Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 40 The blood flowing in the blood is also the blood of Chu people

Chapter 40 The blood flowing in the blood is also the blood of Chu people
In mid-March, the grass and trees were green and the rain was hazy. It rained continuously for several days, which not only delayed the spring sowing, but also affected the construction of the Lishan Hall.

At the foot of Lishan Mountain, a large tent was erected a few days ago for Fusu's arrival today.

In the big dark tent with the tent door raised, Fusu, wearing a crane cloak, sat on the desk and quietly looked ahead in thought.

There was the patter of rain outside, occasional squeaks and squeaks in the brazier, and the green flames on the flames went up and down, jumping here and there.

The prisoners outside were hiding under the wooden sheds, close together. They were not allowed to light the fire without permission, so they had to crowd together and use their body heat to warm each other's bodies.

These people all had smiles on their faces. They wished they had such weather every day, so that they could just eat and not work hard. Moreover, such weather allowed them to take a breath and heal their old wounds.

Defeated and shameless, facing the ashamed faces of the elders in his hometown, he is now looking up at the sky with empty eyes.

Tears and rain met on their faces, and every breath they took was the painful groan of God.

Lack of food and clothing is the current situation of the people in this era.

Fusu looked at the scene in front of him and thought of the life of people in this land after 2000.

Suddenly he felt the blood surging in his chest, he must do his best to do something for the people on this land.

In Huaxia's blood, golden splendor already flows.

What comforted the lonely Fu Su was that the rain suddenly stopped just after noon.The sun once again shines brightly on the earth, and its gentle light shines on the earth, like the loving palms of an old grandmother at home, soothing the earth that has been burnt by the flames of war.

The shouts of groups of men attracted Fusu.

Every four men were seen rolling two short logs, and the short logs were carrying a huge stone.They are using this method to roll the boulders on the lower slopes piece by piece from the ground to higher places.

In Fusu's view, this 'skill' is too backward.

Fusu suddenly thought of something, "Does our Qin country use this method to transport goods?"

Ji Hao blinked, "Young Master is benevolent and righteous, and he knows his humble position, but these prisoners have no strength, and the king has to spend food to feed them. If we allocate them carriages to help reduce the burden, I really don't know how the soldiers in front will think of the king." ?”

"It's a shame that you can think of this and make a fuss out of a molehill."

Ji Hao's mouth suddenly became shorter, and then he did not dare to make any more sound.

The corners of Chi Wu's mouth twitched, with a smile in his eyes.

"Is there a carpenter here?"

After these days of getting along, coupled with the recent increasing reputation of Young Master Fusu among the government and the public, Zhang Han was sure that Young Master Fusu must have some new ideas.

Before the new prisoners arrived, they did not dare to slack off in the progress of the project. They did as much as they could.

Zhang Han took a step forward and said, "I will bring a few carpenters with outstanding skills here."


Xianyang Palace, Zhangtai.

"Your Majesty, Lord Changping is ill."

When Ying Zheng heard this, he frowned slightly, but stopped writing.

"Mi Qi, what happened to him? This old and cunning fox, didn't he always long to come back? Why, is it possible that I want you to invite him back?"

Even when encountering major events, Ying Zheng can always regain his composure quickly. As for normal times, Ying Zheng's mentality is quite calm when handling government affairs.

At the moment, Ying Zheng has not noticed that Lord Changping's behavior is suspicious.

Zhao Gao's eyes moved slightly and he took the initiative and said, "According to my opinion, I'm afraid there is another mystery behind it. Logically speaking, since the day when the king issued the edict, now Lord Changping has arrived in Xianyang."

"But, this old fox now has to stay in Lingdu..."

"I'm suspicious that someone may be causing trouble."

When Ying Zheng heard this, he naturally fell into deep thought...

To Zhao Gao's surprise, there was indeed a trace of fear in Ying Zheng's eyes.

A relative of the Chu family was a big mountain that weighed heavily on the young King Qin's heart.

"The death anniversary of Queen Mother Huayang is coming soon."

Ying Zheng suddenly felt relieved, "Let him quickly come to Xianyang to worship."

"Your Majesty, if you issue an edict, Mr. Changping may refuse. However, if his cousin Mrs. Xuanyang is willing to write a letter, perhaps..."

Ying Zheng said directly without thinking, "Send her over."

As soon as the words fell, the wolf hair brush in Ying Zheng's hand suddenly broke into two pieces.

If he hadn't been afraid of rumors, and was afraid of killing him as an unknown teacher, what he had been waiting for in Yingdu was not his kind words of persuasion, but a glass of poisoned wine!

And Fusu never dreamed that after the death of the Empress Dowager Huayang, he would still have a family dinner with the emperor, parents and concubine.

The family banquet organized and arranged by the Empress Dowager Huayang, Fusu has been one of the guests since childhood.

His future identity was actually planned by the Empress Dowager Huayang.

Only the son born to the princess of Chu, who succeeds the king of Qin, will not destroy her mother country.

It was only these truths that Fusu realized now.

The relatives of the Chu family, the boulder weighing on Yingzheng's heart, is also a gap that blocks the relationship between Yingzheng and his eldest son.

It is true that Ying Zheng has not liked Fusu since he was a child.

Naturally, every family banquet, the atmosphere is always unusually deserted.

The family banquet composed of the Queen Mother Huayang, Lord Changping, Ying Zheng, Mrs. Xuanyang, and the young master Fusu was one of Fusu's nightmares when he was young.

Ying Zheng will eat from beginning to end with a dark face...

The Empress Dowager Huayang even pulled a long face, and his mother and concubine were even more embarrassed.

This kind of family banquet is actually mainly about discussing political affairs, and the core figure of this political affairs is Fusu, who has the blood of the Chu royal family flowing in his body.

The matter of urging Yingzheng to make his son Fusu the crown prince has already been done, and the result is unknown.

But now, one of the other two protagonists is buried underground, and the other has not returned to Xianyang for a long time.

Presumably, today's family banquet was started because of Mr. Changping who has not returned for a long time.

Although it is different from the warm and peaceful family dinner in ordinary families, today's family dinner is the most harmonious one in Fusu's memory.

Ying Zheng and Mi Lan were not as respectful to each other as they usually were when they were together. Today, for the first time in history, both of them had some joy on their faces.

"Fusu, I told you a few days ago that I want you to marry Wang Wan's daughter."

Fusu was drinking soup. When he heard this, he almost sprayed the soup in Ying Zheng's face, but his embarrassed look made Ying Zheng look at him.

"The wedding date has been decided. The sixth day of next month is an auspicious time."

When Mrs. Xuanyang saw Fusu like this, her face was as bright as spring. The candlelight tonight illuminated her fair complexion. She also followed Fusu's advice and drew her eyebrows, making her look particularly charming.

Mrs. Xuan said softly, "I still don't want to thank you, Mr. Jun."

Fu Su had a pale face and had no choice but to bow and say thank you, "My dear father, thank you."

"After the wedding, you can accept whoever you want as your concubine. I don't care about this person." Ying Zheng added suddenly.

When Fusu heard this, he suddenly raised his eyebrows and smiled as if he had been reborn, with a red face, "What are you talking about, Father Jun?"

Ying Zheng looked at Fusu with eyes that had already seen everything and smiled, and then said, "After you get married, you must guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and be careful not to rush into everything. Especially, you must have a stable mind."

This last sentence is profound.

In the past, Ying Zheng would never say such things to himself.

Fusu glanced at Zhao Gao subconsciously, wanting to know something from his eyes.

But Zhao Gao's hesitant and even slightly sneaky look made Fusu's heart wander.

Zhao Gao's indecision comes from his ambiguous attitude towards him.

Wooden cows and flowing horses, family banquets, marriage gifts, warnings...

 First update, please give me rewards and recommendations, thank you all, and I don’t need the monthly pass. I heard from other readers that this thing is useless.

(End of this chapter)

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