Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 30: I used to pretend (please vote for recommendation)

Chapter 30: I used to pretend (please vote for recommendation)
After hearing this, Ying Chang suddenly bowed to Ying Yu, and then drank Juezhong wine into his throat, "Fifth brother took care of Ying Chang, Ying Chang will remember it here."

Saying that, Yingchang, a 15-year-old boy, patted his chest hard like a big man.

"Then fifth brother, I will tell you directly today, it is not Jun father who intends to make eldest brother the crown prince, but the elder brother is now asking for the crown prince from Jun father, will you still think like before?" Ying Yu's eyes were like Torch, with a lot of unwillingness in his eyes.

"How is that possible? Fifth Brother, I'm afraid you are really drunk." After saying that, Ying Chang stood up. He wanted to abandon this unreasonable Fifth Brother so that he could calm down.

"Everything in the world can affect the whole body. Even if, as you said, Jun's father is just using his eldest brother as a cover, do you think Jun's father will act so rashly?" Ying Yu leaned on the table and held it up with one hand. He tilted his head, his eyes darkened.

Ying Chang naturally stopped and stood in the hall with his hands behind his back, his back to Ying Yu.

Ying Yu continued: "You don't even think about it. There are so many ministers in the court, and there are many good chess players. Among them, Wang Wan, Meng Yi, Li Si, Feng Jie and others, who can't be summoned by the emperor to join Zhangtai? And among us, Among the brothers, third brother and seventh brother, you two are the most outstanding in chess skills, but why didn't Jun father call third brother and you?"

"Everything has a cause and effect. If it wasn't for the eldest brother's intention and insisted on inviting favor in front of Jun's father, how could Jun's father suddenly call him to play chess? Don't forget, a few days ago, when we returned to Xianyang at night, I met eldest brother. Do you know what eldest brother is doing for Mr. Jun?"

"Isn't it just a matter of supervising the construction of the civil engineering? What's all the fuss about? It's just the Lishan Hall, even the eighteenth brother, who is still coquettish in the arms of his wet nurse, can be completed as scheduled if one of his subordinates is given a general as the head of the young mansion."

"So, seventh brother, you are really stupid."

"What did you say?" Ying Chang clenched his fists and turned around to ask angrily.

"Seventh brother, you really don't know the pros and cons of it? Big brother is no longer the big brother who will walk with us."

The eldest brother didn't bother to "play with things and lose one's ambition" with them, Yingchang said again, "Fifth brother, if you have something to say, just say it, don't beat around the bush."

"The people who will stay in the Lishan Pavilion in the future will be the nobles of the subjugated country, and there may be sons of kings among them. Once the eldest brother builds the pavilion, he will establish a reputation. The people of the subjugated country will hear about it and will praise the eldest brother for treating the nobles of other countries with courtesy." Naturally, Ying Yu heard the words from the minister. He could not have imagined this level.

However, it was after hearing their words that Ying Yu realized that his eldest brother's city was actually very deep.

The usual stupid look is all just an act.

"Eldest brother has always advocated the need to appease the people of the subjugated country. Now, it is the eldest brother who has really taken action." Ying Yu said one word after another, "A few days ago, there were rumors that eldest brother was at odds with the Taifu. It can be seen that, It was the eldest brother who deliberately aroused Jun's father's idea.

"Now look at it, the eldest brother doesn't have to read any more. He can do whatever he wants. The king is at the height of his power, and the Qin State is also a great country. As the eldest son, the eldest brother is doing what he wants in the name of the eldest son of the king. Qin is showing its fists."

"Did you know that some ministers in the court got together in private a few days ago and said they wanted to jointly advise the king and father to establish a heir apparent."

These words were like the tip of a needle, piercing Ying Chang's heart.

"What, do you understand what Fifth Brother means now?"

"But, brother, how dare he? If Junfu doesn't give you the crown prince, how can he dare to take it?" Yingchang still couldn't believe that brother would take the initiative to attack.

No one in the Qin State would be afraid of such a powerful and authoritarian person as the king and father.

And in fact, among the young masters, the elder brother is the most timid.

The eldest brother did what Jun's father said and never dared to have his own opinions.

Therefore, in his opinion, the eldest brother is actually the most timid among their brothers.

The eldest brother is not even as good as the eighteenth younger brother. He only knows how to be obedient.

Ying Yu snorted coldly, then smiled suddenly, "Brother is the eldest son, based on this alone, you, me and other brothers are no match for Big Brother."

Ying Chang remained silent and fell into deep thought.

"The eldest brother's mother is Mrs. Xuanyang. Mrs. Xuanyang is in charge of the concubines in the harem under the order of the king's father. She is actually a queen in name only. Mrs. Xuanyang is also a princess of the Chu Kingdom and has a distinguished status. The second brother's mother-in-law is from the Qi Kingdom. Princess, Qi and Qin have always been on good terms, but Qi is weak, how can it compare with Chu. And you and I..."

"Stop talking!" Ying Chang suddenly took a breath and calmed down, "Fifth brother has said so much, but it is all useless. The eldest brother is the eldest son, and if he succeeds, the ministers will naturally have no objections. .”

"You nerd! We, the Qin State, have always appointed princes regardless of their age, but to see who is the bravest among the princes!" After saying that, Ying Yu flaunted his sleeves in front of Ying Chang, showing Ying Chang his solidity. With his arms, he was about to pull down his clothes and let Ying Chang look at his chest.

However, Ying Chang crossed his arms and looked at the scene in front of him which made him laugh hard and said fiercely, "Fifth brother, you are like a peacock in Shanglin Garden, you only know a few tricks."

After hearing this, Ying Yu took a bamboo slip from a shelf and threw it at Ying Chang's lower body. "What nonsense are you talking about!"

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(End of this chapter)

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