Great Qin had a prosperous age

The beginning of Chapter 2 is the ceiling (please vote for recommendation!)

The beginning of Chapter 2 is the ceiling (please vote for recommendation!)
Two months ago, the real young master Fusu suffered some psychological stimulation. He accidentally fell off his horse and hit a big stone next to him.

The king's eldest son accidentally fell and was injured. This is a big deal.As the heir and eldest son of King Qin, his every move is watched closely by everyone in the court and the people of the empire.

But Fusu is confused now.A child from an aristocratic family like Feng Changan has always had a very strict upbringing. He is usually surrounded by several masters and studies the six arts at home. How could he have time to come to Lishan today...

What a coincidence!
Feng Changan looked at the eldest son and hesitated several times.

What's going on with this heavy bookishness?Although his face looked melancholy, he exuded an aloof aura and was very confident.

As the eldest son, he has been the focus of attention since he was a child, but he has not been established as the prince for a long time. The pressure on the young master Fusu is very great.

Not only that, Young Master Fusu used to be very martial, and he always carried a sword and a bow when he went out, but today he went out without a bow and arrows.

"Young Master usually spends day and night studying, riding, and shooting, but today he is in a good mood and is out on a tour of the palace."

"I am in bed to recuperate. I am very depressed. I have been depressed in the palace for a long time, so I left the palace. Wouldn't it be better to wait until the disease is completely gone and then go back to study and archery?"

This reason was reasonable, but Feng Changan became nervous and didn't know what to say.As a descendant of the royal family, it is okay for you, Master, not to study for one day, but if you do not study for two months, it is against the royal law!
Feng Changan didn't dare to say this, so he had to hold it in his mouth. At this time, Feng Changan glanced at Chi Wu slightly.

Fusu saw this scene with his peripheral vision and naturally stared at Chi Wu. He probably understood what was going on.

Chi Wu naturally looked panicked.

You know, coming to Lishan for fun was a sudden decision he made this morning.He had just recovered from his injury and was out of the palace to relax, but when he came to Lishan, he met an old friend. It was too much of a coincidence.

Looking at Chi Wu's expression, Fusu understood what was going on.

Feng Changan was controlling the horse, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

"Today Chang'an had a sudden idea and wanted to visit Lishan Mountain. I didn't expect to meet the young master."

Fusu murmured in his heart, what do you mean by wanting to visit Lishan Mountain on a whim?

"There is no silver 300 taels here!"

"Who is it? Why can't Chang'an understand what the young master is talking about?"

"The saying that there are no 300 taels of silver here means that a person points to the 300 taels of silver buried in the ground and says to outsiders, 'I don't have 300 taels of silver here.'"

Everyone suddenly realized that no one dared to express their anger.

Feng Changan originally didn't think there was anything wrong with the young master, but in this moment.The subtleties of the prince's expression, especially his eyes, were completely like a different person.

Fusu controlled the horse and continued to move forward.

He is the prince, the eldest son of King Qin.Apart from studying hard and making progress every day to become a qualified successor in Ying Zheng's eyes, he currently has no other tasks.

But in a sense, such a time-travel start was very disadvantageous for him.

Because he is already the person with the highest status in this era, he is the ceiling at the beginning, and the emperor after climbing up.

It's not that there are no other ways to go, of course there is, to escape and avoid fate.

But as the eldest son, once he escapes from the palace, he will definitely face death.

There is no point in talking about too much useless stuff.

Now that you're here, you have to live your life honestly and peacefully.Don't think that when you become a young master, you will start off with a bang. It's not just three meals a day, getting up early and coming home late.

But in his spare time, Prince Fusu will definitely think about what he can do for this era with his ability, knowledge, experience, and understanding of history.

As the eldest son of an eternal emperor, he naturally has great advantages.

Fusu looked at the endless green plains in front of him and Lishan Mountain on one side.

He finally understood why so many literati and poets in ancient times were obsessed with landscapes.

Just the mountains, rivers and trees in Lishan Mountain were fresh and natural. Once he was in it, the troubles lingering in his mind disappeared.

Moreover, time thousands of years ago always seemed to be slow, without so many worries caused by modernization.The ancients worked at sunrise and rested at sundown. The days were leisurely and long, and time seemed to slow down.

Feng Changan saw the young master looking intoxicated towards Lishan, but his own expression became serious.

Chi Wei told him that the young master's recent thoughts were not on riding horses, archery, reading and practicing swordsmanship, but on entertainment.

As the young master's friend since childhood, Feng Changan understands the young master's dilemma.

The young master is the eldest son of the king, but now he is 17 years old, but he has not yet been worshiped as the prince.When you are born in the royal family and enjoy the rich food and clothing, you must also bear your due responsibilities.For a royal eldest son, this responsibility is usually to inherit the throne and take charge of a country.

Feng Changan worked hard to harmonize the atmosphere:
"Young Master, I forgive you. Chang'an is not talented. It is true that I specifically inquired about the Young Master and came out to comfort him. I heard that the Young Master has been very lazy in his studies these days. If His Majesty finds out about it, I'm afraid..."

"My father is busy attacking Wei and appeasing the people of Yan and Zhao. At this time, he will not think of me."

Feng Changan was speechless. It was precisely because of this that he was worried about you.When the king is done with his work, he will definitely come back to take care of you.

But seeing that you know it well, you must have played your temper for a few days, and it will be the same as before.

Efforts may not necessarily yield results, but without effort, there will be nothing.

Feng Changan could only hint:

"A few days ago, our Qin State made a surprise attack on Wei. The Qin Army was overwhelmingly powerful. Now the Qin Army has arrived at Daliang City, the capital of Wei State. I believe that with General Wang Ben as the general, we will be able to break through Daliang soon."

What I mean now is that the king will definitely finish his work soon, and you will suffer it when the time comes.

Fu Su listened intently, he knew what he meant, but now he had no intention of studying.

If he wants to compete for the position of heir apparent, he must not rely on old tricks like studying. It's useless.

It is said in "Historical Records" that Wang Ben broke the beams, but it took him three months to besiege them with water, and the city walls were soaked and then they were broken.

Fusu said deliberately:
"That's not necessarily true. Daliang City is indestructible. Our Qin army has attacked Wei several times, but failed to enter Daliang every time. This time, General Wang is afraid that he will have to waste a lot of effort. It will take at least three months to break through Daliang. city."

It was the first time that Feng Changan saw the young master discussing military matters. He was full of energy and resonant in tone. He changed his previous attitude of being cautious in words and deeds, and became very high-spirited and unbridled.

Not inferior to the spirit of those advisers and soldiers.

Feng Changan suddenly felt that maybe His Majesty would also like a slightly rebellious young master.

"Since the young master said so, Chang'an will make a bet with the young master in three months. Chang'an will wait and see how long it will take for the Wei capital Daliang to break the city."

"What are you gambling?"

"My grandfather received a guqin from the king a few days ago. It was the qin used by Kuang Xiu, a famous qin master of Qi State, during his lifetime. It is the only one of its kind in the world. If the young master is right, then I will give this guqin to the young master. "

There's nothing to do anyway, so what if I make a sure-win bet?Although he lacked nothing.

"Okay, that's the deal."

Chi Wu coughed twice from behind.

Seeing how happily you and the young master are chatting, you must have forgotten what I taught you to do.If the young master does not return to his original state quickly and puts his mind on his studies, the king will definitely punish the young master when he finds out.

Feng Changan was slightly nervous when he heard the sound.

Fusu looked at the plain in front and said suddenly.

"Chang'an, I haven't raced horses with you for a long time, how about a competition between you and me today. Let's see who can ride to the mountain pass first."

Feeling excited about riding a horse just now, Fusu was eager to try again.


Feng Changan held his head high, bowed his head slightly, and smiled like a bright moon.

Immediately, deep horseshoe marks were left on the green grass soaked by running water. Two figures, one black and one white, chased each other away, and the sound of horseshoes echoed in the valley.

From time to time, two eagles hovered in the high and wide sky, making clear calls, tearing up the tranquility of the sky.

Chi Wu led the guards and chased after him hard. However, seeing the young master on horseback with a high posture and high spirits, Chi Wu also laughed.

Fusu felt the feeling of being one with the horse under his crotch, galloping on the plain to his heart's content.

It didn't take long for Feng Changan's horse to fall behind.

The people who raced with him, except for the princes, all the others dared not run faster than him.

After Feng Changan caught up with him out of breath, Fusu rested with him at the mouth of the mountain stream.

Feng Changan hesitated for a while before speaking.

"Chang'an heard that the young master had a dispute with Chunyu Pushe?"

Chunyu Yue?
The teacher who made himself work hard to be a prince all day long.Fusu's eyes suddenly became sharp, and a stern look appeared on his face.

Fusu's appearance naturally followed that of King Qin.This solemn appearance makes him look cold and scary.

Feng Changan had never been looked at by the young master with such sharp eyes before. Soon, Feng Changan realized that he had just overstepped his bounds.

Feng Changan hastily got off his horse and bowed to Fusu.

"Chang'an talks too much, I hope you won't blame me."

He and his eldest son Fusu have known each other since childhood, they share the same interests, and they often get together.

It's just that as he and the son grew older, both of them became more and more aware of what their identities meant.

The young master is the king, but he currently has no official position, not even a minister.

However, their relationship has not become estranged because of this, but they are aware of the difference between superiority and inferiority.

And the older you get, the more you know.

Fusu stopped his horse.

Chi Wu, who had been following the two of them, was a little startled when he saw the situation in front of them. He naturally slowed down and did not dare to move forward.

His behavior naturally showed that he had something up his sleeve. Today it was he who took the initiative to reveal the whereabouts of the young master to the eldest son of the Feng family.

If it were the former young master, he would definitely not be worried, but recently, the young master has obviously become harsher in his treatment of those close to him, including officials and eunuchs.

He is a little worried now that he will be the next person the Master punishes.

Fu Su stood on the horse, looked at Feng Changan who was standing beside the horse with his hands bowed and his expression respectful, and said lightly:

"In fact, you and I already know what happened today. Don't ask about my whereabouts in the future. I forgive you, get up."

"Thank you sir."

(End of this chapter)

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