official road gallop

Chapter 219 Encounter

Due to the excellent business promotion situation during the day, everyone in Mashan County also continued this mood during the dinner at night. Everyone was elated. Everyone has been attracting investment for so many years. What's more, Chen Buyun has already formulated a corresponding reward plan for attracting investment. According to the new regulations, the minimum reward is three thousandths. How can we keep everyone from being elated? Although this is a collective investment promotion in the nature of official business trips, the team that goes out can also enjoy a share of 1000% of the bonus. If the current trend continues, only It is entirely possible to become a millionaire in one fell swoop.

Regarding this, Chen Buyun naturally didn't have much to say. At the end of the afternoon, the cold water that should have been poured had already been poured, and it had already played a certain role. He couldn't remind him again at this dinner party. It will have a negative impact, so Chen Buyun is also enjoying it. There are two more business opportunities tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. It is necessary to maintain a vigorous and positive attitude.

Everyone had a great time eating this dinner, and people are refreshed on happy occasions. This sentence is really not nonsense.Chen Buyun could see that the crowd still had some unfinished looks, and then looked at the time, and it was only 08:30, so he smiled and said to the crowd: "Okay, let's eat here and come back later Let's sing again in the room, and rest at ten o'clock!" The presidential suite is equipped with a ktv box, and all kinds of equipment are the most advanced, which is naturally known to everyone.

Therefore, the crowd naturally cheered.

"I'll go for a walk! Go back and play!" Chen Buyun proposed to go for a walk in order to make everyone happier.Although everyone is very supportive of him, but in the presence of a leader, he will not be able to perform to the extreme. Chen Buyun knows this very well.

"Director, shall I walk with you?" Fang Wenming said with a smile first.

Chen Buyun waved his hands and said, "Everyone, go and have fun. Only those who know how to rest can work better! Go, I'm free and alone."

Seeing Chen Buyun's remarks, Fang Wenming naturally couldn't say anything more, so he led everyone back to the room with a smile, and Chen Buyun walked out of the gate, wandering around the street in high spirits, like this kind of night It has been a long time since I have tried leisurely strolling alone. Chen Buyun walked aimlessly, feeling the vitality and atmosphere of the provincial capital.

It's already October, and the sky is getting colder, and Lingjiang City at night is even more chilly. However, the pretty girls don't seem to be affected by the increasingly severe cold, and they are still in their bodies. Wearing a beautiful dress also adds a lot of sparkle to this lively city.

People know honor and disgrace when they have enough food and clothing. Only when people gradually satisfy their material requirements will they pursue the affairs of the upper class more and more. Whether a city is developed or not can be seen to a considerable extent through the clothes of its residents. Second.

Chen Buyun moved his body, put his hands into his pockets, and began to feel the hustle and bustle of the city to his heart's content.As if at this moment, I am also a part of this city, and an important member of this city.

Just as Chen Buyun felt the night in Lingjiang City, a silver-white Picasso honked its horn and stopped by the roadside, "Chen Buyun?!"

Chen Buyun followed the sound and saw a young man in a suit and leather shoes waving to Chen Buyun in the car, "Tang Yang? It's you!"

"I said, it's necessary. Damn, it's been a long time since we've seen each other. You're still such a bullshit. I said that I knew it was you just by looking at the way the buddy in front of you is walking like a tiger!" Tang Yang laughed. He opened the car door, walked straight down, and cheerfully gave Chen Buyun a firm hug.

"You're a promising boy. It seems that these two Picasso's came off the assembly line in August this year? It's going to be two hundred or tens of thousands?" Chen Buyun said with a smile, not because he was greedy for vanity, but because he saw his goodness Friends are happy from the bottom of their hearts to have a good life.

Tang Yang waved his hands with a smile and said: "Oh, it's not that you don't know me. This car was given by my father. If I want to make money to buy it myself, I won't be enough to sell it."

"Being able to fight for your father is also an advantage! How have you been in the past two years?" Old friends naturally have a lot to say when they meet each other.

"Let's go, let's get in the car first! Let's go have a drink together. I haven't had a drink for a long time. I miss you!" Tang Yang walked to the other side of the car and opened the co-pilot's door for Chen Buyun himself.

Chen Buyun also wanted to talk more, so naturally he wouldn't make any excuses. When he got in the car, Tang Yang stepped on the accelerator, and the car shot out like an arrow off the string.

"Why did you come to Lingjiang so well? Didn't you work hard in eastern Zhejiang?" Chen Buyun asked Tang Yang with a smile.

"Then what's the point of working hard? It's just hanging around with my dad. It's very boring. This time, I also came here with my dad." Tang Yang was also very happy. After all, he and Chen Buyun were considered bosom friends in college. , This meeting of bosom friends and friends is really a pleasant surprise.

"Could it be that you came to participate in the 'Look at my Lingjiang' business promotion meeting?" Chen Buyun asked with a twitch in his heart. He knew that Tang Yang's family was in business when he was in college, and this time he came from East Zhejiang probably because of such a thing.

"Yeah! I just arrived today, and I've been wanting to contact you all this time, but you've changed your phone number and didn't tell my brother, it's really unethical!" Tang Yang said angrily, you know, he has always been He treats Chen Buyun as a close friend, but Chen Buyun didn't inform him when he changed his number, obviously he doesn't treat himself as a friend anymore.

Hearing this, Chen Buyun quickly explained: "This is not a crime of war. It's because I lost my mobile phone. I didn't want to tell you. I still want to contact you, but your number has also been changed. The phone number at home has also changed!"

Tang Yang nodded and said: "Yes, but I changed my number after I couldn't reach you, it's not that I don't want to tell you, and I've moved, so I don't need the old number, hehe However, today, we can reunite here, it is really something worth celebrating! It is God who sees that we are destined!"

Chen Buyun laughed and said: "It is necessary, it is God's will that our brothers can meet again after such a long distance, hurry up, write down your brother's number!"

"Master, you call my cell phone and drive safely, you don't know!" Tang Yang looked at the front and said with a smile.

"Alright, report your number quickly!" Chen Buyun took out his mobile phone and started to dial the number.

Tang Yang reported a series of numbers with a smile, and Chen Buyun called. Soon, the phone rang, and Tang Yang said, "Hurry up, save it for me."

"Okay! But, you can drink two more glasses later!" Chen Buyun took Tang Yang's phone and began to save his number.

"That's impossible! We don't drink at all!" Tang Yang said with a smile.

Chen Buyun knocked Tang Yang on the head: "Nonsense! How dare you say that a person who treats wine as water doesn't drink at all?!"

Along the way, the two teased each other, as if they had returned to their youthful days in college.The car soon arrived at the side of a four-star hotel. As soon as Tang Yang stopped the car, the phone rang. The communication quality of N Ji's phone didn't matter. Even Chen Buyun could hear the voice on the other end of the phone clearly.

"Bastard, where have you been? Come quickly." There is no doubt that there is no one else who can call Tang Yang a bastard, only his father.

Tang Yang shook his head and said, "No, Dad, I saw my buddy! Tonight, I want to accompany my buddy!"

"Don't talk nonsense, come here quickly!" The voice on the other end of the phone was also a little excited, probably something really happened.

Chen Buyun tried to persuade him: "Old Tang, it's important to be busy with business!"

"Nonsense, our brothers haven't seen each other for more than two years, this is the business!" Tang Yang said firmly, and when he heard such an answer on the other end of the phone, he became even more angry: "Tang Yang, you are not young anymore , your father and I are not easy to make money, this time the matter is very important, come here quickly!"

"I don't! What could be more important than my buddies?" Tang Yang hung up the phone without thinking, and soon the phone rang again. Tang Yang picked it up and turned him off completely.

Seeing this, Chen Buyun quickly persuaded him: "Lao Tang, it's not that my buddies are talking about you, so call uncle quickly and get busy with business!"

"Nonsense!" Tang Yang looked at Chen Buyun and said.

"Old Tang!" Chen Buyun's gaze was firm.

"Old Chen!" Tang Yang's eyes were also very firm, not fake at all, it could be seen that his true feelings.

Chen Buyun sighed and said: "Over the years, your temper has not changed at all!"

"That's a must! Let's get out of the car!" Tang Yang said with a smile.

But Chen Buyun grabbed him, and said firmly: "Go to Uncle's place, at worst, bring me along to see the world!"

Tang Yang was silent for a while, but still shook his head: "They're all a bunch of dog officials, there's nothing to see. You'll be angry if you see them."

"It's okay, I'm going with you, I'm afraid!" Chen Buyun said with a smile.

Tang Yang hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "That's good!"

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