he still needs some special treatment.

Since moving to Jixia Academy, Ji Ran can finally practice openly.

There is a special place for eating in Jixia Academy. Because of Ji Ran's status, she can eat as much as she likes, which is enough preparation for Ji Ran's physical exertion.

Although it is impossible to use medicated baths and ointments, compared to previous years, it is really much stronger.In the deep palace compound, you have to be careful about everything.

However, he still couldn't be too ostentatious. Ji Ran did not go to the yard to practice, but stayed in the room, still focusing on the Yi Jin Jing.

At the same time, the body begins to be strengthened, and the pile exercises should be done for no less than an hour every day.

Ji Ran once bribed several noble princes, got some fabrics from them, and then sent people to Denghua Palace to have the palace people make heavy burdens common in modern society.

Such as leggings, weight-bearing vests and wrist guards.Then add sand and start strengthening your body.

The problem is that you need to set aside at least one hour every day to restore Qi and warm your muscles and meridians.

On this day, a man wearing a scarf and dressed like a scholar moved into Ji Ran's yard.

This man looked about fifteen or sixteen years old, with a well-proportioned figure, but the calluses on his fingers gave him away. He was a sword practitioner.

When he saw someone in the south hut, he knocked on the door hard and said, "I don't care who lives in it. Let this room out quickly. Don't say it's unforeseen."

Ji Ran smiled when he heard this.I'm afraid Queen Mother Jun sent her here again to test herself.Maybe some of his actions made Queen Mother Jun suspicious, or maybe the old lady was bored.

"Want to test my skills? Then I'll let you experience the techniques of famous experts." Ji Ran thought.

"Don't you know the order?" Ji Ran said.

"What are you talking about first and last? Hurry up and give me the room!" The man said arrogantly.

Ji Ran didn't speak anymore, but continued to make various actions in the room.

"The man said again, Master, I have just been selected into the martial arts reserve. If you satisfy me, I will teach you two moves." The man continued arrogantly.

"Is this a reserve of martial arts warriors? That should at least be considered the best among ordinary soldiers, and it can also be considered as the value of public force in this world. You might as well give him a try." Ji Ran thought in his mind.

So Ji Ran continued to ignore it, turned a deaf ear, and continued to do his own actions.

(End of this chapter)

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