Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 44 Zhao Gao also has troubles (please recommend!)

Chapter 44 Zhao Gao also has troubles (please recommend!)
April is fragrant and the peach blossoms are in full bloom.

Huayang Palace, Qingyang Palace in the eyes of outsiders, is indeed the Huayang Palace in Fusu’s heart forever.

Huayang Palace is huge in scale and has many palaces.

Among the palaces in Xianyang, Huayang Palace ranks third in terms of terrain, and second in terms of scale.

The one with the highest terrain is naturally Zhangtai.The second highest one is the Dazheng Hall in front of Qinian Palace.

In terms of scale, Qinian Palace, the grand palace of Yingzheng, naturally ranks first.

Ying Zheng kept him in the palace, obviously realizing the importance of establishing a prince.

But he delayed in issuing an edict, just because he wanted to hang a sword over his head.Ask him to respect him and fear him.

However, his status was uncertain day by day, and Fusu felt even more uneasy about sleeping and eating.

It should be noted that Jiang Lu is only half a month younger than him.

Since he is not a prince and can live in the palace even when he gets married, so can his other brothers.

If the guarantee is not complete, Ying Zheng will change his mind again after a few days.He knows that everything in the world changes rapidly.

When it comes to establishing a heir apparent, one must strike while the iron is hot and make a decision in one fell swoop.

A few days ago, Meng Yi told him that Ying Zheng wanted to establish a carpentry department and asked him to choose the person in charge.

Without saying a word, Fu Su pushed Ji Hao out and asked Zhang Han to serve as the general's young master.

Carpentry Department, without him, I don't know what Ji Hao can come up with, and he will come to him when he has no idea.

But Zhang Han was different. He took up the post of Shaofu in the history books.

It should be noted that the position of Shaofu is in charge of all the big and small affairs of the Qin Empire's palace. If Ying Zheng does not have the wholehearted trust, how can he be in the position of Shaofu.

Keeping Zhang Han in the palace as an errand will show his due role.He will be busy building the imperial tombs and the Great Wall in the future.

The establishment of the Carpentry Department was unexpected by Fusu.

However, Ying Zheng was really wise, and he made a small contribution. Ying Zheng immediately realized the importance of utensils to a country's military, political and agricultural affairs.

Depending on what Ying Zheng wants, he will need to supervise this matter more in the future.

But he wants to be a prince, why should he be a carpenter!It's a pity that he didn't give himself the job of the carpenter boss explicitly.

It is difficult for others to understand Fusu's feelings under Ying Zheng's edict.

Is it possible that we really have to take that step——

"Sir, why have you been so worried lately?" Shen Yu stepped forward.When he saw no one around, it was a good time to tell the young master what had happened.

"I am about to marry someone with a grand ceremony, but I haven't even seen the other person's face."

When Shen Yu heard this, his face turned pale at first.

The young master still doesn't believe his subordinates. He actually knows the reason, but he just wants the young master to avenge him.

Shen Yu mustered up his courage and said, "Young master is worried about getting married soon but has not met Miss Wang before. But he doesn't know that now, there are people in Xianyang Palace who are worried about having only one daughter but no way to marry."

Fusu's eyes lit up at this moment, "The woman you are talking about who cannot marry, could it be the fourth sister of this palace, Princess Yinman? She was crying and making trouble before, saying that she would not marry anyone and would die of old age in this palace. .”

His younger brothers and sisters are all very interesting.

However, Shen Yu had a serious face and said word by word, "It's not Princess Yinman. With the dignity of Princess Yinman, how can she worry about getting married?"

"Who is that?" Fusu suddenly became a little impatient. He just wanted to be quiet now. In this palace, except for some relatives he must care about, there are either eunuchs or maids. Could it be that these people also Do you want him to worry?
"Since you are in Xianyang Palace, you must be someone everyone admires. How can you have a girl but not be able to marry her?"

Seeing that the young master was slightly annoyed, Shen Yu got to the point and said, "This person is Zhao Changshi."

Zhao Changshi, there is only one Zhao Changshi in this palace.

Fusu couldn't sit still anymore, holding Jiu Jue tightly in his right hand, with a sinister look on his face.

"go out!"

Shen Yu didn't know why, but had no choice but to go out resentfully.

Zhao Gao Zhao Gao is Zhao Gao again!

Do you think I don’t know how to get close to Zhao Gao?

It should be noted that a sword has a double edge and can kill people as well as hurt yourself.

Zhao Gao is a close confidant of Ying Zheng. He has been with him for 20 years through ups and downs. If Zhao Gao says good things about him in front of Ying Zheng, it will be a good thing if he succeeds. It can be as high as Ying Zheng’s suspicion——

On that day when Meng Yi persuaded Ying Zheng to stay in Huayang Palace, he could never forget the way Ying Zheng looked at Meng Yi.

All he needed to do with Zhao Gao was not to show indifference and disgust, to allow him to have a sense of luck, and not to act recklessly when Ying Zheng died. That was all.

Otherwise, getting close to Zhao Gao is taking risks.

Ying Zheng is still alive and well, just like the sun hanging in the sky. It has been at least ten years since he walked to Xishan.

Unless there is an extraordinary opportunity, how to ask him to join forces with Zhao Gao is simply to underestimate Ying Zheng.

Establishing a Crown Prince is such a big deal, how could it be done in such a risky way?

The other party is Ying Zheng.

However, the information provided by Shen Yu is very valuable.

"Come in."

Fusu knew that he was not far away yet.

He looked at himself as if he were looking at a savior. Even if he scolded him and told him to get lost, he would still stand guard at the door.

Such a person is so tolerant that Fusu sometimes looks pleased with him, but sometimes feels jealous of him.

It would be great if he was from Qin.

When Shen Yu heard the young master calling him in, his eyes were naturally full of hope, as if he were holding two clear springs in his eyes, which made people feel pity for him.


Fusu waved his hand, motioning for him to sit in front of him.

"My servant dare not."

Fusu had no choice but to give up.

Seeing that the young master was about to pour wine again, Shen Yu hurried up to pour wine for Fusu.

"Why do you want to inquire about Zhao Gao?" Fusu suddenly asked, then he shook the wine glass casually and looked at his face reflected in the glass.

I asked in my heart: I really don’t know what the beauty of Wang Lin, who has taken advantage of me, is like that of a young emperor.
After experiencing what happened just now, Shen Yu calmed down and said, "I think that if Changshi Zhao can speak kindly to the young master in front of the king, the young master can occupy the position of the East Palace."

This time, Fusu didn't kick him out.

"I remember that you once said that since ancient times, those who achieved great things relied on the help of small people."

Shen Yu's eyes turned hot when he heard this, he thought that the young master looked down on them who were not enslaved and refused to listen to him.

"Changshi Zhao, it's not simple." Shen Yu said solemnly.

Of course I know that he is not simple. He can change the situation and bring disaster to the country and the people.

But that happened after Ying Zheng's death.

"So, you want to?"

"I beg Your Highness to help Zhao Changshi with this matter. Please note that Zhao Changshi is hinting all the ministers about this matter."

Hint to the ministers! ? ? ?
Fusu's eyes flashed, it turned out to be like this.

It turns out that Zhao Gao is very ambitious and wants to find a good marriage for his daughter.

It is not difficult for Zhao Gao's daughter to marry, but what is difficult is that he wants his daughter to marry Gao Gao.

The more Fusu thought about it, the funnier he became. First he drank the wine in one gulp, and then he looked up to the sky and laughed.

When Shen Yu saw this, he didn't understand why.

"A mere official slave has a daughter who is naturally a slave. How could he want his daughter to marry into a high family?"

"When people go to high places, water flows to low places. Zhao Changshi has always been high-minded. Among the eunuchs in Xianyang Palace, Zhao Changshi has the highest status." Then Shen Yu struck while the iron was hot, "If your highness can help him with this, , Zhao Changshi will definitely be grateful to the young master."

"Have you ever heard a word?"

 I wrote very smoothly today, writing [-] words in two hours and two updates.

  The pit that was buried before is also being filled, I hope everyone will give a reward and a recommendation ticket, thank you everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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