Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 69 The surprising background of Yiyin

Chapter 69 The surprising background of Yiyin

Secretary Li spoke categorically, and Xi Lanlan seemed relieved.

"That's good.

Thinking about it, the two people seemed to be staying in the same place, but their social status was completely different. Their circles did not intersect, and there was no chance of contact again.

There are 500 million people living in Modu, and the probability of meeting someone by chance on the road is almost zero. I am too worried.

This stupid man, he actually gave up Gu Yue for a rapist who humiliated him. He was really stupid. "

Xi Lanlan's tone changed. Although she still called Yiyin a stupid man, she unknowingly paid more attention to it.

Because Gu Yue's weight was too heavy, Yiyin's ex-boyfriend also became different.

When Xi Lanlan turned to the next page, her expression changed again.

"Huang Yi? Ding Qi? Yiyin also knows them?"

Xi Lanlan's tone was a little trembling. She really didn't expect that the 30-year-old lonely man brought by her sister would actually know these young elites of the Harmony Group and focus on cultivating characters.

That's all for Ding Qi, but Huang Yi. .

Secretary Li nodded.

"They are roommates in a dormitory at the university. Because they are so famous, they are nicknamed the four golden grasses in the first dormitory by their classmates. In addition to Yiyin and these two, there is also Xu Xing."

Xi Lanlan shook her head, she didn't care about Xu Xing.

In the financial industry, contacts and barriers are more important than ability. No matter how good Xu Xing is, he is a financial engineer with a good brain. What if she still has the ability to get a license?

Monopoly industries and high-profit professions never lack talents, but relationships.Xu Xing comes from a well-off background and has no background. The only way out is to marry high, and he cannot catch Xi Lanlan's eyes for the time being.

As a topic writer in a small town who relies on studying to make his way through, if he cannot achieve a class leap through marriage, it will be of little importance to Xi Lanlan.

But Huang Yi and Ding Qi are different.

Ding Qi is a rising star in the finance department of Hehe Group's Imperial Capital Corporation. He is assigned to handle the business of the banking system and is a good communicator.

Of course, with Xi Lanlan's background and connections, there is no shortage of financing channels. On the contrary, banks want to please big investors with resources like her. Ding Qi is not a threat to her.

But Huang Yi was someone Xi Lanlan didn't dare to offend. Huang Yi was a newly promoted elite in the Development and Reform Department of Hehe Group's Imperial Capital Corporation, and was already qualified to attend important meetings.

In other words, Huang Yi has established a firm foothold in the Ministry of Development and Reform and has influence over high-level bosses.

The most important thing is that Huang Yi is still a man.Harmony Group has always advocated that men hold up half the sky. This is not an empty slogan.

In order to encourage men to participate in labor, there must be corresponding policy support.Therefore, there is an unspoken rule in the management of Hehe Group that there must be several male seats in senior management positions.

Therefore, capable men like Huang Yi actually have a gender advantage. In the fierce competition among women, it is easier for men to climb to high positions.

Such a promising young hero is aiming at Xi Lanlan's mother's level, and Xi Lanlan is unwilling to offend such a future star.

Xi Lanlan frowned.

"If Yiyin and Huang Yi are friends, I will have a good talk with Feifei and stop provoking Yiyin. This matter will end here."

Secretary Li shook his head.

"Mr. Xi, the two of them broke off their relationship six years ago.

Yiyin and Huang Yi were very famous in the school back then. They almost won all the competitions, selections, and scholarships together. They were Yiyin No.1 and Huang Yi No.2.

Yiyin is known as the number one school president since the school was founded. Huang Yi is very unconvinced and has been competing with Yiyin.

Even Gu Yue, I heard, was Huang Yi's crush back then. In the end, Gu Yue fell under Yi Yin's pomegranate pants.

Although Yiyin and Huang Yi lived in the same dormitory, I heard that Huang Yi had never liked Yiyin very much. In the end Yiyin decided to graduate and marry, and Huang Yi got angry and broke up with him. "

Xi Lanlan was stunned and laughed.

"I almost forgot, Huang Yi is a famous independent man, maybe he can't stand Yiyin's virtuous virtues, right?

He is obviously a better man than himself, but he is bound by tradition and marries a woman who forcibly humiliates him.

Seeing this, Huang Yi must have found it unbearable. No wonder he chose to sit separately. "

Xi Lanlan finally breathed a sigh of relief after learning that Huang Yi had a bad relationship with Yiyin and had stopped contacting him many years ago.

She obviously doesn't know that Ding Qi, a well-known socialite in the Finance Department, has always been the key figure in connecting the four golden grasses.

Men's brotherhood is different from women's, men are more emotional, so the so-called hate may not be real hate.

After losing her fear, Xi Lanlan began to be more interested in Yiyin.

Her fingers moved across the paper, crossing the names of Gu Yue, Huang Yi, and Ding Qi, and then stopped on Xu Xing's name.

Xi Lanlan raised her eyebrows and asked.

"What's going on in Xu Xing's studio recently?"

Secretary Li remained calm, took out a document from the briefcase he was carrying, and handed it to Xi Lanlan.

Xi Lanlan opened it, glanced at it a few times, and nodded with satisfaction.

"You understand me better and better."

Secretary Li smiled.

"It was Mr. Xi who trained me well."

Xi Lanlan glanced at Secretary Li and smiled.

"Old rules, after taking it, he is yours."

Secretary Li's eyes flashed with excitement.

Xi Lanlan is extremely narcissistic. She can't even tolerate Xi Feifei using a face like hers to like men, let alone get along with those stupid men in person.

Every time he succeeded, it was Secretary Li who was the real stand-in.

And Secretary Li is not at a loss either. She has sex with the handsome guy for free, and afterwards the big boss Xi Lanlan finishes the job. It’s all in vain, and it’s fun without any trouble. Isn’t it wonderful?

This is also an important reason why Secretary Li actively cooperated with Xi Lanlan, looked up the information carefully, and used his brain to help.

When sorting out Yiyin's information, Secretary Li had keenly noticed that Xu Xinghui was the best choice for Xi Lanlan to open a breakthrough.

First of all, Yi Yin and Xu Xing love each other as brothers.

Secondly, Xu Xing is an important supporter of Yiyin’s entrepreneurship.

Thirdly, Xu Xing is a financial practitioner, and the investment field is Xi Lanlan's home field, which is most conducive to Xi Lanlan's manipulation.

Therefore, Secretary Li sorted out the relevant information about Xu Xing's studio in advance. In the investment world, Gaoshan Investment Group is a giant that cannot be underestimated. Xu Xing's information was found out immediately.

Xi Lanlan flipped through the investment information of Xu Xing Studio, put it on the table, and said to Secretary Li.

"I'm a little hungry."

Secretary Li nodded, turned around and walked out of the conference room to make arrangements.

After she left, Xi Lanlan tapped her fingers on the table a few times, then picked up the phone and dialed a number.

It is impossible for Xi Lanlan to take the initiative to seek out Yiyin. Such a pursuit would be too deliberate and would arouse Yiyin's vigilance.

Since you don’t have any chips in hand, let’s create chips first.

Just as Secretary Li expected, Xi Lanlan finally decided to start with Xu Xing, quietly making Yiyin owe him a favor.

(End of this chapter)

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