Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 52 Being a boss is not easy either

Chapter 52 Being a boss is not easy either
Xing Yaoyao was bombarded with a bunch of data from Wen Xinghan and became a little listless.

"It's really boring. The discounts are all for big companies, just like affordable housing is given to people who don't need it. So what do ordinary people want to start a business?"

Xi Feifei chuckled.

"Isn't starting a business just to make money? Unlike our boss, who likes to do charity."

Yiyin smiled wryly.

"Everyone works together and shares together. If you earn less, you will earn less. Being happy alone is not as good as being happy with everyone."

Xi Feifei smiled.

"That's not necessarily the case, boss. Do you know that there is a saying that power and responsibility are unequal. If you follow your rules, boss, you will be working in vain."

Yiyin was taken aback and said.

"Isn't it? Wen Xinghan just said that if our game app can reach one million downloads, the company can earn at least 40.

Even if everyone splits half of it, I still have 20, right? "

Xi Feifei smiled and imitated Wen Xinghan's tone and said.

“Boss, that’s not how the accounts are calculated.

What is written in the articles of association is net profit, and extraordinary gains and losses are not deducted.

In other words, the extra expenses that are not included in the company's daily operations will be deducted from your own profits, not involving employee benefits and dividends.

Given the company's current operating conditions, it is difficult to obtain sufficient development funds from formal bank channels.

Banks are engaged in the business of collecting umbrellas on rainy days and giving them away on sunny days. It is impossible to provide help in times of need. The more a small company needs money, the more it will not give you money because you are not qualified enough.

Even if you can get a loan, the amount is small, the mortgage is large, and the interest is high.

As an asset-light literary and artistic company like yours, and you don’t have any high-quality assets to pledge, the bank will not provide you with convenience.

Therefore, the future development of the company must be raised by yourself, that is, not very formal channels.

Normal interest payments can be included in operating costs, but if you rebate privately and promise returns, it will definitely not be included in the account.You can only bear this part of the provision yourself.

Also, because you increase dividends, the company's cash flow will be depleted, and the financial institution's evaluation of the company's qualifications will also be lowered, because the company will lose half of its remaining money.

You have to know that if you write more than 50% of the dividend into the company's program document, it must be implemented first in liquidation at the end of each year.

Without sufficient cash flow, formal financial institutions cannot be trusted, resulting in high financing costs and slowing down the company's development.

In this era where capital is king and every second counts, companies will slowly suffocate and be eliminated.

Boss, you are not the long-legged aunt next to you. You can take your salary and dividends and leave at any time.You are the owner of the company, a legal person, and you have to bear corresponding responsibilities.

Generally, companies will only determine to give year-end bonuses or dividends to employees at the end of the year. No boss will take the initiative to write it into the company's program, because that would put shackles on the boss himself.

If you insist on following the program, you may not make as much money as this long-legged aunt by opening this company, but you will have to work hard and shoulder responsibilities.

Let’s talk about it, isn’t this just doing charity, sacrificing yourself, and helping others? "

Xi Feifei seemed to be shouting sweetly, but Xing Yaoyao turned blue when Xi Feifei said something like a long-legged aunt.

Xing Yaoyao's Erlang's legs were all down, if Li Hongmei hadn't pulled her secretly, she might have already kicked her.

Auntie, what a p!I am only 32 years old!He's only 10 years older than you!As she thought about it, Xing Yaoyao's mentality became even more depressed.

Yiyin was speechless by Wen Xinghan and Xi Feifei. He really didn't expect that it would be so difficult to do some business.

If we provide employees with benefits in accordance with labor laws and pay taxes to Hehe Group honestly, the final result will be that the boss will most likely work in vain.

It seems that this society has given the boss two ways, either you should not treat employees as human beings, or you have someone behind you, or treat them as charity.

Does Yiyin want to do charity?Of course not, he wants to make money.

But he looked at Li Hongmei, Xing Yaoyao, and Wen Xinghan, squeezed the company's program that suddenly became a little hot in his hand, and couldn't say that I recognize money but not people, so he could only grit his teeth and say.

"I don't believe it. I opened a company in a good manner, gave me the benefits I should be given, and paid the taxes I should pay, so society won't let me live my life?

I, Yiyin, just want to be innocent, and earn this money standing up!As long as our company can produce good video game works, it will definitely be able to develop and grow!

Anyway, the program will not change, and the line of dividing net profits into dividends of more than 50% will never waver. "

Xi Feifei smiled and clapped her hands.

"The boss is domineering, but you have to be faster.

I have also played this app Lianliankan. It is fun, but the gameplay is too simple and can be copied too easily.

As long as you can make money, someone will definitely follow suit and make similar apps, such as Liankankan, Liankanlian, Liankanlian, Liankanlian.

I can guarantee that within a month, at least a dozen elimination apps will be on the market, diluting your download volume, and even pushing your app out of the market with massive promotion. "

Yiyin's heart palpitated when he heard this, and he subconsciously wanted to refute, but when he came back to his senses and thought about it, Xi Feifei was right.

Domestic protection of intellectual property rights is lagging behind. In addition, video games are a new thing and lack the protection of laws and regulations.

But instead of scaring Yiyin, Xi Feifei's words inspired his fighting spirit.

After the success of the Lianliankan app, Yiyin finally determined one thing.That is, although the world has changed and the strengths and weaknesses of men and women have reversed, human nature's love for games has not changed.

As long as people like to play games, Yiyin is not afraid of any competition, because his creativity has not yet dried up, and the treasure trove of another world is still stored in his mind.

Thinking of this, Yiyin smiled indifferently and said to Xi Feifei.

"Thank you for your concern for the company's future development, but I hope you won't interrupt the company's ongoing meetings again, okay?"

Seeing Yiyin's serious expression, suggesting that she should shut up, Xi Feifei was a little surprised at how unruly this guy looked. .Seems a bit handsome.

Yiyin said to Li Hongmei and Xing Yaoyao.

“How is the development of subsequent versions of the Lianliankan app going?”

Li Hongmei said.

"Xing Yaoyao has given me a set of fruit libraries, which is enough to make new fruit series.

But I have a problem here. It’s easy to program elimination games, but level design is not what I’m good at.

Just simply reducing the game time and increasing the difficulty of the game, I feel that this road has come to an end and some creative optimization is needed.

In addition, simply canceling the sound is too boring. It is best to have a dedicated BGM to improve the user's comfort when playing games. "

(End of this chapter)

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