Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 604 Huns: I’m going! (Please give me a monthly ticket recommendation ticket)

Chapter 604 Huns: I’m going! (Please give me a monthly ticket recommendation ticket)
The old Dugu Mukezi said something, which aroused the unanimous approval of many tribal leaders.

And Helian Zhengke was the youngest in the Helian family. His bronze skin shone brightly under the rays of the rising sun.His well-toned muscles are exposed, making people feel his majesty.

He took the initiative to step forward and bowed to Juqu Gaier:

"Chanyu, do you really want to ignore the immediate benefits and insist on leading your troops to the river?"

Section Helianzheng is a tough-looking man, but he behaves very respectfully when he speaks.

Juqugaier was silent for a long time, and then asked:
"How did you get the news that the emperor of Qin wanted to kill Li Xin? As far as I know, the new emperor of Qin is implementing a series of new policies in the country just to stabilize the six countries conquered by his father. But he is far away in Xianyang City, and he is the emperor of the Qin people. How do you know such news? Have you seen the copper power edict of the Qin Dynasty emperor? "

Helianzhengke touched the back of his head.

"Great Chanyu, I don't know what the Tongquan edict is. But this news was told to us by our people who risked their lives to escape from the ranks of the Qin people."

"Don't you think the news before and after is contradictory? Not long ago, we learned that Li Xin was going to hold a full moon banquet for his grandson, but today, you got news that the emperor of Qin wanted to kill him. "

"It's absolutely true, because Li Xin did lead his troops towards Xianyang City. Our people saw the people at the foot of Yin Mountain berating the Emperor of Qin for abandoning them, and also scolding General Li Xin for leaving them alone."

After hearing this, Juqugaier cast his sharp eyes on the spy outpost.

"You guys, are Helian Zhengke telling the truth?"

Several people looked at each other and finally said:
"This time, the Qin people were robbed of more than a dozen villages by us, but their soldiers did not show up."

Juqugai'er couldn't help but feel depressed after hearing this.Li Xin successfully attacked them once, why would he stop there?Could it be that Li Xin was really recalled to Xianyang City by his emperor?

It is simply unbelievable not to eat the fat meat that reaches your mouth.

At this time, Dugu Mu Kezi, who had deep eyes, heard this dialogue. He no longer hesitated, smoothed his pale braid, and said righteously to Juqu Gaier:
"Based on my understanding of the Qin people over the years, they generally will not give up the city easily. In the eyes of the Qin people, we Xiongnu are barbarians. And the people of the Central Plains have always known our habits. Logically speaking, they should be at the foot of Yinshan Mountain at this time Garrisoned troops to prevent us from sneak attacks and plundering their people. But as Helian Jinke saw, the people of Qin are evacuating. Shanyu, please forgive me for offending."

Juqu Gaier knew in his heart that Dugu Mukezi wanted to speak for Helen Jinke, and Dugu Mukezi didn't follow his thoughts as a king in his heart, but he still showed the king's mind and courage, with a gentle face. It’s as if the quarrel never happened:

"Dugu Mukezi, you are the oldest among us. Although I am stronger than you, faster than you in horseback riding, and more accurate in archery than you, I will definitely not have more knowledge than you. And my grandparents and You once attacked Zhao State together. I am very willing to listen to you."

Dugu Mukezi was naturally satisfied after hearing this.

"There are many countries in the Central Plains, but each country has a similar system. They only obey the orders of one person. No matter whether the order is good or bad, although one person's dictatorship often causes their countries to encounter crises, their countries are still in danger. Far more powerful than us."

"There may not be another general like Li Xin in the world who can compete with our Huns in cavalry and archery, but he is a fatal threat to the emperor of Qin. Because their country's territory is too vast, the relationship between the monarch and his ministers The place where we live is too far away. A county managed by my ministers is wider than the land of our tribes united, and it is completely enough to support them to establish another country on their own."

"I think the emperor of Qin must have killed Li Xin because he was worried that Li Xin would make himself king, so he didn't want him to continue to make meritorious service. According to the report of the spies, since the people of Qin withdrew their troops and returned to the court, it was entirely because the emperor of Qin wanted to keep his position. The edict issued.”

The internal struggle for power among the Huns was no less than that within the Central Plains Dynasty, and it was far more bloody and cruel.

Juqugaier, who was a great chanyu, was naturally shaken after hearing this.Dugu Mukezi's words also reminded him that if he could not make a good decision, then his position as the Great Chanyu would likely be replaced.

"As far as I know, Li Xin's prestige in the ranks of the Qin State is much higher than that of Meng Tian. Even you, the Great Chanyu, are very interested in this man and want to compete with him. But for the Qin State For the emperor, Li Xin threatened his position as emperor. Shanyu, you should consider it from the standpoint of all the Huns. This time, it is a rare opportunity."

After hearing this, Helianzhengke and Tiefa Tuoer persuaded again and asked to take all the tribesmen there.

After hearing this, Juqugaier felt very painful in his heart. He looked at the earnest eyes of these people, but it seemed as if he saw them dead.

They have thrown reason behind them for the sake of food.

They actually forgot that the Qin people were very cunning and cunning, trying to take advantage of the Qin people without any effort.

Juqugaier picked up the wine cup and toasted to many tribal leaders. He compromised and said:
"Since everyone wants to participate in this robbery, I will no longer force you to stay. However, our Juqu clan tribe will not participate in the operation this time."

Helian Zhengke was very surprised after hearing this:
"Da Chanyu, you have the largest number of tribes, accounting for one-fifth of the entire Xiongnu. Why didn't the Da Chanyu let the Juqu tribe go? Could it be that the Da Chanyu still wanted to continue your mission? Are you planning to capture Dahe?"

Juqugeier did not respond to this and only said:
"This is the first time that our Xiongnu tribes have ended the grievances within them for many years and have united to form the majority. You people are all former tribal leaders and you don't need to obey my orders. But for the sake of your descendants and tribes, you The people were able to continue to thrive on the grassland, chose to unite, and followed my orders."

"We were originally prepared to gather the strength of all the Huns and launch a desperate battle with the Qin people, but now it seems that this matter is impossible. But I will advise you for the last time. If you choose to stay, we Huns may still have something to lose. There is hope of regaining the city. If we leave like this, we may fall into the trap of the Qin people."

(End of this chapter)

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