Chapter 159
In the end, Yiyin and Gu Yue reluctantly said goodbye.

It has been more than three hours since Yiyin entered the apartment, staying from 06:30 to almost ten o'clock.

In this sensitive period, it is inconvenient for Gu Yue to keep guests, and it is even more inconvenient for Yi Yin to stay overnight. Xu Xing at home is probably still waiting for news from him.

Taking a taxi back to Xu Xing's community, Yiyin was still savoring the aftertaste of the past.

The most unforgettable beauty among men is not the beauty of skin and bones, but the beauty of contrast.

No matter how good a professional woman's posing skills are, you will only get bored if you watch them too much.But an arrogant, cold and majestic woman suddenly asks you for something with a blushing face. Which man can withstand such a test?

The stronger the contrast, the more addictive it is.After all, men are actually having fun with their own brains, commonly known as intracranial mastery.

Yiyin has made up his mind at this time to travel to the plateau in the future when he has time. There are snowy areas, cattle, and the seemingly inviolable ancient moon that holds a handful of water.

Opening the door, Yiyin was changing shoes in the entrance and saw Xu Xing standing up from the sofa in the living room.

"Not asleep yet?"

Xu Xing walked over and said with a wry smile.

"How is it possible to sleep?"

Yiyin changed her shoes and looked in the direction of the guest room.

"How about Yoyo?"

Xu Xing smiled.

"We had so much fun today that I felt very sleepy as soon as I came back. I took her to wash her up and then she fell asleep."

Yiyin nodded and said with a smile.

"I can't see that you are still a good husband and a good father. Hong Qi wants to marry you home now. You can help your wife with luck and take care of the children."

Xu Xing shook his head.

"What a good husband and father, don't be ashamed of me.

I just see that she is very distressed these days, so I will help her make an appointment with you for a meal. If you mind, I will do it later. . "

Yi Yin interrupted.

"No, please don't say anything out of the ordinary. I don't mind at all, I'm happy to help you.

What's the relationship between us brothers?If you want to help your future wife, of course I will support you, don't always say those polite words. "

The two talked and sat back on the sofa.

Yiyin let out a breath, he was really exhausted today. Even with quantum entanglement, he could not withstand such repeated bombardments.

Xu Xing's nose moved as if he was smelling something. He looked at Yiyin with an ambiguous look and asked with a smile.

"Have you taken a bath? Let me take a look, it's less than eleven o'clock now, we have only been apart for more than four hours, and you have taken a bath at Gu Yue's house?
So, what exactly did you do at Gu Yue's house?Be honest! "

Yiyin spread his hands and stopped pretending.

"Yes, Gu Yue and I fought for three hundred rounds and had sex for more than three hours, which made me exhausted."

Yiyin told the truth, but Xu Xing sneered.

"We are all men, and we all have 30 seconds of ability. Who doesn't know who the other is? Why are we bragging?"

After Xu Xing finished speaking, he saw Yiyin looking at him with a very pitiful look, as if he was despising him, and couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.

"What are you looking at? Am I right? It's clearly written in the physiology textbook!"

Yi Yin sighed deeply.

"Xu Xing, have you ever heard of the idiom called giftedness?"

Xu Xing rolled his eyes.

"You are so talented, one minute is fine? Really, what are you guys pulling me to talk about, you are so shameless!"

Yi Yin shook his head.

"Summer insects cannot talk about ice, and crickets do not know spring and autumn. Forget it, let's not talk about this.

I told Gu Yue about Hong Qi, and she said she would sign it when she went to work tomorrow. "

Xu Xing was overjoyed and immediately forgot about 30 seconds and 1 minute.

"Great! It turns out that it is difficult for a hero to be a beauty, but you still have something to do!"

Yiyin's smile turned a little bitter, and Xu Xing asked cautiously.

"What's wrong? What did I say wrong?"

Yi Yin shook his head and sighed.

"You are right, the heroine is sad...

Gu Yue told me that after the promotion meeting of Hehe Group at the end of the year, she would go to the Plateau Branch and maybe stay there for five or ten years.

Anyway, the matter is very complicated, and I don’t know what to tell you specifically. Gu Yue helped me a lot in this matter, and she also paid a high price for it. "

Xu Xing looked at Yiyin, his smile gradually faded, and asked in a low voice.

"Is the matter between you and her still possible?"

Yiyin shrugged, pretending to be relaxed.

“If you get married, it’s probably out of the question.

But I decided to cut ties with her. Unless she has another sweetheart and wants to marry someone else, I will keep pestering her and be a shameless slut lover. "

Xu Xing shook his head.

"If Gu Yue could have fallen in love with someone else, he wouldn't have ended up with you today.

Forget it, I don't understand what's going on with you, but I can see that you're in pain too.

Don't always call yourself a slut. Do you know how much this hurts those of us who care about you?

Yiyin, you are a good man, but your life is not good.Always suffering for others, yourself. "

Yiyin shook his head.

"You don't understand, my life is so good, I always enjoy myself and suffer others.

I am just a slut who enjoys himself in time. If I dare to do something, I dare to say it. Don’t stare at me with that look. You know, you know, I’m not a slut, okay? "

Xu Xing glared at Yiyin again and sighed.

"I will tell Hong Qi and Ding Qi about Gu Yue. These two cunning guys must remember this favor!"

Yiyin originally wanted to keep Gu Yue's visit to the Plateau branch secret for the time being, but suddenly he thought that Gu Yue didn't seem to have any intention of keeping it a secret.

They are all foxes of thousands of years, talking about Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio.

Honest people like Yiyin and Xu Xing don't have to worry too much about the middle and high-level executives like Hehe Group.

They have more minds than a hornet's nest. Who can't figure it out clearly?It seems like you are at a disadvantage, but that is all your own choice.

Yi Yin shook his head and said.

"Forget it, it's already too late. You and I should go to bed. Don't think too much. When you wake up, it will be another beautiful day."

Xu Xing smiled.

"If you can take it easy, I'm relieved, go to sleep, good night."

Watching Xu Xing go back to his room and close the door, Yiyin shook his head again, what could he not see?
Friendship, love, career, he doesn't lack any of them. A group of people are rushing to care about him, for fear that he will not be able to think about it.

Before the time travel, Yiyin could not even think about such a good life.

In less than two months after traveling back in time, six or seven beauties of all kinds were fucked.If you want to start a business, some people are rushing to give you money, and you can work with a minimum salary. All your alumni and classmates are caring little cotton-padded jackets.

If living like this is considered miserable, then wouldn’t it mean that I was living in hell before I traveled through time?

Yiyin couldn't help but look up to the sky and sigh.

I'm so happy, I'm so happy that I feel a little sorry for Gu Yue. I'm really a shameless slut.


In the morning, while Yiyin was still sleeping, his cell phone suddenly rang.

He picked up the phone in a daze, and when he saw Xi Feifei's name, Chen Bo was frightened to death.

In the past few days, Xi Feifei called him almost every morning to wake him up, and every time there was all kinds of bad news waiting for him.

Yiyin swallowed and picked up the phone.


"Boss! Come downstairs quickly!"

"Xi Feifei, why are you here again?"

"Stop talking nonsense, it's very important. Come down quickly, I'll wait for you, Dududu..."

Yiyin looked at the phone that was hung up, his heart was lifted again, and he grinded his teeth with hatred.People like this who only say half of what they say every time should be put in a sack and beaten with a stick.

Hate returned to hate, and Yiyin, who didn't know what happened again, could only get up.

He touched Yuyou who was sleeping next to him holding his arm, carefully broke away from her hand, smelled her milky body odor, kissed her forehead, and left the room.

Yiyin looked up at the clock, damn Xi Feifei, it's six o'clock again, won't this little witch sleep in?Why do you get up so early every day, she is not a poor working girl.

After washing up, Yiyin knocked on Xu Xing's door.

"come in."

Yiyin opened the door and looked at Xu Xing with a wry smile. The sleepy Xu Xing woke up instantly and asked nervously.

"What happened again?"

Yi Yin sighed.

"When will there be no accidents recently? I don't know the details. I have to go to the company first. I'll leave you to Yoyo."

Xu Xing nodded.

"Go ahead, I'm here with Youyou, don't worry.

By the way, today is Friday, so you don’t have to think about making dinner. Let’s go out to have a nice meal together.

Also, I had a phone call with Hong Qi last night. She was very happy and said that after finishing things today, she would like to take us to the golf club in Qingpu on weekends tomorrow and the day after.

Let me ask you what you mean, are you interested? "

Yi Yin sighed.

"Who knows what will happen tomorrow and the day after tomorrow? I don't even know if I can come back to have dinner with you tonight.

As you know, I've been encountering all kinds of strange things recently, and it's been dizzying to see. "

Xu Xing nodded.

"Hong Qi doesn't mean anything else. She just wants to thank you and take you to relax with Youyou.

There are few people there, and it is a membership system, so no one will harass you. After all, we can't always stay at home with our children on weekends, right? "

Yiyin nodded.

"I understand, I'll think about it again."

Xu Xing smiled.

"You go to do some work first and come back later. If anything happens, we'll call you."

Yi Yin smiled.

"Okay, then I'm leaving."


Yiyin walked downstairs and looked around, but did not see Xi Feifei's conspicuous sports car.

Just when he was wondering, a pair of slender hands reached out from behind and covered his eyes.

"Guess who I am?"

"Xi Lanlan."

Xi Feifei was so angry that she let go of her hand and turned to Yiyin.

"Boss, that's too much."

Yiyin chuckled.

"You are not exaggerating. You call me at six o'clock every day. Are you an alarm clock?"

Xi Feifei cut it.

"People care about you.

I've been running around all day for your business, and I haven't had much beauty sleep recently. I have dark circles under my eyes. The handsome guys in school don't scream when they see me.

Boss, you have to take full responsibility. "

Seeing Xi Feifei put her hands on her hips and choked, Yiyin shrugged indifferently and looked around.

"Then please stay out of my business. Where is your car?"

Xi Feifei hugged Yiyin, raised her eyebrows, and Yin smiled.

"How can I bear it?"

Yiyin broke away and sighed.

"Stop it, it's not good to be seen in public. You didn't drive here today?"

Xi Feifei smiled, took Yiyin and left, and came to a brand new Cayenne.

“Dang Dang Dang Dang, this year’s new 3.0T.

I was lucky, a customer returned the order, and I could get the goods on the spot. I am not afraid of long nights and dreams, and some people regret it and refuse to pay the bill. "

Yiyin glanced at the electric silver shell and touched the car logo on the front cover with his hand.

"Is this a K-banquet? This car costs more than 100 million, right?"

Yiyin may not be able to tell the price for other luxury cars. He, a poor guy, doesn't know much about cars.

But the K banquet is different. Xu Xing saved 100 million. He originally wanted to change his car, but finally gave it to Yiyin to start a business.

The car that Xu Xing planned to buy was the K Yan, so Yiyin remembered clearly that this car cost at least 100 million.

Xi Feifei opened the car door, sat in the driver's seat, and shouted excitedly.


Yiyin got into the passenger seat and moved his buttocks. It was indeed comfortable.

Compared to a sports car that looks cool but is actually quite uncomfortable to sit on, this car is much more comfortable.Sure enough, if you want to pursue comfort, you have to look at a low-key and luxurious mid-size car.

I took a look at the interior, and all I could see was the red leather, which was in sharp contrast to the electric silver exterior. It was so boring.

Yi Yin shook his head.

"Your taste is really..."

Xi Feifei said arrogantly as she started the car.

"You don't care what my taste is, as long as I like my car."

Yiyin pulled up his seat belt and said.

"Why did you suddenly think about giving up your little way of picking up men and replacing it with this big guy?"

Xi Feifei seemed to be in a good mood after getting a new car, and gave Yiyin a wink.

"I don't have you now. I don't drive something like a sports car that makes you feel insecure, lest you think I'm messing around outside."

Righteousness and silver qi knot.

"speak politely."

Xi Feifei chuckled.

"Sun Youling bought it for me."

Yiyin's eyes widened and he pointed at the steering wheel of the car.

"What did she buy for you? This 100 million luxury car?"

Xi Feifei said proudly.

"The landing price is 150 million, with high-end interiors. She only allowed me to buy a car with a price limit of 150 million, so I definitely paid for it. I paid for the extra tens of thousands of dollars myself."

Yiyin said in disbelief.

"Why did she buy you such an expensive car? What leverage did she have to fall into your hands?"

Xi Feifei blinked at Yiyin.

"I witnessed the whole process of her molesting you the day before yesterday. She was afraid that I would call the police, so she bought this car to block my mouth."

Yiyin looked at the dishonest Xi Feifei and became angry again.

"speak politely."

Xi Feifei surrendered.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, I'm telling the truth.

Yesterday, I took Sun Youling to see a doctor. The doctor was the first in the field of craniotomy and was very powerful. But after examination, the doctor said that her pituitary gland was getting smaller.

Strange to say.

Sun Youling just went to another hospital for a checkup a few days ago. It was found that the pituitary gland was indeed enlarging, and it had reached the point where it could not be done without surgery.

I don’t know why, but yesterday’s test results were the opposite.We couldn't believe it, and we did it three times in a row before we were sure it was really getting smaller.

The doctor who opened the craniotomy said that this incident is very rare, and he is interested in continuing the follow-up treatment. From now on, Sun Youling's disease will be taken care of by the best doctors in the country. Do you think you feel good about it?
Also, because the pituitary gland has become smaller, the doctor does not recommend craniotomy and continues observation.Therefore, she will not need to undergo high-risk surgery within a year, and her life is temporarily saved.

You said, I have done her such a big favor, so giving her a car is not too much, right? "

Yiyin smiled wryly and shook his head.

A 150 million luxury car. Many poor families are miserable and cannot afford this money.

How many middle-class people have to sell their cars and houses just to pay 150 million for medical expenses after working hard for half a lifetime to save their fortune.

But in the eyes of the rich second generation like Sun Youling and Xi Feifei, it is just a small gift for celebration. It is really a wealthy family, just on the roadside.

Sure enough, times will progress and productivity will increase, but human nature has never changed.

Seeing Yiyin's sudden silence, Xi Feifei didn't know what she said wrong. In the awkward atmosphere, she became active.

"Boss, let me tell you, Sun Youling is very interesting.

Even though she had escaped the clutches of death, she was still unhappy and kept trying to get into trouble. She couldn't figure out what had happened in the past few days, and the pituitary gland in her brain had become smaller.

I tried my best to explain but it didn't make sense, which made me anxious, so I told her directly that she was the one who screwed the boss and you screwed the better.

She was anxious at that time, haha, she was anxious.I was just joking, but she took it seriously, how could such a thing happen, haha. "

Yiyin's face froze, remembering the special power in her body, and remembering that the last time Li Hongmei had a cold and fever, she had cured herself.

like. .It's really possible!
(End of this chapter)

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