Although Chen Buyun had some hesitation when he saw Li Yuefeng's ashen face, but in fact he was not worried about it at all in his heart.

Some people are at work from the mentality of a gambler, but Chen Buyun is definitely not at work from such a mentality. You must know that this plan to deliberately let the "blocking the road" appear in front of Li Yuefeng can be said to have been carefully considered in advance, and it is also true. Based on the in-depth study of Li Yuefeng, of course, it would be nonsense to say that there is no danger at all. There are no [-]% things in this world.

But for any decision or choice, you have to give up some in order to gain something.

Although this matter is risky, compared with the benefits, it is not worth mentioning at all.

Chen Buyun was in a good state of mind, but all the Mashan county cadres present were ashamed, their heartbeats continued to speed up, and it reached their throats, as if they could jump out of them all at once. Everyone never expected that in such a good situation, Now, such a thing will actually happen, which is really unacceptable to everyone.

And the clearing police car at the front of the convoy had already acted quickly to persuade Ergouzi's family who blocked the road from passing. Although the secretary of the provincial party committee was behind, it was not easy to carry out rough law enforcement. At this time, the hearts of the policemen were also aroused, and the anger in their bodies was far more manic than that of a bird. Although it was not easy to express in actions, they were still very powerful in words and eyes. The ordinary Er Gouzi secretly regretted it at this time, but at this time, it would be useless to regret again. The Er Gouzi's family had no choice but to bite the bullet. Anyway, after the compensation was in place this time, They didn't plan to stay in Mashan County anymore. Thinking of this, the morale of Er Gouzi's family became stronger, and they resolutely stated that they would carry out the "blocking the road" to the end.

Yan Yanlin's face was very serious. Although Chen Buyun had already gotten through with him and was mentally prepared, when this happened in front of his eyes, he was still very shocked, especially when the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee approached him. The watery face in front of him still made him very nervous. You must know that such a "blocking the road" incident in front of the secretary of the provincial party committee can be regarded as a political incident, and it cannot be taken lightly. .

The only way out now is to hope that Secretary Li is really like what Chen Buyun analyzed. Thinking of this, Yan Yanlin feels much better, because Chen Buyun has never let him down before, and he firmly believes that this time will be the same. There will be no exceptions, what's more, the matter has already happened, and it will not help to worry too much. The most urgent thing is to try to prevent Li Yuefeng from making an immediate negative reaction.

The two people who knew about it already had the mentality of a fearless communist fighter, while those colleagues in Mashan County who didn't know about it looked at each other in blank dismay, filled with despair in their hearts. Especially the villagers in several villages in the southern area immediately clamored: "Secretary Li, don't believe that Er Gouzi is so cowardly."

"Yes, Secretary Li, this is Er Gouzi and the others blackmailing."

"Such a scum in our village is really committing crimes."


Li Yuefeng's mood at this moment is different from the sullenness he saw just now. What he saw and heard in the Economic Development Zone before all proves that the Management Committee of the Economic Development Zone in Mashan County is indeed a rare one. A thoughtful, thoughtful, and united and positive group, no matter what aspect it is, it proves that Chen Buyun is an outstanding cadre who has a long-term vision, acts resolutely, and serves the people wholeheartedly.

If such a collective, such cadres will cause any incidents of "blocking the road and rioting", there are only two situations. One is that the Mashan County Economic Development Zone is too good at disguising;

Thinking of this, Li Yuefeng heard the call signs of the representatives of the masses again, and he began to worry about it. As a confident leading cadre, he believed in his own judgment, and he did not want the first situation to happen, because in that case, Doesn't that mean he doesn't know people well? !He was determined not to admit it.

Just when Li Yuefeng was about to speak, he saw Chen Buyun coming to ask for instructions very upright, without any panic on his face, and still so calm, which made Li Yuefeng admire secretly.It is a rare talent to have such a calm spirit at such a young age. It is no wonder that Chen Buyun was able to transform the Mashan County Economic and Technological Development Zone from an empty shell into a cornucopia now. People as unrestrained as Guan Ling admired it.

Thinking of this, Li Yuefeng's mood improved a lot, but his face was still very serious. Looking at Chen Buyun, he wanted to see what he wanted to do.

"Secretary Li, this should be a dispute during the land acquisition of the Economic Development Zone. We have a clear conscience and have done a lot of work in the Economic Development Zone. However, this family is legally illiterate and behaves relatively well." Li Yuefeng and Chen Buyun spoke slowly, without the slightest panic.

Li Yuefeng looked at Chen Buyun calmly, and then asked slowly after a while: "Do you really have a clear conscience?"

"Indeed!" Chen Buyun met Li Yuefeng's eyes very seriously, and replied seriously. At this time, the representatives of the masses had already arrived near Li Yuefeng. Although they were separated by the staff, people's The voice is still very strong.

"This is the people of the Southern District." Chen Buyun helped explain.

Li Yuefeng nodded and looked at the crowd.

Chen Buyun added again: "It is estimated that they are afraid that this matter will slow down the construction of the Economic Development Zone. They have been waiting for the development of the Economic Development Zone for a long time. This is their real interest and their fundamental interest." Although there is no To be blunt, the meaning of Chen Buyun's words was very clear, that is to remind Li Yuefeng that these representatives of the masses were definitely not selected by him deliberately in advance, nor were they specially arranged.

Hearing this, Li Yuefeng looked at Chen Buyun, smiled and said, "Xiao Chen, aren't you afraid of melon fields and plums?"

"With a clear conscience, naturally there is no fear." Chen Buyun responded seriously.

"What a clear conscience!" Li Yuefeng laughed. Although the ins and outs of the "blocking the road" incident are not clear yet, he is willing to believe in Chen Buyun, and he also believes in these people. Interested people can have the look and excitement.Moreover, no one would be so bold as to be deceived by such a large-scale planning, and he also believed that no one would think that such a thing would happen, and make corresponding arrangements in advance.

Yang Zhong is the person in charge of security for this inspection, and he reacted very quickly. When Chen Buyun was talking to Li Yuefeng, he had already deployed the police force to control the people blocking the way, but he was about to control those individuals. At that time, I heard Chen Buyun's phone call: "Director Yang, Secretary Li wants to see them and ask them to come over with two representatives. The others are also standing by the side of the road."

Yang Zhong doesn't understand this. You must know that such a scene can easily cause crowds to watch, especially this kind of plot similar to "stopping the sedan chair to file a complaint" is something that people like to hear and see, and now it can be shown in front of your eyes , How can this prevent the idlers from being very interested, and it must be necessary to cause onlookers. By then, security work will be even more difficult to guarantee.

However, Yang Zhong gritted his teeth and followed Chen Buyun's phone call. He firmly believed that Chen Buyun would not harm himself. You must know that if anything happened on the territory of Jingkai District, Chen Buyun is also the most responsible person, no one will joke about his political life.

Yang Zhong waved his hand and said to the policemen who had already controlled the seven members of Ergouzi's family: "Let them send two representatives, and the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee wants to see them. The rest will stay by the side of the road." After finishing speaking, Yang Zhong He looked helplessly at the gradually increasing crowd, waved his hand and said, "Control the crowd, don't form a crowd." Although he also knew that this order was useless, he didn't say it, and the nature of doing it or not was different. of.

The Er Gouzi's family couldn't help but startled when the police ruthlessly controlled them. They could imagine their tragic experience if the gangster who blocked the road didn't get the attention of the provincial party committee secretary.He even felt a little bit regretful, and his heart was indeed guarded by officials and officials. At this moment, he heard that two representatives could be sent to see the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee.

Er Gouzi and his son Er Gazi were as excited as if they had been beaten with chicken blood. They seemed to have completely won the victory. When they looked at those vicious policemen again, they seemed to be looking at some clowns.Er Gazi snorted triumphantly, flicked his sleeves, and followed Er Gouzi to the Provincial Party Committee Secretariat.

As there were more and more people, Er Gouzi couldn't help but secretly nervous. He looked at Er Gazi and asked hesitantly: "Son, we, should we accept it as soon as we see each other? It's said that they are officials and guards." ah."

"You old fool, it's already at this time, there is no way to retreat, now it's a bullshit official and guard, the surname Yan and the surname Chen are not the secretary of the provincial party committee, they belong to a different party. faction, now I’m afraid that the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee is worrying that there is no reason to take them down, listen to me, that’s right, I won’t be a human being if I don’t let this anger out.” Er Gazi looked at Chen Buyun, his eyes full of hatred .Nima, you have so much money, even if you give my family an extra one hundred thousand, are you still human? !

After hearing his son's firm words, Er Gouzi was right after thinking about it. After reaching this point, it was impossible to retreat any further, so he had to bite the bullet and continue to move forward.

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