Chapter 74

While the four of them were talking, there was a noise in the corridor outside.

Yiyin said helplessly.

"what happened again?"

Wen Xinghan nodded to Yiyin and walked out.

Yiyin shook his head and stood up, then walked out of the conference room and saw Wen Xinghan and a middle-aged, fat old aunt talking at the door.

The aunt kept wiping the sweat from her forehead with a handkerchief. The humidity and heat in Modu summer were a bit cruel to fat people.

The old aunt said politely.

"Xiao Wen, can you please calm down a little bit here?

The group leader heard that a new start-up company had settled in this building and said he would go upstairs to take a look later. "

Wen Xinghan said with a smile.

"Director Hao, it's not that I don't want to, but you just visit if you say so, and you don't give us a few days to prepare.

If that leader sees something bad, it will be difficult for our company to do business in the future. After all, it is the big leader of Hehe Group who comes, and we are also afraid. "

Director Hao smiled wryly.

"Xiaowen, don't worry, it's just a regular visit. Every year, the city's Hehe Group will send leaders to care about the development of each park.

You also know that our park is progressing relatively slowly, and there are not many start-up companies stationed in the park, so we are also very nervous about this matter.

I don’t know why, but the leader of this tour asked you to come and have a look, but several people in charge of the park refused to accompany me on the tour.

To be honest, I don't know what to do, and I know it's causing trouble for your company.

But now, the superiors only gave me half an hour to prepare, and people will come upstairs shortly. I have no other choice but to ask you for help.

How about this, you help me with this matter today, this year's sanitation fee, property fee, water and electricity fee, I will give you all free. "

Yiyin was listening intently when suddenly Xing Yaoyao's loud voice came from behind, startling him.

"Are you still charging sanitation fees? No one cleans the corridors every day."

Wen Xinghan and Director Hao glanced over at the same time. Yiyin turned around and glared at Xing Yaoyao. She seemed to know that her voice was too loud, stuck out her tongue, and retreated into the conference room.

Last time, Xing Yaoyao was escorted by Wen Xinghan to sweep around the corridor for setting off fireworks randomly in the corridor. This guy actually holds a grudge to this day, which is also speechless.

When Xing Yaoyao shrank, Yiyin couldn't shrink back with her, so she could only greet her with a smile.

"Brother Xue, what's the matter?"

Wen Xinghan said with a smile.

"Boss, let me introduce to you. This is Director Hao of the park."

Yiyin smiled and stretched out his hand and said.

"Director Hao, hello, I'm Yiyin."

Director Hao seemed a little surprised by Yiyin's handsomeness, reached out to shake it, and said with a smile.

"Hello, Mr. Yi.

The leader is downstairs, and I have to race against time, so I won’t say much.

To be honest, you know what the park looks like.I just make a living at Hehe Group. The results of the annual visits are very important to me. I would like to ask you to help me.

The hygiene problem in the corridors is due to our property management's negligence. I will urge the cleaners to pay more attention to it in the future. "

Yiyin laughed.

"Director Hao's words are obvious. Brother Xue has always told me that Director Hao takes good care of our company. The company's tables and chairs were lent to us for free by the property management company.

It is our honor that the leaders of Hemu Group are willing to visit our company. We must cooperate with the park and do a good job in reception. "

Director Hao saw that Yiyin was good-looking, spoke better, and her face was smiling like chrysanthemums.

"Justice is always upheld, and you will definitely make a fortune in the future.

These tables and chairs themselves are construction waste left over from the previous owner, and our property management doesn’t know how to deal with them.

It was your company that helped us dispose of it. We are grateful before it's too late. Don't talk about borrowing or not, it's yours.

These are not included in our fixed assets table, you can deal with them by yourself. "

Yi Yin nodded.

"Thank you, Director Hao."

Director Hao looked at his watch and said.

"The leader is walking around the park. I'm asking some cleaners to come over and sweep the corridors. Do you want help from your company to clean them up?"

Yiyin shook his head.

"No, we can handle it ourselves. Don't worry, I won't discredit the park."

Director Hao nodded.

"Then please ask Mr. Yi, there is about half an hour left, you are busy, I will not disturb you.

If anything happens to your company in the future, please go directly to the property office to see me. "

Yiyin and Wen Xinghan smiled and sent Director Hao to the elevator. After the elevator went downstairs, they looked at each other and smiled.

Wen Xinghan said.

"I told you earlier that you were suitable to be a male publicist, right?
After you say a few words, Director Hao will give you the whole set of office equipment. These desks and chairs can be purchased online for tens of thousands of yuan. "

Yiyin rolled his eyes.

"It's her who asked us, it's not as mysterious as you said.

Eaters are short-tongued, and takers are short-handed. Stop the meeting now, clean up, and be ready to welcome the leaders of Hehe Group in half an hour.

I don’t know which level of leadership he is, the department manager of the Modu Branch of the Harmony Group?You see, this property manager is scared. "

Wen Xinghan said with a smile that seemed to mean something else.

"The level shouldn't be low. Although this property director seems to be a low-key person, she actually has a lot of power.

Although the park does not make money, Hehe Group cannot afford these grassroots managers. The various fixed budgets alone are enough for them to eat and drink well every year, not counting the oil and water from various small businesses.

We helped her this time, which was of great benefit to the company's daily chores.

Of course, you have to rely on your charisma. Once you make that leader happy, we will officially pass the test. "

Yi Yin frowned.

"Why do you sound so weird?"

Wen Xinghan smiled and gave a thumbs up.

"Come on, top male publicist."

Yiyin shook his head and returned to the company.

"I'm too lazy to tell you, Li Hongmei, Xing Yaoyao, come out and do some hygiene first!"


When Yiyin saw Gu Yue, his eyes went straight.

Today she was wearing a summer silk breathable shirt and dark-colored half-length trousers. Her face was indifferent, and her whole body was full of intellectual and beautiful imperial sister style.

Yiyin, who was greeting him at the door, couldn't help but glance at Wen Xinghan, and suddenly remembered what Director Hao just said about the group's annual visit.

Speaking of which, the visiting leader must be a senior executive of the Hehe Group in charge of economics, so it would not be difficult to guess who is coming.

Wen Xinghan didn't guess that it was Gu Yue from the very beginning, did he?

Looking back at Yiyin's confused eyes, Wen Xinghan just smiled and said nothing.

Looking at Gu Yue, who was surrounded by a group of people, like stars holding the moon, Yiyin felt a little dazed.

Is this powerful lady in front of her really the Gu Yue who wanted to be with her forever yesterday?
But at this moment, Yiyin was confused.

Did he really sleep with such a big shot?He also made her sleep so drunk that she couldn't leave her, and then he pulled out his penis and ran away ruthlessly?
Thinking about it this way, Yiyin suddenly felt that he was quite awesome.

(End of this chapter)

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