Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 166: The first credit goes to Meng Wu (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket)

Chapter 166 The first credit is Meng Wu
Right now, all the ministers are silent in the palace. They already know the ending, but a formal rule is still needed.

Ying Zheng was looking at the urgent letter from ahead.

Ying Zheng was halfway through reading, and a relaxed smile appeared on his face. When he finished reading, he breathed a sigh of relief and lay back, leaning on the back of the chair.

"Do you dare to believe it? Li Xin really led an army of [-] to attack Shouchun, and now he has captured King Chu of Chu."

When the ministers heard this, they were naturally overjoyed.

"I'm waiting to congratulate your Majesty on winning another city."

Ying Zheng raised his eyebrows.

"More than just one city? Li Xin reported to me that King Chu Chu personally said that as long as I am willing to spare his life, he is willing to surrender the whole country."

"This is such a great joy."

"I congratulate you, Your Majesty, for destroying another country."

After hearing this, Ying Zheng suddenly stood up and personally took off one of the two remaining sharp swords hanging behind his throne.

Each sword represents a country.

In order to motivate himself, Ying Zheng hung up six swords.

He told himself that every time he destroyed a country in the future, he would take off a sword.

The ministers congratulated each other, but Ying Zheng showed no joy.

Because the sword he took off earlier was from the state of Qi, and the one he took off today is from the state of Chu.

Ying Zheng couldn't help but think: If I hadn't listened to Fusu's advice at the beginning and attacked the Chu State first, which was a big problem, the attack on Chu might not have been so smooth.

But Fusu was so sure that although Qi had a large number of people, it had no ability to resist.

No matter what, at least Fusu proved to me with facts that he was right.

Ying Zheng turned around and saw Wang Ben at a glance.

Among the officials, he also bowed.

Judging from his expression, he seemed to have suffered great humiliation.

Zhangtai Palace is full of joyful atmosphere.

Ying Zheng sat back on his seat and turned the memorial in his hand over and over.

In the pond outside the palace, fish jumped up and bubbled on the surface of the lake.

The breeze blew slowly, blowing the willow branches, and the willow silk like hair floated to the surface of the pond.

This is a rare good day.

The sun is very strong outside.

And Qin got a great news.

The Chu State was so fierce that it ended up being completely destroyed with the leader of the country being captured alive and the entire country surrendering.

Joy is on everyone's face.

The news spread like wildfire and soon reached the people of Xianyang.

Soon, people outside the palace began to raise their arms and shout.

"My king is mighty! I, Qin Wudi!"

"My king is mighty! I, Qin Wudi!"

"My king is mighty! I, Qin Wudi!"

There was a man who was wearing a helmet on his head and his whole body was covered in armor. Every piece of armor had traces of being rubbed with a blunt instrument.

His face was full of solemnity, an expression that seemed to belong to a bitterly cold winter day.

His mouth bent downwards hard, trying to smile, but he couldn't force it out.

His extremely tall stature, coupled with the two bulging muscles on his chest pushing forward abruptly, his limbs even thicker, and a sword at his waist, made him even more imposing.

Anyone who sees it will know that this is a tough general.

Wang Ben is back.

A few days ago, Wang Ben was personally summoned back by Ying Zheng.

Wang Ben knew what this meant.There is no need for him to attack Yandai.

He was just a temporary general. When he came back this time, he returned the military power to the king.

When Wang Ben heard the great news, he was shocked. Li Xin actually won the battle!

Wang Ben immediately frowned again.

With Li Xin alone, how could a 50 people launch a surprise attack on the [-] Chu army, but he got a bargain.

It wasn't because old General Meng Wu and his son besieged the west and north of Chu State with heavy troops and suppressed the Chu State's coalition forces that Li Xin had a chance!
"General Li Xin is truly a blessed general of our Great Qin. First he chased Prince Dan from Yan thousands of miles away, and now he actually captured the King of Chu alive."

"Yes, yes, General Li Xin is indeed a rare general!"

Yao Jia and Mao Jiao were talking to each other. They only praised Li Xin and did not notice the expression of Wang Ben standing in the left corner.

Wang Ben lowered his head slightly, fearing that he would lose his composure.

In fact, Wang Ben felt that if another person continued to praise Li Xin as a reckless man without knowing it, then he might really lose his dignity in front of the palace.

The more Wang Ben thought about it, the angrier he became.

If it hadn't been for the young master Fusuli to break Qi first, it would not only make Chu country isolated and helpless, but also spend a lot of time to wear down the Chu people's heart to respond to the enemy.

Otherwise, with Li Xin's recklessness and his self-righteous temper, Li Xin would have been completely defeated.

Once the Qi Kingdom fell, Shouchun could be captured even if the king's most favored but youngest [-]th son led an attack on a piece of territory like the Chu Kingdom!
Fortunately, now, Li Xin relied on the king's favor to achieve such a great achievement in vain.

This is good, Li Xin is so powerful!
Wang Ben clenched his fist tightly.

"Li Xin has made great achievements, and this battle will definitely destroy the prestige of the Chu people. I decided to make Li Xin the Marquis of Tong Le."

How can this be!

I haven't.

When Wang Ben heard this, his eyes widened. He couldn't believe that the king preferred Li Xin so much.

In terms of military exploits, he is far superior to Li Xin.

When it comes to tactics, he thinks everything through every time.

How come Li Xin was appointed as a Marquis before him.

Ying Zheng looked at the dissatisfied Wang Ben, his eyes darkened.

"Wang Ben, what do you think?"

Wang Ben felt a chill on his back.

Still lost his temper.

But Wang Ben thought about it again.

"Your Majesty, I think it is right to grant a marquis title to General Li. But I think that your Majesty should also grant a marquis title to another person."

"Meng Wu?"

Wang Ben clasped his fists.


"Li Xin was able to succeed in one fell swoop this time and captured Shouchun. The reason behind it must be that General Meng and his son contained the elite main force of the Chu army. This is why I thought that if the king wants to reward meritorious officials, he should First, the old general, and then Li Xin."

In fact, Ying Zheng always knew that if Li Xin succeeded this time, he and Meng Wu would naturally control the overall situation and contain the main force of the Chu army.

It is necessary to make Li Xin a candidate.

As a major general, Wang Ben is too brave and resourceful.

Ying Zheng looked at Wang Ben and said nothing for a long time.

The joyful atmosphere in the hall suddenly solidified, like a candle that had been melted by the fire. Suddenly the air cooled and solidified again.

The two happy expressions on Mao Jiao's face also solidified on his face.

There was sudden silence in the hall.

Li Si stepped forward.

"Your Majesty, I think what General Wang Ben said makes sense."

Ying Zheng frowned again.

"I understand what you mean. In this battle, Meng Wu should be the first to contribute. However, I still want to seal Li Xin as Tong Le Hou."

"Li Xin, he captured King Chu of Chu for me. For such a great achievement, I will definitely be rewarded heavily."

After hearing this, Wang Ben just cupped his fists.

"It all depends on the king's decision."


Fusu quickly returned to the palace after hearing the news. On the way, Fusu met Wang Bi.

Wang Ben controlled the horse back to the palace with a solemn expression on his face, as if he had made some serious feud with someone.

Seeing Fusu, Wang Ben hurriedly dismounted and bowed.

"I pay homage to the prince."

"Flat body."

"I wonder where the young master has gone?"

"Fusu went to Lishan to see the old projects."

The two said a few words, and then went their separate ways.

Why is Wang Ben looking like this?

The horse kept breathing hot air, and Fusu had to touch the horse's hair. The horse was sweating a lot.

Calling Wang Ben back, it seems that Ying Zheng does not intend to let Wang Ben attack Yan.

Instead, he sent Li Xin to attack Chu.

Wang Ben regarded Li Xin as his opponent, which has become known to both the government and the public.

The driving force behind it is naturally Ying Zheng.

(Sorry for being late today. I will try to update as early as possible in the future.)
(End of this chapter)

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