Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 71 Be Mentally Prepared

Chapter 71 Be Mentally Prepared

Yiyin was playing the beta version of Fruit Lianliankan that Li Hongmei sent to him in the morning, and found that this version was much improved compared to the previous version of Lianliankan.

He played ten levels and listened to three or four BGMs, which were either relaxed, lively, or jumpy. In short, it was very suitable for a casual elimination game with a relaxing moment.

In addition, the design of the levels has also been significantly enriched. The framework of various geometric figures and the seemingly simple design are very interesting and enrich the game content.

Fruit Lianliankan is no longer as boxy as the previous Lianliankan. At first glance, it looks like a programmer’s straight female style. It can be said that it has made great progress and optimization.

Yiyin was having fun when the sound of the door opening came from outside. What was more obvious than the door opening was the sound of Xing Yaoyao happily greeting Wen Xinghan.

The noise made Yiyin couldn't help but curl his lips. The sound insulation of this conference room was too poor. Once they made money, they would renovate it.

Yiyin, which had already expanded, was proud of Lenovo's future company appearance. The [-]-square-meter bulkhead shop in front of him was no longer in his eyes.

Wen Xinghan, Li Hongmei, and Xing Yaoyao walked into the conference room one after another, and Xing Yaoyao said with a smile.

"Good morning daddy."

Li Hongmei angrily hit her with her elbow and laughed.

"Morning boss."

Wen Xinghan arrived earlier than Yiyin and had said hello before. Now he didn't waste any time. He sat directly in his seat and said to Yiyin.

"There is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

Yiyin put down his phone and said.

"Listen to the good news first."

Wen Xinghan said.

“Lianliankan app has been on the shelves for two weeks, with actual downloads of 210 million, 430 times, and sales exceeding 420 million.

According to our cooperation plan with Youwei Group, the bill will be split [-]/[-] on a monthly basis. The bill will be issued in the current month and settled in the next month.

Therefore, relying solely on the settlement numbers of these two weeks, the company's operating income next month will exceed one million. "

100?Before Yiyin could react, Xing Yaoyao, who had just sat down at the other end of the table, had already jumped up.

"Yeah! Got rich! Got rich!"

Li Hongmei grabbed her and said with wide eyes.

"It's a meeting, sit down!"

Xing Yaoyao stuck out her tongue and sat down obediently, but she twisted her buttocks, obviously unable to restrain the excitement in her heart.

Wen Xinghan glanced at Xing Yaoyao and seemed to guess what she was thinking, so he said.

“One million downloads is indeed unexpectedly good, but if you expect a high explosion of one million downloads in the future, it is just a dream.

People who are willing to pay have already paid, and the number of downloads will be lower and lower in the future.And seeing our huge profits, others will be tempted to grab this piece of cake.

Next, the bad news.

White Swan Group has made a high-profile announcement to enter the gaming industry. Swan Entertainment, a subsidiary of the group, has established a subsidiary, Swan Games.

This morning, Swan Games released the first idea game, which is open for free download.

If you turn on your mobile phone and go online now, you can see the overwhelming publicity campaign. The first game of Swan Game is called Swan Lianmeng. Can you guess what type of game it is? "

Yiyin's heart, which had been so excited just now, was suddenly poured with cold water.

"Is it a Lianliankan type game? Free download? Don't they want to make money?"

Wen Xinghan glanced at Yiyin and said.

"I've reminded you before that those giants play differently than we do. They can accept losses for months or even years as long as they can occupy more market share.

The newly opened blue ocean can create new markets worth billions or tens of billions in the future. Using this new growth point to create dreams, financial losses can be fully recovered through the stock market. "

Xing Yaoyao said unconvinced.

"That is also breaking the rules. We charge and they are free. Or are they copying our games? How can there be such a shameless thing?"

Wen Xinghan said lightly.

“First of all, shopping malls are like battlefields, where interests are more important than face, not to mention having money means having face.

Secondly, video games are a new blue ocean, and the relevant laws are completely blank. If they copy our games, we can't find suitable intellectual property regulations to protect our interests.

Regarding this point, the legal department of the White Swan Group knows better than us.

Finally, Swan Lianmeng is not a free game. It is just a free downloadable beta version. In theory, it does not damage the living environment of paid apps. "

Xing Yaoyao was dumbfounded and speechless. She could only say something hateful.

"It's so shameless."

Wen Xinghan didn't care about Xing Yaoyao, he just looked at Yiyin and asked.

"Boss, what should we do now?"

There was a hint of expectation in his calm tone, which made Yiyin couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Yiyin, who initially rejected Moon Sing-han's suggestion and insisted on making games in a down-to-earth manner, had no idea that greedy predators would move so quickly in the post-Internet era.

Yiyin originally thought that relying on Lianliankan, he could always make some money to open up the situation, and at least be able to pay back Xu Xing's money.

Now it seems that I was naive.

Yiyin himself has also played the Lianliankan app. It can be said to be extremely simple, just a creative little game.

Creativity is not difficult to do once the public understands what it is about, and there is no moat that can stop imitators.

White Swan Group acted like an Internet giant, wiped out its face and ended up plagiarizing, and directly started a free expansion model of kicking people out.

Nintendo has little arms and legs. If it wants to fight hard, it will never win, and it can't even win sympathy from public opinion.

Compared with the water army, a hundred Ren Tianxing tied up can't beat the white swan. Even if there are a few passers-by who speak up, they will soon be drowned in the information bombardment.

This is the post-internet era, an era of extreme involution.Any new blue ocean will be quickly captured by big data, and greedy predators are working hard to find every new growth point.

Such a cruel current environment is not the male-dominated world before Yiyin. There has been a relatively relaxed industry environment for 30 to [-] years, allowing entrepreneurs to slowly figure out good game ideas.

Before the Nintendo Game Company started, difficulties came to us.

When Yiyin chose to take the route of talking about the quality of the game, he was left with only the quality of the game.

Compared with capital, he is nothing.

Yiyin shook his head, shaking off the trace of frustration, and asked.

“From now on, it’s impossible for the Lianliankan app to increase its downloads, right?”

Wen Xinghan said.

"There are still some people who support originality, but the temptation of free comes first, and the grand occasion of millions of downloads will definitely never be seen again.

Next, the number of downloads will definitely drop off a cliff, so you have to be mentally prepared. "

(End of this chapter)

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