Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 55: A preliminary exploration of Yingzheng’s intention to enfeoff (please vote for recommend

Chapter 55: A preliminary exploration of Yingzheng’s intention to enfeoff (please vote for recommendation!)

"Does your father think that Fu Su wants Qi Wang Jian and Chu Wang to surrender the country to the two kings?" Fu Su immediately asked.

Ying Zheng seemed to be caught off guard, "Didn't you mean to show that we can capture Qi Chu without fighting?"

"Father Jun -" Fusu heard this and knew that Ying Zheng was already moved. He said directly, "Father Jun, you know that attacking Chu for yourself and attacking Chu for the world are two completely different things. Something different!”

Upon hearing this, Ying Zheng felt that it made sense, but he felt uncomfortable in his ears, "What nonsense are you talking about? The world belongs to the weak!"

Yingzheng has wide sleeves, and the king's style suddenly appears.

Fusu disagreed with this. For him, the world belonged to the people of the world, and it would still belong to the people of the world in the future.

However, Fusu did not reveal his thoughts, and Ying Zheng was born to be a king.

If others say such big words, Fusu will naturally feel ridiculous and self-righteous.But Ying Zheng, who has always been a majestic man, said this confidently.

As his son, in such an environment, Fusu naturally became excited.

This is the emperor through the ages!

Even if he abandoned the halo of history, sitting opposite him, such a vivid life told him with every word and deed.

He deserves to be the emperor of the ages!
"Father, my son and minister are not talented. I am willing to do my best to help you."

Ying Zheng looked stern, "Don't talk nonsense in front of me. What do you think about the two countries Qi and Chu?"

"My son thought that my father could now be the emperor! The three emperors and five emperors were not as good as my father, so why not take the title of emperor. Then he issued an edict, allowing the two kings of Qi and Chu to continue to be kings, but they were all under the rule of my father. Down."

The amount of information contained in these words was too great, and Ying Zheng did not react for a while.

proclaim oneself emperor!The Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors are not as good as me?

This is true.

But allow the two kings of Qi and Chu to be kings?
"Idiots are talking about dreams!" Ying Zheng criticized mercilessly, "Although Qi Wangjian is stupid and incompetent, he may not agree to my words. As for the King of Chu, that is even more impossible."

Ying Zheng didn't say the rest, so as not to be cut off by this kid again.

Chu State hates Qin State most.

And the King of Chu hated the few people even more.

"I'm afraid that's not the case. Soldiers are crafty." Fusu knew that Ying Zheng had already been shaken.

No one will miss this opportunity to exchange for the same victory at the smallest cost.

"It's a lie to be crowned king, but it's a lie to win the hearts of the world!"

Only then did Fusu reveal the purpose of his visit.

When Ying Zheng heard this, a stone fell from his heart.

At this moment, he couldn't help but look up and down again at Fusu.

Since when, Fusu has become so witty and has so many tricks.

"The king and his father enfeoffed each other and gave them names, and used the art of folding and flushing the bottles to rectify the name of the Qin State."

Seeing that Ying Zheng didn't understand, Fusu said again, "My father has inherited the destiny and cannot bear the suffering of the people in the world, so he wants to stop the wars among the countries. When the people of the world hear this, they will definitely feel the kindness of your father."

"When the time comes, King Chu and King Qi will definitely be angry when they hear about it. A war between Qin and Chu is inevitable. But if the king and father had spoken in advance, he could be crowned king. When the time comes, I am afraid there will be more room for change. "

Qi Chu is far away, and most of the fallen ministers and nobles of the Six Kingdoms fled and gathered in Qi Chu. Fusu's plan was to prepare the worst for the resurgence of the remnants of the Six Kingdoms after Ying Zheng's death.


This is a system that has allowed the nobles to be proud and exploit the common people for thousands of years.

"I understand what you mean." Ying Zheng's resourcefulness is naturally not low.

"Your Majesty, please be polite first and then attack with force. In this way, the Qin State attacks Chu and defeats Qi. It is just and right. The people of the six kingdoms will appreciate your kindness and righteousness."

"Benevolence and righteousness -" Ying Zheng felt a little uncomfortable when he heard this word, "What I want is merit, but no matter what benevolence and righteousness, they are just lies. Why are you still thinking about it when you read Han Fei's article? It’s like Confucianism.”

Fu Su was taken aback. Although he knew that Ying Zheng just didn't like Confucianism, Fu Su thought that Ying Zheng would make good use of the reputation that Confucianism could bring to Ying Zheng.

Unexpectedly, Ying Zheng didn't care about this.

"What the widow wants is that all the people in the world submit to the widow." Ying Zheng said, as if a fire was burning in his chest.

"But after Fusu lived for several years, he discovered that a sharp sword on the neck will only make people afraid to speak, but only kindness and power can make people convinced. I think that if your father is willing to make a fuss in this regard, then the people of the world will Naturally, I will be convinced by your father."

"A combination of kindness and power -" Ying Zheng thought about this word and was once again moved by Fusu's eloquent words.

"You are right. I have to do it so that everyone in the world will be convinced by me."

Fusu listened, and suddenly his eyes became bright.

If Ying Zheng can think this way, then Qin must be saved.

"Then I will ask your father to give an edict to the world. Your father intends to unify the world and stop the war."

Ying Zheng said nothing and fell into deep thought.

"Since the widow wants everyone in the world to see the widow's truce, it's not just talking."

"May I ask what your father wants?"

"Send troops——"

When Fu Su heard it, he was stunned for a moment, and then understood Ying Zheng's intentions, "Father Jun is wise, indeed wise."

Ying Zheng looked at the vast dark night, calmly, and suddenly said, "Fusu, I have always wanted to visit this world."

Fusu was stunned for a moment, then suddenly came to his senses.

"Could it be that Mr. Jun wants to conquer it himself?"

After Ying Zheng heard this, he felt as if a hot spring was gushing out of his heart.But then, Ying Zheng shook his head again, "Of course I won't be here at this time."

Fusu also knew what Ying Zheng was worried about, "Don't worry, Junfu, my sons and ministers will try their best to help Junfu and help Junfu unify the world as soon as possible. When he falls, all the land in the four seas will be Junfu's land. In this way, Junfu will You can go wherever you want.”

Ying Zheng was very moved after hearing this, "It's better to help Su understand the hearts of others."

"It is the duty of a son and minister to share the worries of the king and father."

When Ying Zheng heard this, he lowered his eyes and thought for a moment, "I want you to join the court to discuss politics."

Fusu naturally did not expect that Ying Zheng suddenly said such a sentence.

"Father, are you dreaming?" Fusu's excited voice trembled slightly.

Ying Zheng rolled his eyes at Fusu, "Do you look like the kind of person who can joke?"

Fusu shook his head vigorously, "Of course it doesn't look like that."

"Are you confident?" Ying Zheng suddenly asked again, "Discussing politics is not a trivial matter. It is different from the private discussions between you and me in this Zhangtai Palace."

Hearing Ying Zheng's tone, he was serious about taking action.


(End of this chapter)

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