Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 28 First Formal Meeting

Chapter 28 The First Formal Meeting

Xing Yaoyao held her desk with both hands, stared at Yiyin's face, and complained.

"Boss, is there something wrong with your mind?"

Li Hongmei grabbed her, glanced at Wen Xinghan who was calm and calm, and said in a low voice.

"Xing Yaoyao, please pay attention to the occasion when you speak. This is not at home, but at the company."

Today is the first day of official establishment of the company. Yiyin has a meeting with three employees: Wen Xinghan, Li Hongmei, and Xing Yaoyao.

Manager Wang is indeed a talented person with high work efficiency. It only took two working days to pass the registration review.

The name of the company has also been officially determined, which is Nintendo Co., Ltd.

On Wednesday, Yiyin was so excited that he called everyone in to first establish the company's purpose and vision.

Xing Yaoyao glanced at Li Hongmei and said.

"Sister Hongmei, don't get along with me. Do you think it's okay?

The false and empty slogan of "bringing happiness to the world" sounds somewhat inspiring.

But what is the meaning of the eighteen prohibition requirements?If you don’t sell to minors, are you digging your own grave?

Children have always been the main force in games. If you look at the cards and chess games sold outside, which one will restrict their sale to minors?

Our boss has a grudge against money. This company hasn't opened yet, so I feel like it will be over sooner or later. "

Yiyin smiled bitterly and shook his head, Wen Xinghan said calmly.

"According to statistics, the average lifespan of Chinese companies is 2.4 years. Theoretically, the vast majority of startups will fail."

Xing Yaoyao glared and wanted to say something, but Li Hongmei grabbed her and pushed her back to her chair.She was also unconvinced and deliberately crossed her legs to shake her long legs.

Yiyin spread his hands and said.

"This is the situation. In short, we need to install a real-name system in our program to prevent minors from logging in.

Li Hongmei, is it okay? "

Li Hongmei nodded.

“It’s technically fine, I just need to add a few lines of code.

Just apply for Hehe Group's ID card database cloud comparison, which is not cheap. "

Yiyin's mouth twitched and he sighed.

“Spend it, spend it, you can’t save this money.

Wen Xinghan and I have already played the test version you made, and the effect is not bad. "

Yiyin looked at Wen Xinghan, Wen Xinghan nodded and said.

"For the Youwei Group, I have already applied for the software login platform by email, and the other party also replied, as long as they pass the safety test of their programmers, they can be put on the shelves.

However, because we are not self-employed but a formally registered limited company, we cannot enjoy their support and discounts, which are split [-]-[-] between the two parties.

The other party's suggested selling price is two yuan. "

Before Yiyin could speak, Xing Yaoyao had already clapped her hands and sighed.

"You can sell one copy for one yuan, and you're not even selling it to minors. That's it. How many copies can you sell?"

Yiyin frowned. He had always tolerated Xing Yaoyao's unrestrained behavior, partly because she was a friend introduced by Li Hongmei, and partly because she had long legs and was beautiful.

But no matter how beautiful you look, there must be a limit to having a bad personality, right?
Yiyin's tone became a little cold.

“My company does not sell video games to minors, that’s the bottom line.

If anyone is dissatisfied, they can quit and I will double the hard-earned money for this game. "

Xing Yaoyao pouted, really dissatisfied, but Li Hongmei grabbed her sleeves tightly.Looking at Li Hongmei who was pleading, Xing Yaoyao's heart softened.

As a homebody, Li Hongmei is one of her few friends.She didn't have bad intentions, she was just worried that the company would not be able to continue, and Li Hongmei would have wasted her short youth again.

Pursing her lips, Xing Yaoyao said one last stubborn word.

"I'm just discussing the matter. Boss, you invested 100 million and registered to start a company. It's only one yuan a share. How many years will it take to recover the capital?
I've also played this game, it's just a simple elimination game over and over again to get points.If this sells 100 million copies, I will call you daddy and do whatever you want. "

Yiyin glanced at Xing Yaoyao, who was unconvinced, and said confidently.

"What do you know about video games? Do you know that elimination is addictive?"

Xing Yaoyao made a sound and said nothing more.

Yiyin said again.

"Li Hongmei, you and Xing Yaoyao will work hard together to create more levels and pictures.

You can do some animal lianliankan, fruit lianliankan, try to change the shell, make a little surprise, and we can sell an extra copy when the new shell is on the shelves. "

Li Hongmei nodded.

"No problem, leave it to us."

Yiyin glanced at Xing Yaoyao, who was still a little depressed, and began to feed Tianzao.

"The address of the company is still a bit too remote, and everyone spends too much time on commuting and wastes it.

Our company does programming, so we don’t need to come to work every day. It’s the same online and offline.

Of course, you must come to the meeting every Monday. "

Xing Yaoyao's eyes lit up and she said in disbelief.

"Boss, are you saying that I can work from home?"

Yi Yin nodded and said.

"Yes, as long as it doesn't affect the work progress, you can work wherever you want."

Xing Yaoyao suddenly sat up straight, Erlang stopped raising her legs and stood up respectfully.

Yiyin shook her head, what a realistic long-legged house girl, how much does she dislike going out?

After looking at Wen Xinghan, Yiyin said.

"The company has now been registered, and the next step is the labor contract.

Wen Xinghan, do you have any friends over there who can help draft this labor contract? "

Wen Xinghan nodded.

"There is a person who is one year younger than me, named Mo Ziming.

I'll contact him back and ask him to help draw up a specific contract template and just pay the legal service fee. "

Yi Yin nodded and said.

"Excuse me, senior fellow student."

Yiyin glanced around the three of them.

"Anyway, the company is finally starting to work. Maybe you don't believe it, but I am very confident that the company will get better and better.

Everyone's basic salary is [-] for the time being, but they will have all the benefits that a regular company should have.

Five insurances and one fund, five days off and two days off, rest on holidays, fifteen days of paid annual leave, ten days of paid sick leave, well, is there anything else you need to add? "

The three of them shook their heads together, and Yiyin smiled.

"I still say what I said, as long as the company makes money, I will not treat you badly, and I won't let you help me go to waste."


The first meeting ended like this. Because the elevator had not been repaired, Li Hongmei and Xing Yaoyao could only go down the stairs.

Xing Yaoyao was still sighing as she walked.

"Sister Hongmei, do you think that Yiyin is really stupid, or is it just a joke to start a company?
I have never seen a boss like this, who allows his employees to work from home and provides them with full benefits in compliance with labor laws. "

Li Hongmei glanced at the top of the stairs, pulled Xing Yaoyao and whispered.

"Yiyin is a good person, don't always talk like this.

That Wen Xinghan was there just now, and you are like this. .so. .Yiyin is so shameless. After all, he is our current boss. He must have his own considerations in doing things.

Look at that Wen Xinghan who didn’t say anything. They all came from Jinghua, how could they be stupider than us? "

Xing Yaoyao glanced at Li Hongmei, shook her head and said.

"I just can't stand this. Look at Wen Xinghan dragging five and six people. Isn't it amazing that Jinghua came out? I'm also 211 at Mo University, right?
Forget it, Anti-Justice Yin is really good as a boss. He works from home, haha. I hope his company can last two more years and make me happy for two more years. "

Xing Yaoyao kicked her two long legs and jumped down swayingly.

Li Hongmei stamped her feet behind her and said angrily.

"Xing Yaoyao!"

(End of this chapter)

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