Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 12: Identity of the eldest son (please recommend!)

Chapter 12: Identity of the eldest son (please recommend!)
Gao Chang changed the topic as usual and got in front of Jiang Lu. He didn't want to make the situation awkward, otherwise it would be difficult to meet him in the future.

"What did elder brother go out of the palace today, to put on such a big show, and to come back so late?"

Jiang Lu was also very puzzled. The eldest brother usually hangs around the Taifu every day, but today he was reluctant to leave the palace.Moreover, the grandeur of this trip was even comparable to that of Jun's father's trip.

"I just left the palace to do a small thing for my father. Because of the long journey, I came back so late." Fusu avoided the important and took the easy.

When Ying Jianglu heard the word "jun father", his eyes turned red.

Jun father——

Jun father——

The eldest brother talks about Mr. Jun every day.

And Jun's father always prefers his eldest brother, just because he is the eldest son!

It seems that in this palace, the eldest brother and Jun's father are biological father and son, and they are just outsiders.

It would be unfair for a father to treat his son based on the time of his birth.

Young Master Yu suddenly became interested and wanted to stimulate his second brother, so he deliberately asked, "What on earth did the eldest brother do for Jun's father? Can you tell the truth? Just now the eldest brother made a riddle, but I felt uncomfortable calling Yu." Explanation, when did the eldest brother become so secretive? If the elder brother tells the truth, maybe the second brother can also help the eldest brother. "

After Jiang Lu heard this, he was naturally furious. He was about to raise his fist, but a hand was already pressed on him, "Second brother also promised to accompany Yueyang to Yongcheng with me a few days ago. You can't break your promise."

Naturally, he is also a master.

Fusu looked calm, although he was very disgusted with Gong Ziyu in his heart.You schadenfreude.

Seeing that Young Master Gao was interested in maintaining peace, and seeing that Young Master Fusu looked calm and cold today, with an aura about him, and the general's young master by his side, Yu Yu calmed down for a moment.

"Seventh brother is interested, but it's just a matter of construction, so there is no need to trouble the royal brothers."

These stinky brothers always get into arguments every time they get together.To put it bluntly, they were all jealous of his eldest son's unique status.

In this palace, except for his eldest son Fusu, the other princes are not qualified to meet the King of Qin every three to five days.

"Civil affairs?" Jiang Lu's eyes lit up, "Isn't that something under the jurisdiction of the Young Master?"

With that said, Jiang Lu looked at Ji Hao again.

He will be the Shaofu and hold the same position as Deputy Minister. He often meets with the King of Qin and is considered a popular figure around the King of Qin.Jiang Lu naturally respects this general as the young mansion.

"The king issued an edict, and the ministers were ordered to assist the young master in building the palace."

"I see."

The young master often smiles without saying a word. In order to please the emperor and father, the eldest brother does everything the best, whether it is studying or practicing martial arts.Unexpectedly, now he would condescend to do civil work.

Only Young Master Gao felt that today's eldest brother seemed a little different from usual.

On weekdays, when the eldest brother sees them, he always behaves like I am the eldest brother and you all have to listen to me. But today, the eldest brother was uncharacteristically different.It even gave him the illusion that he was willing to suffer in front of his second brother today.

Although the eldest brother and the second brother had many conflicts, in fact, the two people had the closest personalities, and they were unwilling to let people easily.

Especially the eldest brother, although he never said it verbally, he actually regarded himself as the prince of Qin and treated them as "little brothers". No matter how loving and caring he said, he actually cared about them in his heart. He still regards himself as his eldest son.

The torch was burning in the silent night sky, and the four younger brothers were envious in their hearts without saying a word.

Gongzi Gao said:

"It's getting so late. Let's go back to the palace early. We have a long time to come. Let's meet again in the future."

Gong Ziyu also said:
"Eldest brother is doing business for Jun father. He must be exhausted after a long journey. It's better to go back to the palace quickly."

Chi Wu cursed secretly: It turns out you can also speak human language.

"Four royal brothers, this time Fusu is sharing the worries of your father. He wants to build a library in Lishan. If these royal brothers have talents, they can come and put them to use."

Fusu's words are broad and grand.

Ji Hao watched from the side. He felt that the eldest son Fusu had matured mentally and spoke impeccably.

"No need." Jiang Lu thought Fusu was showing off, but now asking him to help was just a refusal.Jiang Lu naturally refused flatly, and then said with a smile, "My eldest brother works extremely hard for your father, so we won't disturb my eldest brother's peace."

"In that case, I won't force my second brother. It's getting late, so my second brother should go back and rest early."

Yu and Chang were similar in age, and they wished they could wear a pair of trousers. Seeing this situation, they looked at each other and said, "Brother Wang, let's take our leave now."

Seeing this, Gao also said, "Brother Wang, I don't want to keep Gao much longer."


Fusu used the remaining strength to put on a kind look on his face.

What happened to Mr. Fusu today?
Looking at his eldest brother's amiable and easy-to-get-together appearance, Ying Yu felt frightened. He got on his horse, bowed hurriedly and ran away without looking back.

Seeing this, Jiang Lu said, "Seventh brother actually beat me to it, so I'm coming!"

"Brother, I'll take a step ahead." Gao clasped his fists and left without looking back after speaking.

Fusu watched the four of them leading their guards to ride away, and couldn't help laughing.

Ji Hao felt strange and asked:

"Why are you laughing, son?"

"I laugh, 'Young people don't know what it's like to be sad.'"

But that’s fine, these young people are just a bunch of high school students in modern times.

(End of this chapter)

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