official road gallop

Chapter 52 Confrontation

When Chen Buyun stepped out of the meeting room, he felt a chill all over his body. It turned out that his clothes were already wet with sweat. Liao Yuanming was really good. As long as he directly stated his position, no one in the Standing Committee was willing to directly refute it, but , Chen Buyun firmly believed that Liao Yuanming like this would not last long. He had served as the secretary of the Mashan County Party Committee for almost five years. It is an inevitable general trend, and there is no doubt about it. Coupled with Liao Yuanming's domineering, Chen Buyun believes that although the members of the Standing Committee don't say anything, there is some discomfort in their hearts. This uncomfortable emotion has accumulated for five years. This year, it's time to brew and ferment.

There is no doubt that the rise of Yan Yanlin is the catalyst that can trigger this outbreak of fermentation. Chen Buyun is convinced of this. Today's speech by Minister of the Communist Party of China Ge Jingshen undoubtedly proves Chen Buyun's judgment. The first one, how far is it from the second? !It's just that, right now, it's impossible to completely pin our hopes on the outbreak of other people's fermentation. The most urgent thing is to take it step by step, first of all, to fight the battle of the Public Security Bureau.

After sorting out his thoughts, Chen Buyun went downstairs, but before he went downstairs, Yang Shengxing ran over with a face of panic, grabbed Chen Buyun and said anxiously: "This is not good, come out." It's a big deal."

Chen Buyun's heart tightened, but his face was extremely calm and he asked with relief: "What's the matter, Brother Yang, did the interrogation reveal some serious inside story?"

Yang Shengxing looked around, pulled Chen Buyun aside, and said softly, "Isn't it? The three cowards from the Chengbei Police Station are nothing more than that, and those three bastards have become addicted to drugs, and they've recruited everything."

"Brother Yang, tell me quickly, what are you recruiting for?" Chen Buyun couldn't help becoming interested when he heard this. These 5 minutes are extremely precious, and he doesn't want to just waste them like that.

Yang Shengxing handed over a transcript and said: "Those three bastards, the leader is called Biaozi, a famous mountain cannon in the northern part of the city. Originally, I just thought they were colluding with those scumbags from the northern police station to oppress goodness. , Their case is really not small, and it even involves drug trafficking and transportation."

"Is this not directly related to the Chengbei Police Department?" Chen Buyun took the transcript and began to check it. This is important news. If it is true, the nature of this matter will completely change, and the director of the Public Security Bureau The transformation of will obviously also be the trend of the times.

Yang Shengxing nodded repeatedly and said, "Isn't it? Those guys from the Chengbei Police Station have come forward to protect them from robbery and so on. There is no reason why they should not be involved in such a huge profit as drug trafficking and transportation. This is something that has been rare in our county in recent years. There is a big case." At this point, Yang Shengxing couldn't help rubbing his hands, looking both excited and nervous.

Chen Buyun looked at the record carefully, and there were indeed the signatures of Biaozi and other three bastards on it. Sure enough, this drug addict is unreasonable when he is addicted to drugs. He dares to say anything. These are all beheadings. crime.After clapping the record in his hand, Chen Buyun asked further: "What did the three policemen say?"

"What else can I say, of course it is a denial. They are not addicted to drugs, how could they be so confused? This seems to be a crime of beheading." Yang Shengxing said with a smile.

"Well, Brother Yang, thank you for your hard work, and I hope you will seize the time to further implement it. It is best to confiscate those drugs immediately. You are not unaware of that domineering person." Chen Buyun suppressed the excitement in his heart, calmly thinking about further countermeasures.

"That's, that's, on this point, you still have to trust your brother Yang, my uncle has personally led the team to escort that Biaozi, I believe he will be able to gain something soon, a person who is addicted to drugs , you don’t know, they won’t hesitate to let them eat feces and drink urine, as long as they can have a little hope of getting white powder.” Yang Shengxing said with a smile.

"Okay, then, brother Yang, please continue to follow up. The opinions inside are very different now. I have to go in immediately. If there is any major breakthrough, I must call me. Secretary Liao is not ordinary domineering. "Chen Buyun quickly ordered Yang Shengxing, turned around and walked to the meeting room, suddenly remembered again, turned around, looked at Yang Shengxing and added: "This matter involves a lot, I believe, those guys from the Chengbei Police Station I'm also willing to find a scapegoat. If we don't have sufficient evidence, then I think we can definitely grasp what we can grasp first. Brother Yang, you are smarter than me, you should understand this point?"

Facing Chen Buyun's eyes, Yang Shengxing nodded repeatedly with a smile, and praised: "I understand, I understand, no wonder you can become the county magistrate's secretary. If you have anything to do in the future, feel free to talk to our brother."

Chen Buyun gave Yang Shengxing a thumbs up, turned around and entered the meeting room with the notes.

During these few minutes, Yan Yanlin could be regarded as sitting on pins and needles, living like years. He also knew that Chen Buyun's mobile phone must have done it on purpose, just to interrupt Liao Yuanming's aura. Take the risk, although Chen Buyun verbally said that there might be some important breakthrough, but Liao Yuanming will definitely not agree to this statement. If Chen Buyun can't bring some key breakthroughs later, he must bear Liao Yuanming's strong anger Yes, although Yan Yanlin appointed Chen Buyun as his secretary for only a few days, he has already regarded Chen Buyun as his right-hand man. If Chen Buyun is hit all of a sudden, Yan Yan Lin will be very sad.

However, Yan Yanlin has confidence in Chen Buyun. Although the situation is critical, he always feels that Chen Buyun has such an aura that others can't. This transcript.

All eyes in the conference room were drawn to the transcript in Chen Buyun's hand.

Looking at Chen Buyun's calm appearance, Yan Lin's contradictory psychology finally became one-sided, and his heart was full of excitement and joy. Xiao Chen is Xiao Chen, and he really has the ability to turn decay into magic, and the power to create miracles.

"Buyun, is there any major breakthrough in the case?" Yan Yanlin asked first, but in a casual tone, without showing any excitement or expectation. Seeing this, the members of the Standing Committee also spoke highly of Yan Yanlin in their hearts To be able to maintain an ordinary heart at such a critical moment, without showing emotions or anger, is a necessary condition for a person to achieve great things.

Chen Buyun nodded solemnly, showed the interrogation transcript in his hand to the members of the Standing Committee, and replied solemnly: "The bastard Zhang Biao and the other three have confessed, and the contents are shocking. In addition to providing asylum, the behavior also involved the disappearance of foreign merchants at the farmer's market five months ago, the fire at the building materials market seven months ago, and more seriously, drug trafficking and drug transportation under the protection of police officers. event."

Chen Buyun's words immediately caused an uproar among the members of the Standing Committee. They never expected that this matter would be so serious that they would not mention such nasty incidents as drug trafficking and drug transportation. The cases of missing merchants and fires in the building materials market are bad enough.

You must know that these two cases brought a lot of pressure to the Mashan County government at the time, and also suffered a lot of criticism. Everyone in the Standing Committee present was deeply impressed. , It is also an act of collaborating with the police, which raises the nature of the incident to a very high level.

Yan Yanlin couldn't stop being happy when he heard the words, but on the surface he still looked very serious and serious: "These things are true, is there any real evidence?"

Chen Buyun nodded heavily: "The interrogation records all have criminals' signatures and detailed details, and the criminal police team has already gone to collect drugs under the leadership of Deputy Director Yang. According to conservative estimates, As much as 350 grams of heroin, methamphetamine, and k-powder will be involved, and there are vile acts of instigating minors to sell and transport drugs."

The whole meeting place suddenly boiled up. If it is true what Chen Buyun said, this is the first drug trafficking case in the history of Mashan County. Even in Shanghai He City, it is rare to see such a major vicious case, and it is even more serious. What is surprising is that these vicious cases actually happened under the protection of police officers, which undoubtedly adds to the implication. If the incident breaks out, it will be appalling, and it will undoubtedly affect the people of Mashan County. His image caused an immeasurable blow and loss, and as the main leadership of Mashan County, everyone, if not all, had to bear certain leadership responsibilities, at least they would have a dull face.

Liao Yuanming was sitting on the chairman's seat, his face was livid, and his two big hands were tightly twisted together under the table. It was an extremely dishonorable thing for such a bad behavior to happen under his subordinates, not to mention, in this case In the above, Liao Yuanming actually played a very disgraceful role, but he hid it very deeply. He also firmly believed that it was basically impossible for him to be involved in this. However, such a large profit must be paid in the future. Somewhat restrained, Liao Yuanming's heart was on fire when he thought of this, and his cold eyes shot bursts of hatred towards Yan Yanlin and Chen Buyun.

Well, you Yan Yanlin, and you little secretary, since you want to ruin my fortune, don't blame me for being ruthless, and want to cut off your livelihood!I want you clowns to have a good understanding of the current situation. In this Mashan County, I am the king!

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