official road gallop

Chapter 625 Pressure

After gaining the full support of the city, Mashan District took the lead in launching the layout of SARS prevention and control. After three days of initial publicity, the corresponding equipment began to be gradually put in place. This time, Mashan District was widely recruited. The order has already preliminarily ordered as many as 80.00 infrared thermometers, and tens of thousands of mercury thermometers. Fortunately, the mercury thermometers are 350% ready in less than a week, and the infrared thermometers are also in place. The first There are [-] units in batches, which not only can realize Chen Buyun's previous budget, but also monitor all the imports and exports of the entire Mashan District, and implement the insurance model of dual thermometers and one pass.

In this way, not only is there a certain guarantee in terms of safety, but also the degree of attention is very moving. It will be launched first in Mashan New Town, and three days after Mashan District will follow up, Shanghai Cooperation City will also Gradually launched the propaganda and prevention and control of SARS.Its approach and plan basically followed Chen Buyun's approach and plan, and basically achieved the consideration of a game of chess for the whole city.

Of course, when the propaganda was launched, it followed the advance prevention and control and the introduction of SARS knowledge. It was fair, just and open, which minimized the panic of the masses. Of course, it does not rule out the participation of a few elements with ulterior motives. Among them, the negative propaganda and incitement were all captured one by one by the public security department that had been prepared for a long time, and they were relentless. Moreover, these instigators were directly assigned to the planned isolation area for suspected patients to build an isolation zone. In this way, those potential gangsters with ulterior motives were immediately silenced. This labor reform is nothing, and it is not a joke to go to the quarantine area for labor reform.No "brave" or "boring person" dares to try one or two.

Coupled with Chen Buyun's accumulated character in Mashan District, the government's credibility is still at a very high level. Therefore, Shanghai Cooperation City can be regarded as the city with the best prevention and control and the earliest prevention in Lingjiang Province. Mashan District is the county with the best prevention and control and the earliest prevention in the entire SCO City, and Mashan New Town is the town with the best prevention and control and the earliest prevention in the entire Mashan District.

Such a big move naturally quickly attracted the attention and attention of the outside world. Many people did not understand the actions of the Shanghai Cooperation Market, especially Chen Buyun. Several lives have passed away, but these few lives are really nothing compared to a population base of tens of millions. What's more, there are two provinces between Lingjiang and Guangnan. Whether it is geographical distance or psychological distance, it is still in a relatively safe range.Therefore, everyone does not understand Chen Buyun and the prevention and control measures taken by the SCO, and they are also quite pessimistic.

However, for Chen Buyun, no matter how much money is spent, it is still worth it. You must know that the contagiousness of SARS is too powerful. , in that case, the decision would be a disaster.As for whether others understand or not, he doesn't care, what he cares about is the actual effect and the result.

However, in the eyes of the local people, the prevention and control measures adopted by Mashan District are the most correct behavior. They already have a relatively clear understanding of the dangers of the SARS virus, although this understanding is not intuitive. But it also raised the vigilance of the people to some extent. Just like what the head of Buyun said, the virus this time is highly contagious, and there is no effective treatment for it at the moment, but as long as you raise your vigilance, keep your health If good personal hygiene habits are formed, it can still be prevented and controlled.Therefore, people don't seem particularly panicked during the prevention and control. At most, they are a little nervous, which is also human nature.

However, when passing by Mashan District, the people who come in and out here don't understand. Many people even think that such a big fanfare is extraordinarily ridiculous, and some people think it's just a waste of money. This kind of prevention and control method is really too tossing and torture.This is simply delaying everyone's travel.

Therefore, for a while, the pressure on Mashan District was still very high, and because of such difficulties, many areas in Shanghai Cooperation City gradually began to become more formalized, and some places even began to punish the municipal party committee. After all, they have no way to implement these most practical difficulties to the end. After all, no matter in terms of ideological preparation, plan formulation and equipment matching, there is no way to compare with Mashan New Town. Therefore, encountering such and such difficulties is naturally expected.

However, regarding these, Chen Buyun has no time to pay attention to these recently, because all his energies have been put on the treatment of SARS virus. After Yang Gong dissuaded Chen Buyun from going to Guangnan, he actually went there in person. After arriving in Guangnan, and carefully obtained the samples of the virus, he brought them to the research institute for research. Chen Buyun also learned of this situation by accident. Dang even replaced Yang Gong's role and began to work with Yang Gong. Researching together and trying to treat it came up, but if there are only samples, it is obviously not enough for research. After all, the samples of the survivors in the nutrient solution and the survival in the human body are two different concepts.

However, the two of them were not in a hurry, they were anxious in their hearts, but this action must not be radical in the slightest.There is no rush for scientific research, let alone the development of corresponding treatment methods?This is even more difficult. There is no real research and they are not busy for the time being, so the two start with the structure of the virus, and need to be able to find more detailed data.

Chen Buyun is focusing on the research on the treatment of SARS virus, while Yu Zhenxi and Min Yueran have answered the phone calls more diligently these days. The tone of the call is getting louder and their status is getting higher and higher. It is incredible to make such an unnecessary move, and feel that this is an excessive waste of social resources and affects the normal order of this society.

However, no one dared to directly say that the way to prevent and control SARS was wrong. After all, such a speech would be extremely dumbfounded. Therefore, Yu Zhenxi and Min Yueran were also hypocritical.And Jiao Guangen, who is at a higher level, is also questioned by such calls. However, he has already made up his mind to take a big gamble. How could he give up halfway because of these few calls? There are already negative effects, and now even if you quit halfway, you will not gain anything. Therefore, Jiao Guangen will never have any ambiguity.

Only one day, Jiao Guangen received a call from the Deputy Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee Office.The content of the phone call was quite serious and sharp, which made Jiao Guangen, who had already been mentally prepared, startled.

"Comrade Jiao Guangen, you are also an old comrade. Why are you messing around like this now? Don't you know the distance between us and Guangnan? Guangnan has already dispelled the rumors. Although such a disease is highly contagious, it has now succeeded." Moreover, the current data clearly show that this is not highly contagious or highly lethal. If you continue to do this, you will make a joke, and it will make us all in Lingjiang a joke. , Many comrades and the masses expressed their incomprehension of what you are doing now. I hope you will do well.” After saying that, the phone over there hung up.Without the slightest hesitation, and without the slightest intention to communicate further with Jiao Guangen.

Hearing the busy tone on the phone, Jiao Guangen calmed down for a long time, smiled wryly, took out a cigarette, lit it for himself, took a deep breath, and then spit it out, watching the provocatively His heart was full of bitterness, not to mention that what he did was right this time, even if he did it incorrectly, as long as Guan Ling was around, how could anyone dare to talk to him like this? reprimand yourself? !

After smoking a cigarette, Jiao Guangen gently put the cigarette butt in the ashtray and pinched it out, then smiled, stood up, and started to make a phone call: "Reissue a copy of the prevention and control plan of the last SARS work. , This time it is clear to the people that whoever is negligent will be punished as a crime of dereliction of duty." After saying that, he hung up the phone, regardless of the reaction from the office.

After hanging up the phone, Jiao Guangen lit another cigarette, put it in his mouth with a smile, took two puffs, and said softly: "Isn't it just a matter of patience? I want to see what you can do now " Thinking of this, Jiao Guangen really wanted to call Chen Buyun, but he held back, since he chose to trust, he had to trust until the end, anyway, there is no worse ending than this.

But, Buyun, you have to hurry up, or in other words, SARS, you have to hurry up, if the day of the big outbreak does not come, then the adjustment of the provincial party committee must be coming soon, and at that time, My own path has come to an end, and judging from the current situation in the city, it is indeed impossible to maintain this tight nerve.

Jiao Guangen pushed open the window and looked at this busy scene, but his heart was filled with gloom. Is there less crime under the sun? !Such days passed day by day, and the SARS outbreak that Chen Buyun expected had not yet come, but the news from Guangnan was getting better and better, and the rumors in the capital had already been refuted, although A few confirmed cases were found in the capital, but this is nothing with such a large population, and it is said that they have already received treatment, and it seems that the situation is very good. It was removed from the list of the SARS epidemic that was raging internationally.

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