Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 157 You Don't Care, I Care

Chapter 157 You Don't Care, I Care

Dinner starts at five o'clock, and before six o'clock, all the dishes have been piled up on the turntable, as if someone ordered the chef to serve the dishes quickly.

Yiyin's mind was not on eating. Thinking of Gu Yue's words about missing you on the phone just now, his kidneys ached a little.

Li Hongmei and Xing Yaoyao, they are probably lying on the bed now, sleeping comfortably, right?
Yiyin's body is tired, but her heart is thinking about Gu Yue. How should she describe this feeling?Have more energy than energy?

Hong Qi on the side glanced secretly at Yiyin. Although she didn't urge him, her meaning was obvious.

Xu Xing stepped on her several times, feeling that her eagerness was a bit embarrassing, so Hong Qi could only grit her teeth and endure it.

It's not that Hong Qi doesn't understand the ways of the world, she seems to be urging Yi Yin to set off.It's just that things at Hehe Group have always been changing rapidly. If you look back at the group's entrepreneurial history, it's all lessons learned through blood and tears, and it can't be delayed.

If Gu Yue didn't let go of his mouth or sign for a day, Hong Qi's nerves couldn't relax for a day.The two bosses of the Finance Department and the Financial Management Department stared at her like rays on her back. How could she eat?

When Yiyin finally put down the dishes, said hello and sat on the sofa to make a phone call, Hong Qi secretly rubbed her swollen instep and glanced at her future husband with resentment.

Xu Xing ignored her and continued to serve herself the soup.

After Yiyin put down the phone and came back, he said.

"Xu Xing, you take Youyou home later, and I'll go meet Gu Yue."

Hong Qi stood up and said.

"I'll send it to you."

Yiyin shook his head.

"I'll take a taxi by myself."

Hong Qi said.

"Isn't that good?

In your current situation, if you take a taxi to see Gu Yue, it will be troublesome if someone pays attention to you.Why don't I send you off in a private car, which is safer. "

Yiyin was hesitating when Xu Xing said.

"Yuyou and I are also full, let's go together. Let Hong Qi see you off first, and then send Yuyou and I home."

Seeing what Xu Xing said, Yiyin had no choice but to say it bravely.

"Okay then, just take me to Shanxiang Road."

Hong Qi was stunned.

"Shanxiang Road? Where do the senior employees of Modu Branch live?"

Yiyin smiled wryly.

"Don't get me wrong, the main reason is that my current situation is not suitable for public appearances, so I went to Gu Yue's residence to meet me."

Xu Xing raised his eyebrows.

"We didn't say anything."

Yiyin looked at the ambiguous look of the two and shook his head helplessly.You didn’t say anything, but your expressions were very rich!

Hong Qi smiled and changed the subject.

"Then let's go now."


Yi Yin sighed as he looked at the club's underground parking lot and saw a dazzling array of luxury cars.

"It turns out there were so many customers inside, and we didn't meet anyone along the way."

Hong Qi smiled.

"The most important thing about a club is that it has good privacy. It will be troublesome if you meet someone you don't want to see.

It's not just for dining, but also for tea, salons, chess and cards, billiards, bowling, and even a badminton court.

Because it is a membership system, reservations are required, but the equipment is very good. "

Xu Xing snorted.

"Show off, Yiyin can't go."

Hong Qi pressed the key to the car in front and smiled.

“It’s my fault that I didn’t consider this.

Tomorrow I will arrange for Yiyin to join as a member. When you get a call later, remember to note your personal information. You can also bring your friends here for gatherings in the future without fear of being disturbed by outsiders.

This club is actually quite small and mainly serves daily leisure in the urban area.You can go a little further on the weekends. I will take you to a club in the suburbs to play golf and tennis and relax. "

Xu Xing opened the car door and hummed.

"It's your acquaintance."

Hong Qi is a B-horse, Xu Xing sits in the passenger seat, and Yiyin takes Youyou into the back seat.

Yiyin said after getting in the car.

"I don't dare to disturb the world of you two. You can go and play by yourself. I'll be at home with Youyou."

Hong Qi smiled.

"It's okay. We are all friends. If we have the chance to hang out together, we can also take Yoyo to have fun with us."

Yiyin declined implicitly.

"Later, I really haven't been in the mood lately.

By the way, this is this year's new car. I think I saw an advertisement on TV? "

Hong Qi nodded.

"Yes, I have been in the Imperial City before, and I have been doing a lot of motorcycle riding recently, so I have prepared the house and car here so that I can come and stay on weekends."

Yiyin glanced at Xu Xing, who was silent, and chuckled.

"Flying here every weekend? That's really tiring. Why not let Xu Xing marry to the Imperial City earlier?"

Xu Xing turned around and glared at Yiyin.

"You are so anxious to drive me away? No way! I just depend on you in Modu!"

Yiyin made a sound.

"You don't know the heart of a good person. By the way, Hong Qi, this is a new car. Have you eaten the ice cream?"

Hong Qi's face stiffened and she smiled.

"I don't know about ice cream, and my car is not a mini."

Yiyin shook his head.

"I see you know it very well. Anyway, please be careful with your tires these days."

Hong Qi touched her nose and started the car.

"Didn't something happen right after I bought it? If I had known, I would have changed the brand. It would be really troublesome."


The elevator door opened, and Yiyin saw Gu Yue again. She was already standing in the same position as last time, waiting for him with a smile.

But this time, her smile was not distant and cold, and her face no longer had the rationality to keep a distance, but was confused and alluring.

Yiyin frowned slightly, stepped forward to smell it, and asked.

"you've been drinking?"

Gu Yue hugged Yiyin. Such initiative shocked Yiyin, and she whispered in Yiyin's ear.

"Didn't I tell you last time that I sometimes have a drink at night to help me sleep."

The two of them rubbed their ears together, Yiyin pressed her face against hers, looked at the red roots of her ears, and sighed.

"You look like you just had one drink."

Gu Yue smiled.

"I've been having trouble sleeping lately and I've had a few too many drinks. I'm sorry to make you come all the way, but I really miss you."

Yiyin held her hand and walked to the room.

"I don't know how to be careful in public places. Let's talk about it when we get back."

Gu Yue said with a drunken smile.

"There are no cameras after you get out of the elevator and enter the floor."

Yi Yin snorted.

"Is this what you rely on to do whatever you want?"

The two walked into Gu Yue's living room. Yiyin saw several empty wine bottles already placed on the coffee table and said dissatisfied.

"Drink so much!"

Gu Yue took Yiyin's hand, sat on the sofa, and held Yiyin in her arms.

"It's okay, it's all red wine, not high in alcohol content. I usually drink more at social events, so I can't get drunk with this amount."

Although he had been in the world of female lords for several months, Yiyin still couldn't adapt to the strange feeling of sitting on a woman's body and being hugged.

He struggled to sit next to Gu Yue and sighed.

"He said he wasn't drunk yet, so he started to do things."

Gu Yue's face darkened, she picked up Yiyin's hand and pinched his fingers.


Yiyin hugged her back.

"We're sorry for anything. I'm just not used to it. If you like hugging, then keep hugging."

Gu Yue leaned on Yiyin's chest and murmured.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I couldn't protect you."

Yiyin was stunned, it turned out that he was talking about this, and his expression became gentler.

"It's not your fault, it's me who has caused you trouble."

Gu Yue sighed, raised her head and held Yiyin's cheek, looked at the man who haunted her, closed her eyes, and kissed him deeply.

Yiyin closed his eyes to respond to Gu Yue's enthusiasm, and after a long time, the two slowly separated.

Gu Yue sighed.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

Yi Yin asked back.

"What didn't I tell you?"

Gu Yue's tone was a little cold.

"Why didn't you tell me about that video?
I am not that useless woman who is incompetent and furious and only vents her anger on innocent men.

Can't you trust me more and rely on me more? "

Yi Yin smiled.

"Actually, I'm not used to relying on women yet."

Yiyin is telling the truth. He has just traveled from a male-dominated world, but he does not have the weak mentality of a man in a female-dominated world asking women to make the decision.

But when Gu Yue heard these words, her taste changed. Gu Yue sighed.

“I can understand, after all Qian Ya has learned from the past, it’s normal for you to hesitate.

Don't worry, the police have intervened in this matter and are investigating and collecting evidence.

Although the source of the subsequent head-changing video of T cannot be found, the location of the previous 6-minute video was obviously shot at your home, and it was Mi Nan who committed a crime.

The Network Information Security Office was slapped in the face this time, and it acted very quickly.Those information that leaked your personal privacy, the relevant naval companies have all been caught.

The response from the Federation of Women's Federation was very intense, and the joint letter from more than 100 outstanding men in Jinghua had already set the Federation of Women's Federation on fire.

Huang Yi is very capable of using men's labor rights and privacy rights as leverage. Now the pressure is on the police, and the relevant criminals will soon be arrested and interrogated.

This time, I will definitely give you justice and won't let you be wronged again. "

Yi Yin shook his head and said.

"I have nothing to do, but you, are you okay? I heard that you are in a lot of trouble and will be forced to take a leave soon.

Huang Yi came to the company to see me today, and I asked him to help you. Is this useful? "

Gu Yue laughed.

"I see, I asked why Huang Yi publicly criticized me at this afternoon's meeting, saying that I had been slacking on business recently and delayed a lot of official business at the headquarters."

Yiyin said in surprise.

"How did he get into trouble! He clearly promised me that he would help you!"

Gu Yue shook her head.

“You don’t understand, he’s just helping me.

Because I am going on vacation, some of the affairs I am in charge of recently are being handed over to my deputy in order not to affect my business, so it is a bit slow to handle the business at the headquarters.

However, these matters are within the time limit and there are no violations, so they are all questions that can be raised or not raised.Huang Yi mentioned it deliberately to help put pressure on me.

In addition, Ms. Zhu, the vice president of the Modu branch, was also very dissatisfied with my leave and kept blaming my deputy for unclear handover and unclear handling.

This made my deputy even more afraid to let go of work, and a lot of business was backlogged. Huang Yi gave me a hand in reverse. "

Yi Yin nodded.

"Just help. I'm worried that Huang Yi won't help you. I almost pissed him off this morning. I'm also worried that he'll take his anger out on you."

Gu Yue was stunned and smiled a little weirdly.

"His anger towards me is real, but it's definitely not because of you. It's because he's jealous of me."

Yiyin didn't understand.


Gu Yue smiled and touched her chest and said.

"He is jealous of me, jealous that I can legitimately hold you in my arms and love you.

You don't know that when you were about to marry Qian Ya, Huang Yi ran to me like crazy and told me to stop you.

And I was still very naive at the time and always thought that love was a two-way choice. Now that you have made up your mind, I am not willing to force you anymore.

That time, Huang Yi and I had a serious quarrel, and we never had any contact again. "

Yi Yin sighed.

"Don't worry, Huang Yi is a good brother. He is angry because of me."

Gu Yue let out a sigh and looked at Yiyin strangely.

"You... are really... the falling flowers are intentional and the flowing water is ruthless."

Yiyin hesitated.

"What do you mean? What's wrong with me?"

Gu Yue shook her head.

"It's okay, you're fine, you're not the strange person.

In short, with Huang Yi's help, Ms. Jiang's thinking has changed a lot, which is very helpful to solve your troubles.

I didn't expect that even after six years, Huang Yi still couldn't let go.He was like the Princess Charming in the fairy tale. He came directly from the Imperial City to kill me. I was really embarrassed.

Compared with him, I am so unfeminine that I feel ashamed. "

Yiyin smiled wryly.

"What on earth are you talking about? Why am I getting more and more confused the more I listen to it."

Gu Yue kissed Yi Yin's cheek and said with a smile.

"In short, Huang Yi was very angry, but I was very happy. In the end, I won.

This is all the business of Hehe Group. If you don’t understand, you don’t have to think about it. "

Yiyin was fooled by Gu Yue's words. He remembered Hong Qi's incident and said in a hushed voice.

"There's something I'm a little embarrassed to mention to you. It's what happened last time with Ding Qi."

Gu Yue nodded and said.

"Hong Qi went looking for you?"

Yiyin's face condensed.

"How did you know?"

Gu Yue picked up the red wine glass and drank the red wine in one gulp. Then she turned her head and put her lips together, sharing half with Yiyin. Both of them swallowed it with a few twitches in their throats.

Afterwards, Gu Yue smiled.

"Do you really think that my six years in the Harmony Group were wasted? Have you forgotten that I joined Harmony activists in school?

In the past ten years, I have not been waiting for others to promote me and take the initiative to pull me to my current position.

Ding Qi's signature was stuck by my instigator. The bank has begun to crack down on illegal operations, so I naturally know who is in charge.

It's not a secret that Hong Qi has a boyfriend in Modu and goes to Modu almost every week.They can use you to communicate with me, and I can naturally use them to help you vent your anger.

Your company's escrow account should have been unfrozen, and the money in it should be enough for you to maintain temporarily.

Don't worry, those people will cause your investment to be withdrawn and your reputation to be stained. Don't expect to get through easily.There will be bread, there will be milk, there will be everything. Just wait and see me vent my anger for you. "

Yi Yin sighed.

"Actually, I really don't care about those things, as long as the games I make can be put on the shelves and make money."

Gu Yue shook the empty wine glass and put it back on the coffee table with a loud bang.

"You don't care, I care!"

(End of this chapter)

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