Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 50: Jun and Chen, Father and Son (please vote for recommendation!)

Chapter 50: Jun and Chen, Father and Son (please vote for recommendation!)

Today's court meeting, he had a taste of what it means to stabilize Qi and attack Chu...

He knows how to fight, but when it comes to military and political matters, he doesn't understand the art of war.

Although Ji Hao knew that he was no longer the Young Master, even if he changed to an official position with a better reputation, he could still do the same things.

As soon as he entered the court today, he felt that his ability and position were incompatible with the ministers in the court.

At the court meeting, military and political affairs are the big ones.

Not only that, even those great Confucian scholars who always thought they were superior to others were silent and reticent, let alone him.

If he is going to be so awkward in the future, then he might as well not do it if he gets promoted.

And because the king's reaction was so great, Ji Hao himself had another plan in mind, and he was fully confident that he would make the king realize that the young master had the ability to govern the country.

As a result, Ji Hao felt a sudden heat in the back of his head, lifted the hem of his court clothes forward, and then knelt on the ground with a thud.

Zhao Gao looked at this situation. He, who was always very good at observing people's emotions and experienced various situations, didn't understand what this old boy was going to do.

"I have a humble body, but thanks to the good words of Mr. Fusu, I was able to enter the court. Today's court meeting, the words of advice I gave to the king were all said by Mr. Fusu when he talked with me in his spare time. I dare not If you deceive the king, please give me a clear warning."

"Fusu..." Ying Zheng groaned.But there was a twinge of disappointment and surprise in his eyes.

The widow asked you to talk about the way to govern a country with thousands of miles. What are you talking about to help Su.

Ji Hao was still lying on the ground because he couldn't see the gloomy change in Ying Zheng's face. He only heard the slightly confused words of Fusu, but he didn't dare to be afraid. He could only embolden himself.

Ji Hao suddenly stood up and bowed again, facing Ying Zheng's two extremely sharp eyes.

"The prince once said that the king is currently busy with everything, and is often busy reviewing memorials late at night. The prince is very worried about the king's health, so when chatting with his ministers, he can't help but talk about state affairs and how to reduce the king's hard work. "

"Now that the territory of Qin is so vast, the king is doing all the work alone. The young master is worried that the king is not strong enough, so he once thought of establishing a Ministry of Industry."

"I went to court today and saw that the king was worried about major military and political matters. After he retired from the court, he was worried about some small things. I remembered the filial piety of the young master towards the king, so I acted recklessly."

As he said that, Ji Hao knelt down on the ground and bowed again, "I was so blunt and reckless that I led the king to summon his ministers out of excitement, but at the moment he was defeated. But I ask your Majesty to take a closer look."

Zhao Gao felt uncomfortable in his ears while listening.

This old boy is crazy.

It was clear that he was blatantly speaking favorably for the young master in front of the king.

However, Young Master Fusu was too impatient.

She had already attracted so much limelight before, but now that she had obtained the prime minister's daughter, she was still not satisfied. She actually allowed the person she recommended to speak nonsense in front of the king before the wedding.

Zhao Gao looked at the king's gloomy face, waiting for the thunder to break out, but he did not expect that Ying Zheng suddenly fell into deep thought.

At this moment, Ying Zheng was sitting in the upper seat. His two sword eyebrows were long and narrow, and his gaze was extremely sharp. When he looked at the person, he felt as if he were facing an abyss.

Ying Zheng looked at Ji Hao, his eyes slightly squinted with admiration, like a tiger trying to taste the meat before eating it.

"Ji Hao—the widow appointed you to be the servant of the Ministry of Industry."

Suddenly, Ying Zheng threw out this sentence.

Zhao Gao's mood suddenly became extremely bad, and he looked at Ying Zheng with puzzled eyes.

Ying Zheng noticed Zhao Gao's gaze and glanced back slightly. Zhao Gao immediately bowed his head and did not dare to move any more.

When Ji Hao heard it, he was shocked at first, and then his heart almost flew out with excitement, his eyes were shining brightly, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Does Fusu know what happened today?"

Suddenly, Ying Zheng asked again casually.

For a moment, Zhao Gao's heart was in his throat.

"It's all my own decision." Ji Hao replied honestly.

The young master asked him to ask the king to set up the Ministry of Industry, but the young master didn't let him tell the whole story, and he even added fuel to the fire.

Fortunately, I just heard those Confucian scholars say something: "There are three unfilial piety, and the worst is not having children." '

Only then did he play freely.

Filial piety is so important, he said that the young master cared about the king's body, and it also added glory to the young master's face.

Ying Zheng looked at Ji Hao, seeing that he looked unsightly despite his rough hands and feet, and the gorgeous clothes on his body, there was no reason to believe it.

But Ying Zheng is not someone who trusts others easily. Ying Zheng looked calm and leisurely, as if he wanted to chat with Ji Hao, "Fusu actually said this to you."

Zhao Gao's ears were tense and raised high, and he listened attentively to the conversation between the king and Ji Hao, not wanting to miss a word for fear of missing any details.

"Young master often mentions the affairs of the previous court, and sometimes he also talks about the war between Qin and Chu..." Ji Hao tried his best to recall in his head the young master's views on some important military and political affairs.

Ji Hao clearly felt the oppressive feeling given to him by the king in front of him at this moment, which almost made him breathless.

"What did Fusu say?"

"Yes, you must not be impatient when attacking Chu. You must use delaying methods to wear down the patience of the Chu soldiers."

After hearing these words, Ying Zheng suddenly leaned back and leaned against the back rail, falling into deeper sorrow.

For the sake of government, attack Chu——

Fusu actually understood these things, and what he said was quite reasonable.

But why didn't he just come to Zhangtai Palace to talk to me directly, but why did he tell a small general to be the Shaofu?

The relationship between two people is naturally most clear between two people.

When he was young, in order to gain the support of the Queen Mother Huayang and Lord Changping, he married the princess of Chu State reluctantly.

He remembered that when he first faced the eldest son who was born, he was expecting and fearing, and it was only now that he...

That's all—

Ying Zheng sighed suddenly, and suddenly he looked much older than usual.

"I thought I could hear a high-level talk today to relieve my worries." Ying Zhengxiang said to himself.

Ji Hao didn't know how to answer, so he just looked at the ground randomly.

Zhao Gao saw that Wang Shang suddenly became so hurt, so he could figure it out.

But at this moment, Zhao Gao couldn't help but look at Ji Hao in front of him again. He was really beyond appearances.

"You go back."


Ji Hao left the palace, and Ying Zheng immediately said, "Send someone to follow."


started again.

Zhao Gao understood and immediately went out to make arrangements.

And Ying Zheng also retreated, slumping down on his throne. He suddenly stood up and stood next to the open door of the side hall, quietly overlooking the entire Xianyang City.

At this moment, Ying Zheng's mind was filled with words such as father's death and son's succession.

After a while, Zhao Gao came back.

He disobeyed Ying Zheng's orders and sneaked into Zhangtai Palace quietly.

When Ying Zheng saw Zhao Gao, who had always understood him best, he suddenly felt that the loneliness that had arisen just now disappeared.

Zhao Gao didn't know what to say, but then he said something like this inexplicably, "Your Majesty, the young master will be getting married in three days. I have never congratulated your Majesty before."

Saying that, Zhao Gao suddenly bowed to Ying Zheng and saluted.

It's a pity that Ying Zheng's heart is colder than ice.

Ying Zheng glanced briefly at Zhao Gao, then returned to his usual look.


With the scorching sun in his head, Ji Hao walked straight out of the palace gate with flying steps, not daring to look back. He knew in his heart that he should not take the initiative to see the young master these days, and he also knew that he had indeed helped the young master.

But his heart was like duckweed floating on the surface of the pool, going up and down from time to time.

By the end, the king became visibly sad...

The king doesn't like such words from the eldest son, and he has heard a lot of them before.

After thinking about it, Ji Hao suddenly sighed, "Oh, the king is a human being too."

(End of this chapter)

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