official road gallop

Chapter 628 The Finale

Chen Buyun and Yang Gong worked so hard to complete the corresponding report to the city. Yan Yanlin withstood the huge pressure, announced it and carried out extensive publicity, but when he reported to the province, he was criticized emphatically.For such an ending, Chen Buyun had expected it a long time ago, so he didn't feel disappointed. Since he didn't hold out hope before, how could he feel disappointed now? This is life.The most I have is unwillingness and regret for this society.

However, he did not stop the work at hand, still carried out the prevention and control work, and put the center of his life in the Institute of Chinese Herbal Medicine. He and Yang Gong spent almost all day studying the SARS virus. treatment method.

Days passed day by day, and finally what Chen Buyun expected happened.

The Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection finally called and wanted to interview the town party secretary and mayor of Mashan New Town. Of course, the leaders of the district must also be interviewed. However, Min Yueran and Yu Zhenxi were afraid that it would affect Chen Buyun's mood. He didn't inform him that Chen Buyun was mentioned in the direct roll call this time, so the news was naturally uncontrollable.

After hearing the news, Chen Buyun just smiled slightly, stood up, looked at Gong Yang who was concerned and worried, and said comfortingly: "Old Yang, don't worry, keep working hard, our cause is just."

Yang Gong's eyes were a little wet. He had never seen an official like Chen Buyun who was dedicated to the people in his life. He nodded and said, "Why don't we ask the eldest lady for help." The eldest lady in his words Naturally, it is Zhang Xingling. In his opinion, although the surname Guo is the secretary of the provincial party committee, he has not established a firm foothold in Lingjiang Province. Governor Zhang still has a lot of energy, and the most important thing is Yes, there is a (naked) competitive relationship between these two people, so Governor Zhang will definitely help Chen Buyun.

However, Chen Buyun didn't have such confidence, he just shook his head with a smile and said: "It's nothing, and I have nothing to be investigated by the Commission for Discipline Inspection. If there is anything, it should be shuanggui, not an appointment Let's talk, Lao Yang, you are not a member of the system, you will not understand this matter, don't go to Mr. Zhang, it will make things difficult for her."

Mr. Yang didn't understand the taboo, so he would naturally hope to pin it on Governor Zhang, but Chen Buyun would definitely not. You know, the tone above has already been set, and this is the time to stand in line, or You choose to acquiesce, or you choose to support, but absolutely no one will choose to resist, especially at the ministerial level, even if you do the right thing, the impression you leave on people will definitely not be good Yes, a small district of yours can do this, but a governor is not suitable for such a statement and support. There are too many things involved in it.Governor Zhang will never intervene, even if he supports himself in his heart.Therefore, Chen Buyun naturally would not embarrass Governor Zhang.

"These gangsters." Although Yang Gong didn't quite understand Chen Buyun's worries, he believed in Chen Buyun's judgment, so he had no choice but to curse angrily, and there was not much to do.

Chen Buyun patted Yang Gong on the shoulder and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's just an appointment. Hurry up and seize every minute. Every second, maybe we can save many families."

"Well, well, District Chief Buyun, don't worry, I will work harder." Yang Gong nodded and agreed.

Chen Buyun gave Yang Gong a thumbs up, turned and left, the civilized room outside the door had been waiting for a long time, and when he saw Chen Buyun coming out, he said angrily, "Boss, these bastards really have no limit." Ah, it's too crazy to do things."

Chen Buyun waved his hands with a smile and said: "He will force him to be strong, there will always be a time to make a list."

Fang Wenming nodded. His fate is forever tied to Chen Buyun. Although he can decisively change his family to obtain temporary safety, he is not prepared to do so because he firmly believes that Chen Buyun is absolutely It won't sink just like this, a cadre like him will always shine a huge light, and now that it's decided, the civilization of the room will naturally not change in any way.

"Old Fang, how is Longteng Medicine's relocation progress?" Chen Buyun asked with a smile. After all, it was SARS at this time, and with the current situation, he was also afraid that Longteng Medicine would change its mind.After all, Long Yueran was more concerned with himself back then, with the soft environment of Mashan New Town. Now that Jiao Guangen has been adjusted, Long Yueran will not be ignorant of such a big matter, nor will he be able to see clearly the contents of this.

Fang Wenming took out a notebook from the briefcase he carried with him, opened it, handed it to Chen Buyun, and explained: "The first step is basically completed now, because the factory building, Our place is ready-made here, and it is very suitable for the use of the medical industry. Therefore, as long as the assembly line is dismantled, relocated directly, and installed, it will be fine. However, the Spring Festival has just passed, and now it is during the SARS period. It has just been dismantled and has not yet moved over.”

Chen Buyun nodded: "It's best not to move in the near future. It's not very safe for people to come and go. Let's wait until this time passes."

For Chen Buyun's courage, Fang Wenming admired it from the bottom of his heart. He believed that no one in Chen Buyun's position would be able to be so calm and not urge the other party to hurry up and relocate in order to alleviate it with political achievements. Under his own pressure, he actually stood on the safety of the personnel and advised the other side not to relocate for the time being. This courage alone is enough for him to follow.Not to mention, Chen Buyun has more extraordinary abilities and foresight.Even if he was refrigerated like Chen Buyun, he still felt very honored.

Thinking of this, Fang Wenming couldn't restrain the turbulent emotions in his heart, looked at Chen Buyun, and said seriously: "Boss, it is my honor to be able to follow you and be interviewed by the Commission for Discipline Inspection with you. Keep it in your heart forever and regard it as an eternal honor."

Chen Buyun patted Fang Wenming's shoulder and said seriously, "We haven't lost yet."

"Yes, our cause is just." Fang Wenming's mood also seemed very high.

"Yes, because we represent the fundamental interests of the people." Chen Buyun said encouragingly.

The two drove to the compound of the Municipal Commission for Disciplinary Inspection very quickly. After making the corresponding registration at the door, they went upstairs. Fang Wenming was still a little nervous before. It's a casual thing, but standing beside Chen Buyun, his nervousness has been swept away, and his whole body is filled with the desire to fight.

Compared to Fang Wenming's desperation, Chen Buyun's mentality was somewhat relaxed. Although his vigilance was undiminished, he never missed the time, so he used the SARS prevention and control work to blackmail himself, to come It is absolutely unreasonable to ask him to talk about himself. This will not be a fatal blow at all. Although the secretary of the provincial party committee is standing behind this matter, Chen Buyun is not afraid at all. His only worry is that the SARS virus will be delayed. The research and development of therapeutic drugs and the development process of Mashan New Town, otherwise, he is really not ready to come. Now he has basically figured out the structure of the SARS virus, but the mutation is relatively fast. The influence of the drug is also full of changes, so for the time being, it has not been able to directly enter the research and development of the drug. If it were not for this, Chen Buyun would not have paid attention to this interview.

The person who met them this time was Li Lishan, the deputy secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Chen Buyun had also met him a few times. At that time, Li Lishan was quite polite to Chen Buyun. However, from time to time, even Jiao Guangen was dismissed. Well, if Li Lishan didn't insult Chen Buyun, he would be the best. Chen Buyun wouldn't naively think that Li Lishan would show his kindness to him like before.

When I arrived at the corresponding office, the door was locked and no one was inside.

Fang Wenming went to the next door to inquire. Hearing that they were being interviewed, they ignored them. Later, only a middle-aged aunt said with a cold face, "What time is it now? It's not correct to be interviewed." Show your attitude, come so late, do you still expect Secretary Li to wait for you? We all have heavy workloads. It is not for you alone."

Chen Buyun's face darkened, and he looked at the time, it was only 03:30 in the afternoon, damn, 03:30 is too late, so you agreed to leave work at 05:30?Did the dog eat the other two hours? !And, what do you mean by that? !

Seeing this, Fang Wenming quickly interrupted, "Then, do you know when Secretary Li will be back?"

"How do I know about the leader?" The aunt said coldly, then looked down at her magazine.The cadres of the Commission for Discipline Inspection are indeed the cadres of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, quite confident and domineering.

Chen Buyun smiled and heheed for a while, then turned around and left. For these small fish and shrimps, he didn't need to get angry directly. That would undoubtedly lower his status. He took out his mobile phone and called Li Lishan , but was hung up by Li Lishan, Chen Buyun sneered when he saw this, and sure enough, everything was as he had guessed, so he sent a text message: "Secretary Li, we arrived at your office according to your appointment time , but you are not here, if you are not free, please come to our Mashan New Town next time to talk, we will wait until after work." After sending the text message, Chen Buyun took two chairs and sat in Li Lishan's office The door sat down.

However, when it was time to get off work, Chen Buyun didn't wait for Li Lishan's person, phone call, or even a text message. .

Fang Wen was obviously a little angry: "Grandma, it's always so difficult to do things."

Chen Buyun seemed very calm, and just waved his hands lightly: "Okay, now that the appointment is made, we are also in place, it's his fault, let's do whatever we have tomorrow, work hard, we won't live for him, Don't fail the people's expectations."

Seeing Chen Buyun's indifference, Fang Wenming seemed anxious in his heart. Although he was also very angry, now that Jiao Guangen has also been captured by these guys, the current situation can be regarded as precarious. Stern Lin Zai, but he is only a deputy mayor, not even a member of the Standing Committee, and his voice is not strong. If he ignores the appointment of the Discipline Inspection Commission now, although the Discipline Inspection Commission has done something wrong, the consequences are obviously very unimaginable.

Fang Wenming took the initiative to comfort him: "Boss, we are under the roof now. For the sake of the overall situation and the development of our Mashan New Town, let's bear with it."

Chen Buyun smiled slightly, waved his hands and said: "It doesn't matter, I gave him a chance, but they didn't grasp it, well, let's go back as soon as possible, I will stay in the research institute during this time, no matter what happens, you will You can’t relax your work, even if I’m being investigated, or something else, remember, never let go of your work.”

Seeing what Chen Buyun said so absolutely, Fang Wenming had a bad premonition in his heart. He immediately grabbed Chen Buyun and said emotionally: "Boss, if you can't bear it, you will make a big mess. For the sake of the people of Mashan New Town, For our 56 people in Mashan District, you can't do stupid things."

Chen Buyun laughed, lightly punched Fang Wenming and said with a smile, "You bastard, you don't know what you're thinking about, and I'm not the kind of person who does stupid things, but..." Chen Buyun paused Suddenly, this made Fang Wenming's heart twitch again, and he looked at Chen Buyun, afraid that Chen Buyun's turning point would be too terrifying.

Seeing Fang Wenming's expression, Chen Buyun couldn't help smiling even more happily, patted Fang Wenming's shoulder, and said seriously: "Don't worry, old Fang, I'm here for the people of the whole country."

Seeing Chen Buyun's confidence, Fang Wenming hesitated and asked, "Is SARS really that terrible?"

Chen Buyun nodded.

"That's all refuted the rumors, saying that it has been brought under control." Although Fang Wenming is also an official in the officialdom and is very familiar with certain things, he still does not believe that the main leaders of the Ministry of Health and other important leaders will be in such a big place. Lying about things, not to mention, this kind of lie cannot be concealed for long at all.

Chen Buyun looked at Fang Wenming, and said seriously: "Believe me, the SARS virus is far more terrifying than what we now think."

"Then boss, you must pay attention to safety." Fang Wenming looked at Chen Buyun and said with concern.

Chen Buyun gave a thumbs up, indicating that everything was fine. After driving back to Mashan District, Chen Buyun went directly to the Institute of Chinese Herbal Medicine, while Fang Wenming drove back to the Xinzhen Government, although it is now It was eight o'clock in the evening, but he was not ready to go home, nor was he ready to just rest, but returned to the office. Chen Buyun's spirit moved him very much. For the future, in order to help Chen Buyun more He continued to work, and at this time, more than half of the offices in the office building of the district government were turned on. This kind of task, we all fight.

Because everyone understands the current situation of Chen Buyun, and the predicament Chen Buyun is facing will actually be the predicament that Mashan New Town is about to face, because the fate of the entire Mashan New Town, and even the entire Mashan District, has already changed. Chen Buyun is closely united, and everyone is a part of Mashan New Town, and they know better than anyone else the truth that everyone is prosperous and everyone is hurt.

None of them wanted to lose Chen Buyun and lose their future.

Fang Wenming looked at the brightly lit office building in the night sky, his heart was full of pride and comfort, he was just and at ease, Chen Buyun's contributions and miracles in Mashan District over the years were all encouraging and radical. with people.And after receiving such kindness, everyone is now doing their best to give back and repay it with their own efforts. Maybe some people haven't spoken much to Chen Buyun directly, but it will not affect Chen Buyun at all. The image in their minds will not affect their respect for Chen Buyun.

The eyes of the people are naturally discerning. No one will deny this, and no one will be able to resist it. This is a historical trend that cannot be concealed.

After returning to the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Yang Gong was extremely excited when he saw Chen Buyun's safe and sound return. Perhaps in his mind, Chen Buyun's departure was almost like a farewell, but he never thought that he would be able to live like a wolf like a wolf. Under the investigation of Hu's disciplinary committee, he returned safely, which made Yang Gong uncontrollably excited. If it wasn't because he was busy with the research on the SARS virus, then he would definitely set a table for Chen Buyun and come to work hard. A person who is not drunk and does not return home.

"How about District Chief Buyun? Didn't the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection make things difficult for you?" Gong Yang said with a smile.

"I ignored them." Chen Buyun smiled brightly, waved his hands and said, "Okay, let's start working hard, we must hurry up."

"Well, hurry up." Yang Gong nodded and agreed. Although he still has a lot to say in his heart, what is more important than the research on SARS virus now?This is a top priority and has to be taken seriously.

Chen Buyun devoted himself wholeheartedly to the research on the SARS virus. These days, they have obtained a lot of useful research and reported all of them, but they did not wait for the provincial government to pay attention to it, let alone the Ministry of Health. Therefore, many opinions and opinions have not been recognized. However, their research will naturally be valued by knowledgeable colleagues, and Mashan District and Shanghai Cooperation City ignore the current notification. The relevant prevention and control publicity is also being carried out extensively, which annoys the province. However, Jiao Guangen and others withstood the tremendous pressure, which moved Zhang Jialian, and his heart was filled with the spirit of struggle.

Because he knows that these pressures are unbearable for ordinary people. Even though Jiao Guangen once controlled the secretary of the municipal party committee of the city, but now there are already turbulent rumors. Under the promotion of the province, Jiao Guangen has become more and more difficult. We have grasped the overall situation. As for Mashan District, although Yu Zhenxi and Min Yueran have already stood on the united front, the pressure they are facing is so huge. How long can they bear it?

Looking at the pocket watch in his hand, Chen Buyun vowed silently that he must seize all the time. Now he is racing against time, for the sake of the people, for the rapid development of Mashan District, for the cause he is fighting for, and for caring for himself In order to help himself and support his subordinates, Zhang Jialian is fighting hard. This is fighting against SARS and wrong ideas, so he has to hurry up.

Looking at Gong Yang who was also working hard, Chen Buyun quietly took out a letter containing the culture solution of the germs and walked out. Yang Gong, who was obsessed with work, didn't pay attention to this. After a while, Chen Buyun He came back, knocked on the door, and looked at Yang Gong with a smile.

Yang Gong looked at Chen Buyun with some surprise. He didn't quite understand how Chen Buyun behaved like this. You must know that Chen Buyun has always been the one who seized the most time. Could it be that he has already found a solution to the SARS virus? ?If he was an ordinary person, he would never think so. However, this is Chen Buyun, a man who keeps creating miracles. It must be very possible. When he thought of this, Yang Gong became excited. , looked at Chen Buyun and asked happily: "What? Have you found a solution to the problem?"

In Yang Gong's expectant eyes, Chen Buyun smiled slightly, waved his hands and said, "That's not true, but I've also been infected with SARS, just now, um, I feel pretty good now, I should be still alive." The incubation period."

Yang Gong was stunned for a moment, and then he realized why he felt strange when he saw Chen Buyun just now. He was standing outside the door all the time, apparently because he was afraid of infecting him, and the reason why he was so sure of himself Infected with SARS germs, it is almost no need to think about it. In order to get familiar with it as soon as possible and find a way to deal with it, Chen Buyun did not hesitate to get infected with the germs on his own initiative. What a self-sacrificing spirit.

Yang Gong burst into tears uncontrollably, looked at Chen Buyun, and cried, "Secretary Chen."

Chen Buyun smiled slightly, waved his hand to Yang Gong and said, "You must find a way to rescue me as soon as possible, and isolate me in the basement on the first floor." After saying that, Chen Buyun ran to the basement, every second counts , had to be prepared for it.

Yang Gong wiped away his tears, and quickly made a phone call. He knew the reason why Chen Buyun chose such a road of no return. To be exposed, Chen Buyun's deeds must not be drowned out like this. It's just that no newspaper office dared to accept this kind of extremely attention-grabbing news. This made Yang Gong very angry. Although there were publications in other provinces, But it was obviously not too shocking, so he called his boss.

After reporting the situation, Yang Gong started to get busy with treatment methods, while Chen Buyun stayed in the isolated basement and began to study seriously, not only for himself, but also for his current career. He has to work hard.

This kind of feeling of being infected with SARS really has a special taste, people, as expected, they have to be pushed to a dead end in order to be able to stimulate more potential and abilities, although this is a It is a kind of psychological comfort, but Chen Buyun enjoys it.

The news that Chen Buyun was infected with the virus spread quickly throughout the Mashan District, and everyone in Mashan District was shocked. This spirit of self-sacrifice and self-sacrifice has always been heard, but never seen or thought. Now that it really happened in reality, everyone who knew the news was moved by it. Everyone expressed their desire to visit Chen Buyun one after another, and many people who knew the inside story even wanted to organize and go to save Chen Buyun. committee to protest.Among so many people, there is absolutely no one who has a different feeling, because Chen Buyun almost handed over all of him to Mashan District, and at least 80.00% of Mashan District's current glory is under the leadership of Chen Buyun , everyone was very grateful to Chen Buyun.

When the news reached the province, although many people were shocked and moved, there were also many conspiracy theorists who believed that Chen Buyun was deliberately evading responsibility and pretending to be infected with SARS. People were saying that Chen Buyun was passively infected with the germs, but he was pretending to be aloof. They couldn't agree on what to do about it, and it was very confusing.

Chen Buyun, who was in the basement, received a lot of calls, which almost made him unable to move. Although they were all calls about love, but at this moment, there was no time to think about them, so Chen Buyun called down decisively. With regard to the customer refusal order, except for the scientific research personnel, no one is allowed to come to see him, and the phone is also handed over to Yang Gong, who will reply one by one. At this time, it is time to be decisive.

Soon, after two or three days, Chen Buyun began to feel the feeling of SARS. Only when he was infected can he feel it the most. Others really have no way to experience it. Feeling the smell on his body, Chen Buyun began to record the truth. You must know that this kind of germ may not be able to be rescued. He has already prepared and awakened to sacrifice, and these are nothing to him.

When Chen Buyun started serious research in the basement, the people from the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection decisively dispatched without any communication with Yu Zhenxi, so they came outside the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, intending to take Chen Buyun away. However, when they just entered the research institute and expressed their intention to come, there was no mobilization or incitement. The researchers in the research institute were all furious when they learned that the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection was going to bring Chen Buyun here. Standing up, these scientific researchers also showed their passion and decisiveness beyond science, surrounded the seven people who had been prepared for a long time in the yard, and launched an angry crusade against them.

In this regard, the deputy secretary of the Disciplinary Committee who led the team immediately stood up and scolded: "What are you trying to do? Do you still have any legal awareness? This Mashan District is still under the Communist Party's world. Let me tell you, if you continue to do this If you interfere with official duties, then I will arrest you all."

Yang Gong glared at the guy angrily, and said with grief and indignation: "In order to study the treatment of SARS, our Secretary Chen did not hesitate to be infected with SARS on his own initiative, and even carried out research while sick, and you, you people What would you do? What are you doing? If it weren't for you, why would Secretary Chen choose such a dead end?"

"Okay, even you admitted that Chen Buyun was infected with such germs in order to avoid the investigation of our Discipline Inspection Commission. Well, this shows that there is something wrong with him." The fat guy caught Yang Gong's words The ambiguity in the book, the appearance of being unreasonable and unreasonable, that face is really annoying. If it was 30 years earlier, his stomach alone could have been investigated.This guy looks like a corrupt official.

Everyone in the research institute became angry when they heard such shameless words from this guy, and Yang Gong pointed at the fat pig and scolded: "No wonder people always say that villains are all villains in the eyes of villains. Everyone is as shameless as you? Is Secretary Chen trying to avoid your investigation? It is because you have to hurry up, and you are the ones who forced Secretary Chen to this path. You are murderers."



The people in the research institute waved their fists and controlled the seven people in the crowd, pushing and shoving, and the fat pig who wanted to scold them was so frightened that they ran away with their heads in their arms, and could no longer be aggressive.

After a while, people from the Public Security Bureau appeared, but after realizing what was going on, they didn't drive away immediately, but stood outside and shouted fiercely, but they didn't move at all. Everyone knows the reason, and the name of the nearby village learned that this group of people came to "capture" Chen Buyun, and even angrily stepped forward to join the team of researchers. After this group of people came in, they immediately opened up the situation Now, they are not the same as these scientific researchers, although they are already passionate, they are still relatively rational. It's really hard for these guys with big bellies and round waists.

The policemen on the outside looked at the situation and saw that the situation was almost the same, so they squeezed into the crowd and rescued this group of people. Said, and ran away in despair. The group had been out of the Mashan District before they were shocked. The leader of the fat pig immediately called the phone and began to cry about what he saw and heard just now.

This naturally made his backstage very dissatisfied, but there was no formality for this operation, so this incident could not be cleared through normal channels. The Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection was naturally very annoyed about this, and Jiao Guangen was also annoyed. He was very concerned about the changes in the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, but he was powerless now, and everyone knew that he would leave soon.

But this time, it is impossible to put an end to this incident. Slowly, the action against Chen Buyun is being carried out in full swing. Chen Buyun knows this deeply, so naturally he will not sit still, and when it comes to him. In fact, it is already quite difficult to recover through the political situation, so now the only way to break the situation is through this move, otherwise, there is no other way.

The days passed quickly, and Jiao Guangen had been transferred away. The first thing the new secretary of the municipal party committee did after taking office was to assign Yan Yanlin, who was originally in charge of science, education, culture and health, to manage investment promotion. However, for now, who doesn't know that this is going to start in Mashan District. Sure enough, a day later, the new secretary of the municipal party committee will put Mashan District as the first stop of investigation.

It is said that when they met Yu Zhenxi and Min Yueran, they mercilessly condemned Mashan District's actions, and ordered Mashan District to stop promoting SARS prevention and control, and issued a decision to suspend Chen Buyun for review on behalf of the municipal party committee. Naturally, this decision could not be approved by Yu Zhenxi and Min Yueran. However, the meaning of the city is the meaning of the city. After they strongly expressed their opposition, they tightly held the town of Mashan Xinzhen. The position of secretary of the party committee will not be relaxed at all. Although Chen Buyun is only suspended, who knows what this guy will do, maybe he will still say that the job is critical and delegate the position of secretary of the party committee. Therefore, Min Yueran does not hesitate to personally manage This position was taken to meet the challenges that may come in the city.

Chen Buyun was completely unaware of these news. He had been suffering from SARS, and he had already started to have a high temperature, and he even lost consciousness twice. This made everyone in the research institute cry for him, and they were even more grateful for what happened to Chen Buyun. indignation.Everyone was afraid that Chen Buyun would die because of this, so naturally they would not tell him the news.

Yang Gong and the scientific researchers have not closed their eyes for three days and three nights, and the black hair on their heads has turned pale. Tiredness makes it difficult for them to control themselves, but when they think of Chen Buyun's spirit of self-sacrifice and self-sacrifice, they all work hard and study. .

However, because of Chen Buyun's serious illness and the fact that the district had taken charge of the work of the new town, the city didn't put down its hands and feet, and directly transferred Chen Buyun. After all, Chen Buyun's contributions were outstanding, and no problems were discovered Come on, if he is double fired like this, then the governor will not sit idly by, and continuing to suspend him will not have any effect, so simply give him a transfer, which can completely draw the bottom line.

This time, the transferred position has a much higher level, that is, transferred to Jingshan County as the executive deputy county magistrate, and presided over the work, because the county magistrate of Jingshan County happened to be seriously ill and has been admitted to the hospital for treatment, so this position , it seems that it is almost the position of the county magistrate, and no one can say anything clearly about Chen Buyun being transferred there. Of course, the economic status of Jingshan County is extremely low, almost the same as that of Mashan New District. There is no way to compare, but shouldn't an outstanding cadre like Chen Buyun be sent to such a place where he is most needed?

Therefore, no matter how sympathetic Chen Buyun was for this transfer, there was no way to wipe his mouth. At that time, in fact, the sinister intentions of this transfer, no one knew, was the executive deputy county magistrate who also presided over the work. However, Chen Buyun's deputy Not long after he was promoted to the rank of division, would the city be so kind as to promote him again as a division?Therefore, it looks like a succession for the county magistrate, but it is actually just a passing cloud.

Yu Zhenxi and Min Yueran were very anxious about this, but there is no use in being anxious. This is an arrangement of the higher-level organization, and they have no right to interfere. After all, this transfer can be interpreted as a promotion anyway. .

"Yue Ran, what do you think should I do? Chen Buyun's illness is recovering or not." Yu Zhenxi looked very anxious, which was very different from her previous image, after all, caring makes chaos.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Buyun's illness will definitely recover, um, for sure." Min Yueran also looked anxious, but what could she do.Suddenly, she seemed to think of something, so she grabbed Yu Zhenxi and said, "Isn't your uncle from the Organization Department of the Central Committee? Please, please, Mashan District cannot live without Chen Buyun. It is impossible to live without Chen Buyun."

Yu Zhenxi also had a sad face, and helplessly spread her hands and said: "Who says it's not, but this transfer can be regarded as a kind of promotion, and it can also be explained as an exceptional promotion."

"Then, shall we just watch Buyun being transferred?" Min Yueran was 1 reluctant.

"Ah." Yu Zhenxi only let out a long sigh, thought for a while and said: "Bu Yun, this disease, alas..."

The two women looked at each other and sighed to each other, but they made up their minds silently in their hearts. If Chen Buyun can recover, then, then I must give birth to a child for him...

The transfer order was issued quickly, but Yu Zhenxi kept holding back and did not release it, but no matter how much she delayed, she couldn't delay it for too long. Just when she was unwilling to accept such a transfer order, uncle's A phone call came: "Your city must not touch Chen Buyun, um, SARS has been confirmed."

"SARS has been confirmed?!" Yu Zhenxi gripped the phone tightly, feeling overwhelmed, not knowing what to say.

"Well, wait and see the news, this time there will be a big man coming down." The uncle's words still moved Yu Zhenxi's heart.

"Mm, um, ok, how long will it take to come out?" Yu Zhenxi couldn't help but look at Shu again.

"There is still a game, but it should be soon." Naturally, his uncle would not keep it with Yu Zhenxi.

Hearing the uncle's words, Yu Zhenxi was happy and nervous at the same time. He was happy that if the news was confirmed, even if Chen Buyun was transferred, he would definitely be able to serve as the county magistrate. Moreover, this There will still be no resistance for a one-off promotion. The other party will spend resources on Chen Buyun's behalf crying and shouting.

Needless to say, the nervous ones are naturally nervous in case of possible changes.Although the uncle has already said that the tone has been set, didn't he say that there is still a game? !

However, this is obviously much better than the previous news, and Yu Zhenxi also told Min Yueran that from then on, the two beauties had another habit of watching the news.And the city seems to have gotten the wind, and the pressure on Mashan District is not as crazy as before. It seems to be waiting for the final tone to come out. It is impossible to make more sensitive actions at this most sensitive time. things come.

Soon, the news on Sunday night shocked too many people.

It is not very surprising that the boss of the health system was dismissed. After all, he is the responsible person. He not only covered the cover, but also fabricated data to deceive foreign reporters, which caused the outbreak of SARS in many places around the world, which greatly damaged the country’s image. It cannot be dealt with. .

But it was unexpected that the head of the capital government was also dealt with.

This is definitely the strongest voice issued by the central government since the outbreak of SARS, and it also shows the country's determination to fight against SARS.

As soon as this news came out, Mashan District and Mashan New Town, which have been under pressure recently, were all filled with jubilation, because everyone knew that Chen Buyun was right, and this point has now been recognized by the whole country. They were happy, so they gathered at the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, wanting to share this joy with Chen Buyun, but when they came to the Institute, they found that Yan Yanlin and other people who were close to Chen Buyun were already waiting for him with a sad face. There, I heard that Chen Buyun fell into a coma!

Like a bolt from the blue, it pierced everyone's happy mood in an instant, and immediately made everyone dumbfounded. Chen Buyun fell into a coma!Yes, Chen Buyun is in a coma!At the moment when he was about to win, he actually fell into a coma!We must know that the coma in SARS is likely to bring about this and the end.Everyone thought of Chen Buyun's little things, and both men and women burst into tears. Everyone suppressed their weeping and stood outside the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, silently praying for blessings.

Soon, everyone in the Mashan District knew the news of Chen Buyun's coma. Everyone spontaneously prayed for Chen Buyun at home, and all spontaneously came outside the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and gave Chen Buyun blessing gifts.The 56 people in Mashan District fell into deep silence, and almost every household in the district was worried about Chen Buyun's condition.

The city also attaches great importance to this, and has sent a special working group and medical team, as well as the province. However, all the working groups are surrounded by the men of Mashan District. It seems that if Chen Buyun has something wrong Yes, these people were buried with them, but the medical team was able to let them go.

Such a gathering of people's hearts has never happened in decades.

Min Yueran and Yu Zhenxi were full of self-blame. Originally, they were determined to have a child for Chen Buyun, but after knowing that Chen Buyun could be promoted, they became shy again. Just thinking about it, Chen Buyun actually fell into a coma. Sure enough, God can't be deceived. The two of them kept praying silently in their hearts. God, we keep our word. As long as Chen Buyun recovers, we will definitely let him have children. must.

Perhaps their prayers were answered by God. At night, Chen Buyun finally woke up from a coma. The first thing he did was to measure various indexes, and then Yang Gong proudly announced: "SARS can be cured." Now, this is not the credit of the medical team in the city, nor the credit of the provincial medical team, but Chen Buyun, Chen Buyun's own research and development, yes, it is his drug treatment that finally solved this problem."

The people who heard the news fell into the carnival immediately, and even the carnival people pulled the city and provincial working groups to dance happily together, which made the very complaining working group members I also had to be secretly convinced, thinking, a leader like Chen Buyun, who is loved by the people of the whole district, has really disappeared for 30 or [-] years.

Min Yueran and Yu Zhenxi were both happy and ashamed, but this time, they did not dare to break the contract, they had secretly made up their minds, and they just waited for Chen Buyun to recuperate.

A week later, Chen Buyun's transfer order added that he would take charge of the work and become an acting county magistrate. Yes, he almost didn't run away this time. The city spent a lot of energy and a lot of effort on his promotion. It is ironic that this was the decision of the new municipal party secretary to punish Chen Buyun, but he did not expect to have to run for Chen Buyun.

At the farewell party that night, everyone cried. The people in Mashan District don't know now. If they knew, they probably wouldn't let Chen Buyun leave. Yu Zhenxi and Min Yueran blushed even more. Chen Buyun didn't know it at all. Did not guess why.

When I stayed in the hotel at night, I was shocked, because in my room, Yu Zhenxi was already lying on the bed, her face was flushed, and just when Chen Buyun was about to turn to leave, Min Yueran opened the door and opened the door. Chen Buyun was caught in the middle.

That night, the spring was full of joy, and the swallows also started to (fly) in pairs...

On the second day, Chen Buyun took the hands of the two beauties who had just been broken, and said with a smile: "We must build Jingshan—the Shuangshan economic zone of Mashan, just as we do not distinguish between each other. , so inseparable."

The two women leaned on Chen Buyun's side, nodded lightly, their faces were flushed with joy, this was an unforgettable moment for them, and it was also a memorable scene for Mashan District and Jingshan County .

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