Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 46 What are you doing with such leisure? (ask for a recommendation ticket)

Chapter 46 What are you doing with such leisure? (ask for a recommendation ticket)
Peach blossom wine in the peach blossom forest, peach blossom noodles in front of the peach blossom wine.

April is a beautiful day, and both the wine and the beauty should not be disappointed.

Several palace maids in pink robes and skirts, with graceful figures, are currently bowing, warming and pouring wine at a seat under the peach blossom tree.

There was a scroll of bamboo slips in Fusu's arms, and he was lying on the peach blossom tree. His eyes were clear, and he could see the clear blue sky above his head through the layers of peach blossom branches and petals.

I heard that Ying Zheng gave Chang Pingjun four doctors and ordered him to rest in his house. He was undoubtedly grounded and not allowed to go out.

Presumably, Lord Changping will die soon.

However, Fusu did not dare to think about things for the better as long as he was not buried.

I just hope Ying Zheng can move faster.

"Sir, General Ji is here."


When Ji Hao came, he saw four girls in pink clothes. Although their appearance was mediocre, they had a graceful figure, waist and hips, and a sultry figure. Ji Hao couldn't help but stare at them.

But when Ji Hao saw the young master lying on the tree, he not only lamented that the young master was so wasteful, but also regretted that he had ruined so many beauties...

"Your Majesty Ji Hao pays homage to the Young Master."

"Stand flat." The man in the tree didn't move at all.Fusu rested his hands on his head and looked at the blue sky with longing eyes, as if he was thinking about something.

Regarding Zhao Gao, Shen Yu hasn't come back yet, and he still needs to make other preparations.It would be inappropriate to tell him your plans so early.

Moreover, it is not certain that Ji Hao will accept this matter.

Ji Haoren came, but he remained silent. Fusu looked down at his expression. He hesitated to speak, thinking that he had something important to say to him.

Fusu neatly turned over and got off the tree, his posture was calm and vigorous, and he did not lose his grace.

What he lacks most now is manpower, manpower that can help him seize the throne.

"Go back."

Ji Hao reluctantly watched these graceful women slowly leave step by step, his eyes already straight.

Which man is not lustful?
However, when Fusu lived in Xianyang Palace and saw Yingzheng's huge harem with more than three thousand beauties, Fusu had already become a little tired of aesthetics.

But when he saw Ji Hao, he looked at his maid...

"Ji Hao——"

Fusu shouted.

Ji Hao suddenly came back to his senses and straightened his body, "It's a great joy for the young master to move to the palace. Congratulations to the young master for your humble position."

"What's the joy in this? Maybe one day, you will see other young masters in this Qingyang Palace."

There is no one around, so I can naturally speak freely.

"That's not necessarily the case." Ji Hao's eyes were bright. Today, he was here to give advice to the young master.

Fusu looked at the spring scenery in the garden, drank wine on his own, and then strolled under the tree with a calm gait.

"Come and listen."

"I heard that the second young master recently threatened to serve in the army, while the fifth young master said he wanted to guard Ying City."

"How do you know about the affairs in this palace?"

"This matter has actually been discussed in the court for a long time, and it is difficult for me not to know. However, I remember that the young master often said something to the ministers. The authorities are confused, but the onlookers are clear. I am afraid that the young master himself is in the palace and does not understand the relationship between the government and the public. situation."

"Oh? What's the situation between the government and the opposition now?"

Ji Hao paused for a moment, "Actually, after that incident happened, the prime minister and officials in the court, headed by Wang Wan, realized the importance of the king establishing the position of heir apparent."

"But, sir, guess what?"

Fusu suddenly became interested.

He didn't dare to win over the ministers, and when he usually saw the ministers, he only treated them with courtesy, and he didn't dare to get too close.

So he really didn't know how the whole government viewed this matter.

"Go ahead."

"But at this time, the king issued an edict that the young master should marry the daughter of the prime minister."

"What does this mean?" Fusu's eyes were filled with stars, which made people shudder.

"Your Majesty's move immediately blocked the mouths of the court and the public."

Fusu was naturally startled slightly.

Ying Zheng had told himself about the wedding a long time ago, but he ignored the time when Ying Zheng officially announced the wedding.

In this case, he did miss it.

Ying Zheng is really interested in him, but there is only one last step left. Once the canonization is completed, he can sit back and relax.

Thinking of this, Fusu Dun feels that the future is bright.

Sure enough, it's man-made!
Ji Hao saw that the young master suddenly realized something, and added, "I just thought that the young master is in the palace and there is no one in the court who can tell the news. No one informed the young master of the situation in the court, so I went out of my way to Remind Young Master.”

"Then Ji Hao once again congratulates the young master. Soon he will become the crown prince of the East Palace, inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people." After saying that, Ji Hao bowed respectfully to Fusu again.

This time, Fusu was naturally congratulated.

Fusu's eyes flashed brightly and he said meaningfully, "It seems that our General Ji has been promoted, but he still wants to be the best horse of our palace."

Ji Hao bowed and said with a smile, "Young master promoted me, and I was able to serve in the court. As the saying goes, give me a peach and repay you with a plum. Ji Hao has always been a person who knows how to repay kindness."

"It's worthy of me to speak for you in front of your father." After saying that, Fusu poured a glass of wine for Ji Hao and handed it to Ji Hao.

When Ji Hao saw this, he naturally became proud and drank the wine in one gulp.

He knew that from now on he would become famous.

After finishing it in one breath, Ji Hao hung the wine glass upside down with both hands to show his heroism.

Yingfu gave him a slightly appreciative look, and he really wanted to thank him for sending this news.

Because this has awakened him, he will no longer wait passively, nor will he have to come up with new gadgets to 'clap up'.

It should be noted that Ying Zheng will not be surprised if he does things like making utensils a lot.

He couldn't let his advantage fade even one bit.

"Today, you came at the right time. This palace has something for you to do." Fusu suddenly changed the topic.

"But according to the master's orders"

"Do you have many connections in Xianyang City?"

"This..." Ji Hao was dumbfounded. "There are tens of thousands of people in Xianyang City. I was just a junior general in the palace. How can I have a wide network of people in Xianyang City?"

Fusu's face turned slightly gloomy.

Ji Hao panicked slightly, and quickly apologized with an apologetic smile, "I don't know what the young master wants the minister to do?"

Fusu's mind turned around and he lied seriously, "Princess Yinman, today I came to ask my mother-in-law to find a husband for her maid."

When Ji Hao heard this, he stood there in a daze.

The princess and the young master are not of the same mother, and what does the marriage of the princess's maid have to do with the young master's biological mother?What does it have to do with the young master?

Don't ask about serious business, why are you so careless?

Ji Hao looked at the furnishings in the garden and felt so comfortable and wanton.

I think the young master is extremely bored, so he would worry about such a thing.

Soon, a smile appeared on Ji Hao's face again, "Young master, don't worry about such a trivial matter. I will go and inquire about it right now."

"Princess Yinman wants to marry this girl. This girl has a low status." Fusu added.

Ji Hao's expression was troubled, his eyes full of suspicion, "Since she is a palace maid, she is naturally a slave. A slave household is lucky to marry a commoner. How could the princess make such an unreasonable request?"

"That's why I asked you to do it." Fusu's eyes were burning with sparks, and his tone allowed no argument.

"I accept the order." Ji Hao had no choice but to accept the matter.

Fu Su clasped his hands with a stern look on his face, "As long as you and I know about this matter, if you find the person, come and repay me as soon as possible."


"Besides, you are going to court tomorrow, have you ever thought about what you are going to do?"

When Ji Hao heard this, he fell into deep thought again.

This is what Fusu likes about Ji Hao. He has a heart to work hard to climb up, but he doesn't know how to do it.And he is the person who can help him climb up.

"Please tell me, sir."

"The Department of Engineering and Woodworking was changed to the Ministry of Works, and was placed under the leadership of the Prime Minister for overall coordination. In the future, the construction of Qin's palaces, the excavation of rivers, and the construction of Chidao will all be assigned to the Ministry of Works."

"Ah this..." Ji Hao listened and suddenly felt that the Ministry of Works had to handle many things at the same time. If so, wouldn't the Ministry of Works have to become an institution like the Chancellor's Desk in the palace.

He is afraid that he is powerless.

"Young master, will the king agree?"

(End of this chapter)

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