Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 171 The ignorant boy (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 171 The ignorant boy (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

After hearing this, Hu Hai raised his head and looked at his father-in-law in puzzlement.

Hu Hai rubbed his eyes with both hands. He was already sleepy.

"My eldest brother."

Ying Zheng's brows were full of expectation, and his tone was full of guidance.

"Then what are you doing right now?"

Hu Hai looked at Fusu in the pavilion again, and then looked up at Yingzheng who was leaning slightly and pressing his shoulder. He smiled suddenly, and then broke away from Yingzheng's hand.

Like a little girl, Hu Hai retreated to the fence and twisted her hands together.

Ying Zheng's face suddenly lost color.

Hu Hai noticed that Jun's father's expression was about to change, so he was naturally afraid.

Jun's father's face is scarier than the sky in June.

Hu Hai rushed behind his eunuch again.

Hu Hai muttered softly.

"I don't want to be a prince, as long as I know how to read, what do I do with so many books?"

Ying Zheng was speechless after hearing this.

Ying Zheng shook his sleeves and stopped looking at Hu Hai.

But in fact, he felt that this was right, but it was wrong!


Hu Hai suddenly looked at Zhao Gao.

Zhao Gao, the regular servant, was no longer as enthusiastic about him as before.

Ying Zheng looked at Hu Hai condescendingly, and spoke seriously to Hu Hai in a tone that left no room for doubt or rebuttal.

"Even if you are not the prince of Qin, as the son of a widower, you still need to practice the six arts. Poetry, calligraphy, etiquette, and shooting, you must be proficient in everything."

After hearing this, Hu Hai just turned his head, then walked down.

Hu Hai ignored Ying Zheng and wanted to run away from this place.

Ying Zheng felt that it was time for eight-year-old Hu Hai to become sensible.

"Little Hu Hai!"


Zhao Gao also chuckled.

As expected, Hu Hai stopped running.

To Zhao Gao's surprise, Ying Zheng approached and hugged Hu Hai.

Hu Hai leaned against Ying Zheng's face, resting his head on Ying Zheng's shoulder, with a proud smile on his face.

Only then did Hu Hai become convinced that Zhao Gao had not lied to him about one thing. The person Junfu loved most was him.

Hu Hai sat on King Qin's arm and pointed at a group of yellow ducks on the lake, "Father, can you do something convenient for me?"

"Come on."

"My son also wants to live in Huayang Palace."

When Ying Zheng heard this, his vigilance from many years of political service made him change his color immediately.

Even if it was just a joke from his youngest son.

Hu Hai immediately began to shout in dissatisfaction:

"Father Jun's face really looks like the sky in June."

After hearing this, Ying Zheng's expression softened slightly.

"Why do you want to live in Huayang Palace?"

"There is everything in Huayang Palace."

Ying Zheng laughed after hearing this.

"Then tell me, what is there in Huayang Palace?"

"Duck, cockroach, boat..."

Hu Hai said, and then couldn't think of it, he scratched the back of his head.

Ying Zheng listened and suddenly felt a little bored with Hu Hai.

At the pinnacle of power, how could child's play be allowed to exist.

Zhao Gao stepped forward to comfort Ying Zheng.

"Your Majesty, this child is ignorant."

After hearing this, Ying Zheng gradually calmed down.

But when Hu Hai heard the word "ruzi", he immediately became angry.

All children long to become adults.

The youngest son of King Qin is no exception.

Hu Hai racked his brains, and something popped into his head.

Hu Hai opened his mouth and came.


After hearing this, Ying Zheng's expression changed drastically, and he looked sideways at his youngest son.


After saying that, Ying Zheng looked at the lake again.

I really don’t know if it’s God’s will or just thought.

Wherever Ying Zheng looked, Fusu was still sitting there.

Suddenly, a woman in white approached Fusu and sat beside Fusu.

There was no expression on Ying Zheng's face.

Which man is not lustful.

Hu Hai suddenly burst into laughter.

"Look, Mr. Jun. My eldest brother has many concubines in his palace."

After Zhao Gao heard this, he had the urge to plug the eighteenth prince's mouth.

Soon, the woman in white walked away again.

Hu Hai didn't see the scene where he wanted to see a man and a woman embracing, and there was disappointment in his eyes.

Zhao Gao looked at Ying Zheng's eyes, Zhao Gao knew very well that the king's silence is the calm before the storm.

Zhao Gao suddenly felt confident and shouted to Hu Hai's eunuchs:
"Bring the crown prince back to the palace."

Ying Zheng said again.

"Zhao Gao, please choose one of the 72 doctors for me to teach Hu Hai. Let's start with Shenyan."

Zhao Gao looked calm.


Speaking without restraint is taboo in the royal court.

Ying Zheng walked away with long strides. Hu Hai was a little confused and stood there stunned.

Zhao Gao quickly followed.

Ying Zheng was walking, then suddenly stopped.

"I remember that Fusu only had one wife."

Zhao Gao nodded.

"Mrs. Chonghua is giving birth in the next few days."

After hearing this, Ying Zheng was inexplicably pleasantly surprised. The news was like a rainbow that suddenly crossed the sky.

"Have doctors ever talked about men and women?"

Zhao Gao stopped talking.

Ying Zheng also knew the answer.

Ying Zheng looked at the lake and suddenly said again.

"I remember that Li Si has many daughters."

Zhao Gao listened and said hurriedly.

"I understand, I will order someone to make arrangements now."

Ying Zheng waved his hand, signaling no need, and kept looking at the lake. After a while, he said:
"How can Fusu see in such a hot day?"

"After the eldest son was granted the title of Crown Prince, he kept a very low profile. He didn't even leave the palace gate often."

After hearing this, Ying Zheng glanced at Zhao Gao meaningfully.

The prince even drove Zhang Cang away.

This is a warning to Zhao Gao.

Zhao Gao naturally understood that the king came here today just for the sake of the prince.

In the past few days, many major events have occurred in the DPRK and China.

First, the right minister returned to the court.

The discussion between the DPRK and the Central Government about the Prime Minister died down.

Second, the two kings of the Yan Dynasty sent letters to the king asking for peace and expressing their willingness to surrender.

The king has been unable to make up his mind about the surrender of Yan and Dai.

I came out specifically to relax today.

Zhao Gao suddenly wanted to give it a try.

As for Li Si, he always followed the king's wishes.

Li Si and Wang Wan had different political views.

This young man will most likely support his father-in-law Wang Wan.

But political gambling has always been the most interesting.

Zhao Gaowen asked loudly.

"Since your Majesty is fine, why don't you go in and take a look?"

Ying Zheng said nothing, but stepped down the palace steps step by step, and then turned towards Fusu's Huayang Palace.

In fact, Fusu was not reading a book, but writing a book.

Who can guarantee that those things in their mind will still be remembered clearly in ten or 20 years.

Therefore, you need to copy it in advance to strengthen your memory.

This is a big project.

Spend time, exercise your brain, and leave precious spiritual wealth for future generations!

No one came to inform Fusu.

In addition to the garrison, there were more than [-] people in Huayang Palace.There were so many people, but at the critical moment, no one came to inform him of the arrival of Ying Zheng.

Xiao He was preoccupied with studying the laws of Qin. Fusu once went to find him, opened the door and found that it was full of Qin bamboo slips. Xiao He was afraid that he wanted to bury himself in the bamboo slips.

Fusu is waiting, and so is Xiao He.

At that time, Fusu was still drawing circles on the bamboo slips. Others saw that he was writing so hard that his hands were sweating.

If you draw something wrong, you have to use a knife to trim it.

A pair of black boots suddenly appeared in front of Fusu.

Fusu didn't look carefully.

"I have clearly stated that I will not disturb you if nothing happens. Why do you keep disturbing my peace?"

As soon as the words fell, Fu Su suddenly felt something was wrong.

This breath...

Not quite right.

When he looked up, it was Ying Zheng.

Fusu was very surprised, then he pretended to be frightened and lay back, then quickly closed the bamboo slip in his hand and put it in his arms.

Fusu's eyes flashed with surprise and concealment.

Fusu stood up and bowed.

"See you..."


Then Yingzheng stretched out his hand, and his eyes locked on the bamboo slip in Fusu's arms.

Fusu hesitated for a while, then handed it over.

Zhao Gao took the bamboo slips.

Ying Zheng strode to the front of the case, sat down, and then slowly unfolded it.

(End of this chapter)

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