Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 585 Meng Yi: I understand what oppression feels like! (Please give me a monthly recommendati

Chapter 585 Meng Yi: I understand what oppression feels like! (Please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

After hearing this, Meng Tian closed his eyes with a bitter look on his face.

"I didn't expect that things would end up like this."

Meng Yi understood that Meng Tian could not let go of the feelings between the late emperor and him.

"One king and one courtier, this has been the case since ancient times. Moreover, this time, the disaster did not affect the family, I think it is also a great blessing. Regarding the public, what my brother has done is obvious to all the civil and military officials of the whole dynasty. As for privately, my brother He is the head of the Meng family, and there are thousands of people in the Meng family, all of whom depend on my brother. There is no need for my brother to blame himself."

"This time, unlike in the past, Xianyang City will be turned upside down. I am very worried about whether, with my status, I can still shock the world."

"To this day, brother, do you still doubt that person's ability?"

"No, I just..."

"Brother is reluctant to let go."

Meng Yi hit the nail on the head, and Meng Tian was speechless for a while.

Meng Yi widened his sleeves, stood up, looked up at the bright moon and said:

"In fact, from beginning to end, I was not surprised at all by the reform process."

Meng Tian looked at Meng Yi with a lot of unwillingness in his heart. He was only 50 years old and had just entered old age. He had to quit the court for the sake of his family.But his younger brother seemed to be getting more and more prosperous in the court.Meng Tian looked down upon Li Si, Yao Jia and others the most.

"Every time we encounter reform issues, you seem to stay out of it. In fact, by not doing anything, you are secretly supporting His Majesty in disguise. People say that my brother has changed. He is no longer the court captain who speaks out and gives advice. But I am Having grown up with you, you are far more stubborn than me, and you are even more loyal to the late emperor."

"But in the end, you turned against him and helped His Majesty deal with the old minister. With your power and status, although you are not the most powerful person in the court, you can command half of the people in the court."

"Today, I want to ask you the truth, why did you choose to betray the late emperor? Is it because you became a Sikou, one person is inferior to ten thousand people, so you forgot your father's teachings?"

Meng Tian's words were naturally a metaphor for Meng Yi's disregard for justice.

Meng Yi was not surprised when he heard this. He had heard these rumors a year ago.He was unusually calm and said to Meng Tian very seriously:

"No, brother, I did not betray the late emperor. I just chose the right person and did the right thing. I have not forgotten my father's teachings. If the empire is in trouble, I am willing to sacrifice my life for charity."

"Having said that, it's impossible that you support the late emperor because you appreciate his literary talents and admire his clever ideas?"

"He is a monarch who has legitimately succeeded to the throne in terms of etiquette. Based on this alone, everyone should be loyal to His Majesty and obey His Majesty's orders. But my brother rarely obeys His Majesty's orders, but no one thinks that my brother is like this. Unfaithful."

After hearing this, Meng Tian was naturally unable to argue.

"My brother is not loyal to the late emperor, nor is he loyal to His Majesty, but everyone says that my brother is unparalleled in loyalty. That is because my brother was originally loyal to the Qin State, so the late Emperor made a mistake and pursued immortality, and my brother also stepped forward to remonstrate. Your Majesty is a You are a sensible person, so your Majesty treats your brother with great respect."

"What about you? Why can you just watch His Majesty deal so cruelly to a family with a distinguished military background?"

"This is the situation."

Meng Tian naturally didn't believe it, Meng Yi looked at Meng Tian's annoyed look, and then spit out the truth.

"Brother, I think you have never understood what oppression means. That's why you are unwilling to participate in this reform to suppress nobles."

"Oppression? You and I are both nobles, what is there to be oppressed?"

"The elder brother is the eldest son. According to etiquette, he should inherit everything in the family, but this is not the case for my younger brother."

Meng Tian felt a chill in his heart after hearing this.On this hot day, he just sat there.

After a while, Meng Tian said with wide-eyed anger:

"You and my fellow brothers, it turns out that you actually care about this. If you want this title, I'll give it to you!"

"No, I didn't mean that. My brother misunderstood. He is the eldest son and should enjoy everything. And I don't want to compete with my brother. Since ancient times, the order between heaven and earth has been prescribed."

"Then what are you dissatisfied with? What is it that makes you feel oppressive?"


Meng Yi spat out these two words calmly, and Meng Tian stood beside him with his hands folded. After hearing these words, he was stunned again.

"Are you crazy?"

"Didn't my brother notice it?"

"I've never felt this way."

Meng Yi heard this, and his stomach was filled with warmth for a moment. This was where their differences lay. His brother would not have the same feelings as him.

"Then this only shows that brother and I are actually not the same person for a long time."

Meng Yi said these words with a cold face, just like the cold wind from Yanbei blowing on Meng Tian's face.Meng Tian kept a straight face at first, but then a sneer broke out from his mouth.

"Just because of this? Then tell me, how did everyone oppress you?"

Meng Yi didn't think this was funny.

"When I was 24 years old, I accompanied my father to meet His Majesty, and I was favored by the late Emperor. Later, His Majesty wanted to attack Zhao State, and he needed to know the strength of the country's troops. I proposed the strategy of 'Men's Years'. When registering, all men in the world must write their ages in Next to the name, it is used for recruiting soldiers, farming and dispatching.”

"Since then, I was promoted to the imperial court and became a doctor at a young age. Later, when I was not yet thirty, I was worshiped as a high official. Perhaps in the eyes of others, I was a rare hero. But when I was in the imperial court, I was not How many people are willing to obey me?”

"No matter how high my official position is, they always think that I am still young and not old enough, so the decisions I make are always wrong. But those husbands and ministers are different. The decisions they make must be right."

"Why when they first attacked Qi, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty denounced the former Qi king Jianhe and the later ministers who were already in their twilight years, but they were greedy for power and ruined the country. But when I reached seventy, who took the initiative to take the initiative? Abdicate!"

After hearing this, Meng Tian was afraid that the walls had ears, so he immediately looked left and right, and ordered everyone on the left and right to get out.

When there were only two people left in the court, Meng Tian's face turned pale.

"What nonsense were you talking about just now? Be careful of what comes out of your mouth!"

"It's not that my brother doesn't understand this, but he's been tamed. He followed his father in the war, and has long been accustomed to obeying the same old rules. But my brother is not the same. The king of heaven and earth, the master, the master, are basically the rules set by the predecessors. Now that times have changed Well, why can’t the rules be changed? Why do the elders have to suppress the younger ones?”

"Obviously what Meng Yi said is right, but all the elders in the clan don't take my words seriously, and the same goes for my brother. I have persuaded my brother many times that reform is the only way for Qin to rule the world effectively. Even the late emperor was persuaded by His Majesty, but my brother is different and has always been obsessed with the old system."

"Those old nobles have planned to lift the roof of their hometown in Xianyang City several times, but my brother is still hesitant. I can tell that he intends to intercede for them."

(I suddenly realized a truth. Every time the dynasty changes, the old rules are broken, so everyone takes a breath of relief during the war, so that they can continue to live. This is not just the distribution of benefits, but simply the ethics. Moral rules. In the old dynasty, those feudal etiquettes overwhelmed everyone, from top to bottom. So when Liu Bang became the emperor as a commoner, he gained the support of many people. In fact, it was because He did not believe in a lot of broken rules like the nobility. So at the beginning of the establishment of the Han Dynasty, everyone was very light-hearted. Therefore, the atmosphere of the Han Dynasty was also very open, because everyone was relaxed and there was no pressure.)
(End of this chapter)

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