Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 599 Report!The Huns Invasion (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 599 Report!The Huns Invasion (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

"If you don't go back and stay in Longxi, your majesty will not feel at ease now. In fact, regarding this battle, I think that winning is not necessarily a good thing, and losing is not necessarily a bad thing."

As soon as Li Xin heard that he was defeated, a breath filled his chest.

"What nonsense are you talking about on the eve of the war? Once the war begins, there will definitely be casualties. And the one who is fighting this time is none other than the Xiongnu. This war must be won. If we lose, it will be a disgrace to the Qin people. If I lose, I will have the nerve to meet Qin soldiers in the future."

"If we win, my father will definitely return to Xianyang City and serve His Majesty at his side; if he loses, my father will be able to stay in Jiuyuan County."

Hearing this, Li Xin gasped.

"You are trying to sway the coach's heart before the war."

"I don't dare. I'm just sharing my father's worries. Don't you hear the cuckoo cries blood on the Du You Road?"

After hearing this, Li Xin lowered his eyes and stared at his feet.

"You go back."

Even if Li Ruyi didn't say this, Li Xin would be worried.

But there were some things that were suppressed in his heart, and were suddenly pointed out by someone who thought he didn't know about them. The matter might not have been that serious originally, but when it was pointed out, Li Xin felt a chill in his heart.

The growth rings of the trees grow as the sun and moon pass, and the jackdaws fly away and fall back on the branches.

Li Xin's temples also began to show white hairs.

When Li Xin was washing his feet, he saw his own appearance in the clear water in the footbath and couldn't help but hide his face for a moment.

For just a moment, the scene that he once hated so much appeared in Li Xin's mind.The late emperor, whom he admired very much, had once devoutly listened to the sorcerer telling him about the way to immortality like a child.

Now, he suddenly understood that the reason why the late emperor listened to the sweet words of the sorcerer was not because he had lost his mind, but because he was attached to his youth.

Sitting on the collapsed bed, Li Xin's thoughts were racing for a while.

But this night, Li Xin suddenly had some assumptions about his future.He had never felt this way before, and tonight he just felt like something was burning in his chest.

But that's how people are. After crossing a big mountain, they find that another bigger and higher mountain appears in front of them.

Li Xin stagnated between the two mountains for many years.

After Li Xin washed his feet, he put on his armor and put on a long sword at his waist. He walked barefoot under the moon, stroking his beard and sighing:

"I once made up my mind as a young man to become a general and a marquis, but my ambition had long since been extinguished. What took others ten, twenty, or thirty years to accomplish, I accomplished within five years. I have accumulated many military exploits, and it was like a divine help. .Now that I am 20 years old, looking back on the past is like yesterday’s dream.”

It was already late at night, and there was even a hint of white on the horizon.

In the vast and chaotic night, the scout suddenly broke in from outside the shogunate with a torch and reported:

"Report to the general——"

Li Xin was not surprised, he turned around very calmly.The armor is covered with silver light, and the jade crown tied with the hair is shining brightly.

"The Huns broke through tonight!"

When Li Xin heard this, his face showed joy.

Li Ruyi heard the news and rushed to Li Xin's seat.

As for Wang Li, he spent the whole night waiting for news from the Huns.

"The general is indeed very considerate. Wang Li is convinced."

"My father knows things like a god, and I admire him very much."

Li Xin's eyes sparkled with a different kind of light:
"As expected, this group of people suffered a lot from me at this time last year. Not long ago, I took the initiative and caught them off guard. I took back their old grain and grass and drove away their fattened cattle and sheep. Back to the south of Yinshan Mountain. They must be angry with me, and without food, cattle and sheep to eat, they must be worried. If we don't go south this year, many people will starve to death in the north of Yinshan Mountain this year."

The shogunate is different from other mansions. If there is an emergency military report, everyone must be woken up and notified to come to the meeting.

Suddenly, the shogunate was filled with flames, and all the soldiers woke up from their sleep. They gathered with high torches and came to the general's gate.

At this time, the generals also rushed over after hearing the news, their faces filled with pride.

"As expected by the General, there are indeed spies among us. The autumn harvest day has already passed, and they are still unwilling to take action. They chose the day when the General holds a banquet today. This shows that they have infiltrated into our ranks."

Li Xin stared and looked around the seats.

"Most of you present here today are the children of Longxi. Since you are the children of Longxi, you know better than anyone else that this debate between Hua and Yi, I believe that there is absolutely no one present here today who would be humble and condescending to the Huns. But since the This shows that the Huns are not only ignorant of us, but also trained their spies in the army."

"Although the military situation is urgent, I want to find out the Huns' spies at this time. I have ordered people to seal the shogunate. Even a moth cannot escape. The generals are waiting here and waiting for the Huns to continue. Loot.”

"The Huns are like greedy wolves. They always covet our land. Now that they have exhausted all their food, grass, cattle and horses, they must be more than satisfied with looting a little stuff. What they want is for them to go all the way south and fall into our hands."

"Once the Yinshan Pass is opened, the Huns will definitely file in, attacking cities and territories along the way. They will drive southward, and the more they rob, the more they will not leave. We just have to wait here for three days and three nights, and the more we rob The more the merrier.”

At this time, the sky sucked in black and revealed white. Soldiers from the shogunate filed out and filled every corner, everyone holding torches high in their hands.

All the generals saluted with one word in the hall:


This sound was like a sharp arrow, breaking the tranquility in the sky of the shogunate. Birds surrounded the surroundings, not daring to enter the shogunate.

The soldiers supervised each other and did not allow each other to go out.

At the hour of Chen, the brilliance of the sun sprinkled in the shogunate hall.These generals are also waiting in the hall.

At that time, on the back of the ridge of Yinshan Mountain, the first batch of soldiers, led by Li Cun, had already crossed the sunny side of Yinshan Mountain.He ordered the soldiers to hide their weapons, pull goats in front of them, and spread out across the mountains.

Just behind them, a large black phalanx broke up on its own initiative and blended into the mountains and forests. Like a stream, it flexibly weaved through the mountain streams until it climbed to the top of the mountain.

"Urgent report from the general——"

Hearing this, Li Xin opened his eyelids.

"Report to the general that the Huns have massacred ten villages, killed all the men, kidnapped all the women, and burned all the food and houses." After all, the scout had a heart, and choked with sobs in his throat: "Yinshan The people at the bottom of the mountain are in ruins, so I ask the general to send troops to rescue them quickly."

Li Xin clenched his fist.

Will not lose faith in soldiers.But soldiers fight for home.

These soldiers were all recruited. Most of them had suffered from the Huns' invasion and hated the Huns so much that they wanted to drive them away.

This scout is from Yinshan.

The battle situation ahead was horrific. After saying a few words, he burst into tears and burst into tears.

Li Ruyi wanted to speak for him, but looking at his father's face, he had to stand still.

Li Xin only said:

"If we take action now, we cannot be afraid of the Huns. They will come back next year. In order to keep the peace of our Qin people, we have to endure the pain until the Huns let down their guard and march south to enter the pass. At this time, we can take action. .”

 The school is closed. The first round of nucleic acid testing is tonight. The nasal swab hurts.

  Hope this round of epidemic can end as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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