official road gallop

Chapter 269 Perfection

After leaving Chen Buyun's office and returning to his own office, Fei Haidong couldn't calm down for a long time. He was deeply impressed by the method Chen Buyun proposed to resolve the conflict. He originally thought that the reasonable method was based on Chen Buyun's proposal. It seems so ridiculous, so ignorant.

To say that Chen Buyun's plan does not mean that there are no problems, but it can be said to be the most practical and least hidden method. The company organizes training and learning, so that the trained employees can put into production as soon as possible There are fewer detours, and the relevant costs of this training are borne by the government, which means that the relationship between these trained workers and the company is just a simple employment relationship. In this way, if employees At that time, if there are situations such as resignation and resignation, then there will be no conflicts with the company because of the training.

This is the correct approach that not only solves the problem, but also eliminates hidden dangers, and it is also very effective in propagandizing. It is the first time in Lingjiang Province that the people are organized to learn a skill with full funding from the government. And it is also very in line with the fundamental core content of our socialist China, which is to serve the people wholeheartedly.

This way of getting the best of both worlds is really admirable.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Fei Haidong began to further arrange the work according to this rationale. During the arrangement, suddenly a grassroots cadre said that Fei Haidong hesitated, yes, the whole government In terms of additional funds, if all people come to study for free, how much burden will the government have, and it is not ruled out that some people will only study and not participate in work, which will be contrary to the original purpose. Sometimes, if the company does not have enough workers, wouldn't it be impossible to implement the investment? !In that case, there will be no win-win situation.

After hearing such opinions, Fei Haidong also strongly agreed. Although we should not immerse ourselves in the dark side of human beings, we must take this into consideration. After all, another aspect of this training The purpose is also very clear, that is to solve the problem of the lack of skilled workers in the enterprise. If this cannot be solved, then this kind of training will only become a short-lived place, and naturally it is not in line with Chen Buyun's long-term development route.

However, if Chen Buyun's proposal is changed at this time, will Chen Buyun hold grudges in his heart? !Fei Haidong fell into deep thinking, and followed Chen Buyun's instructions directly. At that time, it was inevitable that there would be some difficulties caused by the original sin of selfishness. It will cause Chen Buyun's dissatisfaction! ?

This is a difficult choice. Fei Haidong thought about it for a while, but he still couldn't make a perfect decision. In the end, he decided to take a gamble. Based on the observation and understanding of Chen Buyun, Chen Buyun will definitely not be the kind of person who is jealous, he will naturally not hold grudges because of his own perfection, on the contrary, if he loses his autonomy, he will blindly obey and cater to , Such leading cadres are definitely not what Chen Buyun is willing to appoint.

After thinking about these two points, Fei Haidong plucked up his courage and went straight to Chen Buyun's office. Liang Liang was also interested in Fei Haidong's going back and forth, and greeted with a smile: "Director Fei, is there any help?" Forgot something here? Just give me a call and I'll send it to you. "

Fei Haidong waved his hand, threw a cigarette to Liang Liang and said with a smile, "Come and report to the boss."

"Reporting to work again!? You are really dedicated." Liang Liang praised with a thumbs up.

Fei Haidong smiled, his face was rather smug, but his heart was in a panic. After all, guessing was just guessing. If Chen Buyun's reaction was different from his own guessing and judgment, wouldn't he be asking for trouble? !Thinking of this, Fei Haidong quickly organized sentences in his mind, and thought about the corresponding improvement methods. He knew that Chen Buyun didn't like people who only pointed out problems but couldn't come up with solutions. The class has been prepared, and if there is no complete preparation, it will be useless to come.

After a while, Liang Liang came out and motioned to Fei Haidong to let him in. Fei Haidong nodded and knocked on the door. After getting Chen Buyun's permission, he opened the door and entered.

As soon as he entered the gate, Fei Haidong's heart started beating faster, and it seemed that the blood in his body began to boil. This was a gamble. Although it was based on analysis, it was still a future after all. Unknown, but here, there is nothing to retreat, wealth and wealth are in danger, and they will fight.

Facing Chen Buyun's questioning eyes, Fei Haidong seemed to be greatly comforted. He took two steps forward, handed over a document with both hands, and said respectfully: "Boss, I just analyzed and arranged according to your instructions. , has received unanimous praise and approval from the grassroots cadres, and people say that it is a blessing for the people and a blessing for Mashan to have a leader like you in Mashan County."

Chen Buyun chuckled, and took a look at the document in his hand. Although the time was very short, Fei Haidong was able to formulate a corresponding implementation plan with his own ideas, and came up with the corresponding budget cost. He showed Fei Haidong's ability, but Chen Buyun knew that Fei Haidong's coming here was definitely not to flatter him, so he raised his hand with a smile and said, "Let me get to the point , There is no need to say more about these empty-headed words."

"Hey, hey, but boss, I'm speaking from the bottom of my heart. It's definitely not empty-headed words. Every sentence is true, every sentence is true, and it's a lie. I didn't just make it up." Fei Haidong He laughed and argued, as if he had been wronged and wronged so much.

"Okay, it's a pity that you don't want to make a movie. My mental capacity is still good!" Chen Buyun sat up straight, looked at Fei Haidong and said with a smile.

Fei Haidong smiled and gave his head away. He knew the truth that too much is too late. This flattery is enough. If it continues, Chen Buyun, who has always been pragmatic, will not be happy, so he said calmly: "Originally According to what you said, boss, it is indeed a blessing for the people. However, we cannot rule out that there will be some boring people among them, who just come to study without applying, or come to study and go to work in other places. And also It is not ruled out that some people will relax their minds because the training opportunities are too rare, wasting precious learning opportunities, and causing others to lose such opportunities.”

Chen Buyun nodded. He understood Fei Haidong's worry. He was afraid that the government had spent a lot of money on several training courses, but the people who were trained did not come to the garment factory to apply for jobs, or went to other places to apply. , such things are very likely to happen. Sometimes, people who make such choices cannot be explained by saying that as long as the benefits are high, they will definitely stay and work in the local area.

Fei Haidong's ability to look at problems is still very strong. Chen Buyun secretly praised it in his heart. This is indeed taking into account the possible risks in the future. This is the quality that a person who makes an implementation plan should possess. Chen Buyun Smiling and encouraging Fei Haidong said: "Then how do you avoid such risks?"

As soon as these words were uttered, Fei Haidong was lingering in his heart. He was waiting for Chen Buyun's question. Jumping out of his throat, after taking a deep breath and hiding his excitement, Fei Haidong came up with his own solution: "That is, half of the personal advances, half of the government subsidies, and after the training is over, If the application is successful, half of the person’s advance payment will be subsidized within three working days. If the application fails or the training is not passed, the half of the person’s advance payment will no longer enjoy the government subsidy.”

Fei Haidong uttered the words in his heart, and looked at Chen Buyun full of expectation. He really wanted to know what Chen Buyun thought of his approach, which was where he concentrated his hard work.And his consideration can be said to be very operable. The credibility of the Mashan County Economic and Technological Development Zone Management Committee is still very strong, and it is also very trustworthy by the people. Convince the people that this is the truth and not a deception.And the stressful training will definitely make people cherish this training opportunity, and they will work harder to learn, which is the only way to stimulate learning.

Chen Buyun looked at the solution submitted by Fei Haidong, nodded, but added: "This plan is very good, but there is still one thing that needs to be changed, that is, to delete the words 'failure to apply', As long as he can pass the training, then we are responsible for the full amount of funds, because we are a collective that serves the people."

Fei Haidong nodded, but he didn't take it seriously. The government's burden is also very heavy. It may not be a good thing to take care of everything like this.At that time, someone will definitely take advantage of the loopholes.

Chen Buyun naturally understood this, and continued to add: "However, on top of the full training subsidy, there must be an additional scope, that is, only people in Mashan County can enjoy this kind of treatment. We are only the government of Mashan County. When we don’t have enough strength and name, we can only serve the people of Mashan County for the time being, and this is a last resort.”

"Yes! Boss!" Fei Haidong smiled and nodded.He understood what Chen Buyun meant. If the locals in Mashan County came here with the mentality of just coming to study and not applying for jobs, then they would be hired if they were hired by the Economic and Technological Development Zone. After all, this would also provide better employment for the people of Mashan County. It is indeed the responsibility of the government to provide help. After fulfilling its responsibility, naturally there will be no regrets, and there will be no regrets.

Who made our core purpose to serve the people wholeheartedly!

(The third watch will be around eight o'clock in the evening.)

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