Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 580: His Majesty is full of martial virtue (please reward and subscribe!)

Chapter 580: His Majesty is full of martial virtue (please reward and subscribe!)
Zhang Ping followed Pang You to Wangyi Palace full of doubts.

This Wangyi Palace has a strict atmosphere, the masonry floors are polished and smooth, and you can see your own reflection when you lower your head.The giant chimes on both sides shone with copper-colored light.The chime bell is tall and has completely exceeded the existing scale in the world. It is a symbol of the supreme in the world.

There are nine vertical and six rows of beams and columns displayed in the main hall. The outside are large jade pillars carved with phoenix and bird patterns, which are crystal clear and green.Zhang Ping entered Wangyi Palace and his eyes were full of splendor.

The luxury inside this palace is simply unimaginable to outsiders.Brick by brick, plant and tree, everything is the result of the hard work of craftsmen.

Wangyi Palace is by no means the most luxurious place in the world today.It is said that when the late emperor was still alive, he would move to Wangyi Palace.

The gates of Wangyi Palace are open from all sides, but the gate of the main palace room faces the north.

The large palace rooms of Xianyang Palace are basically facing east from the west.Such a palace facing south and north is very special in Xianyang Palace, but the palace is indeed worthy of its name. In Wangyi Palace, you can look at the stars in the west and the wonders in the forest garden in the north.

When he arrived at the entrance of the palace, he was told to continue waiting for the emperor.

So Zhang Ping continued to spend time in the palace.

What surprised him was that there were so many craftsmen in Wangyi Palace.Front and back, they are all wearing black shorts and shorts.


Going back and forth, Zhang Ping saw many Mohists walking around, holding all kinds of exquisite gadgets in their hands.

While waiting in the main hall, he was lucky enough to see the largest Sinan in the world at this time.

The heavenly stems, earthly branches, and twelve constellations are also hung and engraved on the roof of the palace. These exquisite things reveal the foresight of the empire's master.The imperial master's emphasis on technology and his generous treatment of craftsmen were enough to attract a large number of craftsmen to be loyal to Qin.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Ping was greatly shocked.

Pang You looked at Zhang Ping's surprised expression and said in a cryptic tone:

"I can tell by the look on your face that you have never seen these goodies before."

"Zhang is despicable. I have never seen him before."

"Among the courtiers, only a few people came to Wangyi Palace. The Minister of Industry is the head of the craftsmen, responsible for managing research and development and records; Dazhu Guo and Sikou accounted for two, and it was His Majesty who took the initiative to invite them to watch; The Imperial Academy Order is one of them, and the Prime Minister is one of them, and you are also among these people."

"Zhang Ping is scared. But in this case, my brother is not allowed to see these."

Pang You did not answer this question.

Zhang Ping understood most of the meaning behind it.

Zhang Han is still not qualified to enter Wangyi Palace, but why can Zhang Ping?

Zhang Ping lowered his head and looked at himself up and down through the smooth mirror-like floor. He was wearing regular clothes, his hair was uncut, and his crown was slightly loose. He actually dared to come to see the second generation.

Did he overstep his bounds?

Just as he was thinking this, he saw a general with a leopard head and ring eyes stepping out with a sword in his hand.When he saw Zhang Ping, although he was not tall, he looked capable.

Zhang Ping had met this person several times, Huo Cheng, the commander of Jinwu Guard——

Huo Cheng bowed:

"School Zhang Wu, His Majesty declares that you go in now."


The moment he entered the inner hall, Zhang Ping had a very strong premonition that something big would happen to him.

The fate of the Zhang family is now in his hands.

"I pay respects to Your Majesty."

The second generation looked gloomy and was in a very bad mood.

Compared with the outer hall, the inner hall has fewer carved railings and jade pillars, and wooden and copper stoves are listed in the main hall, which makes the hall more humane.

"Chen Zhangping pays homage to Your Majesty."

"I heard that something went wrong in Lishan Mausoleum, so you are anxious to see me."

"Your Majesty, I am guilty. There is nothing wrong with Li Shanling, but I do have something urgent to see your Majesty."

"What's the hurry?"

"It concerns Your Majesty."

"Why are you so sure?"

"First, I am just a member of the Fifth Academy, and besides the 20 prisoners under my command, there is nothing special. Even as a Fifth Academy, I am not qualified to meet His Majesty directly. Without an edict, I have no chance to enter the palace."

"Secondly, when the officials on duty were resting at home, they had to meet Xia Weiwei who was sent by His Majesty himself, which shows that His Majesty deliberately summoned them. And a place like Wangyi Palace is even more difficult for ordinary officials to enter. Brothers and officials worship The captain of the army has never passed, so how can I be so virtuous and capable?"

"Third, if I think about it carefully, I have only 20 prisoners under my command. But I remember that these 20 prisoners left in Xianyang City were all selected and are the remaining young and strong people."

"Actually, I and my brother understand that what your Majesty values ​​is not the three Zhang brothers, but the Lishan prisoners. The release of 50 prisoners will be a blessing to the world, and the name of benevolence and righteousness will be known all over the world. The remaining 20 prisoners seem to be just left behind. Lishan Mausoleum, in fact, His Majesty wants to fill it into the army. Because His Majesty does not have an army that is only willing to listen to His Majesty's call."

"Your Majesty's summons must be about these 20 prisoners."

After hearing this, the Second Emperor was naturally delighted:
"I heard from Zhang Han that he has a younger brother named Ping who is resourceful."

"Your Majesty, my brother is falsely praising you, how can you take it seriously?"

"Seeing is believing. I heard that you have a younger brother named Zhang Xi. He is the beloved of both of you brothers."

"The eldest brother is the father. My father passed away early and the younger brother is young, so the two of us naturally have to take care of him."

"I personally appointed him as the Order of Xianyang, in charge of the street security in Xianyang City."

Zhang Ping bowed:

"Your Majesty's support to the three brothers of the Zhang family will be unforgettable to all three of us. If your Majesty is in trouble this time, I will do my best to help you."

"How do you believe that I am in trouble now?"

Zhang Ping responded calmly:

"The number of imperial guards in the palace has doubled than usual. But if it weren't for the clever arrangement, the two patrol teams would have been invisible."

"How did you find out?"

"The Lishan Mausoleum is comparable to a large prison. The 70 prisoners must be strictly guarded and guarded everywhere. I was previously responsible for leading the guards to guard the prisoners and prevent them from escaping, and I am familiar with military patrols. "

"It seems that you still have experience in managing troops."

"Your Majesty, I have commanded up to 5000 people, all to protect the imperial mausoleum."

Five thousand soldiers and guards.

We can already fight against those people, let alone 20 prisoners.

Seeing that the emperor was thinking, Zhang Ping asked again:
"I don't know what kind of incident happened that made His Majesty think of using 20 prisoners."

"You are wrong. The accident has not happened yet. I want you to come over. I just want you to help me resolve this accident in advance."

"I don't know, so please let me know, Your Majesty."

"I heard that you are also a supporter of the New Deal."

While Zhang Han was still hesitant and took advantage of the Lishan Mausoleum incident to watch, Zhang Ping showed his strong support for the New Deal.

"I believe that in a peaceful and prosperous age, we should really abolish the method of warfare and devote ourselves to the people's livelihood and the national economy. Martial virtue lies in stopping wars. I believe that Your Majesty is the one with real martial virtues who can truly stop the war."

This was the first time that the Second World War heard someone praise him for his martial virtues, and he couldn't help but feel happy.

"Since I succeeded to the throne, I have heard many compliments, saying that I am full of martial virtue, but you are No. 1."

"Your Majesty called for a truce to support the people. Many scholars in the world admire your Majesty."

"But some people think that if I do this, I will lay the foundation for disaster."

Is this a military family again?The more repulsive and repulsive you are, the angrier the other party will feel.

Zhang Ping didn't dare to answer the question.

"I didn't expect that reform would face a lot of resistance."

(End of this chapter)

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