Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 10 The custom of official governance (please vote for recommendation!)

Chapter 10 The custom of official governance (please vote for recommendation!)

Later, Fusu was surrounded by people and listened to many details of the project.

Zhang Han said that it would take at least half a month to select the site, set the foundation, and transport stone and wood to prepare everything, but these were all the responsibilities of the future Shaofu.As for the specific implementation projects, all the five schools are responsible for them.

What surprised Fusu was that Ji Hao's subordinate officials rarely spoke politely, let alone flattery.

If he had something to ask, they would be able to answer him appropriately. If he had nothing to do, those subordinate officials would not come close to say flattering words.What surprised him even more was that these subordinate officials were not only extremely efficient in handling matters, but they also did not treat their subordinates as superior to others.

Rare, indeed rare.

I still remember that Chun Yuyue once accidentally mentioned in front of him, "The laws of the Qin State are strict, and the king works hard to govern, so there is no tendency of personal relationships and bad public relations in the court."

Hearing is better than seeing. I didn't expect that today I can feel such simplicity and rigor in office work from these low-ranking officials.

But this is not surprising. The Qin cavalry is invincible externally and has won many battles. The internal dynasty is bound to be impregnable and united.

How great would it be if this trend could continue?
Seeing that Fusu seemed a little distracted, Ji Hao began to understand again, "If you are tired, young master, you can go back to the palace to rest first. There will be subordinates here to supervise."

It's true that he can't help here much, but he has nothing important to do now that he's back in the palace.

I saw a look of reluctance on the young master's face.Ji Hao thought, it seems that the young master is actually a restless person.

What should I take my son to see?Lishan Mountain, in addition to mountains and rivers, is also the mausoleum of His Majesty the King.Although the king's tomb is not far away, no one dares to enter without the king's special permission.

Moreover, he and Zhang Han knew where the royal tomb was, which in itself was a major crime!

At this moment, Ji Hao looked back and unexpectedly saw green waves rolling in the distance, and suddenly an idea struck him!
"Sir, there are thousands of hectares of fertile fields to the east of Lishan Mountain. It is the spring planting season now, and there must be many people farming on the dam. You have been living in the palace for a long time. If you go and see the people working, you may gain some understanding. .”

Fusu's eyes suddenly aroused a wave of excitement. This Ji Hao looked like a tough guy, but he didn't expect to be able to say such a thing.

"Ji Jiangzuo, this is a good idea."

"In that case, Ji Hao will lead the way for you."

Fusu frowned and said with a smile, "There is General Lao Ji."

Ji Hao was overjoyed and said, "Young master, you are serious."

Chi Wu saw Ji Hao please the young master's favor, and thought of the way the young master looked at him these days, he felt mixed emotions in his heart.

Chi Wu watched the young master being led by Ji Hao and striding towards the car. Suddenly, a scene of the young master running and jumping in front of him appeared in front of his eyes.

Now looking at such a heroic, young and energetic young master, Chi Wu suddenly said to himself, "Oh, am I old?"

Chi Wu touched his cheek again, it was thick and tight, "Nothing either."


In mid-spring, many figures naturally appear in the fields.The sun is still high now, and the farmers are hunched over, holding their food in their hands. Catalpas, mule, and wood grass are all going into battle, arranging them in a square array of loess.

A few cattle are scattered in this field under the vast sky, and there are always many people behind the cattle to help the plow.

Some children, who had no choice but to wear a piece of cloth to hide their shame, gathered together to catch loaches in the ditch. There were also some sensible children who wore rags and dug shepherd's purse and day lilies on field stems.

"Father, look." A boy sitting on the back of an ox and playing the xun pointed to the west and shouted in surprise.

The golden crow is getting closer to the west, and dusk is coming.

There was a long row of willow trees on the field ridge in the distance. A group of black-armored guards quietly emerged from behind the willow shade.

The old farmer just raised his head and glanced slightly, and then continued to work on his plow.There is nothing to make a fuss about. The Qin State is in short supply of generals. Even this old man was once a general.After fighting for a lifetime, in the end it is not farming.

Fusu only regretted that he had done something unnecessary today. He was afraid that he would be despised by his subordinates because he was young and not an official prince, so he specially wore the imperial robe.

He didn't expect that he would be so tired while riding a horse in Mianfu, and he was also sweating all over. When he finally got to the place, he couldn't go down to have a look.

However, seeing this is enough.

Although it was expected that production would fall behind, seeing the current situation with one's own eyes and discovering that it has fallen behind to such an extent is still shocking.But this is the way this era is, and he has to respect the laws of historical development.

Reforming farm tools was the greatest help he could give to the farmers at the bottom of Da Qin, and it was also a necessary means to create a new era.

"Sir, the sun is getting westward, it's time to return to the palace."

Out of his duty as a guard, Chi Wu must remind the young master.

After finally getting out, why should we go back?The palace is too boring, there are eyes, ears and shadows of King Qin everywhere, and there is nothing to do.

Seeing that the young master was still unwilling, Ji Hao asked again:

"My lord, it's already getting late. Fortunately, we can directly pass through the village here. After passing this village, there is a road leading directly to the north gate of Xianyang City. You can go back to Xianyang City through this road, and then return to the palace."

"It seems that Ji Jiangzuo is quite familiar with the terrain in the Xianyang area. If we enter the city from the north gate, I can go to the harem first to pay homage to my mother."

Fusu couldn't help but feel more favorable towards Ji Hao in front of him.

Although he seems careless, he is actually very thoughtful and very good at observing people's emotions.

"To be honest, Ji Hao is usually fine, and he likes to hunt rabbits with the official dogs in the suburbs of Xianyang."

"Presumably the person riding with Ji General is Zhang Han from the Fifth School."

"Young Master's words have struck you right again. Young Master has a keen eye."

Fu Su smiled, thinking that it would be impossible.

"I am just a young man with tied hair. How can I be called wise? I just speak from my heart. On the other hand, Ji Jiangzuo. When I saw him today, I saw that Ji Jiangzuo's witty words are not inferior to those of today's Yao Shangqing."

This is the young master saying that he went too far in flattering me.

Ji Hao hurriedly said seriously, "Sir, a general from Xiaguan District will be the Shaofu. How can he compare with Yao Shangqing?"

"General Ji is too humble. Now that the building of the building has been completed as scheduled, Fusu will definitely recommend General Ji as your father."

"Then I'd like you, sir, to speak kindly to the king."

"I am going back to the palace now. I wonder if General Ji will accompany me."

"Wish to go."

It is his great honor that the young master invited him to ride with him in the chariot.

Chi Wu saw that Ji Hao stole the show in front of the young master today, and he was already jealous. Now that he saw him riding with the young master, he was naturally even more dissatisfied.

Today, the young master has been keeping him to one side.In the past, he had never left the young master's side.Thinking of this, Chi Wu became more and more displeased with Ji Hao.

This general is the descendant of Gongzi Chi, who is named Ying. He can be considered to be from the same clan as the prince. He is highly regarded by the king and has been assigned the position of guard to guard the prince's left and right sides.For more than ten years, I have not dared to slack off at all, and I have never been dissatisfied because of my humble position as a prince.

Why did Ji Hao just say a few words and the young master was so kind to him?

He actually dared to flatter him in front of him and disturb the young master's hearing and hearing.The young master is still young and has no idea who in the palace is sincere to him and who is false to him.

(End of this chapter)

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