Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 276 This transition is very problematic

Chapter 276 This transition is very problematic
Cultivate wasteland?
Although those generals don't understand fortifications, they know very well that population is a country's most precious resource.

Without a sufficient population, a country cannot accomplish anything.

So all the civil and military officials in the dynasty began to bow their heads and meditate.

It rained heavily last night, and although the sun came out this morning, dark clouds soon covered the sky; the light in the court hall was originally very dim.

Now the hall is shining with copper light, extremely bright and warm, and the hall is illuminated by tall candles.

There are hundreds of officials, the hierarchy is strict, and the positions and costumes are very particular.

In the Qin Dynasty's court, the clothes worn by the emperor were actually very bright in color and could be considered colorful. They were not all black in movies and TV dramas.

Color, used to identify strict hierarchical order.Since the Qin Dynasty became a prince, it has already made strict regulations on the clothing of courtiers, and these regulations continue to this day.

Although the number of people in the court increased and their official positions also changed, the color differences still continued the ancestral system based on the Zhou system.

The Qin Dynasty's court was by no means all black and white. The regulations on hierarchy were very strict and no overstepping was allowed.

Originally, the emperor's crown uniform was black, and Ying Zheng himself liked black very much. Not only the crown gown, but also other regular and casual clothes were almost all black.

Not only that, he ordered all his people to tie their hair with black scarves, so he named his people Qianshou.

From the emperor down to the emperor, the mianfu is black, but the edge of the mianfu is supplemented by yellow, symbolizing the military commander's assistance; down to the courtiers, they all wear formal court clothes.In the court hall, you will never see the same court uniforms worn by people with different official positions and different levels.

The so-called correct colors refer to the colors of courtiers' clothing established during the Shang and Zhou dynasties, namely the five primary colors of green, red, yellow, white, and black.

Black is unique to Ying Zheng, showing nobility and uniqueness.

Next are white, cyan, and yellow. These three colors are also very noble.

In ceremonial occasions, white mostly appears in mourning clothes.But as a noble color, descendants of the royal family and princes can choose this color.

Fusu used to be a young master, so he often wore white court clothes.

But now that he is a prince, he has his own dress, which is also black.Those are the rules set by the new dynasty.After all, he is the future prince, so his crown uniform is also black.

But now that he is the internal history of Zhisu, he naturally wears blue court uniforms like all the ministers.

He always wears a black crown uniform and looks very ostentatious.

Wearing a blue court dress, standing among the courtiers, it doesn't look so obtrusive.

Although the nine ministers are complete, the system of the three ministers has not yet been formally formed (and the name is named by later generations). The important reason is that at this time, the power of the prime minister has not been divided into two; and although the position of Taiwei has long existed, it was not Before Ying Zheng, this position was unoccupied and was just a fictitious position.

Just like positions like Sikong, although they exist, they are actually empty positions. This kind of position does not have much real power. In many cases, it is just an adviser to the emperor, and there is no competition for it.

However, during the reign of Qin Wangzheng, because of the continuous wars, Taiwei, as the highest military staff officer, continued to improve his status.

The color of the current court attire of the 'San Gong' is a mixture of cyan and black.To show your distinguished status.

Then comes yellow.Yellow is mostly the general's court uniform.Qin's powerful generals were like clouds, all dressed in black, and the edges of their clothes were not enough to distinguish their ranks, so they made a fuss about their hats.

The difference in hats determines the rank of military commanders.

Because there are many generals, they directly account for the average number of people in the court.So the ones on the left are almost all yellow court clothes with a vest on top.

The war is over, and the remote areas still need to be suppressed with heavy troops.Many generals were on guard outside, including Meng Tian, ​​Li Xin, Wang Ben, Yang Duanhe and others.

But there is still a large area of ​​yellow on the right side.

These people are all generals who have not been ennobled and stayed in Xianyang to enjoy their titles.

Red in the court actually represents lower rank. People who wear this kind of clothing are mostly subordinates of Jiuqing.Among them, Confucian scholars such as Chun Yuyue, who served under the doctor, wore red clothes. This is also related to the tradition of black and red colors in Confucian clothes.

Although Chun Yuyue was a doctor of 72, he was an outsider and could not attend banquets other than large-scale ceremonies. Moreover, even if they came to the court, the court could not accommodate them.

Among these 72 doctors, only a world-famous Confucian like Chun Yuyue could serve as an advisor to the emperor. But to put it bluntly, Confucian scholars had the lowest status in the Qin court. Although they were not at the last position, they were all on the sidelines.

They are all subordinate officials under the command of the doctor, such as the doctor, the doctor, and the minister, and their status is much better than that of the servant.Especially the officials, most of them are admonishment officials. Although there is no fixed number of officials, their status is very high. Before the unification, the admonition officials had the same position as ministers.

Mao Jiao is the admonishing doctor.

The two prime ministers, nine ministers, and subordinates are mainly the subordinate officials under Lang Zhongling. In addition, they are Taishi Ling, Yezhe Ling, and Shangshu Ling. Although they are at the bottom, they stand relatively in the middle. Because they are all attendants and have restricted access to the palace, they have the greatest chance of meeting Ying Zheng.

Chunyu Yue, Zhou Qingchen and others were servants of doctors. They were in the same row as Taishi Ling, Gongbu Ling and other officials, and they all wore red-soled clothes.But the official positions are different. In order to distinguish them, they make a fuss about the edges of their clothes.

The court uniforms of Confucian scholars are mostly white-edged, while the edges of the clothes of Taishi Ling, Gongbu Ling, Yezhe Ling, Shangshu Ling, and Lang Zhongling have other positive colors.

In Fusu's view, except for Taishi Ling, Gongbu Ling, Xiang Yezhe Ling, and Shangshu Ling, there is actually no need to go to court.In fact, the two ministers, such as Taipu and Shaofu, do not need to enter the court to discuss politics, and they should not be given such high status.

Because their duty is to serve the emperor, they deal with the emperor's travel, food and daily life.

But they are among the Nine Qings.

It is unimaginable that the Qin Empire, a country with a territory of thousands of miles, had a status in the imperial court that was second only to Ying Zheng, the prime minister, and the palace steward was second to the two nine ministers.But this is a rule passed down from the past.

This involves the transition from aristocratic politics to bureaucratic politics.

Obviously, this transition is very problematic.

Before the Qin Dynasty, the aristocratic system had been broken, but to this day, the bureaucratic system is still immature.

The appearance of the court is naturally for the purpose of discussing politics.But the courtiers, the main participants in the court, gradually evolved from the attendants around the king. Just look at the current Jiuqing and you will understand.

The head of the nine ministers is Fengchang.

And this Fengchang, other dynasties and countries called it Taichang, Changtongchang.

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(End of this chapter)

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