Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 86 Resentment and guilt from Qian Zhi

Chapter 86 Resentment and guilt from Qian Zhi

Yiyin is known as a slutty Secretary Li, which attracts the admiration of the little girl Xi Feifei. The little star is entangled endlessly and can't get out for a while.

Although Xi Feifei is beautiful, she is really shameless. Under the constant stalking, Yiyin is helpless and helpless.

The two came out of the hotel and walked along Jiangbei, arguing all the way.

But Yiyin didn't know that in Jiangnan, not far from him, a woman who was really depressed because of him was resenting him.

Modu has a hundred years of splendor and feasting, so how can it be without a ten-mile foreign market?

There is a building located among them, with a green hat on its head, which shows that it has experienced the changes of the world.

This building is the Chinachem Hotel.

The Chinachem Hotel, formerly known as the Sassoon Hotel, was the first building in the Far East built by Lord Sassoon in the 20s.

This building has a copper roof, which was once magnificent. However, after the brass was oxidized, it turned into green copper, so it became the current green roof.

There is also a small museum in the hotel dedicated to the history of the hotel.

I just don’t know why, but the dramatic years in the hotel’s history have never been the focus of the introduction.

On the contrary, the Sassoon family, who started out as opium traders and speculated on real estate, became the focus of the hotel's flaunting of its history.

There are gold belts for killing people and setting fires, but there are no corpses for repairing bridges and roads. The ancients sincerely do not deceive me.

At this time, in the Cherry Blossom Room, one of the most famous ten-nation suites in the Chinachem Hotel, Qian Zhi was looking ashen in the shower room, as if he had no hope of life.

Outside the door, a man with a romantic temperament shouted coquettishly.

"Boss Qian, should I leave first?"

Qian Zhi growled.


The man wasn't angry either. He shook the cash in his hand, stuffed it into his bag, opened the door and left with a sneer on his face.

It was really easy to do this job today. I didn't expect to encounter a useless snack. I didn't spend any effort and got the money.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, Qian Zhi was so numb that she turned on the shower and buried her head under the shower head. Her shoulders twitched as if she was crying.

Just now, nothing happened between her and this enchanting-looking prostitute man. The reason was simple, because she was not good at it.

Qian Zhi came out of the shower room and saw that there were already several missed calls on the mobile phone placed on the sink, and his boss's name was displayed on it.

She quickly picked up the phone, called back, and was picked up after only two rings.

"Mr. Guo, I'm sorry, I was taking a shower just now and didn't hear the phone call."

"Haha, it's okay. Xiaoqian, do you have time now? Can you go back to the company? Call a meeting with all employees."

Qian Zhi was stunned for a moment.

"Mr. Guo, today is Sunday. Everyone has been busy for a week, and they may still be sleeping."

"I also know that everyone is working hard and it is not easy to leave early and come back late. But now is the entrepreneurial period, so we must race against time, work overtime and do more, and we cannot slack off.

I have thought about it. From today on, everyone's mobile phones will be turned off 24 hours a day, and they will be ready to deal with emergencies at any time. You are the person in charge of the specific project, so you must set a good example.

By the way, are we going to have three new elimination games next week? "

"Yes, I originally wanted to report the specific content to you next Monday."

"No need for next Monday, come to the company now, I'll wait for you.

By the way, that Nintendo company has released a new Fruit Lianliankan. Let the people in the technical department follow up and try to add similar competing products next week.

Also, we need to learn from some of Nintendo’s good content.But don’t take over some things that are meaningless. "

Qian Zhi asked cautiously.

"What did Mr. Guo say?"

"It's the real-name system. Minors are not allowed to play games. What's the point? Why should we give up such a big market?

Our game does not need such meaningless things as follow-up. Let me get rid of them all.

There are already voices saying that we plagiarized Nintendo, so if you follow up with real-name authentication, isn't that going to give people a reason to criticize you? "

Qian Zhi smiled bitterly, do you know what the outside world says about us?In order to launch the project as soon as possible, Swan Games, a subsidiary of White Swan Group, is copying Nintendo’s Lianliankan.

Because Qian Zhi discovered this blue ocean of video games in the Strategy Department, he was promoted exceptionally and was transferred to Swan Games to serve as the vice president of specific affairs.

Mr. Guo, who was talking to her on the phone, was an old official who was parachuted in by the group to brush up on his qualifications.

Mr. Guo only cares about profits and how fast they come. Qian Zhi proposed several times to develop new games by himself, but Mr. Guo rejected them all.

What should I do if I don’t grab a successful track and go down the wrong path in my own development?Those are all costs.

As a listed company, in order to achieve good financial results, White Swan Group needs new growth points, not loss points.

Mr. Guo also needs to brush up his qualifications through the Swan Game to advance further within the group.

Instead of taking risks yourself, why not let Ren Tianxing take the lead and Swan Games follow up and make money?
Qian Zhi hesitated for a moment, but still wanted to fight for it and said.

"Mr. Guo, the company still needs to have its own development department.

We always draw lessons from Nintendo's content. If external reviews are not good, it will affect our corporate image, and intellectual property disputes will also be a problem. "

Mr. Guo said with a smile.

"Xiaoqian, your opinion is very good, but the company has just started and needs to show its results to the group in order to get more resources.

What I am doing now is also for the future development of the company.Without results, I would not have the confidence to make demands of the company.

Things in the development department will definitely be put on the agenda in the future, but there is no rush yet.

As for possible legal disputes, I have talked with the group's legal department and they are very confident that Ren Tianxing can't do anything to us, so don't worry.

In short, you come to the company first and we will discuss it in detail. "

"Okay, Mr. Guo."

Qian Zhi felt a little irritable.

This old guy surnamed Guo just wanted to blow up Swan Entertainment as soon as possible so as to polish her qualifications. She had not considered the long-term development of Swan Entertainment at all.

If you don’t have your own development department and just rely on copying others, can you get far?It is simply shameless to rely on the advice of those litigators in the Legal Department!
Qian Zhi's mood was very complicated.

On the one hand, she had a physical problem and all her resentment was blamed on Yiyin.

But on the other hand, she was full of guilt for Yiyin.Because she not only did such scandalous things to Yiyin, she also kept poaching his corners and using his creativity to pave the way for herself.

Two seemingly contradictory emotions can be unified in one person, which is actually very reasonable.

If a person owes too much to another person, he may not necessarily think about how to repay, but instead hopes that the other person will disappear, be destroyed, and cease to exist.

This is the ugly side of human nature, where kindness is promoted and hatred is fought against.

(End of this chapter)

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