Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 597 The second generation is first of all an unfilial son (please give a monthly ticket reco

Chapter 597 The second generation is first of all an unfilial son (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Zhang Han heard this and thought it was true.Thinking about it this way, what he has suffered these days is nothing.The greater the power and the higher the prestige, the more susceptible one is to the suspicion of the king.

"You're right. The sword is a sharp weapon. It's extremely sharp. If you don't hold it properly, you may hurt yourself."

"The captain is overjoyed when he figured it out. How many people have been in high positions for many years, but they still can't understand this point, and in the end their heads are in different places."

After Zhang Han heard this, he looked at Xu Jin with very surprised eyes:

"You are my promoted official, how do you know so much?"

"Captain, although I have a low status, I can be a clear observer. Captain, don't even think about who were the people who sat in the position of Captain in the past."

"Meng Wu, Dong Yi, Meng Tian—" Zhang Han said, and as if he had realized something, he stroked his beard and said, "I only know that I envy them, but I forget that there is an abyss beneath their power."

"Yes, Captain. So Captain must be careful in everything in the future, otherwise he will fall from the high altar."

"But unlike Meng, I have a good reputation for loyalty. I have no prestige in the army, and I can't even supervise the captain's mansion of a hundred people. Such a captain who protects the army is not even as good as a cook in the military camp. Looking at it from afar In the world, there are only 20 prisoners in Lishan who listen to me..."

Zhang Han said, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"I think I have found a way to establish prestige in front of the soldiers all over the world."

"what way?"

"When the prisoner finishes building the imperial mausoleum, I will ask His Majesty to convert the prisoner into an army. In this way, I will have an army that only obeys me. At that time, I will have soldiers in my hands to intimidate the generals." Horse. If these 20 prisoners are trained as a regular army, given time, I can personally lead the troops south to capture Ren Xiao and Tu Wei."

When Xu Jin heard this, he was not as overjoyed as Zhang Han.

"With the national policy advocated by His Majesty, can the Captain's idea be realized? I heard that Your Majesty is very different from the late Emperor. When dealing with major matters, the First Emperor always consulted many ministers for their opinions, and then selected the ones that the First Emperor liked. But today, His Majesty But he has his own set of ideas, and he is a man who speaks the truth. Since His Majesty once suggested that the late emperor lay off 50 troops, how could he let the captain build this 20-strong army?"

"You don't understand this. For His Majesty, now His Majesty needs 20 troops to help him command the kings of the world, and 20 prisoners, to feed them in vain, requires a lot of food and grass every year. This is still me Budget-conscious integration from elsewhere.”

"Before I set off, His Majesty was checking old accounts with Wei Ji. Once the accounts were reviewed, Your Majesty must have understood that Xianyang City and the Lishan Project are like a bottomless pit. Half of the people's savings in the world were buried in the imperial mausoleum, and the other half was imported into Xianyang City."

"However, the 50 people in Xianyang City are all heroes, wealthy businessmen, military nobles, and nobles of the royal family. In order to feed these people, we must not stop paying taxes to Xianyang City, so we can only live in the Lishan Imperial Mausoleum. Make a fuss."

"But the Imperial Tomb was designed with the hard work and wisdom of the Three Gongs and Nine Qings. It cost a huge amount of money. Naturally, the last step must not be careless. Even if the work is delayed again and again, we must ensure that the Imperial Tomb is completed brick by brick. It was done according to the drawing design.”

"For the two, I think His Majesty will definitely work on the latter."

Xu Jin was very surprised when he heard this.

"Your Majesty is the legitimate son of the late emperor, how can he do kung fu on the imperial mausoleum?"

"You are wrong. You don't understand your Majesty. Your Majesty is a man who came out of books and does not eat the fireworks of the world. On the day your Majesty ascended the throne, you abolished the edict issued by the late emperor. This is not allowed for your majesty to be very opposed to the late emperor. Some practices.”

"What edict?"

"The late emperor once said to us: 'I have heard that in ancient times there were titles without posthumous titles, and in the middle ages there were titles, and one died in silence. In this way, it would be meaningless for sons to discuss their fathers, and for ministers to discuss their kings. I cannot take any of them. From now on. Come, get rid of the posthumous law.' This edict is engraved on the bronze throne."

"But when His Majesty ascended the throne, he abolished this edict. From that moment on, I knew that the second emperor had no father-son relationship with the first emperor. When he was dying, the first emperor met Meng Tian, ​​not the second emperor. It can be seen This pair of father and son has long had a rift between their hearts, and these things are naturally objectionable in the eyes of our courtiers."

"However, after these things spread, not only did it not make everyone feel that His Majesty is unfilial, but it also encouraged his reputation as a benevolent monarch. However, this is also the reason for His Majesty's poor reputation, and instead made the second one the morality that the world expects. model."

"However, back to the subject, with that man's arbitrary personality and his lack of respect for the late emperor, he would definitely dare to tamper with the imperial mausoleum. I felt from the beginning that he asked me to remove the burial pit of the imperial mausoleum. If the room is handed over to the Ministry of Industry, he will definitely order someone to tamper with it."

"Otherwise, with his benevolence that he is unwilling to attack the common people, and relying on such meager gifts, how will the food and salary of hundreds of families of soldiers be distributed. When the time comes, the military-worthy families will rebel again. Your Majesty has already done so twice Compromising on a military-famous family, and without a prime minister, even with the help of the Meng brothers, the emperor alone cannot control Xianyang City."

"When the time comes, Your Majesty will be in a dilemma. He must either give up the Guanzhong standard and forcibly pay more taxes; or he may make a fuss about the imperial mausoleum. This matter is something that everyone in the court is well aware of. Therefore, everyone in the court is aware of it. Keep an eye on the imperial mausoleum, and if something goes wrong with the imperial mausoleum, they will take the opportunity to cause trouble. In this way, the policies promulgated by the second generation will be overturned."

After hearing this, Xu Jin suddenly became enlightened:
"So His Majesty needs you to compete with the military meritorious families. And competition requires strength. If you suddenly have an extra 20 troops in your hands, you will gain the respect of the generals and at the same time deter the military meritorious families. When the time comes, Your Majesty will Even more important."

Zhang Han felt proud when he thought of this.

Wearing plain clothes, he walked to the window and looked out at the servants surrounding him.

The courtyard was quiet, and there was a well in the courtyard.

Zhang Han returned to the inner room and whispered proudly to Xu Jin:
"More than that. Nowadays, none of your trusted ministers have any soldiers. In order to prevent the restoration of the power of the Six Kingdoms, your Majesty sent all his former confidants to garrison. This resulted in your Majesty being weak in Xianyang City. Although Meng Tian His reputation is far-reaching, but now he has no military power and is now a censor. His prestige has been reduced by more than half. At this time, I conjured up an army of 20 for your majesty out of thin air. Do you think your majesty likes it?"

After Xu Jin heard this, he was overjoyed by the candlelight, his face glowed red, and he kept saying:

"Brilliant plan! Wonderful plan! By then the Captain will surely become His Majesty's most trusted minister, and the military families in Xianyang City will definitely be obedient to the Captain."

"I think by then, there won't be any more trouble in the Captain's Mansion."

(In other words, the Second Emperor seems to be not very filial, and very rebellious!)

(End of this chapter)

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