Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 14: 7 years old, still in school (please vote for recommendation!)

Chapter 14: 17 years old, still in school (please vote for recommendation!)

Fusu finished his meal and then walked slowly towards the direction of Cuiying Hall.

When Pang You saw the young master disappearing into the palace, he straightened up immediately and said quickly, "Why don't you go and ask around now?"

"Wei." The servants retreated one after another.

Pang You sat down on the ground, then picked up the leftover fish rolls that the young master had eaten, but his heart was filled with despair.

Wei led Chi Wudu to be sent by the prince to raise horses. If he was punished by the prince, he would most likely have gone to clean the pig toilets.

(Pig toilet, a toilet with a pig pen.)
Thinking of this, Pang You felt even more frightened. No, he had to find an expert.

But there is really no one in the palace who can know such a thing except Zhongche Fuling.As His Majesty’s Imperial Majesty’s Imperial Guard, Zhao Gao not only knew the emperor’s affairs, but also served as a liaison with internal and external ministers. He was aware of everything inside and outside the palace. State affairs and His Majesty’s family affairs were basically in the Qin State. There is nothing that Zhao Gao doesn't know.His status in the palace and court is naturally unmatched.


Liuying Palace, Cuiying Palace.

Before entering the palace, Fusu heard the sound of a piano from a distance.

In the peak of spring, the grass outside the palace grows and warblers fly, while inside the palace, exotic flowers and trees grow vying for beauty, making it extremely lively.However, there are few towering ancient trees in Xianyang Palace.

In the Cuiying Hall, there is a giant mulberry tree that can be surrounded by five people with their arms stretched out.The branches on the mulberry tree are layered on top of each other, and the branches are unusually thick, making it look impressive.

Moreover, the mulberry tree and the building are as high as each other, leaning against each other, making it even more unique under the clear blue sky.

There are many tall buildings in Xianyang Palace, and Zhangtai Palace has the highest terrain; but in Liuying Palace, Cuiying Palace is undoubtedly the first floor.

The sky is high, the clouds are clear, the wind is blowing, and at the end of the red wall and green tiles, there are ancient buildings and huge trees.The melodious sound of the piano is sweet, soothing and soothing.The yard surrounded by corridors is full of exotic flowers and plants.There is a blue flower, the flower is like a wind chime, hanging low.

It is spring, and such flowers are naturally unique among the colorful flowers, just like the most outstanding beauty among the three thousand beauties in the harem, neither coquettish nor coquettish, and unparalleled in beauty.

As soon as Fusu entered the Cuiying Hall, he saw that there were bamboo forests in all four corners of the front yard, which were lush and green, pleasing to the eyes and ears.

Walking on the mossy bluestone road, Fusu held his breath and folded his hands, folded them in front of his chest and then bent down slightly.

After passing the front yard and entering another door, towering mulberry trees came into view.

Under the towering mulberry trees, there were two people, an old man and a young man, sitting at the banquet.

Chunyu Yue sat on the throne under the mulberry tree, looking extraordinary.There is another luther player beside him. He is young and has a guqin in front of him.

Chunyu Yue is now 58 years old. His temples are all black, his beard is growing, and his eyes are strong and lively.At this time, he was wearing red and black court clothes, and he was sitting very upright.

When Fusu arrived, everyone bowed their heads.

When Chunyu Yue saw the eldest son entering the palace respectfully, he did not show the usual happy expression.

When the piano master saw the visitor, he naturally stopped playing the piano, and then bowed to Fu Su.

"Fu Su pays homage to Master."

Chunyu Yue also bowed.

"You are so polite, young master."

During this ceremony, you must be dignified in every move you make. No laughter is allowed. Movements must be slow and not hurried. Otherwise, you will be laughed at by your elders.

After the ceremony, the two of them sat across from each other.

"I am pleased to hear that Prince Meng has commissioned the construction of the Lishan Pavilion, so I am here to congratulate you."

"It's not worthy of congratulations, it's not worthy of congratulations. As a son, it is what you should do for your king and father."

"I see young master's complexion is very good today, his speech is quick, and his injuries are all right, right?"


Chunyu clapped his hands more, and then two servants brought a wooden case, and then several scrolls of bamboo slips.

"Young Master has been injured for two months and has missed a lot of homework. During these days, I am afraid that I will have to work harder for Young Master and come a few more times to make up for all the previous homework."


[When used by a superior to a subordinate, the meaning is relatively simple, it means good and understood. 】

Fusu unfolded the scroll and found that there were at most a dozen characters engraved on a piece of bamboo in this slip. The characters were large and square, and they were all small seal scripts of the Qin Dynasty. If it weren't for the soul piercing, he would only be learning the knowledge and skills of writing. , will have to study for three to five years, when the child is born, maybe his son will learn better than him, that would be too embarrassing.

Thinking of this, Fusu naturally felt that he was the son of destiny. He had hardly encountered any difficulties during the two months of time travel.Having enough food and clothing, and knowing what is going to happen in the future.

Halfway through the class, the master and apprentice took a break.

Fusu looked at Chunyuyue who had been staring at him today, but didn't know what to ask.He came here today because he had something important to do.

He is 17 years old and still studying in school, but Qin will go through a major event next, defeating Qi and Chu, annexing the world, and completing the first unification in Chinese history.

Now that he has decided to compete for the position of crown prince, he cannot miss this opportunity.

"Master is always good at seducing me. He teaches me with literature and invites me with courtesy. He has supported Su Su in his career for more than ten years. I would like to express my special thanks to Master today."

Chunyu Yue listened, but he stroked his beard and leaned back. He knew that this kid couldn't hold himself back recently.

"The old minister has been ordered by the king to teach the young master. The young master is very polite."

"Fusu would like to ask the master. Fusu is now seventeen years old. How long does it take for him to finish his studies?"

"My son is the eldest son of the king. If you get the approval of the king, then you will have learned it."

After hearing this, Fusu immediately said:

"Then I'm afraid I'll have to stay here all my life and learn to read and archery."

"How could the young master say that?"

"I think the person who can get Father Jun's approval must be someone who can be trusted by Father Jun and who has the strength to succeed Father Jun and provoke the leader of the Qin State. Fusu has seventeen brothers, and Father Jun will definitely be able to choose a worthy one from them. A person with a big responsibility. But Fusu believes that Fusu is definitely not the person who can take on such a big responsibility."

Chunyu Yue listened and twirled his beard.

"How can you say that, son? The eldest son is the only son who can meet the king anytime and anywhere, and he is the eldest son. The king pointed out several masters for the son to teach the son, which shows how much the king regards the son and his heart to cultivate him. The son has to shoulder Isn’t it common knowledge that our responsibilities are very heavy?”

"Fusu believed that if you want to inherit the throne and rule a country, you should learn how to govern the people, how to command your ministers, how to direct the military, and how to perform rituals. The major affairs of the country are to sacrifice to the army. To maintain rituals and laws through sacrifices, the king must Observance is to maintain social order and maintain the stability of people's lives; military affairs are to protect the country and protect the people from Rongdi."

"But now Fusu is only studying "Poems", "Books", "Li", "Yi", and "Spring and Autumn". Although these books are full of wisdom and teach how to be a human being, the road to becoming a king is not In comparison, it’s quite different.”

 The widow is on the third watch today, everyone passing by, please don't forget to vote for recommendation!thank you all!


(End of this chapter)

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